Hello friend, Praise the Lord! It looks as if you have found the materials you will need to register for Love Begins Here 2011, and that is a great thing. My name is Lindsay Becher, and I am the Mission Director of this awesome apostolate in the Diocese of Madison. It brings me so much joy to anticipate the coming of the summer months, time spent serving the poor and witnessing the love of Christ change hearts. The first thing I would love for you to know is that if you have questions at any point, please get in touch. Below you will find numerous ways to contact me. I would be happy to meet with you, speak over the phone, e-mail or do whatever else to provide you with answers, help and support as the summer draws near. As you will see below, I have provided you with a lot of information about LBH2011. I genuinely do not want to overwhelm you, but rather give you as many resources as possible to help you get started in your planning and preparation for the summer. All of this information and more can also be found on the web, at the locations listed below. With that, I invite you to get started on exploring the inspiring and life-changing world of Love Begins Here. Warmly, Lindsay Becher LBH Mission Director EMail: [email protected] Cell: (608) 290-9004 Work: (608) 356-5353 Blog: www.madisonlovebeginshere.blogspot.com Website: www.madisondiocese.org/lovebeginshere Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovebeginshere 2011 love begins here theme Imagine a group of 30 teens milling about after a day of hard work and service to the poor, catching up on the events of the day and awaiting further instructions for the night ahead. Be sure to imagine the pandemonium at hand when there are 30 high schoolers milling about, who are all quite excited to be in each other’s presence. From the outskirts of the room, you hear one of the Core Team members in a booming sort of voice ask: What is today? Everyone in the room, young and old alike, pause mid conversation, direct their attention towards that voice and respond with an equally thunderous response: The first day. This Core Team member responds, And what does love do? The crowd chants back: Hold us together. Matt Maher sings the same message in his song - Hold Us Together - on his CD Alive Again. Please take a moment to find the song on youtube and continue reading. This summer, we are going to explore what it means to live like every day is the first day of the rest of our lives. Living life knowing that we have been made a new creation through the Incarnation, continually restored through the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confession means that our lives can be full of hope. When we have been filled with hope, we will then be able to share it with our neighbors. And, that is the mission of love begins here. Come join us this summer and discover that today is the first day. To help you continue to make this song and the theme come alive, please watch this video:http://vimeo.com/9562136. New to LBH2011 are the following exciting things to note. - We are launching a fundraising campaign. This is a very exciting endeavor, as it will allow us to invite our loved ones, parish communities, and others to join in the work we are doing to serve the poor of the Madison Diocese. More information on this is included within this package. - This fundraising campaign will allow us to continue to grow! Not only are we adding 2 more weeks to our schedule, but we are also adding 2 Core Team members to the crew, allowing us to more personally and effectively serve our participants and focus on forming relationships with. This summer, we are also looking forward to buying a trailer, which will allow us to serve more efficiently and travel from site to site with greater ease. - Participant costs will remain the same for the youth - $100/HS Week and $80/MS Week. For adults, we are lowering the cost to $50/HS or MS Week. We hope this small change will reflect how great our gratitude is for the these adults who give their time to join us on the Mission Trips. - Many Mission Trip participants have asked over the past two summers for financial help, and we are always willing to help out families in need. If you know of youth in need, please make note of this when submitting your registration roster. We hope this more proactive approach to financially helping youth in need will mean more of them will experience the joy of service on LBH. It is our hope that with these changes and the continual guidance of the Holy Spirit we will be able to provide the best summer yet of Love Begins Here. Stay tuned to the blog for updates on the current number of youth and adults registered for a summer of life changing Mission Trips! Locations, Dates & Rates Somewhere in the Madison Diocese High School 1: June 19 - 24 High School 2: June 26 - 31 St. Joseph - Baraboo, WI Middle School 1: July 5 - 8 High School 3: July 10 - 15 St. James - Madison, WI Middle School 2: July 19 - 22 High School 4: July 24 - 29 Fees $50 Adults $80 Middle Schoolers $100 High Schoolers If finances are a problem for any participant - youth or adult please get in touch with Lindsay. Love Begins Here will grant aid to anyone who is in need. It’s as simple as asking for help! What is the Love Begins Here schedule like? Wake up. Paint a classroom. Laugh. Pack your lunch. Pray a rosary. Pull weeds. Make a new friend. Have your picture taken a dozen times. Grow closer to Jesus. Sing songs about the work you are doing. Prepare dinner for the rest of the group. Brush your teeth. Take a water break. Celebrate life. Live like a Missionary of Charity. Learn a new card game at the Senior Center. Have epic races in the lake at a local state park. Jam out to good music with your car group. Trim bushes. Play a game of ultimate spoons. Attend Mass. Clean statues. Shower. Scrape paint. Find out something new about yourself. Eat breakfast. Learn how to install flooring. Share where you saw God in your day. Be inspired by those around you. Pray Night Prayer. Fall asleep. It’s nearly impossible to explain what happens on a day of Love Begins Here, because no two days are ever the same. To the right you will see things that regularly happen on Love Begins Here on a daily basis. Below is a general weekly schedule. Our day is readjusted based on the needs of those we are serving and what time we are able to attend Mass. Sunday (HS Weeks) / Tuesday (MS Weeks) 5:00pm - Arrival & Check In 6:00pm - Icebreakers & Dinner 7:30pm - LBH Orientation 8:30pm - Collatio (Evening Gathering) Full Days 7:00am - Wake Up 7:30am - Prayer Time & Mass 8:30am - Breakfast & Pack Lunches 9:15am - Hit the road. Serve our neighbors. Take a break to eat lunch. 