Enabling Digital Identity and Privacy in a Connected World 2015 Identity Conference SPONSORSHIP & TRADE EXHIBITION OPPORTUNITIES Monday 18 to Tuesday 19 May 2015 Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Wellington, New Zealand identityconference.victoria.ac.nz WELCOME On behalf of the organisers, Victoria University of Wellington, the Department of Internal Affairs and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, I am pleased to invite you to support, and participate in, the 2015 Identity Conference on Enabling Digital Identity and Privacy in a Connected World. »» Doc Searls: Technology author and blogger, fellow at the Center for Information Technology & Society (CITS), University of California, and an alumnus fellow of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University »» Professor Simone van der Hof: Chair in Law and Information Society at Leiden University, The Netherlands This international conference is to be held at the Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington, 18 – 19 May 2015. Further information can be found at the conference website: identityconference.victoria.ac.nz The conference discussion topics will include: In 2008 and 2012, we held the first two of New Zealand’s major Identity Conferences. These events began a conversation about managing digital identity and its wider implications for people in New Zealand and beyond. »» Have our concepts of identity and privacy changed in the era of ‘big data’? In 2015, we are meeting again to discuss what has changed in our increasingly connected world. Digital identity and privacy have become critical enablers of service transformation and data-driven innovation. How then can we maximise the benefits and minimise the risks around identity and privacy in our increasingly digitised and connected ways of living, working, socialising, shopping, and playing? The theme of the 2015 Identity Conference is Enabling Digital Identity and Privacy in a Connected World. While New Zealand is considered a world leader in the area of digital identity and privacy, we continue to learn from international experience and debate. We cannot act alone. Solutions for many of the problems in the digital identity field depend on international agreement, standardisation and co-operation. A range of highly respected international speakers, as well as local experts, will give us global insights into strategic, policy and implementation issues and inform us about good practice. We are very pleased to confirm the following international speakers: »» Dr Alessandro Acquisti: Professor of Information Technology and Public Policy at Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University »» How can we reap the benefits whilst minimising the risks of ‘datafication’ and data-driven innovation in the public, private and community sectors? »» How can we best protect fundamental values, such as privacy and safety, in an increasingly digitised and connected world? What are good practices of privacy- and security-by-design? »» How to achieve user-centric forms of managing identity within and across multiple digitally-enabled relationships, and what are the implications for service providers? »» How can service providers build and develop privacy-friendly, secure, trusted, transparent and inclusive digital relationships with their customers? »» How can we protect our identity information against current and future cyber security threats in a resilient way? The conference provides a rare opportunity where you can showcase your digital services and solutions to a wide range of delegates, including a large assembly of government sector representatives. It will be a particularly important event for those who wish to extend their national and international profile and reach through a range of sponsorship opportunities. We invite you to be an integral part of this high profile conference and look forward greatly to your support and participation. »» Malcolm Crompton: Former Australian Privacy Commissioner, Managing Director of Information Integrity Solutions Pty Ltd »» Professor Alex (Sandy) Pentland: Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Director of MIT Media Lab, and Toshiba Chair in Media Arts and Sciences 2 | Identity 2015 Professor Miriam Lips Conference Chair CONFERENCE DETAILS Venue and date The conference will be held on 18 – 19 May 2015 at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Cable Street, Wellington, New Zealand. Programme The conference programme will include: »» Internationally and nationally renowned keynotes speakers who will offer thought leadership on Digital identity and privacy as critical enablers in a connected world. »» The latest trends, perspectives, solutions and experiences in the wider field of Digital Identity and Privacy. »» Opportunities for networking with delegates and speakers The programme and venue have been arranged to ensure that your company will receive