Workbook - Iowa District West

The Thirty-Ninth Convention
Iowa District West
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Camp Okoboji
Milford, IA
June 21-23, 2015
Archivist’s Report .................................................................................................................... 75-76
Board of Directors..........................................................................................................................34
Candidates for President and Vice Presidents ......................................................................... 78-85
Christian Education Committee ............................................................................................... 51-54
Christian Estate Planning Counselor’s Report ...............................................................................77
Circuit Visitor Nominations .........................................................................................................106
Circuit Visitors’ Reports .......................................................................................................... 35-43
Commission on Constitutions ........................................................................................................49
Convention Committees.................................................................................................................12
Convention Presenters and Assistants ...........................................................................................13
Delegate Information ................................................................................................................... 3-4
Devotion Schedule ...........................................................................................................................8
Executive Assistants’ Reports
Education (see Christian Education Committee) .................................................................. 51-54
Human Care and Missions .................................................................................................... 44-46
Stewardship ........................................................................................................................... 47-48
Youth..................................................................................................................................... 59-60
Human Care Committee ...............................................................................................................69
IOWAY Director’s Report ....................................................................................................... 61-64
Lutheran Church Extension Fund Vice President’s Report ...........................................................70
Lutheran Witness, The ...................................................................................................................50
Mission Development Counselor’s Report ....................................................................................71
Missions Committee ................................................................................................................ 65-67
Nominating Committee.......................................................................................................... 86-105
Officers .................................................................................................................................... 14-15
Official Acts ............................................................................................................................. 21-29
Parliamentary Procedures ............................................................................................................ 5-6
President’s Report .................................................................................................................... 30-32
Program ...................................................................................................................................... 9-11
Proposed Special Standing Rules.....................................................................................................7
Roster ....................................................................................................................................... 16-20
Stewardship Committee .................................................................................................................72
Student Financial Aid Committee ............................................................................................ 55-56
Treasurer’s Report/Endowment and Legacy Committee ......................................................... 73-74
Vice Presidents’ Reports ................................................................................................................33
World Missions Subcommittee ......................................................................................................68
Youth Services Committee ...................................................................................................... 57-58
(Please read carefully.)
THE THIRTY-NINTH CONVENTION of Iowa District West of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
takes place, God-willing, from Sunday to Tuesday, June 21-23, 2015, at Camp Okoboji. The Registration
Committee will be on duty Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. All attending the Convention must mail their
meals and lodging registration sheet (ivory) to CAMP OKOBOJI by June 1. The congregation’s treasurer
must mail their convention assessment to IOWA DISTRICT WEST by May 15. No delegate shall stand
accredited and receive a voting badge unless the congregation has paid the assessment fee in advance.
THE OPENING SERVICE with Holy Communion will be held Sunday evening at Immanuel Lutheran
Church of Spirit Lake, The Rev. Dave Simonson, pastor. (Immanuel is located about ½ mile south of the
intersection of Highways 9 and 71, on the east side of Highway 71.) Announcement for Holy Communion
is to be made on the space provided on your Registration Form. You must present this form when you
register. The Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison is scheduled to deliver the sermon at our Convention. The Rev.
Dr. Brian Friedrich will edify the Convention attendees as essayist.
THE CONVENTION WORKBOOK (on CD) is being supplied to all ordained and commissioned ministers
and lay delegates well in advance of the Convention. Be certain to read it through carefully before you
come to the Convention. The various reports provide helpful background for Convention decisions.
CONVENTION. If the alternate delegate attends in your stead, please turn your copy of the Convention
Workbook over to him/her.
THE CONVENTION COMMITTEES are listed immediately following the Convention Program. You
will do well to look these over. The pastor whose name is listed first is the chairman of the committee.
He will convene the committee and provide for the selection of a secretary. Committee reports are to be
prepared in five copies, the original for the District Secretary for his permanent files, the four copies for
the Committee, the Convention Chairman, the Press Committee, and the Assistant Secretary.
CONVENTION COMMITTEE MEETINGS: The Floor Committees will hold open meetings which
delegates can attend in order to receive clarification of an issue or provide input into an overture that may
be presented to the Convention. Times and locations for these meetings will be announced by the
Chairman of the Convention. These open hearings will be held in designated classrooms of Immanuel
Lutheran Church beginning 20 minutes after the close of the Opening Service on Sunday, June 21. (See
Program page in the Convention Workbook.)
CONVENTION MATERIALS: No materials are to be distributed on the floor of the Convention or at
the door without permission of the Chairman.
THE CREDENTIALS form for lay delegates must be signed by the pastor and two officers of the
congregation where membership is held. Unless all three signatures appear, the seating of a delegate
could be questioned. Please see that the above procedure is observed. Each parish is entitled to two
votes, one by the pastor and one by the lay delegate. You must present this form when you register. A
dual or triple parish arrangement constitutes a single parish.
EACH DELEGATE SHOULD bring needed toilet articles, towels, bed linens, and maybe an umbrella or
THE 2015 PROCEEDINGS: A CD of the 2015 PROCEEDINGS will be sent to every ordained and
commissioned minister, and congregation of the District. If more copies are desired at a nominal cost,
delegates can contact the District Office.
CONVENTION CHOIR: Once again there will be a Convention Choir. The first rehearsal will be
Monday at 8:00 a.m. in the Convention Hall.
MAIL AND TELEPHONE SERVICE: Address all mail in care of Camp Okoboji, 1531 Edgewood
Drive, Milford, Iowa 51351. Telephone 712-337-3325.
REGISTRATION FEE: Each congregation shall pay the registration fee and per communicant member
assessment whether or not its voting delegates attend. No delegate shall stand accredited unless the
registration fee and assessment have been paid.
When you receive your Convention Workbook, make it a point to read through the reports of all Boards
and Committees and thus familiarize yourself with the work which has been carried out within our
District, as well as that which is planned for the days ahead. Whenever you encounter something which
raises a question in your mind, mark it at once. Then arrange for a meeting with your pastor so that
together you can discuss the items which will be confronting the Convention. Some of the Floor
Committees may hold open meetings which delegates can attend in order to receive clarification of an
issue or input into an overture that may be presented to the Convention. Times and locations for these
meetings will be announced by the Chairman of the Convention following the Opening Service on
Sunday evening.
On the floor of the Convention itself the various floor committees in our District will make their reports.
We are going to take for granted that everyone has studied the printed reports submitted by the District
At any time during the Convention sessions, no matter what the issue under discussion, if something is
not clearly presented so that you fully understand the issue, raise your hand and request clarification.
Unless you clearly understand the issue you can hardly be expected to vote intelligently in the manner.
The Lord’s work requires the faithful exercise of our talents in the best interest of His Kingdom.
During the Convention you will also want to take notes on various presentations, as well as note specific
action taken by the Convention, so that you will be able to provide an accurate report to the congregation
you are representing. As you participate in the business of the Convention you will also realize that you
have another responsibility besides that of reporting, namely, the responsibility between this Convention
and the next of involving your congregation in the work of the Church. On the one hand this will mean
reminding them of distinct actions taken by the Convention in which they were represented. On the other
hand it will mean speaking about the very reasons for which the Church was established and encouraging
them to be faithful to their God-given mission. It may mean reminding them to put first things first. God
give you strength and courage for the task, and His blessing rest upon your witness.
If you have any questions, be sure to ask them at the Orientation Session after the service on Sunday
evening. Remember to bring your Bible and your Convention Workbook. May the Lord bring you safely
to the Convention.
The purpose is to carry out the aims of the assembly in an orderly and fair manner, to expedite business,
to insure justice and equality to all, particularly the minority, and to insure that the will of the majority
shall prevail.
The two basic rights of all members are to speak and to vote. These need to be exercised and used
faithfully, wisely, and well. However, all members also have certain basic privileges, as a part of
Parliamentary Procedure. These are important.
Any member has the right at any time, even interrupting a speaker, to:
Make a point of order – if the member feels that proper procedure has not been followed. The Chair
either accepts the point and makes the correction or rules that the point is not well taken. (If a
member abuses this privilege, the Chair need not recognize that person.)
Raise a question of privilege – if the member, for example, feels there is disorder, bad ventilation,
etc., or feels a personal attack has been made, etc. (This, too, dare not be abused.)
Make a request for information – if something is not understood about a resolution, or the facts
presented are not clear, etc.
Make a parliamentary inquiry – if the member does not understand the parliamentary situation, or
wants to know what kind of motion to use, or what to say to accomplish his objectives, etc.
Main Motions – A Main Motion is made to bring any particular subject before the assembly for its
consideration. The Main Motion is the foundation upon which all procedure is built. Only one Main
Motion may be pending at a time.
Subsidiary Motions – Subsidiary Motions are those which help or assist in disposing of the Main
Motion in the most appropriate way. There are seven: postpone indefinitely, amend, commit or
refer, postpone to a definite time, limit or extend debate, previous question, and table.
Privileged Motions – Privileged Motions have no connection with the Main Motion but are of such
great importance that they take precedence over all other questions. If made when nothing is
pending, they become Main Motions. They are: call for orders of the day, question or privilege,
recess, adjourn, fix time to adjourn to.
Incidental Motions – Incidental Motions are such as arise out of another question which is pending,
for example, close nominations, division of question, division of assembly, etc.
Following is information on a few of the most commonly used procedures and points in any assembly.
- These are the most commonly used of the subsidiary motions. Forms of amendments are: inserting or
adding, striking out, striking out and inserting or adding, substituting (a paragraph or whole resolution).
- Amendments must be germane to the motion, that is, they must relate to it, although they may not
change an affirmative motion to negative.
- Amendments to the 2nd degree only are permitted, that is, an amendment to an amendment. And only
one amendment of the 1st degree is permitted at a time, although any number may be offered in
- A subsidiary motion to substitute is actually an amendment, and is basically handled as such. (This
amendment is often called “substitute motion,” although this is not the best form and is often confusing.)
- A motion to substitute is different from other forms of amendments in that it can do away entirely with
the original resolution. It is also different because the original motion may be amended by secondary
amendments while the substitute is pending.
- Since it is an amendment, two votes are always required. In other words, if the substitute has passed, all
that has been decided is to substitute that paragraph or motion for the original one. The substitute has
then become the main motion, is open for discussion, and must be voted on.
Previous Question
- The name of this motion is a little confusing, but it is simply a motion to stop debate and vote
immediately on the pending question. It requires a 2/3 vote and is not debatable.
- Calling out “Question!” does not bind the Chair immediately to stop debate and call for the vote. Only
the formal motion of the Previous Question and its adoption can do this.
- This motion may apply just to an amendment or any other subsidiary motion. If unqualified, it applies
only to the immediately pending motion. If so stated, it may also apply to everything pending – back to
the main motion.
Table (Lay on the Table)
- The motion to table may not be qualified in any way, for example, “I move to table the motion until
tomorrow.” It is always indefinite. If qualified in any way, it is actually a motion to postpone to a certain
- The above distinction is important, because a motion to table is not debatable, but a motion to postpone
it to a certain time is debatable. The motion to table requires only a majority vote.
- This motion must be made by someone who voted on the winning side when the vote was taken on the
motion it is proposed to reconsider. (It may be seconded by anyone.)
- This motion is in order only on the day the original vote was taken or the next succeeding day. After
that the motion to rescind must be used.
Division of the Assembly
- Any member, by demanding a “division,” can require a voice vote or a vote by show of hands to be
retaken as a rising vote – but no individual member can compel it to be counted. If the Chair does not
think it necessary and a member does, the members may move to have the vote counted.
The Chair shall see that the agenda is followed as closely as possible.
Each member of the convention, when recognized by the Chair, shall state his or her name and
The 2-minute rule shall apply for all who speak from the floor, and for the committee during
If a substitute motion is offered, the convention shall first decide by majority vote without debate
whether or not to consider the substitute. If the decision is in the affirmative and the substitute
motion is subsequently adopted, the original motion fails; if the substitute motion does not receive
favorable action either to consider or to adopt, the original motion is again before the house. (This
is the so-called “Behnken rule” for dealing with substitute motions.)
Resolutions prepared by the floor committees which are not acted upon by the convention before
adjournment die.
The preface, preamble, and whereas sections shall be considered an integral part of the resolution or
overture, and as such subject to the same serious consideration and adoption in all its parts as the
main motion itself.
Unless covered by these standing rules of the convention, parliamentary procedure shall be
governed by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Resolutions that will require funding not included in the regular budget of the District must include
the source of the additional funding.
Electronic devices such as laptop computers may be used on the floor of the convention. However
they must be operated on battery power as no electricity will be provided. Use of the internet
during convention sessions is prohibited. Cell phones must be in “silent” or “vibrate only” mode.
Please use proper etiquette and show respect to your fellow delegates, speakers, and the business of
the convention.