4:15pm - Meet at a Local Pool/State Park 4:30pm - Swim & Shower 5:45pm - Return Home 6:00pm - Pray Rosary 6:30pm - Dinner 7:30pm - Fun and Games 8:30pm - Collatio 10:30 - Night Prayer 11:00 - Lights Out Friday 7:00am - Wake Up 7:30am - Prayer Time & Mass 8:30am - Begin Packing 9:15am - Breakfast 10:00am - Finish Packing & General Cleaning 10:30am - Processing and Sending Forth 11:30am - See you soon! You are excited about Love Begins Here. That’s awesome. You may be wondering: Self, how do I get some youth signed up for Love Begins Here? Step One: Share The Mission Share with them the idea behind Love Begins Here. We would suggest using the LBH Mission Movie. You can also encourage them to think hard about what Mother Teresa said to the world when she accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979: And so here I am talking with you - I want you to find the poor here, right in your own home first. And begin love there. Be that good news to your own people. And find out about your next-door neighbor - do you know who they are? Blessed Mother Teresa did not want us to come to India to join her in service to the poor. She wanted us to begin right in our own backyards. Love Begins Here is the perfect way to do that. Step Two: Share The Experience Tell them - with confidence - that they will enjoy coming on Love Begins Here. There are many ways to do this. You could show them the Summer 2011 LBH Promo Movie where they will see other teens having a lot of fun. Or, you could make some copies of the super cool Promotional Poster and hang them all over your Parish. Do the same with the flyers. Both of these resources have quotes and photos from the youth who love LBH. This may help them envision having the same life changing experience. Step Three: Share Some Advice You are wise. Probably beyond your years. Feel free to share any of the following and elaborate where necessary. ... Serving other people really changes your life. ... In serving the poor, you are able to serve Jesus Christ and know Him more intimately. ... It’s okay to miss a week of work. You are young. Think of it as a personal vacation. ... The people who go on Love Begins Here are cool. ... If you or your family cannot afford Love Begins Here, no worries. We will pick up the part of the tab you can’t afford. Step Four: Contact Lindsay While she doesn’t promise to solve all your problems, she wants to help brainstorm, create you more publicity materials, or maybe even pay your youth a visit. How to register? Step One: E-mail Lindsay. Email Lindsay - [email protected]. Let her know you are interested in bringing a group of kids or helping a group of kids register. A few important things to note: - If you are bringing a group of youth, the number of chaperones we would like you to provide would be 1 for every 6 youth. It is also important to plan enough seats in the vehicles you are using during the week for at least the number of people you are bringing. - We can accommodate a limited number of youth from a Parish each week coming without a chaperone. We ask that you plan on no more than 4 youth coming, without a chaperone, from one parish. If you would like to help register youth without a chaperone, please get in touch soon as these spots are anticipated to fill quickly this year. Step Two: Learn how to use a Google Doc. (See example below!) Lindsay will e-mail you back with a link to a Google Doc. Essentially, this will give us the chance to establish an Excel Spreadsheet together online. The website we will be using is: www.google.com/docs. - In order to use it, you will need a Google Account, which encompasses GMail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, etc. If you have one, use it to log in. If not, you will be prompted to create one. It’s super simple, but if you have questions, let Lindsay know. - This spreadsheet will allow us to track all of your participants names, basic information, merchandise needs, payments, paperwork and more. - One super cool part of it, among many super cool parts, is that we can track youth and adult participants over all 6 weeks, if need be! Step Three: Use the Google Doc. - Keep in touch with Lindsay via e-mail with questions, and continue updating the Google Doc when you have new information to add. She will provide instructions when needed about making payments as a parish. - Lindsay will send out updates when she updates our shared Google Doc. Step Four: Collect everything on your end in a timely manner. Work hard on collecting your youth’s information, paperwork and payments in a timely manner. To make our lives as simple as possible, we ask you to collect all payments on a parish level and pay as a group to Love Begins Here. (Fun fact: LBH is anticipating over 200 registrations this summer.) LOVE begins HERE Mission Trip - Summer 2011 ADULT PAPERWORK CHECK LIST The staff of Love Begins Here is really excited that you are coming on a Mission Trip. We hope that you are ready for a life changing week of service to the poor, having fun and encountering Jesus Christ. The first thing