maximum exposure throughout the conference. Target audience Conference delegates will be professionals involved with digital services and solutions and comprise business managers from the public, private and community sectors, technical experts, policy makers, service providers, legal experts, opinion leaders and academics. Although participants will come from around the world, it is expected that the majority of delegates will come from New Zealand and wider Australasia. Your involvement We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to participate as a conference sponsor or trade exhibitor, or both. We are planning for an attendance of 320 and all estimates of likely activity costs are based on this range. We have structured sponsorship opportunities so that you will receive the maximum possible exposure and benefit from your sponsorship. Once you have decided on your involvement, please contact the conference organiser to arrange your requirements and make your bookings. Gold, silver and bronze sponsors have high profile acknowledgement. If you are interested in being a gold, silver or bronze sponsor, please contact Penny Stock at Paardekooper and Associates, our conference organiser at [email protected] or telephone +64 4 562 8259. We are happy to discuss other sponsorship options if those outlined do not fit your needs. It would be great to have you on board for the Identity Conference 2015. Thank you for your consideration. 3 | Identity 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPTIONS OF $20,000 + GST OF $10,000 + GST OF $5,000 + GST LIMITED TO 4 LIMITED TO 4 LIMITED TO 10 Acknowledgement in the opening and closing of the conference Acknowledgement in the opening and closing of the conference Sponsor logo in the conference handbook Sponsor logo on the conference website with link to company website Sponsor logo on the conference website with link to company website Sponsor logo in prime position in the conference handbook Sponsor logo in the conference handbook Sponsor logo on the conference holding slide shown between sessions A full page full colour advertisement in the conference handbook One trade exhibition stand 3m wide x 1.2m deep x 2.3m high including a 100 word exhibitor blurb 3 x complimentary full conference registrations One satchel insert in the conference satchel [up to 20 pages] 4 | Sponsor logo on the conference website A half page black and white advertisement in the conference handbook Sponsor logo on the conference holding slide shown between sessions One trade exhibition stand 2.4 m wide x 1.2m deep x 2.3m high including a 50 word exhibitor blurb Sponsorship of one morning or afternoon tea 1 x complimentary full conference registration A half page full colour advertisement in the conference handbook One satchel insert in the conference satchel [up to 1 page] One trade exhibition stand 3m wide x 1.2m deep x 2.3m high including a 75 word exhibitor blurb 2 x complimentary full conference registrations One satchel insert in the conference satchel [up to 10 pages] Identity Conference 2015 Identity 2015 INDIVIDUAL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES In addition to our gold, silver and bronze sponsorship options we can also offer individual conference items that can be branded with your organisation as outlined below. If these sponsorship opportunities fall outside your requirements or you have specific requirements, we will be happy to discuss these with you. All prices are GST exclusive. Conference satchel $8,000 The conference satchel will be printed with the sponsor’s logo in one colour, as well as the conference logo. Keynote speakers $7,500 Sponsorship is available for keynote speakers. Sponsors will be acknowledged in the conference programme and by the persons introducing the presenters. The Sponsor will be able to exhibit banners or other promotional material in the conference room for that session. To discuss further details about sponsoring a keynote speaker, please contact the conference organiser on +64 4 562 8259. Networking function $5,000 You will be acknowledged as the sponsor of this function in all conference publications. You will be recognised at the function, and in the conference opening and closing. You will have the opportunity to have brand visibility at the venue during this function. You will also receive the opportunity to invite up to four colleagues or staff to the networking function, so they can mingle with conference attendees. Real coffee cart $4,500 The ‘real coffee’ cart is consistently identified as a very popular hospitality offering in attendees’ feedback. The sponsor will be acknowledged in the conference handbook and be given an opportunity to write a 100-word promotion of the activity sponsored. The ‘real coffee’ cart sponsorship opportunity will be organised in conjunction with the sponsor by the conference organiser. Conference handbook $4,000 The sponsor’s logo will be printed on the front cover of the conference handbook given to all delegates at the conference. The sponsor will be acknowledged on the contents page and will also receive a full page advertising space on the back cover of the handbook. Ice cream $3,000 This item is consistently identified as a very popular hospitality offering in attendee feedback. The sponsor will be acknowledged in the conference handbook and be given an opportunity to write a 100-word promotion of the activity sponsored. The ice cream sponsorship opportunity will be organised in conjunction with the sponsor by the conference organiser. 