“Joy in Salvation”
MONDAY: Opening
The Reverend Paul Sieveking
MONDAY: Closing
The Reverend Russell Senstad
TUESDAY: Opening
The Reverend Phill Andreasen
(Memorial Service)
+ The Rev. Werner Wetzstein, EM, Logan, November 6, 2013
+ The Rev. John Tews, EM, Fort Wayne, IN, January 31, 2014
+ The Rev. Paul Bussert, EM, Minneapolis, MN, February 23, 2014
+ The Rev. Helmut Schauland, EM, Sioux City, March 27, 2014
+ The Rev. Thomas Albrecht, EM, Fort Dodge, May 31, 2014
+ The Rev. Paul Mueller, EM, Sioux City, June 13, 2014
+ The Rev. James Wolfram, EM, Spirit Lake, September 4, 2014
+ The Rev. Patrick O’Neal, Immanuel, Spirit Lake, February 8, 2015
TUESDAY: Closing
The Reverend Paul Sieveking
CONVENTION CHAPLAIN: The Reverend Phill Andreasen
“Joy in Salvation”
2:30-5:45 PM Registration at Camp Okoboji
Light Supper at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Spirit Lake
Opening Divine Service with Holy Communion
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Spirit Lake
Sermon: Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison
Celebrant: Rev. David Simonson
Immediately after the Opening Service, President Sieveking will hold an orientation
session for all interested delegates in the nave of Immanuel Lutheran Church.
Convention Floor Committees will hold open hearings beginning 20 minutes after the
close of the Service. They will be held in designated classrooms of Immanuel Lutheran
Registration reopens at Camp Okoboji.
7:00 AM
Morning Prayer at the Point – Rev. Leroy Riemer
Convention Choir Rehearsal
Opening Devotion & President’s Address
Registration Report
Opening of the 39th Convention of Iowa District West
Test the Voting Machines
Adoption of Standing Rules – page 7, Convention Workbook
Report of the Commission on Constitutions – page 49, Convention Workbook
Official Reception of Amigos en Cristo Lutheran Church, Denison
Election of the District President
Election of District Vice-Presidents
Welcome from Camp Okoboji – Doug Kading, Camp Director
Report of the Synod’s President-Part One, Rev. Nabil S. Nour,
Fifth Vice-President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Presentation of the Nominations Committee
Table Prayer – Rev. Phill Andreasen, Convention Chaplain
1:30 PM
“Joy in Salvation” Essayist: Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich, President of Concordia
University Nebraska
Report of the Synod President-Part Two, Questions and Answers
Election of District Officers
Committee #3 – Life Together
Committee #3 – Life Together
Camp Okoboji Presentation
Committee #3 – Life Together
Christian Estate Planning Counselor – Jim Schroeder
LCEF Vice-President – Carole White
Evening Prayer – Rev. Russell Senstad
6:30 PM
Barbeque Banquet
Ice Cream Social
7:00 AM
Morning Prayer at the Point – Rev. Leroy Riemer
Convention Choir Rehearsal
Memorial Service – Rev. Phill Andreasen
“Joy in Salvation” Essay-Part Two
Committee #4 – Stewardship and Finances
Mission Development Counselor – Gary Thies
Table Prayer
1:30 PM
Committee #2 – Mercy
Lutheran Family Service
Operation Barnabas
Committee #1 – Witness
Election of Circuit Visitors
Committee #4 – Stewardship and Finances
Committee #3 – Life Together
Committee #2 – Mercy
Committee #1 – Witness
Committee #5 – Convention Minutes Review
Remaining Business
Final Report Committee #6 – Registration & Credentials
Installation of Officers
Closing Devotion – Rev. Paul Sieveking
9:00 PM
Official Close of Convention
Ordained: Andrew Carlson (chair), Todd Jenks, Allen Henderson, Scott Jensen
Commissioned: Marilyn Shults
Lay: Ralph vonQualen, Wendi Canada, *, *
Ordained: Jonathan Watt (chair), Dave Doellinger, David Kuhnle, Timothy Jones
Commissioned: *
Lay: Chuck Downing, Lorraine Lebeck, Guy Brace, *
Ordained: Lindsay Watkins (chair), Paul Kaldahl, Jonathan Riggert, Neil Hayen
Commissioned: *
Lay: Ann Bass, Lynn Subbert, Michael Peterson, *
Ordained: Richard Merrill (chair), Marcus Manley, Dennis Martens, Bruce Jackson
Commissioned: *
Lay: John Short, Kim Dreyer, Mark Schulz, Max Dirks
Ordained: Glenn Bohmer (chair), John Schonkaes, Keith Schweitzer
Commissioned: Cindy Storm
Lay: Dave Friedrich, Steve Baedke
Ordained: Ralph Shorey, Neil Wehmas, Nicholas Thackery
Commissioned: Jennifer Grundmeier
Lay: Jeff Frank, *
#7 NOMINATING (elected at the 2012 Convention)
Ordained: Robert Riggert (chair), Roger Carlisle, Mark Baldwin
Commissioned: Lori Gamble
Lay: Warren Puck, Carole White, John Tews
* awaiting appointment
SYNOD REPRESENTATIVE: The Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison & The Rev. Nabil Nour
ESSAYIST: The Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich
HOST CONGREGATION: Immanuel Lutheran Church, Spirit Lake
HOST PASTOR: The Rev. Dave Simonson
JUDGE OF ELECTIONS: The Rev. Robert Riggert
DISPLAYS AND EXHIBITS: Roger Curtis and Douglas Kading
PRESS AND RADIO: The Rev. David Daumer
CHAPLAIN: The Rev. Phill Andreasen
SECRETARIAL STAFF: Jill Davis and Sue Light
TECHNOLOGY: Jason Fuller
First Vice-President:
Second Vice-President:
The Rev. Paul Sieveking, 409 Kenyon Road, Suite B, Fort Dodge 50501
The Rev. Steve Turner, 3 Country Estates, Algona 50511
The Rev. Roger Carlisle, 405 Center Street, Box 189, Wall Lake 51466
The Rev. Peter Wegner, 612 45th Street, West Des Moines 50265
Mr. James Christensen, 1009 North 16th Street, Denison 51442
Voting Officers:
Chairman of the Board:
The District President, Secretary, and Treasurer
Mr. Lee Dreyer, 2242 140th Street, Fort Dodge 50501
Department Chairmen
Christian Education:
Human Care:
Student Financial Aid:
Ordained Minister
Commissioned Minister
Lay Members-at-Large:
Advisory Members:
Executive Assistants Education-Early Childhood:
Missions & Human Care:
Adair Circuit:
Algona Circuit:
Boone Circuit:
Carroll Circuit:
Cherokee Circuit:
Council Bluffs Circuit:
Denison Circuit:
Des Moines East Circuit:
Des Moines West Circuit:
Fort Dodge Circuit:
Humboldt Circuit:
LeMars Circuit:
Mapleton Circuit:
Northwest Circuit:
Sac City Circuit:
Sioux City Circuit:
Southwest Circuit:
Spencer Circuit:
Storm Lake Circuit:
The Rev. Max Phillips, 29399 140th Street, Woodward 50276
Mrs. Judy Rozek, 759 Elizabeth Avenue, Fort Dodge 50501
The Rev. Mark Hansen, 910 South Carroll Street, Rock Rapids 51246
The Rev. Dave Loeschen, 1026 Oakpark Blvd, Denison 51442
The Rev. Ben Dose, 200 West Tracy Street, Arcadia 51430
The Rev. Tim Geitz, 1531 3rd Avenue SE, Le Mars 51031
Mr. Doug Kading, 523 East 13th Street, Spencer 51301
Mr. Kevin Clausen, 46106 230th Avenue, Havelock 50546
Ms. Marilyn Schroeder, 1828 14th Street, Boone 50036
The Vice-Presidents and the Executive Assistants to the President
vacant - due to the passing of Mrs. Deb Fink
Mrs. DeAnn Haas McCue, 9112 Oakwood Drive, Urbandale 50322 (PT)
Mrs. Sally Kraayenbrink, 1561 National Avenue, Fort Dodge 50501 (PT)
The Rev. Mark Gerken, 409 Kenyon Road, Suite B, Fort Dodge 50501
The Rev. Phill Andreasen, 1710 28th Street, Spirit Lake 51360 (PT)
The Rev. Steve Hayden, 401 E 15th Place, Indianola 50125 (PT)
The Rev. Steve Wichtendahl, 709 N 12th Street, Guthrie Center 50115
The Rev. Neil Hayen, 810 Inman Street, Mallard 50562
The Rev. Lindsay Watkins, 527 South Marshall Street, Boone 50036
The Rev. Brian Licht, 719 W 17th Street, Carroll 51401
The Rev. Leroy Riemer, PO Box 40, Sutherland 51058
The Rev. Ray Smith, 723 North 9th Street, Missouri Valley 51555
The Rev. Merle Mahnken, PO Box 6, Schleswig 51461
The Rev. Mark Baldwin, 409 NE 31st Street, Ankeny 50021
The Rev. Dave Dahlke, 6562 Center Street, West Des Moines 50266
The Rev. Bill Van Nostrand, 2976 170th Street, Vincent 50594
The Rev. Chad Dietrich, 3012 270th Street, Rockwell City 50579
The Rev. Andrew Carlson, 607 Elm Street, Ireton 51027
The Rev. Richard Merrill, 253 First Street South, Charter Oak 51439
The Rev. Jesse Burns, 306 Emily Street, Sanborn 51248
The Rev. Chuck Bettin, 2553 310th Street, Lake View 51450
The Rev. Ralph Shorey, 14 W 37th Street Place, Sioux City 51104
The Rev. Jonathan Watt, 800 B North Sumner, Creston 50801
The Rev. Glenn Bohmer, 915 3rd Avenue North, Estherville 51334
The Rev. Paul Egger, 400 Monona Street, Galva 51020
Commission on Constitutions:
The Reverend Paul G. Sieveking, Chairman
The Reverend Albert Buelow, West Des Moines
The Lutheran Witness District Editor:
Mr. Jason Fuller
Student Financial Aid Committee:
The Reverend David Loeschen, Denison, Chairman
Miss Jane Gronau, Kiron
The Reverend Alan Miller, Glidden
Mrs. Andrea Johnson, Denison
Communication Services:
The Reverend David Daumer, Orange City
First Vice-President:
Second Vice-President:
Third Vice-President:
Fourth Vice-President:
Fifth Vice-President:
Sixth Vice-President:
Chief Administrative Officer:
Chief Financial Officer:
Chief Mission Officer (Interim):
The Reverend Dr. Matthew C. Harrison
The Reverend Dr. Herbert C. Mueller, Jr.
The Reverend Dr. John C. Wohlrabe, Jr.