we need to know are some basics: Name: Are you coming with a Parish Group? If so, which one? Are you the Parish Group Leader? E-Mail Address: Cell Phone Number: Which week of Love Begins Here will you be attending this summer? HS1 - June 19 - 24 (Yet to be determined.) HS2 - June 26 - 31 (Yet to be determined.) MS1 - July 5 - 8 (St. Joseph, Baraboo) HS3 - July 10 - 15 (St. Joseph, Baraboo) MS2 - July 19 - 22 (St. James, Madison) HS4 - July 24 - 29 (St. James, Madison) Have you filled out the following paperwork? Paperwork Check List (this page) Adult Liability Waiver (1 page) Driver Information Sheet (1 page) Merchandise Form (1 page) Once all of this is complete, follow whichever of the following instructions apply to you: If you are coming with a group from your parish or school: - Return the above 8 pages to your leader with the appropriate payment. - Hold on to the Useful Information. Hopefully it is in fact useful, as your trip draws near. If you are coming solo: - Return the above 4 pages to Lindsay Becher (310 2nd St. / Baraboo, WI / 53913) with your payment of $50 per week. Make sure to get in touch if you need financial assistance. - Hold on to the Useful Information, but do not hesitate to get in touch if you have questions as the trip draws near. Page 1 - Must be completed entirely and returned to your Group Leader or to Lindsay Becher (Solo Registrations). LOVE begins HERE Mission Trip - Summer 2011 ADULT LIABILITY WAIVER Each adult participant, including group leaders and chaperons, must sign this form. RELEASE OF LIABILITY/MEDICAL RELEASE I, _________________________, agree on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, Full Name executors, and personal representatives, to hold harmless and defend ________________________, the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, its officers, Parish/School directors, agents, employees, or representatives from any and all liability for illness, injury or death arising from or in connection with my participation in the trip. I have the following particular food or diet needs: In the event that I should require medical treatment and I am not able to communicate my desires to attending physicians or other medical personnel, I give permission for the necessary emergency treatment to be administered. Please advise the doctors that I have the following allergies: In case of an emergency and for permission for treatment beyond emergency procedures, please contact: Name: Relationship to me: Daytime Phone: Health Insurance Carrier: Insurance ID Number: Insurance Policy Number: _______________________________ ___________________________ Signature Night time phone: Date _______________________________ Print name Page 2 - Must be completed entirely and returned to your Group Leader or to Lindsay Becher (Solo Registrations). LOVE begins HERE Mission Trip - Summer 2011 DRIVER INFORMATION SHEET Driver Name Address Date of Birth Driver’s License # Date of Expiration Phone # Vehicle That Will Be Used Name of Owner Address of Owner License Plate # Registration Expiration Date Model of Vehicle Make of Vehicle Year of Vehicle Date of Expiration If more than one vehicle is to be used, the aforementioned information must be provided for each vehicle. Insurance Information When using a privately-owned vehicle, the insurance coverage is the limit of the insurance policy covering that specific vehicle. Insurance Company Policy # Date of Policy Expiration Liability Limits of Policy* (*Please note: The minimal, acceptable liability limit for privately-owned vehicles is $100,000/$300,000) In order to provide for the safety of our students or other members of the parish and those we serve, we must ask each volunteer driver to list all accidents or moving violations they have had in the past five years: Please be aware that as a volunteer driver, your insurance is primary. There is a policy that would offer additional liability protection should a claim exceed the limits of your policy. Certification I certify that the information given on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that as a volunteer driver, I must be 21 years of age or older, possess a valid driver’s license, have the proper and current license and vehicle registration, and have the required insurance coverage in effect on any vehicle used to transport students. ____________________________________________ ___________________ Signature Date Page 3 - Must be completed entirely and returned to your Group Leader or to Lindsay Becher (Solo Registrations). LOVE begins HERE Mission Trip - Summer 2011 MERCHANDISE FORM The following merchandise is available this summer on Love Begins Here. Please indicate appropriate sizes and quantities. Placing your order by the end of May ensures having your items in hand upon arrival. Orders placed during the summer months may be mailed later in the summer. Item Cost & Info LBH TShirt Size: ________ FREE with registration. (Orange Short Sleeve TShirts with Blue/White Printing) LBH Full Zip Sweatshirt/Hoodie Size: ________ These rockin’ LBH sweatshirts have the LBH logo on the front and the Mother Teresa Mission Quote on the back. Blue, orange and white printing on a Navy Full Zip Hooded Sweatshirt. ($30/sweatshirt) LBH Stadium Blanket Quantity: ________ Winters last quite a while in Wisconsin, and in the midst of the chill, it would be nice to have the warm reminder of LBH on hand. These grey blankets feature the LBH logo in Blue and White... they are also great for gift giving! ($20/blanket) LBH Photo/Movie CD Quantity: ________ LBH Staff takes photographs and reproduces them, along with a movie, on a CD before everyone heads home, so families can see the fun that happened during the week, use the images as desktop backdrops or reproduce them to share with others. ($7/CD) Total Cost: Please add your Merchandise Total to your Registration Fee. Parish groups