www.ibr.hi.is Calendar effect on a small stock market Stefán B. Gunnlaugsson Ritstjórar: Lára Jóhannsdóttir Snjólfur Ólafsson Sveinn Agnarsson Vorráðstefna Viðskiptafræðistofnunar Háskóla Íslands: Erindi flutt á ráðstefnu í apríl 2015 Ritrýnd grein Reykjavík: Viðskiptafræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands ISSN 1670-8288 ISBN 978-9979-9933-5-3 72 CALENDAR EFFECT ON A SMALL STOCK MARKET Stefán B. Gunnlaugsson, dósent, Háskólinn á Akureyri ABSTRACT In this article, the result of an examination of the efficiency of the Icelandic stock market is presented. Tests were conducted to find out if the market had shown temporal anomalies. The findings were that there was a clear relationship between days of the week and returns. The returns were, on average, negative in the beginning of the week and positive during the end. On average, returns were lowest on Tuesdays and highest on Fridays. On the other hand, there was no significant relationship between the months of the year and stock returns. The so-called “January effect” (i.e., abnormally high returns in January) was not detected. Returns were, on average, highest in August and lowest in October. INTRODUCTION An efficient stock market is a market where all information is incorporated into the stock price. For markets to be that efficient, all information must be free in cost and the cost of trading has to be close to zero. A weaker and more reasonable efficiency is where the marginal benefit of utilising the information is the same as its marginal cost. Therefore, stock prices follow a random path. The stock prices change when the markets receive new information, so stock prices are random and unforeseen (Jensen, 1968). Stock markets have usually been divided into three categories based on efficiency: weak, semi-strong and strong efficiency. Weak efficiency means that the stock price contains all previous information regarding the stock’s price movement and trading volume. Therefore, it is useless to examine the price development of a stock to predict future price movements. Semi-strong efficiency indicates that all public information is incorporated into the stock price. Therefore, it is useless to analyse financial reports and news statements to predict stock price movements. Finally, strong efficiency means that the stock price includes all information, even information that has not been made public. Therefore, even insider information is incorporated into the stock price. A great deal of research has been done on capital market efficiency. Most of the research supports the efficient market hypothesis or EMH as described above, but some studies have found signs of capital market inefficiency. The most important signs are: • • • Temporal anomalies. Studies indicate that average stock returns have been higher in January than in other months. Across the days of the week, average stock returns have been found to be lowest on Mondays (Berument and Kiymaz, 2001). Size. Small stocks, i.e., stocks with small market capitalisation, have outperformed stocks with large market capitalisation over long periods. The general belief is that small stocks give superior returns, even when accounting for risk (Fama and French, 1992). Value vs. glamour. A number of studies have shown that stocks with low price-to-book ratios, and/or low price-to-earnings ratios, generally called value stocks, outperform stocks with high ratios, called glamour stocks (Fama and French, 1992). 73 • Reversals. Several studies have found that stocks that perform poorly in one time period have a strong tendency to experience sizeable reversals over the subsequent period. Likewise, the best performing stocks in a given period tend to perform poorly in the following period (De Bondt and Thaler, 1985). The Icelandic stock market is small and underdeveloped. One would assume that this small market is less efficient than other, much larger stock markets, because few parties research the market and it has fewer stocks and investors. A high number of investors and considerable research are normally thought to be necessary to make a market efficient. In this article, the results of a study of calendar effects on the Icelandic stock market are presented. The study examines the market from the beginning of 1993 until the end of July 2013, thus covering the bulk of this market’s history. The relationship between days of the week and stock returns is analysed, as well as the relationship between months and stock returns. DAYS OF THE WEEK Previous research In a study on seven stock markets (Canada, the US, the UK, France, Australia, Japan and Singapore) from 1969 to 1984, the findings were that stock returns were negative on Mondays in all markets except for Japan. The findings were statistically significant in the US, UK and Canada. (Condayanni, et. al. 1987). Research on the US stock market where the SP-500 index was studied from January 1973 until October 1997, found that returns were, on average, negative on Mondays and positive other days of the week. It was statistically significant that returns were lower on Mondays than other days (Berument, et. al. 2001). An extensive study on the British stock market from 1988 to 1997 found that returns were negative on Mondays and that there was a statistically significant relationship between returns and days of the week (Draper, et. al. 2002). In their research, Agrawal and