The Reverend Daniel Preus
The Reverend Dr. Scott R. Murray
The Reverend Nabil S. Nour
The Reverend Dr. Robert T. Kuhn
The Reverend Dr. Raymond L. Hartwig
Ronald Schultz
Jerald C. Wulf
J. Bart Day
Adair, Immanuel/St. John
Adel, Faith
Algona, Trinity
Alta, St. John
Alta, St. Paul
Altoona, Christ the King
Ames, Memorial
Ames, St. Paul
Anita/Wiota, Holy Cross/First
Ankeny, St. Paul
Arcadia, Zion
Atlantic, Zion
Auburn, Zion
Audubon, St. John
Aurelia, St. Paul
Battle Creek, St. John
Battle Creek/Anthon, St. Paul/Trinity
Boone/Dayton, St. Paul/Trinity
Boone, Trinity
Bouton, Christ
Burt, St. John
Carlisle, Holy Cross
Carroll, St. Paul
Casey/Dexter, St. John/Zion
Charter Oak/Ricketts,
Immanuel & St. Paul/St. Luke
Charter Oak, St. John
Cherokee, Trinity
Clarinda/Shenandoah, Immanuel/Trinity
Clarinda, St. John
Clarinda/Bedford, St. Paul/St. Timothy
Climbing Hill, St. John
Clive, Living Faith
Corning, Redeemer
Correctionville, Grace
Council Bluffs, Faith
Council Bluffs, St. Paul
Council Bluffs, Timothy
Creston/Mt. Ayr, Trinity/First
Denison/Dow City, Our Savior/Bethlehem
Denison, Amigos en Cristo
Denison, Zion
Des Moines, Asian
Des Moines, Calvary (Deaf)
Des Moines, Hope
Des Moines, Mount Olive
Des Moines, Our Saviour
Des Moines, Peace
Timothy Fitzner
John Burger
Steve Turner
John Schmidt
John Schonkaes
Mark Heilman
Todd Jenks
Ted Weishaupt
Mark Baldwin
Benjamin Dose
Kenneth Davidson
Gordon Buchholz
Larry Lemke
Randall Cormeny
Michael Standfest
Lindsay Watkins
Max Phillips
Jason Peterson
Kevin Johnson
Brian Licht
Jeffrey Keuning
Timothy Newman
John Short
Kim Dreyer
Dave Friedrich
Timothy Frank
Richard Merrill
Jonathan Riggert
Justin Whitmore
Daryl Tompkins
Nathan Dudley
David Schoop
Luke Timm
Philip Ritter
John Riebhoff
Ronald Rosenkaimer
Nathan Sherrill
Michael Petri
Jonathan Watt
David Loeschen
Daniel Vogel
Kurt Kaiser
One Chanh Keoouthai
Tim Braun
Kendall Meyer
Nathan Ragazinskas
Peter Wegner
Michael Ashbrook
Keith Stoltze
Paul Fuhrman
Mike Aswegan
Carolyn McCall
Thomas Wilson
Bette Jane Weishaupt
Bob Peters
Allen Fann
Allen Zobel
Myron Pingel
Linda Cormeny
Justin Petersen
Larry Olofson
Gerald Luedtke
Jim George
Darrel Schmidt
Jim Skinner
Ralph von Qualen
Max Dirks
Glen Wichman
Loren Johnson
Guy Brace
Harold Grosskopf
Dan Hanusa
Al Wegman
Mike Lang
Chuck Downing
Curt Stender
Richard Lee
Jeff Rains
Chuck Helmuth
ROSTER (continued)
Des Moines, Sudanese
Des Moines, Trinity
Eagle Grove/Rowan, Mt. Calvary/Immanuel
Early, Faith
Emmetsburg/West Bend, St. Paul/Peace
Estherville, Immanuel
Farnhamville, Holy Trinity
Fenton, St. John
Fort Dodge, Good Shepherd
Fort Dodge, Prince of Peace
Fort Dodge, St. Paul
Galva, St. John
Garner, St. John
Garner, St. Paul
Glenwood, Trinity
Glidden/Coon Rapids, Peace/Trinity
Greenfield, Immanuel
Guthrie Center/Panora, Immanuel/St. Thomas
Hartley, St. Paul
Hawarden, Trinity
Hinton, Trinity
Honey Creek, St. John
Humboldt/Fort Dodge, Zion/Trinity
Ida Grove, St. Paul
Indianola, Mt. Calvary
Ireton, St. Paul
Jefferson, Trinity
Johnston, Messiah
Kingsley, First
Kiron/Deloit, St. John/Faith
Lake City, Pilgrim
Lake Park, Concordia
Lake View, Emmanuel
Lawton, Bethel
Le Mars, Grace
Lidderdale, Immanuel
Livermore/LuVerne, Immanuel/Zion
Logan, Immanuel
Lone Rock/Cylinder, Immanuel/St. Luke
Mallard/Ayrshire, Trinity/Zion
Manilla, Trinity
Manning, Zion
Mapleton, St. Matthew
Marcus, Peace
Marcus/Quimby, Trinity/Pilgrim
May City/Ocheyedan, St. John/St. Peter/Zion
Missouri Valley, First
St. Peter/Immanuel/First
Norwalk, Christ Our Savior
Oakland/Hastings, St. Paul/St. John
Odebolt, Trinity
Simon Yiech
William Weiss
Mark Peterson
Charles Bettin
Nicholas Thackery
Thomas Marth
Robert Zellmer
Lyle Hansen
Edward Durand
Alan Henderson
Paul Egger
Carl Hedberg
Scott Kozisek
Seth Kaiser
Alan Miller
Keith Schweitzer
Steven Wichtendahl
Todd Bunge
Steven Stoll
David Kuhnle
Jerry Raether
Richard Salcido
Steven Hayden
Andrew Carlson
Timothy Jones
James Stogdill
Duane Miesner
Gerald Gauthier II
Donald Peterson
Bruce Jackson
Timothy Geitz
Jerald Firby
David Bergquist
Neil Hayen
Ross Fritz
Jonathan Conner
Scott Jensen
L. Kevin Roop
Donald Meyer
Neil Wehmas
Ray Smith
Steve Klawonn
John Rutz
Bruce Bennett
Michael Loux
Linda Bettin
Mike Blankenfeld
Daryl Eickhoff
Lynn Subbert
Jennifer Jensen
Steve Baedke
Lynn Dreyer
Jon Jensen
Carrol Boehnke
David Rosendahl
Larry Chambers
Roger Klocksiem
John Tews
Mark Schulz
Roger Johnson
Lanny Casper
Paul O’Neill
Ron Stolle
Kenneth Streck
Terry Pauling
Bud Vreeman
Mark Erickson
Jerry Clausen
Glen Hayworth
Elroy Koch
Charles Rowe
Londa Haukap
Larry Hamer
Michael G. Peterson
Myron Bruhn
Douglas Meyer
Mark Segebart
Warren Puck
Doug Hagemann
John Deichmann
Steve Olson
Dennis Heilman
Don Hoffman
Rusty Corderman
Scott MacDonald
Rick Mohr
Darwyn Bettin
ROSTER (continued)
Ogden, Zion
Orange City/Ireton, Faith/St. John
Osceola/Leon, Immanuel/Our Savior
Paullina, St. John (Germantown)
Paullina, Zion
Perry, Trinity
Polk City, Beautiful Savior
Red Oak/Sidney/Villisca,
Our Savior/Our Savior/Mt. Calvary
Remsen, Christ
Rock Rapids/Larchwood, Peace/English
Rockwell City/Knierim, Immanuel/Trinity
Sac City, St. Paul’s
Sac City, St. Peter
Sanborn, St. John
Schaller, St. Paul
Schleswig, Immanuel
Sergeant Bluff, Shepherd of Peace
Sheldon, Our Savior
Sioux City, Bethany
Sioux City, Calvary
Sioux City, Concordia
Sioux City, Faith
Sioux City, Redeemer
Sioux City, St. Paul
Spencer, Christ the King
Spencer, First English
Spirit Lake, Immanuel
Storm Lake, Grace
Storm Lake, St. John
Storm Lake, Zion
Sutherland/Sioux Rapids, Bethel/Faith
Swea City, Our Savior
Terril, Immanuel
Urbandale, Gloria Dei
Ute, St. Paul
Van Meter, Trinity
Vincent/Woolstock, St, Peter/St. John
Wall Lake, Peace
Walnut/Harlan/Persia, Our Savior/Peace/Trinity
Webster City, St. Paul
West Des Moines, Shepherd of the Valley
Whittemore, St. Paul
Wade Brandt
David Daumer
J. R. Wheeler
Don Erickson
Daniel Wagner
Ken Bose
Mark Schwalenberg
Jerome Wagoner
Dennis Martens
Mark Hansen
Chadric Dietrich
Don Pobanz
Herm Kramer
Jesse Burns
David Lyons
Merle Mahnken
Tim Schiller
James Travis
Henry Witte
Ralph Shorey
Russell Senstad
Kenneth Hsu
David Zimmer
Paul Kaldahl
Dave Simonson
Bradley Ketcham
Bruce Lesemann
David Anthony
Leroy Riemer
David Schultz
David Doellinger
Joseph Meyer
Marcus Manley
Kenneth Schmidt
Bill Van Nostrand
Roger Carlisle
Merlene Ostebee
Mark Eichler
David Dahlke
Mark Resner
Steve Kruse
Howard Vlieger
David Johannes
Mike Moeller
Steven Heeren
Michael Larsen
Jim Miller
Keith Lambert
Neil Neitzke
Jeff Frank
Randy Lyman
Raymond Franz
Jerry Ernst
Doug Mammen
Virgil Caldwell
Robert Dunker
Gene Eby
Thomas Roti
Larry Stille
Rod Koth
Vernon Winterhof
Olie Leimer
Donald Farquhar
Mike Lockwood
Dennis Dallman
Wendi Canada
Dave Seieroe
Lee Bair
Robert Kinne
Teresa Bettin
Lorraine Lebeck
Steve Doering
Ann Bass
Andreasen, Phill (EM)
Bauer, Jeffery (Non-Candidate)
Beagley, David (Associate Pastor)
Belz, Kenneth (EM)
Benson, Steven (Luther Park Services-RSO)
Bodkins, Michael (Associate Pastor)
Boeschen, Donald (EM)
Bohmer, Glenn (EM)
Brammeier, James (EM)
Bruhn, Gerald (Lutheran Family Service-RSO)
Buelow, Albert (EM)
Clausen, George (Non-Candidate)
Cloeter, Carl (EM)
Eggers, Robert (EM)
Ericksen, David (EM)
Ewoldt, Virgil (EM)
Fernandez, James (Associate Pastor)
Flatau, Aaron (Associate Pastor)
Foreman, Curtis (EM)
Friedrich, Henry (EM)
George, Gus (EM)
Gerken, Mark (Executive Assistant)
Guerra, Lincon (Associate Pastor)
Hanson, Carl (Foreign Missionary)
Hodges, Leon (EM)
Jalas, Duane (EM)
Jobst, Terry (EM)
Johnson, Paul (EM)
Jordan, Richard (EM)
King, Stephen (Candidate)
Konkel, Dennis (EM)
Kottlowski, David (EM)
Krause, Matt (Assistant Pastor)
Krueger, Eugene (Assistant Pastor)
Kuhn, Henry (EM)
Lally, Richard (Associate Pastor)
Lamb, James (Lutherans For Life-RSO)
Letzring, Theodore (EM)
Lindau, Robert (Associate Pastor)
Lohman, John (EM)
Maaske, Dennis (EM)
Melz, Arno (EM)
Mentink, Lee (EM)
Milbrath, Gerald (EM)
Moeller, Eric (Associate Pastor)
Oetting, Tim (Non-Candidate)
Oliver, Stephen (Foreign Missionary)
Osslund, Richard (EM)
Peitsch, Nathan (Associate Pastor)
Petersen, Reynold (EM)
Phillips, Tim (Associate Pastor)
Pillack, Roland (EM)
Riggert, Robert (EM)
Robarge, Philip (Associate Pastor)
Schauer, John (EM)
Schenck, John (EM)
Schillo, Eric (EM)
Schmidt, Leland (EM)
Sewing, David (Associate Pastor)
Sharp, Michael (EM)
Sieveking, Paul (District President)
Ude, Steve (EM)
Vogler, Loren (EM)
Warneke, Matthew (EM)
Winterrowd, Donald (EM)
Wolfram, Michael (EM)
Zirpel, David (Associate Pastor)
EM=Emeritus Status
RSO=Recognized Service Organization
Adams, Chelsea
Barlow, Susan
Bockelman, Byron (EM)
Bohl, Noreen
Brammeier, Kathleen
Brown, Gail
Camp, Julie
Chellew, Deborah
Clement, Laveta
Dart, Cheryl (Candidate)
Deranleau, Sarah (Candidate)
Devereux, Susan (Non-Candidate)
Doremus, Penelope (Non-Candidate)
Dorn, Richard (EM)
Dreyer, Debra (EM)
Ehlers, Viola (EM)
Eiden, Matthew (Candidate)
Emery, Glen (Non-Candidate)
Emily, Cory
Erickson, Debra
Espinosa, Lisa (Candidate)
Foley, Anna (Non-Candidate)
Gamble, Lori
Geurink, Brenda
Gingerich, Kathleen (Non-Candidate)
Glassley, Kaitlyn (Non-Candidate)
Gosch, Gretchen
Grundmeier, Jennifer
Guerra, Noemi
Gunn, Sarah (Non-Candidate)
Haake, Dale (EM)
Haake, Jean (EM)
Hadley, Linda (Non-Candidate)
Hanusa, Lois (Non-Candidate)
Heeren, Susan (Non-Candidate)
Hodges, Doreen
Hoffman, Cherryll (EM)
Hoffman, Justin
Hurst, Jane
Janke, Rebekah
Jones, Marilyn (EM)
Kabrick, Bonnie
Kading, Douglas
Keuning, Lynette (Non-Candidate)
Kightlinger, Tim
Kipp, Michael
Koenen, Genelle
Koziel, Megan
Kraayenbrink, Sally (Non-Candidate)
Kratz, Robyn
Krueger, Juanita (Non-Candidate)
Kuphal, Eli
Langfield, Tammy
Leiding, Kristin
Mann, Julie
Marquardt, Romaine (EM)
McCue, DeAnn
Miller, Rachel (Candidate)
Moeller, Janet
Neumeyer, Rosalie (EM)
Niemeyer, Brad (Non-Candidate)
Ommen, Sharon (Non-Candidate)
Pipho, Donald (EM)
Pugh, Tia (Non-Candidate)
Rains, Heidi
Rausch, Kim
Rector, Abby (Non-Candidate)
Rudlaff, Richard (EM)
Sanford, Julianne
Schauer, Angela
Schlueter, Michelle (Non-Candidate)
Schmidt, Amy
Schroeder, Amy
Schulz, Janice (EM)
Schumann, Lois (EM)
Schutt, Kathleen
Schutt, Megan (Non-Candidate)
Seltz, Abigail (Non-Candidate)
Shults, Marilyn
Speltz, Tona
Sprengeler, Cathy
Stelling, Dwight (EM)
Storm, Cindy
Strong Davis, Alyce
Stuhr, Lonnie (EM)
Sump, Merrilee
Sunderman, Sarah
Tanney, Mark
Tanney, Megan
Termuende, Edwin (EM)
Venzke, Jeanette (EM)
Wagoner, Mary Lou (EM)
Watson, Elizabeth
Whitmore, Jennifer (Non-Candidate)
Wisneski, Jean (EM)
Yoakum, Marilyn (EM)
York, JoAnn (EM)
CANDIDATE MARCUS MANLEY, graduate of Fort Wayne, 2012, was ordained at St. Paul Lutheran
Church, Columbus, Indiana, June 10, 2012. He was installed as sole pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church,
Ute on June 17, 2012, by President Paul Sieveking.
CANDIDATE WADE BRANDT, graduate of St. Louis, 2012, was ordained and installed as sole pastor
of Zion Lutheran Church, Ogden on June 17, 2012, by the Rev. Mark Heilman.
CANDIDATE JUSTIN WHITMORE, graduate of St. Louis, 2012 was ordained at Trinity Lutheran
Church, Shenandoah, July 15, 2012. He was installed as sole pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church,
Shenandoah and Immanuel Lutheran Church, Clarinda on July 15, 2012, by President Paul Sieveking.
CANDIDATE TIMOTHY OETTING, graduate of St. Louis, 2012, was ordained at St. John Lutheran
Church, Sanborn, August 18, 2012. He was installed as sole pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church,
Sheldon on August 18, 2012, by President Paul Sieveking.
