VCA – Notice of Race Schneider Electric Hunter National Championships 2015 Hosted by Vaal Cruising Association Club on Vaal dam, Aloe Fjord From 19-22 March 2015 Sanctioned 6 February 2015 WARNING SIGNAL OF FIRST RACE: 11:00 on 20 March 2015 REGISTRATION TIME: Thursday 19th 17h00-21h00 and Friday 20th from 07h00 -09h00 SKIPPER’S BRIEFING: 09h00 NOTICE OF RACE 1. RULES 1.1. The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 201316, except where specifically amended by the Sailing Instructions. 1.2. The South African Requirements for National Championships. 1.3. Boats participating in this regatta shall conform to the Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) 2013-16, the Class Rules of the applicable Class, this Notice of Race, and the Sailing Instructions. 1.4. The helmsmen, as entered on the entry form, may not change after the start of the first race of the Championship 2. ADVERTISING Advertising is permitted subject to the limitations of ISAF Regulation 20 3. ELIGIBILITY AND ENTRY 3.1. In accordance with the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Regulation 19 (Eligibility Code), all competitors (Helmspersons and all other crew) shall be members in good standing of a Yacht Club affiliated to and in good standing with SA Sailing or their Member National Authority in the case of non-South Africans. The Yacht Club name and membership details shall be stated on the entry form or crew list. Current valid South African Sailing Membership Cards or similar proof of MNA Membership in cases of non-South Africans shall be presented at Registration. 3.2. The regatta is open to the Hunter Class. 3.3. Eligible boats may enter by completing the attached form and sending it, together with the proof of payment (EFT) for attention to The Regatta Secretary, [email protected] or fax to 011 476 1042 by the 13 March 2015 3.4. In cases of electronic or faxed entry, confirmation of payment as outlined in 3.3 above shall clearly bear the following reference number Hunter 2015 (Name & Surname) and be faxed or emailed, together with the Entry, to the Regatta Secretary. 3.5. Late entries will be accepted under the following conditions: Penalty for late entry R50 extra to entry fee. NOR Hunter Nat 2015 pg. 1 of 8 4. FEES 4.1. Required fees are as follows: Senior Entry Junior Entry Entry R350 by 13 03 2015 Entry R200 by 13.03.2015 4.2. Late Entry fees are as follows: Senior Entry Junior Entry Late entry R 400 Late entry R 250 4.3. Other Fees: All Entry Fees and Class subscriptions shall be paid prior to the close of Registration. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the affected yacht being recorded as Did Not Compete until such time as the required payment/s is/are made. This changes rule A11 (DNC) 4.4. Entry fees may also be deposited into the HUNTER CLASS Banking Account. Name: The Hunter Class of South Africa Bank: Standard bank, Branch: Germiston Branch Code: 001 642 Account Number 020 418 523 4.5. CASH Entries will also be taken at the event up till one hour before the start of the first race. 4.6. REFUNDS: Entry fees will be refunded, should entrants be prevented from competing in the Championships provided and application, in writing, for such refund is received by the Sailing Secretary within 7 days of the first day of the regatta. A 20% administration fee will be deducted from the entry fee before refunds are made. 5. SCHEDULE 5.1. Registration: 19st March 2015 20th March 2015 from from 17h00 to 21h00 07h00 to 9h00 5.2. Measurement and inspection Hunter Nationals Championships Spot checks will be carried out during the regatta 5.3. Dates of racing: Date 20th of March 2015 21st to 22nd of March 2015 22nd of March 2015 Prize Giving 5.4. Number of races: Hunter Class NOR Hunter Nat 2015 Time 14h00 09h30 As soon as possible after racing and protesting been completed Minimum of 6 races are scheduled, Maximum number of races will be 10 pg. 2 of 8 6. NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP REQUIREMENTS. 6.1. In order to qualify as a SAS National Class Championship, there shall be at least 10 valid entries by the closing time for registration, which shall be no later than 1 hour before the scheduled time for the start of the first race 6.2. At least 10 finishers in any two races of the series. 6.3. At least four races completed. 7. MEASUREMENTS Each boat participating in the Hunter Nationals Championships shall produce a valid measurement / rating certificate. In addition spot measurements may be taken at any stage during the regatta. 8. SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Sailing Instructions and course cards will be available on completion of registration formalities. 9. VENUE Racing will take place on Vaal dam between Aloe Fjord and Big Island. 