Tandon (1994) found evidence of market returns shifting based on the day of the week in the 18 markets they examined. They studied the stock markets in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. They found that the returns were higher than average in most of these countries on Wednesdays and Fridays. The average returns on Mondays and Tuesdays were, on the other hand, lower than average or negative. Bayar et. al. (2012) studied the day-of-the-week effect on returns in stock market indices from 19 countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the US). The period studied was between 20 July 1993 and 1 July 1998. The findings were that there was a significant relationship between days of the week and returns in 14 of those markets. A pattern of higher returns around the middle of the week (Tuesday and Wednesday) and a pattern of lower returns toward the end of the week (Thursday and Friday) were observed. Gunnlaugsson (2003) studied the day-of-the-week effect on the Icelandic stock market from 1993 to 2003. He found that returns were, on average, lowest on Tuesdays and highest on Fridays. However, there was no statistically significant relationship between returns and the days of the week. This study is a continuation of Gunnlaugsson’s study. It applies the same methodology, but the time series is longer, and thus should give clear and meaningful results. But what are the reasons for the day-of-the-week effect findings? One is that negative news often comes during the weekend. In a study on the US stock market from 1982 to 1986, results showed 74 that negative news from firms on the US stock market was more common on the weekend than other days. Therefore, stock returns on Mondays were lower than other days. Another explanation is that dividends are more common on Mondays than other days. Many indices do not include returns from dividends, so they measure lower returns on Mondays than actually occurred (Draper, et. al. 2002). Data and methodology The daily returns of the Icelandic stock index were examined. From December 1992 until December 2008, the ICEX15 index was used in the research. That index was made of the 15 most-traded companies on the exchange. The calculation of this index was terminated at the beginning of 2009 because there was not a sufficient number of stocks listed on the exchange at that time. From 1 January 2009 until 13 August 2013, the OMXI 8 index was used in this study. It is comprised of the eight most-traded companies on the market. So, this research covers the Icelandic stock market from the beginning of the year 1993 until 13 August 2013. The data includes 5865 observations. To analyse if there had been a relationship between days and returns, two tests were applied: the Kruskal-Wallis test and linear regression. The Kruskal-Wallis test is non-parametric, which means it does not rely on normal distribution. The test measures the coefficient H, which is defined by this equation: ( S j − n j (n + 1) / 2) 12 H= ∑ n(n + 1) nj 2 This test is based on ranking; each observation is ranked from the lowest to the highest. Then the ranking of each weekday is added up and that sum is S j , j = 1, …,5; n j is the number of all observations in the group j and n is the total number of observations across all groups. The distribution of H is a chi square with four degrees of freedom. The null hypothesis is that the median return of all days is the same. The null hypothesis will be rejected if the H value is higher than the critical value for the level of significance. Also, a conventional regression is applied, which is a parametric test and thus relies on normal distribution. The null hypothesis is that the average return of the index is the same every weekday. The hypothesis is tested with the following equation, where dummy variables are applied: Rt = α + β1 D1 + β 2 D2 + β 3 D3 + β 4 D4 + ut is a dummy variable which has the value 1 on Mondays (i.e., D1=1 if the observation is on Monday; otherwise it is 0); D2 is a dummy variable for Tuesdays; D3 is a dummy variable for Thursdays; and D4 is a dummy variable for Fridays. Wednesdays do not have a dummy variable. The coefficient ut is an error term. The average return of Wednesdays is therefore picked up by the α coefficient. The average return on other days is the α coefficient plus the β coefficient of that day. Therefore, the regression measures the difference in the return of that day to the average return on Wednesdays. Thus, it is possible to test with a t-test if there is a statistically significant difference in the return of that day and the return on Wednesdays, i.e., the null hypothesis is that the β coefficient is zero. The null hypotheses are rejected if the t value is lower than -1.96 or higher than 1,96, which is the critical level at the 5% level of significance. The regression also gives the F value which indicates if the joint explanation of the β coefficients is significant. Dt 75 Results Table 1 shows the numerical results. The table shows that the returns were, on average, highest on Fridays at 0.12% and lowest on Tuesdays at -0.12%. A Shapiro-Wilk test was also conducted to test the normal distributions of returns. The test was very decisive in the findings that the daily returns were not normally distributed. That is also evident in the extremely high kurtosis and significant skewness to the left. Therefore, the extreme negative returns are more common than expected if the returns were normally distributed. Thus the regression, which results in t and F values which are used to determine if there is a significant relationship between returns and the days of the week, might not give meaningful results because of the non-normality of the returns. On the other hand, the validity of the Kruskal-Wallis test is not affected because it is non-parametric and thus does not rely on normal distribution. Table 1: Descriptive statistics of the daily return of the Icelandic until August 2013. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Kurtosis 50.9 515.5 13.9 Skewness -3.27 -20.7 0.98 Standard dev. 1.04% 2.90% 0.97% Median 0.00% 0.03% 0.05% Mean -0.01% -0.12% 0.06% stock market from January 1993 Thursday 5.10 -0.23 0.89% 0.03% 0.07% Friday 4.53 -0.25 0.92% 0.08% 0.12% The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test gave the H coefficient of 14.28. At the 5% level of significance and 4 degrees of freedom, the critical value is 9.49. Therefore, the null hypothesis that the median value of returns is the same each day of the week is rejected, according to this test. Table 2 shows the main results of the regression. The table does show that there was a significant relationship between returns and the days of the week during the period studied. The t value for Tuesday is -2.77, which is highly significant. That means that the average returns on Thursdays were statistically significantly lower than on Wednesdays. Also, the F value is highly significant, which indicates that the joint explanations of the beta coefficients were significant. Even though these results are clear, the fact that the returns were far from being normally distributed does decrease the validity of this test. Table 2: The main results of the January 1993 until August 2013. Coefficient α (Wednesday) 0.000391 -0.000471 β 1 (Monday) β 2 (Tuesday) -0.00159 β 3 (Thursday) 0.000264 0.000806 β 4 (Friday) F value 4.01 2 R 0.0021 regression of the daily returns of the Icelandic stock market from t value 1.10 -0.81 -2.77 0.45 1.40 P 0.27 0.42 0.0056 0.65 0.16 0.0029 These results show that returns on the Icelandic stock market are negative on Mondays and Tuesdays, but significantly better during the second half of the week. There is a clear statistical relationship between days of the week and returns both in the parametric test (i.e., the regression) and the non-parametric test (i.e., the Kruskal-Wallis test). 76 The returns were not lowest on Mondays like the findings have been on other foreign stock markets, but the returns were, on average, slightly negative on those days. Even so, returns on Mondays were not statistically significantly lower than on Wednesdays. So, it is doubtful that the Icelandic stock market did show “Monday effects” like many other stock markets have shown. These results are mostly in line with Gunnlaugsson’s (2003) findings, which were, on average, lower on Tuesdays and higher on Fridays. The main difference is that this study gives the statistically significant relationship between days of the weeks and returns. MONTHS OF THE YEAR A lot of research on many stock markets has given evidence to higher returns in January than other months of the year. In an extensive study on the US stock market from 1904 to 1974, an evenly weighted index was studied, meaning that small stocks had the same weight as large stocks. The findings were that the average return of this index in January was 3.5%, but other months of the year it was only 0.5%. It was statistically significant that returns were higher in January than other months of the year (Rozeff & Kinney, 1976). In a study on stock markets in 16 countries, the findings were that returns were abnormally high in January in 15 markets. Higher returns in January occurred in markets where profits on stock sales are not taxed, i.e., Japan and Canada, but this tax has been named as one of the reasons for higher returns in January. The returns were also higher in markets where profits on stock sales are taxed, e.g., in the UK and Australia (Gultekin & Gultekin 1983). Some research on stock markets has concluded that there has been no significant relationship between stock returns and months. In an extensive study on the Malaysian stock market from 1992 to 2002, the results were that returns were, on average, highest in February and lowest in March. There was no “January effect” and there was little relationship between months of the year and returns (Pandey, 2002). In his study on the Icelandic stock market from 1993 to 2003, Gunnlaugsson (2003) did not find any relationship between stock returns and month of the year. The main reason given for abnormally high returns in January has been taxes. In the US and most other countries, the tax year is the calendar year. It has been suggested that investors sell stocks in December which have given bad returns to realise losses in order to lower taxes. In January, the investors buy stocks again, thus resulting in higher returns in January than expected (Jacobs & Levi, 1988). Data and Methodology The same methodology and data were applied as when the relationship between days of the week and returns was examined. Monthly returns of the Icelandic stock index were studied for the period from January 1993 until July 2013. To analyse if there was a relationship between months and returns, two tests were