to read the MARCH Newsletter

March Newsletter - 2015
Immanuel Christian School
201 W. Graaf Avenue, Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Phone: (760) 446-6114
E-mail: [email protected]
Upcoming Events
ICS Families,
March 5
Thanks to all our families for helping
ing with this year’s Pancake
Breakfast. We raised $1770 to kick off the Race 4 Education.
The students have worked hard in writing the letters and now
all we need is your help with the labels to get them in the mail.
Let’s make this year’s Race the best ever!
Science Fair Judging
March 7
Pancake Breakfast
March 13
In Christ,
End of Third Quarter
Lisa Waddill
All School Spelling Bee
March’s Mission March
March 17
The offering total is $408 to send Garon and Susan Harris for their
mission to Togo, Africa. The 4th quarter Mission March is Aria
Witham’s Mission with the New American Singers.
Blood Drive
Race 4 Education Label Goals
WASC Team Visit
This year’s Race for Education is underway and each classroom
has set a goal for labelss and their reward if they reach their goal.
Penny Wars Results
Mrs. Jenson’s Class – 330 labels for a Pajama / Ice Cream Party
Mrs. Hersom’s Class – 240 labels for a Costume / Ice Cream Party
Mrs. Wolf’s Class – 300 labels for an Ice Cream Party
Mrs. Benson’s Class – 390 labels for an Ice Cream Party
Mrs. Colby’s Class – 390 labels for Costume/Pi
Costume/Pizza/Ice Cream Party
6 Grade Class – 300 labels for Pajama Breakfast Party
7th & 8th Grade Class – 420 labels for a Pizza Factory Lunch
9th & 10th Grade Class – 270 labels for a Trip to Taco Bell
11th & 12th Grade Class – 390 labels for a Trip to Taco Bell
All School Goal – 3000 labels for All School Fun Field Day
ICS students raised $470.44
through Penny Wars to give
to the American Red Cross
to aide in the relief efforts for
the fires in Bishop, CA. The
classes competed against
each other by bringing in
their change. All proceeds
go to help our northern
neighbors as they rebuild
their lives
es and homes.
March 22 – 25
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ICS Academic Activities
Science Fair
This year’s Junior High Science Fair took place on Thursday,
March 6th and March 7th. Community partners and ICS
parents who are professionals in the field science judged the
projects on Thursday. The overall winners for the Science Fair
are 1st Place – Emily Hunsaker, 2nd Place – Nitya Lorber, and 3rd
Place – Rachel Rosal.
All School Spelling Bee
This year Immanuel Christian School hosted an All School
Spelling Bee. St. Ann’s School, Adventist Christian School, and
Ridgecrest Charter School.
The following students won first place for their grade. Second
Grade – Carson Wever (ICS), Third Grade – Roxy Boggs (St.
Ann’s), Fourth Grade – Elijah Rosal (ICS), Fifth Grade – Tatiana
Wolsiffer (ICS).
Pancake Breakfast – Celebrity Pancake Flippers in Action
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