10. THE COURSES The diagrams in Attachment 1 show the courses, including the approximate angles between legs, the order in which marks are to be passed, and the side on which each mark is to be left. 11. PENALTY SYSTEM The penalty in terms of RRS 44.1 shall apply. 12. SCORING 12.1. Four races are required to be completed to constitute a series. 12.1.1. 58When fewer than 5 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores. 12.1.2. When from 5 to 9 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score. 12.1.3. When 10 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her races excluding her two worst scores. 13. SAFETY Yachts shall comply with their class buoyancy and safety requirements. 14. SUPPORT BOATS Support boats shall be marked with a red flag 15. BERTHING Boats shall be kept on the swing moorings in front of the clubhouse. 16. HAUL-OUT RESTRICTIONS Keelboats shall not be hauled out during the regatta except with and according to the terms of prior written permission of the race committee. NOR Hunter Nat 2015 pg. 3 of 8 17. DIVING EQUIPMENT AND PLASTIC POOLS Underwater breathing apparatus and plastic pools or their equivalent shall not be used around keelboats between the preparatory signal of the first race and the end of the regatta. 18. RADIO COMMUNICATION Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones 19. PRIZES Prizes will be given as follows: 19.1. Hunter National Class Trophy 19.2. National Junior Trophy 19.3. SAS medals will be presented on the following proviso – 10 to 14 boats – Gold; 15 to 19 boats – Gold and silver; 20 or more boats – Gold, Silver and Bronze 19.4. Any other prizes and trophies may be presented as provided by and at the discretion of the Hunter Class Association. 20. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS 4, Decision to Race. Neither the Organising Authority nor its officials or other persons associated with the organization of the event will accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta. 21. INSURANCE Each participating boat is encouraged to carry sufficient valid third-party liability insurance to cover any liability arising during the event. 22. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information please contact Frank or Jessica Lenz C: Frank -0762454600, Jessica- 0824478207 F: 011 476 1042 E: [email protected]; [email protected] NOR Hunter Nat 2015 pg. 4 of 8 OTHER INFORMATION The Bar will be open for Rugby or whatever else might be interesting every day from 08h00 till closing... The kitchen has Coffee and Tea all day. Thursday night (19 March 2015) fires can be lit for your own braai, charcoal will be available Friday 7h30 Friday Lunch Friday Night Breakfast to be pre-booked. Lunch packs to be pre booked : Dinner to be pre-booked & Bar Saturday 7h30 : Breakfast to be pre-booked. Saturday Lunch Lunch packs to be pre booked Saturday Night : AGM - Sponsored Dinner for competitors to be pre-booked & Bar Sunday 7h30 Sunday Lunch Sunday PM : Breakfast to be pre-booked. Lunch packs to be pre booked : Prize Giving Camping on site : FREE – bring extra blankets :-) Boats can be delivered and fetched prior to the racing and after the regatta. Please contact Eddie the Grounds Manager at 084 569 8934 or Frank at 076 245 4600 to make arrangements. The entrance gate is always locked please phone Eddie to open the gate for you. NOR Hunter Nat 2015 pg. 5 of 8 Attachment 1 Course A – Windward/Leeward. Start -1-2-1-2-1-2-finish Course B - Windward/Leeward with Offset Start -1- offset-2-1- offset-2-1- offset-2-finish Course C – Olympic Course Start -1-2-3-1-3-1-2-3-finish NOR Hunter Nat 2015 pg. 6 of 8 Attachment 2 Please attach the form with your entry so that the catering can be finalised Only bookings will be catered for and no late bookings can be dealt with Booking form for catering for Hunter Nationals March 2015 Boat Name Friday 20/03 Breakfast Scrambled eggs, bacon, tomato, toast and jam with juice, 35,00 coffee or tea Lunch Lunch packs will consist of 2 rolls a sweet and cooldrink 40,00 Supper Braai packs for sale with pap and sauce and salad 45,00 Saturday 21/03 Breakfast Lunch Supper Sunday 22/03 Breakfast Lunch Scrambles eggs, sausages, tomato, toast and jam with juice,coffee or tea Lunch packs will consist of 2 rolls a sweet and cooldrink Sponsored by Sneider Electrical, Three course meal non participants to pay Starter Pea soup Main course Roast Pork and Chicken Roast Potatoes Mixed vegetables Salad Dessert Ice cream and Chocolate sauce 35,00 Scrambled eggs, savoury mince, tomato, toast and jam with juice, coffee or tea Lunch packs will consist of 2 rolls a sweet and cooldrink R 35,00 NOR Hunter Nat 2015 HOW MANY 40,00 120,00 R 40,00 pg. 7 of 8 Attachment 3 Co ordinates to VCA: S26◦ 50 01.8 NOR Hunter Nat 2015 E 28◦ 11 37.2 pg. 8 of 8
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