will pay as a group to Love Begins Here. If you are coming solo and registering directly with Love Begins Here, please make checks out to Diocese of Madison - LBH. Page 4 - Must be completed entirely and returned to your Group Leader or to Lindsay Becher (Solo Registrations). LOVE begins HERE Mission Trip - Summer 2011 PAPERWORK CHECK LIST The staff of Love Begins Here is really excited that you are coming on a Mission Trip. We hope that you are ready for a life changing week of service to the poor, having fun and encountering Jesus Christ. The first thing we need to know are some basics: Name: Grade in School (2011 - 2012): Are you coming with a Parish Group? If so, which one? Which week of Love Begins Here will you be attending this summer? HS1 - June 19 - 24 (Yet to be determined.) HS2 - June 26 - 31 (Yet to be determined.) MS1 - July 5 - 8 (St. Joseph, Baraboo) HS3 - July 10 - 15 (St. Joseph, Baraboo) MS2 - July 19 - 22 (St. James, Madison) HS4 - July 24 - 29 (St. James, Madison) Have you filled out the following paperwork? Paperwork Check List (this page) Parental/Guardian Consent Form and Liability Waiver (3 pages) Photo/Video Release Waiver (1 page) Communication Waiver (1 page) Participant Contract (1 page) Merchandise Form (1 page) Once all of this is complete, follow whichever of the following instructions apply to you: If you are coming with a group from your parish or school: - Return the above 8 pages to your leader with the appropriate payment. - Hold on to the Useful Information. Hopefully it is in fact useful, as your trip draws near. If you are coming solo: - Rest assured that many other people are, as well. You will make friends quickly. - Return the above 8 pages to Lindsay Becher (310 2nd St. / Baraboo, WI / 53913) with your payment of $80 for a Middle School Week or $100 for a High School Week. Make sure to get in touch if you need financial assistance. - Hold on to the Useful Information, but do not hesitate to get in touch if you have questions as the trip draws near. Page 1 - Must be completed entirely and returned to your Group Leader or to Lindsay Becher (Solo Registrations). LOVE begins HERE Mission Trip - Summer 2011 PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONSENT FORM AND LIABILITY WAIVER Participant’s name: Birth date: Sex: Parent/Guardian’s name: Home address: Home phone: Cell phone: (Name: ) Cell phone: (Name: ) I, grant permission for my child, parent or guardian’s name child’s name to participate in this parish event that requires transportation to a location away from the parish site. This activity will take place under the guidance and direction of parish employees and/or volunteers from the Diocese of Madison and . name of parish A brief description of the activity follows: Love Begins Here is a local Mission Trip program that will work to serve communities within the Diocese of Madison. This Mission Week will take place during the above dates, under the supervision of your local youth minister and/or chaperones, as well as Diocese of Madison staff. Local youth ministers, chaperones, and/or parents will provide the transportation to the mission destination, as well as to and from mission sites during the week of work. At the start of the week, the youth and adult participants will be trained in proper safety techniques, specific to the work they will be participating in. The Core Team of leaders, working for the Diocese of Madison, will be experienced Catholic youth workers, devoted to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of the participants, alongside of the youth ministers and other adult chaperones. Also, all adults present during the week will be up-to-date on their Safe Environment training, as mandated by the Diocese of Madison. As parent and/or legal guardian, I remain legally responsible for any personal actions taken by the above named minor (“participant”). I agree on behalf of myself, my child named herein, or our heirs, successors, and assigns, to hold harmless and defend ________________________________, its officers, directors, employees Name of Parish and agents, and the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, its employees and agents, chaperons, or representatives associated with the event, from any claim arising from or in connection with my child attending the event or in connection with any illness or injury (including death) or cost of medical treatment in connection therewith, and I agree to compensate the parish, its officers, directors and agents, and the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, its employees and agents and chaperons, or representative associated with the event for reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses which may incur in any action brought against them as a result of such injury or damage, unless such claim arises from the negligence of the parish/diocese. Signature: Date: Page 2 - Must be completed entirely and returned to your Group Leader or to Lindsay Becher (Solo Registrations). MEDICAL MATTERS: I hereby warrant that to the best of my knowledge, my child is in good health, and I assume all responsibility for the health of my child. (Of the following statements pertaining to medical matters, sign only those that are applicable.) Emergency Medical Treatment: In the event of an emergency, I hereby give permission to transport my child to a hospital for emergency medical or surgical treatment. I wish to be advised prior to any further treatment by the hospital or doctor. In the event of an emergency, if you are unable to reach me at the above numbers, contact: Name & relationship: Home Phone: Doctor: Cell Phone: Family Phone: Family Health Plan Carrier: Policy #: PLEASE ALSO ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR INSURANCE CARD! Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________ Other Medical Treatment: In the event it comes to the attention of the parish, its officers, directors and agents, and the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, chaperons, or representatives associated with the activity, that my child becomes ill with symptoms such as headache, vomiting, sore throat, fever, diarrhea, I want to be called, possibly collect (with phone charges reversed to myself). Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________ Medications: My child is taking medication at present. My child will bring all such medications necessary, and such medications will be well-labeled in their ORIGINAL containers. Names of medications and concise directions for seeing that the child takes such medications, including dosage and frequency of dosage, are as follows: Signature: _____________________________________________Date: ___________ No medication of any type, whether prescription or non-prescription, may be administered to my child unless the situation is life-threatening and emergency treatment is required. Signature: _____________________________________________Date: ___________ I hereby grant permission for non-prescription medication (i.e. non-aspirin products such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, throat lozenges, cough syrup) to be given to my child, if deemed appropriate. Signature: _____________________________________________Date: ___________ Page 3 - Must be completed entirely and returned to your Group Leader or to Lindsay Becher (Solo Registrations). Specific Medical Information: The parish will take reasonable care to see that the following information will be held in confidence. Please make sure to discuss these pieces of information with the direct chaperone of your child, which is most likely your youth minister, as well as providing detailed information in these answers. Feel free to use additional paper, if necessary. Allergic reactions (medications, foods, plants, insects, etc.): Please list needed medications on the previous page, if applicable. Immunizations: Date of last tetanus/diphtheria immunization: Does child have a medically prescribed diet or other food needs? Any physical limitations? Is child subject to chronic homesickness, emotional reactions to new situations, sleepwalking, bedwetting, fainting? Has child recently been exposed to contagious disease or conditions, such as mumps, measles, chicken pox, etc.? If so, list date and disease or condition: You should be aware of these special medical conditions of my child: Page 4 - Must be completed entirely and returned to your Group Leader or to Lindsay Becher (Solo Registrations). LOVE begins HERE Mission Trip - Summer 2011 PHOTO/VIDEO RELEASE WAIVER During the Love Begins Here Summer Mission Program we will be taking pictures and video during the weeks for possible promotional material in the future. Please fill in and sign the waiver below, granting us to use material that may include your child(ren). Photos that are taken of during the Summer Mission Program may be used to promote and advertise the value of volunteering and participating in Love Begins Here, by the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, The Catholic Herald and other associated organizations. Participant Signature Date Parent Signature Date Page 5 - Must be completed entirely and returned to your Group Leader or to Lindsay Becher (Solo Registrations). LOVE begins HERE Mission Trip - Summer 2011 COMMUNICATION WAIVER In this ever increasingly digital world, we have found that it keeping in touch with Love Begins Here youth and their families is often best done electronically and through social networking. The LBH Staff would like to inform the youth of events they may be interested in through the school year and provide inspiration related to the mission of LBH. My child has the permission to befriend LBH Staff on facebook and connect through the official Love Begins Here page (www.facebook.com/lovebeginshere). Parent Signature Date (Parents, family members and friends are also welcome to “like” our facebook page and stay up to date through that network.) My child may receive the LBH Participant Newsletter electronically at this e-mail address: ! Parent Signature Date Our family would like to receive the LBH Supporters Newsletter electronically at this e-mail address: ! Page 6 - Must be completed entirely and returned to your Group Leader or to Lindsay Becher (Solo Registrations). LOVE begins HERE Mission Trip - Summer 2011 PARTICIPANT CONTRACT Everyone who comes on a Love Begins Here Mission Trip will be in for one of the best weeks of their life. In order to guarantee that everyone will have an enjoyable experience, please make sure that you can agree to the following: I will show respect for myself, others, and my surroundings, especially by... ... wearing modest clothing, ... not bringing any of the illegal items on the packing list, ... and not putting myself or others down. I will be excited to learn about how to be safe during the service we perform and try my hardest to practice what we learned during the Mission Work. I will be open to developing new relationships and meeting new people, including those who I serve and those I serve alongside. I will be ready to try new things and grow from this experiences. I will commit to having fun and giving my all during Love Begins Here. Participant Signature Date Parent Signature Date Page 7 - Must be completed entirely and returned to your Group Leader or to Lindsay Becher (Solo Registrations). LOVE begins HERE Mission Trip - Summer 2011 MERCHANDISE FORM The following merchandise is available this summer on Love Begins Here. Please indicate appropriate sizes and quantities. Placing your order by the end of May ensures having your items in hand upon arrival. Orders placed during the summer months may be mailed later in the summer. Item Cost & Info LBH TShirt Size: ________ FREE with registration. (Orange