PASTOR SCOTT KOZISEK, of Seymour, Indiana, accepted a call to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Garner.
He was installed as sole pastor, June 30, 2013 by the Rev. Steven Turner.
CANDIDATE NEIL WEHMAS, graduate of St. Louis, 2013, was ordained at St. Paul Lutheran Church
Ankeny, June 30, 2013. He was installed as sole pastor of St. Peter Lutheran Church & Zion Lutheran
Church, Ocheydan and St. John Lutheran Church, May City on July 14, 2013 by the Rev. Jesse Burns.
CANDIDATE MATTHEW KRAUSE, graduate of St. Louis, 2013, was ordained and installed as family
life pastor of Faith Lutheran Church, Adel on July 7, 2013, by President Paul Sieveking.
PASTOR MARK EICHLER, of Emporia, Kansas, accepted a call to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Webster
City. He was installed as sole pastor, August 11, 2013 by President Paul Sieveking.
PASTOR JOHN SCHENCK, emeritus, transferred from the South Wisconsin District, August 15, 2013.
PASTOR JOHN RIEBHOFF, candidate, transferred from the Kansas District, January 17, 2014.
PASTOR LINCON GUERRA, of Lowell, North Carolina, accepted a call to Shepherd of the Valley
Lutheran Church, West Des Moines. He was installed as church planter, February 9, 2014 by President
Paul Sieveking.
PASTOR DAVID ZIMMER, of Guttenberg, Iowa, accepted a call to Christ the King Lutheran Church,
Spencer. He was installed as sole pastor, April 6, 2014 by President Paul Sieveking.
CANDIDATE RICHARD LALLY, graduate of St. Louis, 2014, was ordained and installed as associate
pastor of Hope Lutheran Church, Des Moines, June 22, 2014 by President Paul Sieveking.
CANDIDATE MARK RESNER, graduate of Fort Wayne, 2014, was ordained and installed as sole pastor
of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Whittemore, July 27, 2014 by President Paul Sieveking.
PASTOR ROBERT EGGERS, JR., emeritus, transferred from the Missouri District, August 1, 2014.
PASTOR ERIC MOELLER, of Selma, Alabama, accepted a call to Grace Lutheran Church, Storm Lake.
He was installed as associate pastor, August 17, 2014 by President Paul Sieveking.
PASTOR CARL CLOETER, emeritus, transferred from the Iowa East District, September 15, 2014.
PASTOR JOSEPH MEYER, of Peoria, Illinois, accepted a call to Gloria Dei Lutheran Church,
Urbandale. He was installed as senior pastor, October 26, 2014 by President Paul Sieveking.
PASTOR CHRISTOPHER NITZEL, of Bloomington, Illinois, accepted a call to St. Paul Lutheran
Church, Hartley. He was installed as sole pastor, April 19, 2015 by President Paul Sieveking.
PASTOR LAWRENCE BOYE, emeritus, transferred to the Kansas District, July 16, 2012.
PASTOR DALE GLAWATZ, emeritus, transferred to the Iowa East District, January 1, 2013.
PASTOR KLAUS RAAB, candidate, transferred to the Nebraska District, February 6, 2013.
PASTOR MICHAEL BOTSFORD, emeritus, transferred to the North Wisconsin District, May 3, 2013.
PASTOR MICHAEL HUEBNER, sole pastor of Christ The King Lutheran Church, Spencer, transferred
to the Indiana District, June 3, 2013.
PASTOR RUSSELL ANDERSON, emeritus, transferred to the Florida/Georgia District, July 1, 2013.
PASTOR THOMAS COLE, emeritus, transferred to the Nebraska District, July 13, 2013.
PASTOR RONALD BURCHAM, senior pastor of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Urbandale, transferred to
the Pacific Southwest District, October 5, 2013.
PASTOR TIMOTHY CHASE, sole pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Correctionville; St. Paul Lutheran
Church, Battle Creek; Trinity Lutheran Church, Anthon, transferred to the Minnesota South District,
January 27, 2014.
PASTOR PETER JURCHEN, associate pastor of Hope Lutheran Church, Des Moines, transferred to the
Nebraska District, January 27, 2014.
PASTOR CRAIG ZANDI, sole pastor of Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Lake City and Zion Lutheran Church,
Auburn, transferred to the North Wisconsin District, September 8, 2014.
PASTOR CHRISTOPHER MARONDE, sole pastor of Faith Lutheran Church, Deloit and St. John
Lutheran Church, Kiron, transferred to the Nebraska District, September 29, 2014.
PASTOR JOSEPH SEIFERT, associate pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Algona, transferred to the
Kansas District, October 20, 2014.
PASTOR MICHAEL HARMAN, sole pastor of St. Peter Lutheran Church, Newell; Immanuel Lutheran
Church, Pomeroy; First Lutheran Church, Fonda, transferred to the Minnesota South District, December
22, 2014.
PASTOR ADAM PECK, associate pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ida Grove, transferred to the
Michigan District, April 13, 2015.
PASTOR DAVID MORFITT, chaplain of Perry Lutheran Home, Perry, transferred to the South Dakota
District, April 20, 2015.
PASTOR TERRY JOBST, emeritus of Warrington, Pa., placed on restricted status, August 9, 2012.
PASTOR HENRY WITTE, missionary to Hispanics, Iowa District West, to sole pastor of Concordia
Lutheran Church, Sioux City. He was installed August 26, 2012 by the Rev. Ralph Shorey.
PASTOR DAVID BEAGLEY, assistant pastor of Memorial Lutheran Church, Ames, to associate pastor,
October 7, 2012.
PASTOR KLAUS RAAB, sole pastor of St. John Lutheran Church, Climbing Hill, to candidate status,
November 1, 2012.
PASTOR LARRY ROOP, sole pastor of St. Thomas, Panora, to sole pastor of Peace Lutheran Church,
Marcus. He was installed November 11, 2012 by President Paul Sieveking.
PASTOR BRADLEY KETCHAM, sole pastor of St. John Lutheran Church, Audubon, to sole pastor of
Grace Lutheran Church, Storm Lake. He was installed on December 2, 2012 by President Paul
PASTOR AARON FLATAU, assistant pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, Humboldt, to associate pastor,
January 20, 2013.
PASTOR ROBERT LINDAU JR., emeritus, to associate pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Council
Bluffs. He was installed on February 10, 2013 by President Paul Sieveking.
PASTOR NATHAN SHERRILL, sole pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Council Bluffs to senior
pastor, February 10, 2013.
PASTOR GEORGE CLAUSEN, candidate, to non-candidate, June 1, 2013.
PASTOR GORDON BUCHHOLZ, emeritus, to sole pastor of St. John Lutheran Church, Audubon. He
was installed on June 16, 2013 by President Paul Sieveking.
PASTOR JOHN BURGER, sole pastor of Faith Lutheran Church, Adel, to senior pastor, July 7, 2013.
PASTOR DAVID SCHOOP, emeritus, to sole pastor of St. John Lutheran Church, Climbing Hill. He
was installed on July 28, 2013 by the Rev. Ralph Shorey.
PASTOR DAVID SCHULTZ, sole pastor of St. John Lutheran Church, Fenton, to sole pastor of Our
Savior Lutheran Church, Swea City. He was installed on July 28, 2013 by the Rev. Neil Hayen.
PASTOR TERRY JOBST, emeritus of Warrington, Pa., restricted status extended, August 9, 2013.
PASTOR DAVID SIMONSON, sole pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Webster City to interim pastor
of St. John Lutheran Church, Fenton. He was installed on September 1, 2013 by President Paul
PASTOR MARK PETERSON, candidate, to sole pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Rowan and Mt.
Calvary Lutheran Church, Eagle Grove. He was installed on November 10, 2013 by President Paul
PASTOR ADAM PECK, assistant pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ida Grove, to associate pastor,
November 17, 2013.
PASTOR TIMOTHY OETTING, sole pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church, Sheldon, to candidate
status, June 1, 2014.
PASTOR JEFFREY BAUER, non-candidate, to extended non-candidate, July 13, 2014.
PASTOR BRADLEY KETCHAM, sole pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Storm Lake, to senior pastor,
August 17, 2014.
PASTOR PATRICK O’NEAL, associate pastor of Immanuel, Spirit Lake, to senior pastor. He was
installed on September 21, 2014 by the Rev. Steven Turner.
PASTOR JOHN RIEBHOFF, candidate, to sole pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Correctionville. He
was installed on November 16, 2014 by the Rev. Roger Carlisle.
PASTOR WILLIAM WEISS, sole pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Lidderdale, to sole pastor of
Trinity Lutheran Church, Des Moines. He was installed on November 16, 2014 by President Paul
PASTOR DAVID SIMONSON, interim pastor of St. John Lutheran Church, Fenton, to associate pastor
of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Spirit Lake. He was installed on November 23, 2014 by the Rev. Phill
PASTOR TIMOTHY OETTING, candidate to non-candidate, December 26, 2014.
PASTOR DANIEL VOGEL, missionary to Hispanics, Iowa District West, to sole pastor of Amigos en
Cristo Lutheran Church, Denison. He was installed on February 8, 2015 by the Rev. Merle Mahnken.
PASTOR STEVEN BENSON, chaplain, Iowa District West, to chaplain at Luther Park Services, Des
Moines. He was installed by the Rev. Peter Wegner on March 8, 2015.
PASTOR LAWRENCE BOYE, sole pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Clarinda and Trinity Lutheran
Church, Shenandoah, to emeritus, July 9, 2012.
PASTOR DALE GLAWATZ, sole pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Garner, to emeritus, January 1,
PASTOR MICHAEL SHARP, chaplain of St. Luke Lutheran Home & Services, Inc., Spencer, to
emeritus, January 1, 2013.
PASTOR MICHAEL BOTSFORD, sole pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Whittemore, to emeritus,
May 1, 2013.
PASTOR RUSSELL ANDERSON, sole pastor of St. Peter Lutheran Church and Zion Lutheran Church,
Ocheyedan, to emeritus, July 1, 2013.
PASTOR DAVID ERICKSEN, sole pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hartley, to emeritus, August 26,
PASTOR PAUL JOHNSON, sole pastor of St. John Lutheran Church, May City, to emeritus, September
1, 2013.
PASTOR DANIEL BEATTIE, suspended status, removed from the roster, December 5, 2013.
PASTOR PHILL ANDREASEN, senior pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Spirit Lake, to emeritus,
June 1, 2014.
PASTOR DENNIS KONKEL, missionary to the deaf, Iowa District West, to emeritus, June 20, 2014.
PASTOR MICHAEL WOLFRAM, sole pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Des Moines, to emeritus,
June 30, 2014.
PASTOR WERNER WETZSTEIN, emeritus, Logan, November 6, 2013.
PASTOR JOHN TEWS, emeritus, Fort Wayne, Indiana, January 31, 2014.
PASTOR PAUL BUSSERT, emeritus, Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 23, 2014.
PASTOR HELMUT SCHAULAND, emeritus, Sioux City, March 27, 2014.
PASTOR THOMAS ALBRECHT, emeritus, Fort Dodge, May 31, 2014.
PASTOR PAUL MUELLER, emeritus, Sioux City, June 13, 2014.
PASTOR JAMES WOLFRAM, emeritus, Spirit Lake, September 4, 2014.
PASTOR PATRICK O’NEAL, senior pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Spirit Lake, February 8,
Our Savior Lutheran Church, Red Oak, disbanded February 1, 2013.
St. John Lutheran Church, Fenton and Our Savior Lutheran Church, Swea City, dissolved multicongregation parish, July 27, 2013.
St. John Lutheran Church, Burt and Zion Lutheran Church, Lu Verne, dissolved multi-congregation
parish, October 1, 2013.
Zion Lutheran Church, Lu Verne and Immanuel Lutheran Church, Livermore, formed multi-congregation
parish, October 2, 2013.
First Lutheran Church, Mt. Ayr and Trinity Lutheran Church, Creston, merged, January 12, 2014.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Anthon; St. Paul Lutheran Church, Battle Creek; Grace Lutheran Church,
Correctionville, dissolved multi-congregation parish, March 2, 2014.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Anthon and St. Paul Lutheran Church, Battle Creek, formed multi-congregation
parish, March 19, 2014.
Our Savior Lutheran Church, Denison and Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Dow City, formed multicongregation parish, August 24, 2014.
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Guthrie Center and St. Thomas Lutheran Church, Panora, formed multicongregation parish, January 11, 2015.
Amigos en Cristo Evangelical Lutheran Church, new church start, February 17, 2015.
TIA PUGH, Non-Candidate, transferred from Northwest District, July 10, 2012.
JUSTIN HOFFMAN, formerly of Albuquerque, NM, to Zion Lutheran School, Denison. He was
installed August 12, 2012 by Rev. David Sewing.
TAMMY LANGFIELD, formerly of Watertown, WI, to Zion Lutheran School, Denison. She was
installed August 12, 2012 by Rev. David Sewing.
KIMBERLY RAUSCH, graduate of Concordia, St. Paul, MN, to Zion Lutheran School, Denison. She
was commissioned and installed August 12, 2012 by Rev. David Sewing.
MARK TANNEY, graduate of Concordia, Mequon, WI, to Zion Lutheran School, Denison. He was
commissioned and installed August 12, 2012 by Rev. David Sewing.