5 | Identity 2015 Conference lanyards $3,500 The conference lanyard for delegate name badges will be branded with the sponsor’s logo in a one colour print. Delegate gifts $3,000 Sponsors have the opportunity to place a gift and advertising of a product or service in the conference satchel provided to all delegates. Identity 2015 reserves the right to approve the gift choice in advance. Plus product Lunch (2 available) $3,000 each The sponsor of each lunch will receive recognition in the conference session prior to the lunch as well as acknowledgment in the conference programme and in the handbook. The sponsor will have brand visibility during the sponsored lunch break. Break out room (4 available) The sponsor of each breakout room will have the opportunity to provide pull up banners and promotional material to be placed in the room for the two days. References to your company sponsoring the room will be included in conference materials. Pocket programme $3,000 each $2,500 The pocket programme provided with the name badge will be branded with the sponsor’s logo. Pull up banner $1,000 Space is available in the exhibition and catering area for you to display your pull up banner. Electronic advertising (5 available) $1,000 This opportunity allows you to supply an advert in slide format for use on a rolling slide show during the breaks in the catering and exhibition area. Official conference notepad The sponsoring organisation will be the official sponsor of the conference notepad or notebook by supplying branded notepads or notebooks for inclusion in the conference satchels. Official conference pen The sponsoring organisation will be the official sponsor of the conference pen by supplying branded pens for inclusion in conference satchels. Satchel Inserts The inclusion of one item of your promotional material in the conference satchel. As a guideline, satchel inserts should be no bigger than A4 size. 6 | Identity 2015 $500 plus product $500 plus product $500 each TRADE EXHIBITION Trade exhibition booths Costs A trade exhibition will be held in conjunction with the 2015 Identity Conference. In order to provide you with the optimum exposure to delegates, the exhibition will be located in the main hub of the conference venue in Oceania. Lunch, coffee and morning and afternoon tea breaks will be held in this area. The charge for booths will be: The trade exhibition booth size is 3m wide x 1.2m deep x 2.3m high. Exhibition booth sites You may book adjoining booths to create a larger exhibition area. Each booth will include: »» Velcro receptive display panels. The basic set-up includes side and back partitioned walls. The configuration of individual stands may vary. »» 1 x 10 amp power supply and a multi-box »» $1,500 + GST each and includes 1 free trade attendant »» Additional trade attendant at $150 + GST. The trade exhibition area floor map shows the sites of the booths. Trade exhibition booths will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Book your preferred site on the application form. NB: Your position once chosen, will not be changed; however, your booth number may change. We will confirm your booth number closer to the conference dates to allow you to print material with your booth details. »» 2 x 150 watt spot lights »» A trestle table, tablecloth and chair »» Installation and removal of basic set-up Any additional requirements will be the responsibility of exhibitors and at their own cost. 7 | Identity 2015 TRADE EXHIBITION FLOOR MAP 3m wide x 1.2m deep 2.4m wide x 1.2m deep CONFERENCE INFORMATION Cancellation Policy Conference Organiser All cancellations must be made in writing by email to the conference organiser. Cancellations received on or before 5pm, Tuesday 17 March 2015 will receive a refund less an administration fee of $200 + GST. To secure your sponsorship please contact the conference organiser: All cancellations made after 5pm, Tuesday 17 March 2015 will be liable for full costs of their commitment. In the event of the conference being cancelled, a full refund less a $200 + GST administration fee will be made. Paardekooper and Associates PO Box 41002, Eastbourne Lower Hutt 5047, New Zealand Phone: +64 4 562 8259 Email: [email protected] identityconference.victoria.ac.nz Act now to secure your first choice! 8 | Identity 2015
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