Short Sleeve TShirts with Blue/White Printing) LBH Full Zip Sweatshirt/Hoodie Size: ________ These rockin’ LBH sweatshirts have the LBH logo on the front and the Mother Teresa Mission Quote on the back. Blue, orange and white printing on a -- Full Zip Hooded Sweatshirt. ($30/sweatshirt) LBH Stadium Blanket Quantity: ________ Winters last quite a while in Wisconsin, and in the midst of the chill, it would be nice to have the warm reminder of LBH on hand. These grey blankets feature the LBH logo in Blue and White... they are also great for gift giving! ($20/blanket) LBH Photo/Movie CD Quantity: ________ LBH Staff takes photographs and reproduces them, along with a movie, on a CD before everyone heads home, so families can see the fun that happened during the week, use the images as desktop backdrops or reproduce them to share with others. ($7/CD) Total Cost: Please add your Merchandise Total to your Registration Fee. Parish groups will pay as a group to Love Begins Here. If you are coming solo and registering directly with Love Begins Here, please make checks out to Diocese of Madison - LBH. Page 8 - Must be completed entirely and returned to your Group Leader or to Lindsay Becher (Solo Registrations). love begins here 2011 - Useful Information (Page 1) PACKING LIST - Let’s get started with a couple of initial pointers: - During the day, participants will have to wear closed toed footwear. Crocks or the like are not acceptable to do service work in. In the evenings, they can transition into more traditional summer footwear, if they would like. - Please note that campers are encouraged to dress modestly, and expected to dress appropriately. As such, mission trip participants will not be able to wear clothing which is overly-revealing, such as bare midriffs, spaghetti-straps, sagging or very short shorts. Participants will be asked to not wear any clothing which displays or promotes a message which is inappropriate for their age (incl. alcohol) or in conflict with Christian values. - Participants may not be showering in an area where there are individual shower stalls, so it would be great if there were to bring swimwear for the showers. Swimwear may also come in handy during the evenings when we may play water games, go swimming and the like. The following is a suggested list of clothing and items to bring: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o shorts (2-5 pairs) t-shirts (5-6) underwear/socks (5-6 pairs) jeans/long pants (1-2) gym shoes or other closed toed footwear sweater/sweatshirt pajamas rain coat sunhat/cap water shoes/sandals towel swim suit (one-piece preferred) sunscreen mosquito repellent medications (in original containers) o toiletries (soap/wash cloth, toothbrush/ paste, shampoo, hair brush, deodorant, lotion, lip balm); can be placed in a bucket or bag o sleeping bag or bed linen (sleeping pads will be provided) o pillow o a sheet (to cover the sleeping pad) o laundry bag/plastic bag o flashlight o water bottle o camera/film/batteries/charger o pen/pencil o a book to read in down time The following is a list of items that should not be brought: o o o o o firearms/slingshots fireworks portable video games / electronic toys knives matches/lighter o o o o o illegal drugs/tobacco products/alcohol hair dryers/curling irons personal vehicle (automobile, bike, etc.) personal music player (iPod, etc)* CELL PHONES** * An exception to this can be made if you feel that the use of a personal music player will help your child fall asleep at night. In this case, please speak with your child’s leader about this prior to coming to Love Begins Here. ** Why no cell phones during a Love Begins Here week? Aside from the fact that cell phones are expensive and can get misplaced or damaged in the active, outdoor environment of this mission work, we hope that this experience can be like a “retreat” from their normal cares, concerns, and routines, and the “instant” communication provided by cell phones makes it difficult to do this. Secondly, this “instant” communication with home can prevent the staff and chaperones from quickly addressing problems that may arise with your child. As children learn to trust other caring adults, they grow and learn to solve some of their own challenges. This emerging independence is a great benefit of the Mission Trip experience! Before your child leaves on their Love Begins Here trip, make sure to gather the phone number of your Youth Minister and/or chaperones, so you can contact them in case of emergency. Thank you! love begins here 2011 - Useful Information (Page 2) If you have questions during the time leading up to LBH Mission Trips, you may contact your student’s chaperone or Youth Minister or get in touch with Lindsay Becher, the LBH Mission Director. E-Mail: [email protected] Office Phone: (608) 356-5353 Cell Phone: (608) 290-9004 During the Mission Trip week, the following are phone numbers you can call, in the event of an emergency or if you need to get ahold of your teen. Your Parish Youth Minister or Child’s Chaperone Cell Phone: Lindsay Becher (LBH Mission Director) Cell Phone: (608) 290-9004 Molly McConnell (LBH Core Team Member) Cell Phone: (920) 517-2252 If you would like to follow along with the events of the week of your student’s Mission Trip, you may read the Love Begins Here blog, which is update at least three times a week during Mission Trips. As the summer draws near, the blog will be updated with information to get your teen excited and ready to go, as well as general announcements, including locations, once they are determined. www.madisonlovebeginshere.blogspot.com Other information and more instant updates during the week can also be found on the Love Begins Here facebook page: www.facebook.com/lovebeginshere We would appreciate your support throughout this time of preparation as the Mission Trips draw near and throughout the LBH