MEGAN TANNEY, graduate of Concordia, Mequon, WI, to Zion Lutheran School, Denison. She was
commissioned and installed August 12, 2012 by Rev. David Sewing.
JANE HURST, colloquy graduate of Concordia, St. Paul, MN, to Clarinda Lutheran School, Clarinda.
She was commissioned and installed January 20, 2013 by Rev. Nathan Dudley.
JENNIFER WHITMORE, Non-Candidate, transferred from Southern Illinois District, February 1, 2013.
TRISHA STEFFEN, Non-Candidate, transferred from Indiana District, March 13, 2013.
CHELSEA ADAMS, formerly of Oklahoma City, OK, to Mt. Olive Lutheran School, Des Moines. She
was installed August 18, 2013 by Rev. Kendall Meyer.
REBEKAH JANKE, graduate of Concordia, Mequon, WI, to Mt. Olive Lutheran School, Des Moines.
She was commissioned and installed August 18, 2013 by Rev. Kendall Meyer.
RACHEL MILLER, graduate of Concordia, St. Paul, MN, to Clarinda Lutheran School, Clarinda. She
was commissioned and installed September 22, 2013 by Rev. Nathan Dudley.
KAITLYN TIBBEN, graduate of Concordia, Seward, NE, to Clarinda Lutheran School, Clarinda. She
was commissioned and installed September 22, 2013 by Rev. Nathan Dudley.
ELIZABETH WATSON, formerly of Montague, MI, to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Carroll. She was
installed October 20, 2013 by Rev. Brian Licht.
SHARON OMMEN, Non-Candidate, transferred from Missouri District, April 23, 2014.
JESSICA LONG, graduate of Concordia, Mequon, WI, to Our Savior Lutheran Church, Denison. She
was commissioned and installed on August 31, 2014 by Rev. David Loeschen.
JULIE MANN, formerly of Minneapolis, MN, to St. Paul Lutheran School, Fort Dodge. She was
installed September 14, 2014 by Rev. Allen Henderson.
ELI KUPHAL, graduate of Concordia, St. Paul, MN, to St. Paul Lutheran School, Fort Dodge. He was
commissioned and installed September 14, 2014 by Rev. Allen Henderson.
SARAH SUNDERMAN, formerly of Nashville, TN, to Clarinda Lutheran School, Clarinda. She was
installed September 28, 2014 by Rev. Nathan Dudley.
MICHAEL KIPP, formerly of Chippewa Falls, WI, to Redeemer Lutheran Church, Sioux City. He was
installed November 30, 2014 by Rev. Russell Senstad.
NOEMI GUERRA, graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO, to Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran
Church, West Des Moines. She was commissioned and installed December 7, 2014 by President Paul
ROMAINE MARQUARDT, Emeritus, transferred from South Wisconsin District, January 12, 2015.
CHERYL DART, Candidate, transferred from Missouri District, February 15, 2015.
RICHARD DORN, Emeritus, transferred from Minnesota South District, March 1, 2015.
HEIDI RAINS, colloquy graduate of Concordia, St. Paul, MN, to Mt. Olive Lutheran School, Des
Moines. She was commissioned and installed April 26, 2015 by Rev. Kendall Meyer.
TONA SPELTZ, colloquy graduate of Concordia, St. Paul, MN, to Mt. Olive Lutheran School, Des
Moines. She was commissioned and installed April 26, 2015 by Rev. Kendall Meyer.
MARY LOU WAGONER, formerly of Clarinda Lutheran School, Clarinda, to Emeritus, August 1, 2012.
MARILYN SHULTS, Candidate, to Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, West Des Moines. She was
installed on January 23, 2013 by Rev. David Dahlke.
SHERRI FUCHS, Candidate, to Non-Candidate, April 17, 2013.
MATTHEW EIDEN, formerly of Trinity Lutheran Church, Cherokee, to Candidate, June 1, 2013.
KATHLEEN BRAMMEIER, formerly of Mt. Olive Lutheran School, Des Moines, to Emeritus, June 16,
ANNA FOLEY, formerly of Trinity Lutheran School, Boone, to Non-Candidate, July 1, 2013.
GENE SOMMERFELD, formerly of St. Paul Lutheran School, Fort Dodge, to Emeritus, July 1, 2013.
MICAH BUSS, formerly of Clarinda Lutheran School, Clarinda, to Non-Candidate, August 1, 2013.
JENNIFER ROBBERTS, formerly of Clarinda Lutheran School, Clarinda, to Candidate, August 1, 2013.
DALE KARNER, formerly of Trinity Lutheran School, Boone, to Candidate, August 31, 2013.
BRADLEY NIEMEYER, formerly of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Fort Dodge, to Non-Candidate,
November 4, 2013.
JUANITA KRUEGER, Candidate, to Non-Candidate, May 18, 2014.
KATILYN TIBBEN, formerly of Clarinda Lutheran School, Clarinda, to Non-Candidate, August 1, 2014.
RACHEL MILLER, formerly of Clarinda Lutheran School, Clarinda, to Candidate, August 1, 2014.
KATHLEEN BRAMMEIER, EM, to Mt. Olive Lutheran School, Des Moines. She was installed August
17, 2014 by Rev. Kendall Meyer.
SUSAN HEEREN, Non-Candidate, to Non-Candidate extended, May 31, 2015
BRENT SCHULTZ, Candidate, transferred to North Wisconsin District, August 18, 2012.
MARK SPERRY, Candidate, transferred to Iowa District East, January 1, 2013.
SHERRI FUCHS, Non-Candidate, transferred to South Wisconsin District, April 18, 2013.
KAILA WEISS, formerly of Clarinda Lutheran School, Clarinda, transferred to Pacific Southwest
District, August 23, 2013.
JONATHAN DANEK, Candidate, transferred to Nebraska District, September 19, 2013.
BONNIE KARNER, Candidate, transferred to Pacific Southwest District, November 1, 2013.
DALE KARNER, Candidate, transferred to Pacific Southwest District, November 26, 2013.
KELLY HELM, Non-Candidate, transferred to North Dakota District, December 19, 2013.
DEBORAH JURCHEN, Non-Candidate, transferred to Nebraska District, January 27, 2014.
GENE SOMMERFELD, Emeritus, transferred to Minnesota North District, July 2, 2014.
MICAH BUSS, Non-Candidate, transferred to Indiana District, July 18, 2014.
MICHELLE MCMULLEN, formerly of Our Savior Lutheran Church, Denison, to Texas District, August
15, 2014.
EMILY WOELFEL, formerly of St. Paul Lutheran School, Fort Dodge, transferred to South Wisconsin
District, August 10, 2014.
AMANDA L’HEUREUX, July 1, 2012
LYNN GREUNKE, August 2, 2012
ANDREA JOHNSON, August 6, 2012
JENNIFER ROBBERTS, December 14, 2013
TRISHA STEFFEN, April 8, 2014
TRACIE DEDOR, August 1, 2014
Emmetsburg, St. Paul Lutheran Preschool, July 11, 2011.
Council Bluffs, Timothy Lutheran Preschool, May 29, 2014.
Joy in Salvation
“After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from
every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were
wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice:
“Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb” (Revelation 7:9-10).
Our Lord invites us to see a vision of a multitude gathered around His throne and to join in the
joyous celebration of the church triumphant. Is this heaven? It’s Iowa! Is it in the future? It’s now! For
the Lord continues to send a multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language to live among us.
He sends us into a rapidly changing world. We will continue to see changes in technology.
Families will be redefined. Our population will continue to decline, age, and become ethnically more
diverse. Many in the world will consider Christianity irrelevant. Our values will be challenged. Our
churches will be mistrusted. Our faith will be threatened. This world will seem foreign to us. Saint Peter
addresses us as “God’s elect, strangers in this world” (1 Peter 1:1). He reminds us who we are by the
grace of God, “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own
possession, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His
marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). As we live in this world and carry out our vocation, Peter also
encourages us, “Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for the reason for
the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15).
So, with all The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod we declare that every baptized Christian is a
missionary, every congregation, school, and ministry is a mission outpost…not only a fortress where we
flee from the world to be refreshed in the Word and Sacraments, but an outpost to help us connect to the
world around us.
God calls us to change. We must not change our doctrine, based on Scripture and the Lutheran
Confessions, but to faithfully proclaim it to those who do not yet know and believe. We need to change
from an inward focus on what is needed to keep the doors of the church open to serve ourselves to an
outward focus on what is needed to serve our community. We need to change from a focus on our own
congregation to a focus on the Kingdom of God. We need to change from letting finances drive the
mission to the mission driving the finances.
The District’s role in this mission is, “to assist the congregations and their members in conserving
and promoting the unity of faith and in carrying out their mission…more effectively and efficiently
together with other congregations” (LCMS Handbook 1.3.3). Through Ablaze Mission Grants the
District has partnered with congregations to support new mission initiatives in their own communities.
IOWAY (Individual Outreach With Adults and Youth) provides training and opportunities for
youth and adults to participate in mission trips and servant events.
IDW continues to be a leading District in the support of our national and international mission
work together through The LCMS as we continue to raise our commitment to 50% of the funds received
from unrestricted congregation support. At the same time we encourage support of our LCMS
missionaries over and above our commitment to the Synod through Mission Central.
The District has aligned our education ministry around three areas.
Our Lutheran Schools continue to provide quality, accredited, Lutheran education. The District
assists them through workshops and conferences for principals and teachers, through grants, and support
from the Iowa Lutheran School Tuition Organization (ILSTO).
Our 45 Lutheran Preschools also provide quality Lutheran programs for families in our
congregations and communities as an alternative to the state sponsored preschool programs.
Our Family Life Ministry Committee seeks to provide Christian education resources to assist our
congregations and families with Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, confirmation instruction, and
adult education programs.
Endowment and legacy gifts have allowed us to provide increasing amounts of financial aid to
students preparing for church work careers, students attending Concordia University System schools, and
for our workers seeking continuing education. We have also addressed the issue of church workers’
indebtedness through the Ministry Excellence Fund.
Youth Services
The Youth Services Committee seeks to assist congregations and workers in the faith formation
of our young people for Christian life in this rapidly changing world. The District continues to host
annual youth gatherings, facilitate national youth gatherings, coordinate servant events and mission trips,
and work with Camp Okoboji in summer camp programs.
The Stewardship Committee leads the effort to transition our thinking from “stewardship” to
“discipleship” with a focus on a Christian’s management of all of life in Christ. The District provides
workshops and monthly resources to assist pastors and congregations to preach and teach “discipleship.”
The District continues a partnership with the Lutheran Church Foundation to provide a Christian
Estate Planning Counselor to assist congregations and laity wishing to fund ministries through
endowment and legacy gifts.
IDW also partners with The Lutheran Church Extension Fund to provide an LCEF Vice-President
to serve our congregations, workers, and laity with investment opportunities, loans, and an arch of church
extension services.
Human Care
The District seeks to assist our congregations to show the mercy of Christ and address human
needs in their own midst and in their communities. We maintain a strong partnership with Lutheran
Family Service that now shares space in the District office building.
Over 500 of our members have been trained to be Lutheran Early Responders, and four LERT
trailers are equipped to quickly respond in times of disaster anywhere they might strike.
Operation Barnabas chapters seek to serve our military personnel and their families during and
after deployment.
A new position, District Chaplain to Church Workers, and a reactivated Ministerial Health
Committee provide support for our workers to “Pay careful attention” to themselves (Acts 20:28).
We give thanks for all the ministry partners in IDW. Each fall a leadership retreat seeks to align
all of the resources of the District for the sake of the mission including: the District Board of Directors
and members of District Committees; Camp Okoboji; Lutheran Women’s Missionary League; Lutheran
Laymen’s League and Lutheran Hour Ministries; Lutheran Church Extension Fund; Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod Foundation; Lutheran Family Service; Mission Central; and Perry Lutheran Home.
Legacy Gift
We give thanks to God for a Legacy gift of over $1,900,000 given by Esther Soenksen to provide
funding for the ministries of the District over and above the regular contributions from the congregations.
The first ten percent was forwarded to The LCMS for work outside the District as part of our walk
together. With the remainder the Board of Directors adopted a ten year plan to fund: an annual world
mission project through Mission Central; a chaplain for professional church workers; an educational loan
repayment program for our workers; outreach ministry for our Lutheran Schools; and a part-time
executive for family life ministry.
Iowa District West is uniquely blessed by God with the resources, people, congregations and
schools, professional church workers, and with the Word and Sacraments to faithfully carry out our
mission…His mission. The Lord of the church invites us to join Him in His mission and to celebrate with
Him, like the shepherd who found his lost sheep, the woman who found her lost coin, and the father who
found his lost son in Luke 15. He says, to us, “Rejoice with me…”
His Joy is our Joy…the Joy in Salvation
Respectfully submitted,
President Paul G. Sieveking
Joy in Salvation
It is has been a joy to serve as the First Vice President of Iowa District West for the past three years.
Salvation in the Old Testament isn't discussed primarily in terms of “going to heaven”— but more so in
terms of “belonging to God” as His people. The word salvation carries the idea of God’s divine
protection for His people in the midst of dangerous circumstances. Does this sound familiar? We live in
a culture that seems to be more and more hostile to what we believe, teach and confess; how can we be
God is with us and we belong to Him! God has blessed Iowa District West with incredible blessings. We
have pastors who are well-trained and lead with servants hearts. We have congregations where people
gather to be nourished through Word and Sacraments. God has cultivated a loving and caring character in
our District. God has blessed us with a spirit of generosity. The Holy Spirit has caused a passion for
missions among us. God has raised up multigenerational faithful leaders to guide this District. For these
and countless other reasons, we give thanks to God!