applied: the Kruskal-Wallis test and linear regression. The equation applied in the regression was: 11 Rt = α + ∑ βt Dt + ut t =1 Rt is the return of the stock index in the month t. D1 is a dummy variable which has the value 1 in January (i.e., D1=1 if the observation is in January, but otherwise it is 0); D2 is a dummy variable for 77 February; and D3 is a dummy variable for March. Other months of the year get a dummy variable in the same way. The only exception is July, which does not have a dummy variable because of the risk of multicollinearity of the independent variables. Results Table 3 shows the main descriptive statistics. On average, the returns were highest in August at 3.37% and lowest in October at -4.10%. January had the second highest return of 2.71%, on average, and April the third highest with 1.78%. It is obvious looking at the table that monthly returns were not normally distributed. A Shapiro-Wilk test was conducted to test the normal distributions of returns. The test was very decisive in the findings that the monthly returns were not normally distributed. The lack of normality is especially evident in October, with very high kurtosis and very negative skewness. In October 2008, the market fell 80.8%, which would be almost impossible if the monthly returns had been normally distributed. Table 3: Descriptive statistics of the monthly return of the Icelandic stock market from January 1993 until August 2013. Kurtosis Skew. St.dev. Median Mean Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. -0.54 1.40 5.24 7.57 3.06 2.17 -0.98 -0.09 4.99 18.0 1.12 12.22 -0.56 -1.11 -1.95 2.22 1.13 0.47 -0.60 0.17 -1.08 -4.16 -0.82 -3.47 7.70% 5.33% 6.84% 6.09% 7.22% 3.79% 3.97% 6.44% 6.02% 18.47% 5.86% 11.60% 4.64% 2.66% 2.23% 0.59% -1.0% 0.08% 3.54% 2.05% -0.62% 0.70% 1.16% 1.86% 2.71% 1.48% 0.67% 1.78% -0.1% 0.30% 1.51% 3.37% -0.58% -4.10% 0.54% -0.55% Table 4 shows the results of the regression. The table shows that there was no meaningful relationship between months of the year and returns during this period. That is indicated by the F value which is not significant and does indicate that the joint explanation of the beta coefficients is not statistically significant. The only statistically significant coefficient is in October, but that is explained by the enormous 80.8% fall in the market in October 2008. Table 4: The main results of the regression of the monthly return of the Icelandic stock market from January 1993 until August 2013. Coefficient t value P α (July) 0.0151 0.83 0.41 β 1 (January) 0.0121 0.47 0.64 β 2 (February) -0.00028 -0.01 0.99 β 3 (March) -0.00839 -0.33 0.74 β 4 (April) 0.00270 0.11 0.92 (May) β5 -0.0162 -0.63 0.53 β 6 (June) -0.0121 -0.47 0.64 β 7 (August) 0.0187 0.72 0.47 β 8 (September) -0.0208 -0.80 0.42 β 9 (October) -0.0561 -2.16 0.032 β 10 (November) -0.00967 -0.37 0.71 (December) β 11 -0.0206 -0.79 0.43 F value 1.08 0.38 R2 0.048 78 Because of the non-normality, the non-parametric test, i.e., the Kruskal-Wallis test, is more valid. The null hypothesis of the test is that the median return was the same for all months. The H coefficient of the test was 13.04, but the critical value of the 5% level of significance is 19.68. Therefore, the null hypothesis was not rejected, based on this non-parametric test. It is safe to conclude that there was not a significant relationship between month of the year and returns on the Icelandic stock market during the period observed. CONCLUSION In this article, the efficiency of the Icelandic stock market was studied. Tests were conducted to find out if the market had shown temporal anomalies. The findings were that there was a clear relationship between days of the weeks and returns. The returns were, on average, negative in the beginning of the week and positive during the end. On average, returns were lowest on Tuesdays and highest on Fridays. Therefore, one cannot assume that the Icelandic stock market had the typical “Monday effect” with significantly lower returns on Mondays than other days of the week, even though there was a significant relationship between returns and weekdays. On the other hand, there was no significant relationship between the months of the year and returns. The so-called “January effect” (i.e., abnormally high returns in January) was not detected. Returns were, on average, highest in August and lowest in October. Looking at these results, one could conclude that the tiny Icelandic stock market was efficient and perhaps more efficient than larger stock markets where abnormally low returns on Mondays and very high returns in January have been observed. That is thought unlikely. These results could possibly be explained by the fact that the reasons which have given rise to these abnormalities in other stock markets might not apply to the Icelandic stock market. However, further research is needed before such conclusions can be put forward. BIBLIOGRAPHY Agrawal, A. and Tandon, K., (1994). Anomalies or illusions? Evidence from stock markets in eighteen countries, Journal of International Money and Finance, 13 (2), 83-106 Bayar, A., & Kan, O. B. (2012). Day of the week effects: Recent evidence from nineteen stock markets. Central Bank Review, 2(2), 77-90. Berument, H. & Kiymaz, H. (2001). The Day of the Week Effect on Stock Market Volatility. Journal of Economics and Finance, 25 (1), 181-193. 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