Summer, especially through prayer. Please pray for all of those preparing the trips, those we are serving and those who will become missionaries of charity in our own communities, especially your own child! The LBH Shareholder Idea Fundraising can be tough and time consuming. Because of that many good natured Youth Ministers, parents and kids can get so caught up in it that the actual MISSION at hand gets lost. Rest assured, Love Begins Here does not want that to happen. We want to stay focused on sharing our mission with our loved ones and parishes. We want to be able to invite them to join us in our mission. With that said, we would like to introduce the LBH Shareholder Plan. We hope the execution will be fairly simple, as individual participants and parish groups will be able to sell shares of stock to their loved ones and those in their community. We would like to challenge every participant - youth and adult - to raise $50 through this fundraiser. While this is far from mandatory, if each participant sold $50 or more in stock sales, LBH would be in a very stable place in order to continue making the big changes in the hearts participants and in our communities into the future. Individuals - Youth and adult participants alike - can send personal letters, in addition to the General Letter from Lindsay and Shareholder Purchasing Information, inviting anyone in their lives to become a shareholder in LBH. - The General Letter from Lindsay and Shareholder Purchasing Information are both thorough in explaining the Shareholder Idea, so the personal letter can be just that - personal. If they have attended LBH before, have them write about how much it has meant to them. If they have not, encourage them to write about what they hope to experience. - If you would like help drafting such a letter, get in touch with Lindsay. Groups - Groups within a parish are encouraged to talk with their pastors about the best way to encourage the selling of shares within their parish. - Ideas may be to make a brief announcement at the end of Mass and sell shares in the gathering space after Mass, set up tables at big parish events like pancake breakfasts or fish frys, promote purchasing stock to parents through your faith formation program or meet with groups within the Parish like Knights of Columbus to see if they would like to become LBH supporters. - Contact Lindsay if you would like to talk over additional ideas or want help executing these possibilities. The most important thing for to keep in mind when selling stock in Love Begins Here is those who support our mission are intimately involved in doing the good work at hand. They may not be the ones physically visiting the sick or lonely, pulling weeds or painting a church, but they are with us in spirit, making our work possible from afar. Become an LBH Shareholder Today! And so let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love, and once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do something. So you pray for our Sisters and for me and for our Brothers, and for our Co-Workers that are around the world. That we may remain faithful to the gift of God, to love Him and serve Him in the poor together with you. What we have done we should not have been able to do if you did not share with your prayers, with your gifts, this continual giving. But I don't want you to give me from your abundance, I want that you give me until it hurts. - Mother Teresa, Nobel Peace Prize Speech Dear Love Begins Here Supporters, Thank you for your interest in participating in the mission of Love Begins Here. We are an apostolate of the Catholic Diocese of Madison's Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, working to provide the youth with an opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ in a life changing way through weeklong, local Mission Trips while living in Catholic community and continuing His work on earth. The Love Begins Here program is inspired by the work and life of Blessed Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity. When Mother Teresa accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, she spoke boldly of the need to first look to our own homes and neighborhoods to find the poor - materially and spiritually - we are supposed to serve, before traveling around the world to help those in poverty. Having begun this effort in 2009, in two short summers we have worked with almost 200 young people in the Madison Diocese and together have spent over 3,700 hours serving the poor in the Madison Diocese. With immense gratitude, we would like to thank those who have supported Love Begins Here with prayer and encouragement over the past two years. Please continue doing so, as we firmly believe that only by God’s grace are we able to bring this work to fulfillment. As Mother Teresa also shared in that famous acceptance speech, the good work of serving the poor would not be possible without your continual giving, and sometimes we are asked to not just give of our abundance. With that, we invite you to consider buying stock in LBH2011 and the future of Love Begins Here. Much like buying stock in a company, we hope your giving would be born out of support for our mission and a desire to become a partner in it. In becoming a stockholder, the Love Begins Here staff will commit to keeping you up to date and sharing the fruits of the Mission Field with you. With deep gratitude, Lindsay Becher Love Begins Here Mission Director LBH Shareholder Plan - Stock Sale I would like to support the work of LBH and help the poor of the Madison by purchasing $10 Shares for a total of $ Name: Address: City: State: Zip: EMail Address: Phone Number: Would you like to receive LBH EMail Newsletters? . You are welcome to buy Love Begins Here stock in $10 increments, but please note the benefits of the following partnership levels! St. Therese - $10 Saint Therese of Lisieux was