The Joy in Salvation is now ours in Christ; the confidence that what God has done for us in the past
guarantees our participation in what God will do in the future. We can all be incredibly joyful regarding
the future because it is not about us, it is all about Christ.
Always in Christ,
Pastor Steve Turner, First Vice President
It has been said that life is an emotional roller coaster. Sometimes we’re happy and sometimes we’re sad.
Our joy in salvation through Jesus Christ, however, is a constant in life in which we can be confident. In
the words of St. Paul, “Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our
Lord!” (Romans 8:39 CEV). These past three years have given me the joy and privilege of serving as
Second Vice President of IDW. I have actively served on the Board of Youth Services and the Board of
Missions of the District. I also served in an advisory role on the Board of Directors of IDW. As Second
Vice President, I officiated the installation of Pastor Riebhoff at Grace Lutheran Church of
Correctionville. It is with great joy that I have been able to serve our Lord in this District.
Respectfully submitted,
The Rev. Roger Carlisle, Second Vice President
The first meeting of the Board of Directors following the 2012 District Convention was held on August
21, 2012, at the District Office, 409 Kenyon Road, Fort Dodge, Iowa. At this meeting, the minutes of
the recently held District Convention were approved as prescribed in the District Handbook. There was
one correction: page 20, lines 33 and 34 should read, “a video from Lutheran Hour Ministries” not
Lutheran World Relief. The minutes were accepted as corrected. Since then, the Board of Directors has
held meetings on the following dates and at the following places:
October 10, 2012, at the Board of Directors Retreat at Camp Okoboji;
February 14, 2013, at the District Office, 409 Kenyon Road, Fort Dodge;
May 9, 2013, at the District Office at 409 Kenyon Road, Fort Dodge;
August 15, 2013, at the District Office at 409 Kenyon Road, Fort Dodge;
October 9, 2013, at the Board of Directors Retreat at Camp Okoboji;
February 14, 2014, at the District Office at 409 Kenyon Road, Fort Dodge;
May 15, 2014, at the District Office at 409 Kenyon Road, Fort Dodge;
August 21, 2014, at the District Office at 409 Kenyon Road, Fort Dodge;
October 8, 2014, at the Board of Directors Retreat at Camp Okoboji;
February 17, 2015, at the District Office at 409 Kenyon Road, Fort Dodge;
May 14, 2015, at the District Office at 409 Kenyon Road, Fort Dodge (this meeting not having
taken place as of the date of this report).
The Board of Directors had a total of twelve regular meetings since the 2012 District Convention.
At each of its meetings, the Board of Directors received reports from the District President and from the
various committees of the Board, the District Executive Assistants, the District Treasurer, the Christian
Estate Planning Counselor, the Mission Development Counselor, the Lutheran Church Extension Fund Missouri Synod Vice President for the Iowa District West Program, and the IOWAY Director, and took
action on these reports as necessary.
Changes in the Board of Directors since the 2012 District Convention were as follows:
(l) at the May 15, 2014, meeting, the Rev. Phill Andreasen, was appointed to the newly-created
position of DISTRICT CHAPLAIN FOR CHURCH WORKERS. This brings the Executive Assistant
for Stewardship, the coordinator of the PALS (Post-Seminary Applied Learning and Support) program
and Church Worker Health under the guidance of one person;
(2) at the August 21, 2014, it was announced that the Rev. Kendall Meyer had resigned as
Chairman of the District’s Education Committee and that Mrs. Deb Fink was appointed to serve as the
Executive Assistant for Early Childhood Education;
(3) at the October 8, 2014, meeting, President Sieveking reported that since there were only a few
more months until elections at the District Convention, he would serve as Chairman pro tempore of the
Christian Education Committee.
Respectfully submitted,
The Rev. Peter C. Wegner, District Secretary
C I R C U I T V I S I T O R S ’ R E PO R T S
ADAIR CIRCUIT: Pastor Steven Wichtendahl, Visitor
Since the 2012 District Convention, our circuit rejoices in the Joy of Salvation as Word and Sacrament
ministry and faithful proclamation of the Holy Scriptures and our Lutheran Confessions, continues in
Immanuel & St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Adair, Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Anita
and First Lutheran Church, southeast of Wiota, Zion Lutheran in Atlantic, St. John’s Lutheran in Casey,
Zion Lutheran in Dexter, Immanuel Lutheran in Greenfield, Faith Lutheran in Winterset, Immanuel
Lutheran in Guthrie Center and St. Thomas Lutheran in Panora as well as ministry to the homebound and
hospitalized. Together we have witnessed the miracle of God’s grace as Jesus comes to us in His Sacred
Word, the waters of Holy Baptism, and the bread and wine of His Holy Supper. We continue to patiently
instruct our youth, equip the Saints for service in His Kingdom, and when the time comes, gently walk
our brothers and sisters safely home to dwell in the eternal house of our Lord forever.
ALGONA CIRCUIT: Pastor Neil Hayen, Visitor
The churches of the Algona Circuit are as follows: Trinity-Algona, Zion-Ayrshire, St. John-Burt, St. PaulEmmetsburg, St. Luke-Fairville, St. John-Fenton, St. John-Garner, St. Paul-Garner, Immanuel-Lone
Rock, Trinity-Mallard, Our Savior-Swea City, Peace-West Bend, St. Paul-Whittemore. The pastors of the
Algona Circuit continue to meet monthly for Bible study. We also use the monthly topical studies
produced by the Council of Presidents. There have been several pastoral changes in the Circuit during the
last trienium. The Rev Dale Glawatz (Garner) retired December 2012. The Rev Michael Botsford
(Whittemore) retired May 2013. The Rev David Schultz resigned his call to St John, Fenton and was
called to serve Our Savior, Swea City. The Rev David Simonson was called to serve as intentional interim
Pastor at St John, Fenton from September 2013-September 2014. The Rev Joseph Seifert (Algona)
accepted a call to serve St. Paul, Cheyney, Kansas, October 2014. The Rev Scott Kozisek accepted the
call to serve St. Paul, Garner and was installed June 2013. The Rev. Mark Resner was ordained and
installed to serve St. Paul, Whittemore July 2014 and in addition is currently serving as vacancy pastor at
St. John, Fenton. St. John, Fenton is continuing their efforts to determine future ministry. 2013 Synodical
Convention Delegates were the Rev. Jason Peterson (Burt) and Mr. Leo Stephas (Ayrshire). The Rev Neil
Hayen was re-elected as Circuit Visitor.
BOONE CIRCUIT: Pastor Lindsay Watkins, Visitor
The Savior, the Good Shepherd of the Church, has blessed bountifully our Boone Circuit of Iowa District
Memorial Lutheran Church, Ames (Pastor Mark Heilman and Pastor Dave Beagley) celebrates its 75th
anniversary in 2015 with three events throughout the year, focusing on the ministry to students and
mission work throughout the world. The mission to international students continues to be blessed with
great potential and outreach through volunteers from throughout the District, International Student
Ministry Director Hannah Moore, and DCO intern Alanna Davis.
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ames (Pastor Todd Jenks) completed a 10 year strategic mission plan with 3
goals: to expand an outreach ministry to families, youth, and children; to disciple all members to live out
their faith in their daily lives; to efficiently access our facilities in their uses. The preschool has expanded
and is looking at possibly adding additional classes. The preschool has provided a wonderful outreach to
families. A new audio-visual system was added to the sanctuary and the fellowship hall. The endowment
fund and the awareness of it by the members has been reinvigorated.
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Boone (Pastor Michael Standfest) is currently raising funds for various
renovation projects around the church in anticipation of the church’s 150th anniversary celebration in
2018. Trinity Lutheran Church, Dayton (Pastor Michael Standfest) continues sharing the Word of Christ
in the Dayton community for 153 years, the oldest church in Iowa District West.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Boone (Pastor Lindsay Watkins) has been blessed in our mission and ministry.
We thank the Lord Who has blessed us with growth among young families as we emphasize outreach
through our church and school. The church is in the process of planning and fundraising for the purpose
of redecorating and renewing the chancel and nave and doing major restoration work on the organ in
preparation for the 2016 year of celebration, thanksgiving, and praise to the Lord. Trinity Lutheran
School is going strong in its ministry to students and families, being blessed with gifted teachers who
serve their Lord daily in loving and teaching the children.
Christ Lutheran Church, Bouton (Pastor Max Phillips) enjoyed another year of God’s blessings and
continued to work on “what’s next?” A team of CLC people attended the “Churches Planting Churches”
conference and the WIKI conference. Out of these workshops a new early childhood ministry is being
studied for possible launch.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Jefferson (Pastor Timothy Jones) had the privilege of celebrating 75 years of the
Lord’s blessings. We are looking forward to the coming quarter of a century to receive more of the Lord’s
Zion Lutheran Church, Ogden (Pastor Wade Brandt) is presenting Christ and His Word to the people of
our community through outreach with our preschool. We have continued to preach the Word among our
youth, both with experimenting with different Sunday School ideas and in sending youth to the National
Youth gathering.
Perry Lutheran Home (Pastor Dave Morfitt, Chaplain) is involved in actively making Christ’s presence
here a reality, of putting flesh and voice to Jesus’ declaration that in Him the kingdom of God is at hand.
Whether through group worship events, Bible studies, group devotions and prayers, or individual visits,
the essence of our effort, in the midst of the many obvious difficulties endured, is to find encouragement
and hope in the fact that “God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for
CEO Pastor Max Phillips adds that Perry Lutheran Home enjoyed a tremendous year of blessings as our
segmented dementia care and our new state-of-the-art Alzheimer’s care units were recognized with a state
award for “Most Innovative Care.” PLH continues to travel to LCMS churches and organizations to help
them in their outreach to families suffering from dementia in their communities, through a program
entitled “Remembering Hope.”
Trinity Lutheran Church, Perry (Pastor Ken Bose) is getting more involved in the community in their
mission and ministry. The people of Perry, by the Lord’s blessing, are starting to see Trinity as more of a
part of the community as Trinity proceeds with its mission and ministry.
Pastor Steven Ude (retired but very active) is a favorite guest preacher within the congregations of our
circuit as well as the congregations of the surrounding circuits. He along with Pastor Timothy Jones have
led our Boone Circuit effort in providing and equipping a LERT trailer as well as recruiting and training
volunteers for this emergency ministry. Pastor Ude is very involved in our circuit providing excellent
leadership and support.
We are thankful that Pastor Roger Twito, Pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church in Ames and Assistant
Presiding Pastor of the American Association of Lutheran Churches, has become a member of our Boone
Circuit Pastoral Conference. We have become close to our brother in Christ and greatly appreciate his
pastoral and theological expertise.
The same Lord Who went to Calvary’s cross to give us life, salvation, and forgiveness has richly blessed
our Boone Circuit.
CARROLL CIRCUIT: Pastor Brian Licht, Visitor
The Carroll Circuit gathers monthly for Circuit Conferences (August-May) on the 3rd Tuesday of the
month. We have also joined together for Epiphany, Ascension, and Reformation services, although this
tradition ended in 2014 due to low attendance. Offerings from those services were used to support a
variety of mission projects at home and abroad. At this time we have one vacancy in our circuit—
Immanuel, Lidderdale. This vacancy is currently being served by Rev. Benjamin Dose of Zion, Arcadia.
Rev. William Weiss had been serving Immanuel until he accepted a call to Trinity, Des Moines in
November of 2014. Rev. Bradley Ketcham, who had been serving St. John, Audubon, accepted a call to
Grace, Storm Lake in December of 2012. We welcomed Rev. Gordon Buchholz to the circuit when he
began serving the vacancy at St. John from his retirement location of Harlan, IA. Rev. Buchholz
subsequently accepted the call to serve that congregation as its sole pastor and was installed June 3, 2013.
The Rev. Robert Riggert has been serving as Assistant to the Pastor at Zion, Manning. We also welcomed
Deaconess Elizabeth Watson to the circuit when she was called to the position of Director of Family Life
and Youth at St. Paul, Carroll. Deaconess Watson was installed to her position on October 20, 2013.
Pastors and the congregations of the Carroll Circuit are as follows: Rev. Benjamin Dose at Zion, Arcadia;
Rev. Gordon Buchholz at St. John, Audubon; Rev. Brian Licht at St. Paul, Carroll; Rev. Alan Miller at
Peace, Glidden, and Trinity, Coon Rapids; Rev. Jonathan Connor at Zion, Manning; and Vacant—
Immanuel, Lidderdale.
CHEROKEE CIRCUIT: Pastor Leroy Riemer, Visitor
The pastors of the Cherokee Circuit (Aurelia, Cherokee, Quimby, Trinity/Marcus, Peace/Marcus,
Germantown, Paullina, and Sutherland) continued to meet the first Tuesday of every month September
through May during these past three years. The September and January Winkels were held together with
the Storm Lake Circuit pastors. Pastor L. Kevin Roop was installed as pastor of Peace Lutheran Church,
Marcus, on Sunday, November 2, 2012, with President Paul Sieveking serving as preacher and installer.
The Director of Christian Education position was discontinued at Trinity Lutheran in Cherokee, and the
vicar assistance at Pilgrim and Trinity Lutheran Churches, Quimby/Marcus, was also discontinued. We
thank God for His grace that He shared through these ministries and for the many blessings all the
congregations in our Circuit received through these ministries. The Zion-St. John Lutheran Day School
in Paullina continues to be a blessing to northwest Iowa. The area Lutheran pastors continue to be invited
to lead the Wednesday morning devotions, which is a blessing to the pastors as well as to the students. A
Lutheran Christian Preschool was begun by Trinity Lutheran Church in Cherokee in 2014 and faithfully
seeks to share the Gospel. I have tried to be available whenever the District President has called on me.
We thank the Lord for all of the unique gifts He has given to His Church through the individuals He has
provided to our congregations, Circuit, District, and the Synod. We know and share our “Joy In
COUNCIL BLUFFS CIRCUIT: Pastor Ray Smith, Visitor
The congregations of the Council Bluffs Circuit continue to seek God pleasing ways to raise the level of
their presence in the communities they serve and share the “Joy of Salvation” in Jesus Christ with all
nations. As a group in the 2012-15 triennium they continue to offer an annual circuit-wide Ascension
Day communion service at St. Paul, Council Bluffs. In 2013 they offered their first circuit-ide
Reformation Day service at First, Missouri Valley, followed by a Reformation Hymn Festival in 2014
held at St. Paul, Oakland. The Reformation Day service/festival will continue on a rotating basis in the
circuit. The circuit also sponsored a Continuing Education class in 2014 with plans to continue that effort
on an annual basis. The two Lutheran preschools in the Circuit, St. Paul Early Childhood Education
Center in Council Bluffs and One Way Preschool in Missouri Valley continue to set the standard for
Early Childhood education in their respective communities. Individually the congregations of the circuit
have continued to provide strong, Bible-based Word and Sacrament ministry in southwest Iowa. Trinity,
Glenwood, served by Pastor Seth Kaiser, has added a part-time position to help with youth ministry. The
congregations of Council Bluffs, Faith served by Pastor Ron Rosenkeimer, St. Paul served by Pastors
Nathan Sherrill and Robert Lindau (retired part-time associate) and Timothy served by Pastor Michael
Petri continue work in Council Bluffs with regard to Life issues, Operation Barnabas, Christian Education
instruction and very strong Vacation Bible School offerings. Timothy has hosted two vicars in this
triennium. Immanuel, Logan continues to seek new ways to strengthen their presence in the community
as they prepare for the full retirement in late 2016 or soon thereafter, of the currently semi-retired Pastor
Jerald Firby. Among Immanuel’s numerous and noteworthy local outreach projects this triennium was
their “Drive Your Tractor to Church” Sunday in 2014. Pastor David Kuhnle and the saints at St. John,
Honey Creek offer a litany of mission events and outreach with both local and world-wide emphasis.
Pastor John Rutz, serving the dual parish of St. Paul and St. John, Oakland and Hastings (Southwest
Circuit) continues to lead his congregations with great energy as is Pastor Merlene Ostebee serving the
Tri-parish of Peace, Trinity and Our Savior, Harlan, Persia and Walnut. First Lutheran in Missouri Valley
served by Pastor Ray Smith has hosted two vicars this triennium. Walking together in the Council Bluffs
Circuit, these congregations remain tireless in service, and bold to share the “Joy In Salvation” at every
DENISON CIRCUIT: Pastor Merle Mahnken, Visitor
We welcomed a new congregation into our District and Circuit in February 2015 with the formation of La
Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Amigos en Cristo: Friends in Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church. Pastor
Dan Vogel, who had served as one of our IDW Hispanic missionaries, accepted the call from this new
congregation to serve as their pastor and was installed on February 8, 2015. Pastor Vogel continues to
serve as a chaplain at the Tyson Beef Plant in Denison. Several of our Circuit congregations, as well as
other IDW congregations and individuals support Pastor Vogel and our brothers and sisters in Christ who
make up this new congregation which meets at Zion in Denison. In September 2014 we said farewell to
Pastor Christopher Maronde who accepted a call to serve in the Nebraska District. The pastors of the
Denison Circuit meet regularly with their brothers of the Mapleton Circuit, and together give an offering
at each of our Winkels. Currently, our support is directed toward Pastor James Sharp and his family
serving in Uruguay. The pastors of the Denison Circuit have joined with their Mapleton Circuit brothers
and their families for each of the past nine summers in the annual Pastors’ Bash (a time of barbeque,
cheer, and games). Our Circuit Forum met in January 2015 and hosted speaker Brian Young of the
Creation Instruction Association. Over 300 people attended the presentation and supper which were
funded by our Thrivent chapter. Zion Lutheran School in Denison continues in mission and service to our
Savior. Circuit congregations maintaining preschools include Immanuel, Schleswig; Our Savior, Denison;
and Zion, Denison. We thank God for His faithfulness to our pastors, congregations, and schools and pray
that He will continue to guide and equip us for further service to spread the Good News of our Savior.
DES MOINES EAST CIRCUIT: Pastor Mark Baldwin, Visitor
Since the last District Convention, the Des Moines East Circuit celebrated the ministry and retirement of
one of our brothers and welcomed one new pastor into our midst. Our congregations continue to work
individually and collectively reaching out with the saving Gospel of our Lord. One congregation – at this
writing – has requested a seminary candidate to serve as Associate Pastor/Church Planter. In addition,
many of our congregations are involved with Operation Barnabas as we minister to our service men and
women and their families. Our Circuit meets regularly with our co-workers from the Des Moines West
Circuit in order to encourage and support one another in the work our gracious God has given to each of
us and our congregations. May the Lord of the Church continue to bless us all as we seek to do His work,
always focusing on the Joy of our Salvation, Jesus Christ!
DES MOINES WEST CIRCUIT: Pastor David Dahlke, Visitor
The joy of salvation has run across the Des Moines West Circuit in the last triennium. Each of our eleven
congregations is at a different season of ministry but the same joy of salvation. We have welcomed four
new pastors and one deaconess to the circuit with a wide variety of gifts and joys. Our circuit is also
seeing a growing emphasis on family ministry by seeking to keep family units together in ministry rather
than fragmenting them. We are seeing a greater emphasis on discipleship and making disciples rather than
adding members to the church. Over the last ten tears the Synod has lost an average of 35,000 souls
resulting in church leadership shifting from adding members who love their privileges to making disciples
who are seeking to bear fruit and reproduce. Each week about the same number of people walk away
from their church in the United States. This ever increasing vacuum of people missing the joy of salvation
is the cry for urgency and it is great to see so many churches responding. One theme I see in our churches
is that leaders are developing their people to see everyday life as an opportunity to disciple rather than
church-led programs or teams. We are also presently working on one Hispanic church plant through a
joint circuit effort with Des Moines East. Seeing God work and bless this mission field is amazing to
witness. God has brought the mission field of Honduras, Porta Rico, Mexico, and Guatemala, and placed
them in our lap throughout Iowa District West. Now is the time to proclaim the joy of salvation to a
broken, lost, hurting and confused people.
FORT DODGE CIRCUIT: Pastor Bill VanNostrand, Visitor
Since the 2012 District Convention, Rev. Mark Eichler was installed as pastor to St. Paul Lutheran
Church, Webster City; and Rev. Mark Peterson was installed as pastor to Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church,
Eagle Grove and Immanuel Lutheran Church, Rowan.
HUMBOLDT CIRCUIT: Pastor Chadric Dietrich, Visitor
The congregations and pastors of the Humboldt Circuit find great JOY IN SALVATION. There has only
been one change over the past triennium in our LIFE TOGETHER as we continue to WITNESS Christ
and show MERCY to our neighbor: Pastor Michael Harman left our District in December of 2014 and
now First, Fonda and Immanuel, Pomeroy are served by Pastor Eric Moeller from the Storm Lake Circuit.
Pastors Jerry Raether and Aaron Flatau continue to serve the good people of Zion, Humboldt and Trinity,
Fort Dodge; Robert Zellmer serves the people of Holy Trinity, Farnhamville; Steve Struecker, SMP Vicar
from the Algona Circuit continues to serve at Immanuel, Livermore and Zion LuVerne; and I continue to
serve at Trinity, Knierim and Immanuel, Rockwell City. As Circuit Visitor, I give thanks that as our Lord
does not change, neither does the Humboldt Circuit.
LE MARS CIRCUIT: Pastor Andrew Carlson, Visitor
We haven’t had any changes in pastors leaving or coming into the circuit during this past triennium.
There have been changes in the weekly attendance of some of our congregations: Trinity, Hawarden 3%
increase; Trinity, Hinton no change; St. John, Ireton no change; St. Paul, Ireton 9% increase; First,
Kingsley 5% increase; Grace, Le Mars 3% decline; Faith, Orange City 7% decline; and Christ, Remsen
9% increase. Our circuit has lost 100 members.
Continuing their faithful service in the Le Mars Circuit congregations: Tim Geitz, Grace Lutheran
Church, Le Mars; Andrew Carlson, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ireton; Dennis Martens, Christ Lutheran
Church, Remsen; Duane Miesner, First Lutheran Church, Kingsley; Todd Bunge, Trinity Lutheran
Church, Hawarden; Steven Stoll, Trinity Lutheran Church, Hinton; David Daumer, Faith Lutheran
Church, Orange City and serving St. John Lutheran Church, Ireton.
Our Circuit meets regularly (September-May) for monthly Pastoral Conferences with the pastors and
professional church workers of the Sioux City Circuit. Circuit pastors also meet occasionally for a time of
prayer and mutual support and sharing.
We celebrate and proclaim the riches of God’s grace, and give thanks for all His blessings in Christ!
MAPLETON CIRCUIT: Pastor Richard Merrill, Visitor
The Mapleton Circuit meets monthly with the Denison Circuit for worship, study, and fellowship. The
two circuits usually have a fellowship picnic for pastors and their families in the summer. The past
several years they have co-sponsored an Ascension Day service at Mission Central. Rev. Dale Meyer was
the speaker in 2014 and will be again in 2015.
Some changes have taken place in the Circuit over the past three years. The Rev. Marcus Manley,
candidate from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, was installed as pastor of St. Paul, Ute, in
June of 2012. The Rev. Timothy Chase, pastor of the triple parish of Anthon, rural Battle Creek and
Correctionville, accepted a call to the Minnesota South District in January of 2014. Following his
departure Grace, Correctionville, asked for and received a release from the triple parish agreement. The
other two congregations (Trinity, Anthon and St. Paul, Battle Creek) formed a new dual parish and began
the process of calling a pastor. In February 2015 the dual parish put in a call for a candidate from one of
the seminaries. Meanwhile, the Rev. John Riebhoff of Kingsley, Iowa (retired, most recently served in
the Kansas District) accepted the call to Grace, Correctionville, and was installed in November of 2014.
Also, St. Paul, Ida Grove, welcomed Suzanne Salcido as parish nurse in early 2015.
Currently the circuit is made up of eleven congregations served by eight pastors. The circuit includes the
only triple parish in Iowa District West. One dual parish was vacant at the time the convention workbook
went to press.
NORTHWEST CIRCUIT: Pastor Jesse Burns, Visitor
The Northwest Circuit continues to meet jointly with the Spencer Circuit on a regular basis. For much of
the last triennium, we met each month, with the exception of the summer months. However, over the last
year we have opted to meet in the summer months while not meeting during those months where Advent
and Lent are involved. Each winkel, we dedicate time for the study of Holy Scripture and the Lutheran
Confessions. We also set time aside for casuistry and other business.
Over the last triennium, there have been a few changes to our circuit pastoral make up. The Rev. Russell
Anderson (St. Peter and Zion, Ocheyedan), The Rev. Paul Johnson (St. John, May City), and The Rev.
David Ericksen (St. Paul, Hartley) each entered into retirement. Upon these retirements the dual parish in
Ocheyedan was joined with St. John, May City to form a tri-point parish. The Rev. Neal Wehmas
shepherds this united flock in Osceola County. The Rev. Timothy Oetting resigned from Our Savior in
Sheldon, which is now currently being served by a vacancy pastor, The Rev. George Clausen. St. Paul,
Hartley was vacant for about a year and a half, but, as of the writing of this report, is preparing to
welcome their new pastor, The Rev. Christopher Nitzel in April 2015.
We also join our brothers in the Spencer Circuit as we mourn the death of The Rev. Patrick O’Neal
(Immanuel, Spirit Lake). Our circuit will miss Patrick dearly, even as we rejoice in the sure and certain
promise of the resurrection.
SAC CITY CIRCUIT: Pastor Charles Bettin, Visitor
The congregations that compose the Sac City Circuit are Zion, Auburn; Faith, Early served by Rev.
Charles Bettin; Pilgrim, Lake City being served in their vacancy by Rev. Don Peterson; Emmanuel, Lake
View served by Rev. Don Peterson; Trinity, Odebolt served by Rev. Glenn Hansen; St. Paul, Sac City
served by Rev. Don Pobanz; St. Peter rural Sac City served by Rev. Herman Kramer; St. Paul, Schaller
served by Rev. David Lyons; and Peace, Wall Lake served by Rev. Roger Carlisle.