both an inspiration of Bl. Mother Teresa’s and is an LBH Patron. She often wrote of the need to do all things - big and small - for love. All of your contributions to LBH - big and small - are greatly appreciated and will do much to help the poor in the Diocese of Madison. At this level, you will receive a Stockholder’s Certificate, a postcard from the Mission Field and an invitation to the Stockholder Dinner in the late summer. St. Martin de Porres - $50 Saint Martin de Porres was often called Martin of Charity by the poor who he worked with. Known for his fundraising skills, he gave generously to anyone in need. By your contribution of $50 or more, you will greatly assist the youth in engaging in the works of mercy like St. Martin did. At this level, you will receive recognition on the Official LBH2011 TShirt and a rosary made by the Core Team, as well as the benefits of the St. Therese level. Bl. Mother Teresa - $250 Blessed Mother Teresa worked tirelessly to serve the poor in India with the Missionaries of Charity. Your contributions at this level will allow us to work tirelessly for the poor in the Madison Diocese, which often includes pulling weeds and doing yard work. A contribution at this level could provide us the opportunity to replenish and update our stock of yard tools. At this level, you will receive the benefits of the St. Therese and St. Martin levels, as well as an Official LBH2011 TShirt and a framed photograph from our summer. Holy Spirit - $1500 The Core Team of Love Begins Here often remarks that truly our work would not be possible without the Holy Spirit - from watching over our safety, keeping the weather in check and providing us with work to do. This coming summer, the need for Core Team members is rising from 4 to 6, and we are trusting in the generosity of a few who would like to sponsor a LBH2011 Core Team Member at the cost of $1,500. To recognize contributions at this level, the Core Team will come to your home or place of business and prepare a dinner for up to 6 people and share our experiences from the Mission Field with you personally. Holy Spirit sponsors will also receive the benefits of the previous three levels. Please return this form filled out with your donation to Love Begins Here - OEC 702 S. High Point Rd. Madison, WI 53719 All donations are tax deductible. You will receive documentation to this end from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Madison. Let’s take a further look at the ways in which your donations will be used. more hands at the service of the poor. With your donation, we will be able to keep the cost of a Love Begins Here Mission Trip affordable for families, especially as our economy continues to recover. The participant fee will remain at $100 for High School Trips and $80 for Middle School Trips. If a family cannot afford the full cost of a Mission Trip, Love Begins Here waives the cost they cannot pay. more tools to get the work done. As the past two years have gone by, we have accumulated a growing stock of home repair, painting, and yard work supplies. We have found these to be the necessary tools to accomplish the work set before us, but it has become increasingly more difficult to move them from site to site. To that end, we are excited to be purchasing a trailer to help us stay more organized during LBH weeks, help us move from home parish to home parish, and give us a dedicated space to store our things in the off season. more hearts open to sharing the faith. Over the past two summers, the Core Team, has been made up of 4 young adults from around the Madison Diocese. With the growth the program has experienced, we are planning on growing this team to 6 people, allowing us to provide a more well organized and personal Mission Trip experience. Your donations will help us provide them this team with a stipend for their service. more communities within our reach. No project is too far away for us to consider. During LBH2010, we heard of a great need at the St. Vincent de Paul store in Monroe, a town in a rural part of the Diocese, about an hour’s drive from Madison. We were able to provide them with over 300 hours of help, and with your financial support, we will be able to continue commuting to where the need arises in the Madison Diocese. Enclosed, you will find a DVD with the following files on it. All of the paperwork is in saved as a PDF. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to print them. (If you don’t what that means, let Lindsay know and she will help you.) All of this information. - In case you would like another copy of any of this info. Youth Participant Paperwork - Every youth needs this package of paperwork. - All of it will be returned to the group leader. Adult Participant Paperwork - All adults need this package of paperwork. - All of it will be returned to the group leader. LBH2011 - Useful Information - Every youth AND adult participant needs this. LBH Mission Movie - This file is a .mov file, which essentially means that you can play it through iTunes or quicktime, both are which free softwares, and you likely already have on your computer. - This movie shows where the idea came from for LBH - our inspiration and patron Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta! Summer 2011 LBH Promo Movie - This file is also a .mov file. - You have the option of both videos, as I assume you are going to try to share the good word about LBH more than once with your youth, and who doesn’t like seeing new cool videos. - This movie shows more of the life we live on LBH. Hopefully all of the smiling, joyful faces you see will bring the same to your youth. And, then they will want to join us. Shareholder Information - General Letter From Lindsay - Sample Letter From a Youth (This is also saved as a .doc for editing.) - Shareholder Purchasing Information
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