We meet together for monthly Circuit Conferences (September-May) on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Our monthly meetings consist of a fellowship time, worship, a Bible study, doctrinal topic, casuistry, and
a business meeting. Our pastors and their families gather annually for a summer picnic and a Christmas
In August Rev. Craig Zandi accepted a call which left two congregations vacant, Pilgrim, Lake City and
Zion, Auburn. Because of the uncertainty of future viability Zion, Auburn chose to dissolve the dual
parish with Pilgrim, Lake City. At the time of this writing Pilgrim is calling a seminary candidate. Zion
Auburn has asked me to fill the pulpit there as we work through options for their future.
The LERT (Lutheran Early Response Team) trailer is a working reality and stands willing and ready to
provide tools and support to all areas in the District and beyond as needed. There are currently over 500
trained volunteers throughout the District. The LERT trailer was deployed on two occasions, both to
assist with cleanup from tornado damage. It was also entered as a “float” in all Circuit town parades.
A Circuit Convocation was held on January 18, 2015 at Emmanuel, Lake View. The Rev. Roger Carlisle,
Second Vice-President of the District, was the presenter. He had a Power Point presentation entitled
“Congregations Leadership Transition.” A Circuit Forum was held in conjunction with the Convocation
with the only item of business being the election of Rev. Bettin as Circuit Visitor.
SIOUX CITY CIRCUIT: Pastor Ralph Shorey, Visitor
What has Jesus been doing lately among our churches? Answer: As we continue to engage in Word and
Sacrament ministry, Jesus has been leading us to carry out this ministry to our members, our local
communities, and even the world beyond in some new and exciting ways.
Joining with Jesus on His mission can be seen in simple ways like a 50% increase in worship attendance
at St. John’s in Climbing Hill or the slow, but steady growth in membership at Bethany in Sioux City
from 40 to 45 members and the revitalization of its LWML and choir. As the many celebrations of
baptisms, weddings, funerals, coffee hours and various fellowship events happen in our congregations,
Jesus continues to touch hearts in personal ways with His Gospel Word. Ministry programs such as
Stephen’s Care Ministry and Men’s Mutual Ministry at Shepherd of Peace and Care Team Ministry to inactives and hurting members at Calvary have also furthered Christ’s mission amongst our members.
Sometimes, the work of Jesus’ mission is grand in scope like Faith’s Mercy Meals that has packaged
meals to faraway places like the Philippines. Sometimes, the work is more intimate as Redeemer has
helped to rebuild two homes after local flooding and tornados.
Chaplain Steven Benson has made a very deep and personal impact with his ministry in the Siouxland
area. Recently, Jesus called Chaplain Benson to serve at Luther Park Care Facility in Des Moines.
Chaplain Benson will be deeply missed among us. However, Christ has not abandoned this cherished
ministry as He continues to bless it during this time of transition.
Jesus also continues to spread the seeds of joy and hope cross-culturally to the Hispanic community.
Pastor Witte’s Hispanic ministry is proving to be a leaven among our congregations. For example, Faith’s
quilting ladies are now regularly working joyfully with a group of Hispanic ladies that Pastor Witte brings
to Faith.
At times, joining with Jesus on His mission can seem discouraging as we note that in several of our
congregations there are not always many children around. Yet, as we pray for ideas and resources in this
ministry area we are not crushed. Jesus continues to bring joy to Concordia as it carries out a yearly
Easter egg hunt, block party, and Wednesday Children’s Bible Club. Bethany opens its doors to the
children with Monday After-School Care. Shepherd of Peace is looking to expand the wing of its Little
Lambs Preschool. Calvary continues to do day events like VBS in local trailer parks.
Seeing little seeds like this planted and bearing fruit have inspired similar efforts that go beyond our
community. Redeemer has formed a new group called Bibi’s Hope. This ministry has seen a fantastic
outpouring of the Spirit as this group raises mission awareness and support for an orphanage in Mali,
West Africa.
Where will Jesus lead our circuit next? Only He knows. But, oh, what a joy to join with Him on His
mission of spreading the Gospel!
SOUTHWEST CIRCUIT: Pastor Jonathan Watt, Visitor
The Southwest Circuit has been busy with a number of activities, including resuming the old practice of
having a Circuit Picnic and a Circuit Reformation Service. Our preachers over the last two years have
been Rev. Nabil Nour, 5th Vice President of the LCMS and Rev. Herb Mueller, 1st Vice President of the
LCMS. The Circuit churches have also begun a Lutheran Early Response Team for disasters within a 500
mile radius. A trailer was purchased with the help of the District. May 2015 is the goal for the team to be
activated. First Lutheran Church, Mount Ayr and Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Creston have
combined into one congregation serving both communities with a preaching station for regular Sunday
worship at Mount Ayr. Also closing is the congregation at Red Oak. God continues to bless our circuit
with regular Word and Sacrament ministry.
SPENCER CIRCUIT: Pastor Glenn Bohmer, Visitor
Changes in the Circuit include the retirement of the Rev. Phill Andreasen, senior pastor at Immanuel,
Spirit Lake, and of the Rev. Mike Sharp, Chaplain at St. Luke’s Lutheran Home, Spencer. Also, the Rev.
Mike Huebner, pastor of Christ the King, Spencer accepted a call to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in
Lexington, Kentucky. From Iowa East we received into our District and Circuit the Rev. David Zimmer
who accepted the call to Christ the King, Spencer. The Rev. Patrick O’Neal who was serving as associate
pastor at Immanuel, Spirit Lake accepted the call as senior pastor there. Shortly thereafter, Pastor O’Neal
went on disability due to an illness. To carry on the ministry at Spirit Lake the congregation called the
Rev. Dave Simonson as intentional interim in the position of associate pastor. In one of the mysteries of
God’s will and way, Pastor O’Neal was called to glory on February 8, 2015. We continue to meet with the
pastors of the Northwest Circuit with whom we host an annual Reformation Festival. Under the
leadership of the Rev. David Doellinger of Immanuel, Terril a LERT team has been formed.
STORM LAKE CIRCUIT: Pastor Paul Egger, Visitor
Our Storm Lake Circuit includes eight congregations served by nine pastors and two emeriti pastors. We
take turns leading Bible study and presenting topics each month at our winkel. Twice annually we meet
together with our Cherokee Circuit pastors.
We continue our annual Circuit Bible Institute. Each year 60-100 laity from our and surrounding districts
attend presentations led by five of our circuit pastors. Our congregations host on a rotating basis, and
congregational youth and/or ladies aid generally serve a meal at the conclusion.
Monday nights December - March serve as dartball nights. We get together for “friendly” competition
followed by a meal. Money raised sponsors “The Lutheran Hour” on 101.7 FM radio. We conclude each
season with a Sunday afternoon tournament usually won by Hannover or Alta.
Pastoral changes during the past triennium included saying goodbye to Rev. Dan Vogel and Rev. Michael
Harman (both in 2014). Also during this triennium, God has blessed us in welcoming Rev. Bradley
Ketcham (December 2012, Grace, Storm Lake) and Rev. Eric Moeller (August 2014, Grace, Storm Lake,
and Tyson chaplain). Hispanic and Sudanese ministries continue in Storm Lake.
Each summer we enjoy a circuit picnic at the Galva park. We feast and then play Bocce ball and other
games. At Christmas we gather socially on a Sunday evening and celebrate our Savior's birth.
Zion, Storm Lake (Rev. David Anthony) has invited circuit congregations to join in their Operation
Barnabas efforts in honoring our veterans. Zion has shipped care packages to deployed troops and
presented prepaid debit cards to church military members and also members of the Storm Lake National
Guard, as well as other supportive projects.
St. John, Storm Lake, has hosted several District events, including Stephen Starke's presentation for
organists and pastors in 2014.
Joy in Salvation is the theme under which we gather as the people of God of Iowa District West
(IDW) for our triennial convention. Ours is a joy that knows no bounds as a result of the mercy and grace
showered upon us through our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ! Ours is a joy that can endure all of which
Satan, this sinful world, and our own sinful flesh place upon us because we know the forgiveness, life,
and salvation we have in Jesus Christ! What joy is ours as we are privileged to be invited by God to join
Him in bringing that Joy in Salvation to others.
It is my great joy to serve within Iowa District West and to have responsibility primarily in two
areas that are so closely connected to Joy in Salvation—missions and human care. I pray the Lord will
bless my service as I Connect, Resource, Optimize, Partner, and Serve with the member congregations
for the extension of the Gospel within our communities, throughout the District and into all the world
(IDW Mission Statement)—in other words, bringing others to the Joy in Salvation!
The first step we took during this past triennium was to our knees in prayer. Recognizing the
futility of attempting to bring others to the Joy in Salvation by relying on our own wisdom or power, the
District staff is regularly in prayer. In addition, we created an IDW team of mission prayer partners.
These volunteers receive weekly prayer requests regarding local mission efforts that have been shared
with us by the leaders within our congregations, schools and mission partners (such as LWML, LCEF,
LFS, etc.). If you haven’t already signed up to be an IDW mission prayer partner, I invite you to do so at
the IDW mission display.
One of the efforts for which we have been praying is the transition in implementing the new
mission vision approved at the previous convention. In essence the plan challenges congregations, who
know best their local mission field, to take the lead in bringing the Joy of Salvation to those around them
and enables lessons learned and best practices to be shared across the District and beyond. The District
becomes a supporting partner in these efforts, doing all that we can to support, equip and help network
local congregations with others who’ve attempted similar mission outreach. The most visible change
called for the elimination over a four and a half year time period of long-term financial subsidy of District
missionaries. This does not mean that IDW is reducing our mission efforts. Rather we are able to
distribute the mission dollars entrusted to us to a greater number of congregations all across IDW,
including those formerly receiving subsidy, through mission grants. There has been much prayer,
misunderstanding, fear and anxiety and yet God appears to be blessing our efforts.
For example, Rev. Dan Vogel had been serving as a subsidized pastor of Hispanic ministry in
Denison, Storm Lake, and Des Moines. With the new vision and plan, the local congregations have
stepped up their ownership of the local Hispanic mission effort so that we now have an individual pastor
serving in each of those areas! One of the highlights of the convention will be the recognition of the
newest congregation in IDW: Amigos en Cristo Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denison served by Rev.
Vogel. This is the first new congregation in IDW in over eight years! Grace, Storm Lake has called Rev.
Eric Moeller, with help from a mission grant. Likewise a mission grant was extended to Shepherd of the
Valley, West Des Moines, who called church planter Rev. Lincon Guerra in partnership with several
congregations in the greater Des Moines area and also a grant from the mission-minded women of the
Although uncertainty remains about the future of some ministries, most notably efforts among the
Laotians and Sudanese in Des Moines, we continue both on our knees and walking alongside the
congregations of IDW as together we seek to bring the Joy of Salvation to many more.
This growing partnership is reflected in the number of congregations and circuits with which
we’ve been able to partner through mission grants. What started out as a financial partnership of $20,000
with less than a dozen congregations has grown to 33 grants totaling over $112,000 this past fiscal year!
More important than the dollars are the stories of growing relationships with unchurched individuals, new
friends in worship and improved images of congregations within their communities. As we passionately,
intentionally and faithfully continue to take God’s love and truth outside the four walls of our buildings,
I’m confident the Joy in Salvation will flow from the hearts of new believers! I encourage you to go to and peruse the summaries of previous grants, organized in part according to our
five targets: unbelievers, men, technology, vocation and unchurched former LCMS. May they encourage
you in your own congregational outreach efforts!
While the laity of our congregations are crucial for God’s mission—a mighty army waiting to be
mobilized—it is vital that our leaders, beginning with the professional church workers, be equipped and
encouraged for the bold steps they will need to take in leading God’s people into the realm of Satan.
Through partnership with Transforming Churches Network (TCN) we have provided training for a
number of leaders in the art of coaching and made this resource available to all our professional church
workers. TCN has also provided materials that we’ve utilized in a number of leadership learning
communities for pastors to study and learn together in developing the leadership skills important for
leading a congregation to be intentional in bringing the Joy in Salvation to those in their community.
Likewise, scholarships have been provided for our leaders to attend conferences, enroll in programs and
take other steps designed to help them grow in their leadership skills.
These steps are taken to help our congregations become mission outposts, equipping their
members to go outside the walls of their congregation as missionaries to live and share their faith. This
past triennium seven “hinge events,” so called because “hinges” are crucial to a door opening outward,
were held across IDW with participants from 45 congregations. I’ve worked with a number of
congregations either formally or informally in strategic planning or mini-workshops to help them
transform to being focused outward to the mission field in which God has placed them. A valuable
resource to encourage individuals in living on mission is the book, Joining Jesus On His Mission. The
author, Rev. Greg Finke, has been presenting across IDW and congregations have been invited to partner
with him and IDW in implementing a missional lifestyle among their members. All this with the prayer
of bringing the Joy in Salvation to more individuals!
Another major emphasis this past triennium has been church planting, often referred to as the
single most important step congregations can take to bring unbelievers the Joy in Salvation. Realize,
however, that we aren’t talking simply about the traditional method of buying land, calling a pastor, and
building a church. See the Missions Committee report for an explanation of the many varieties of church
planting. The Center for U.S. Missions has proven to be a valuable partner in this effort. We look
forward to this summer when a church planter will be arriving in Ankeny, called by St. Paul’s with the
support of a District mission grant. May this be the beginning of a movement across IDW of many types
of church plants or new ministries designed to bring the Joy in Salvation to those who don’t yet believe!
In this post-church culture it is ever more important to follow our Savior’s command, Love one
another as I have loved you (John 15:12). The area of missions and human care are intricately connected
in the lives of God’s people, as reflected in our Synod-wide emphasis “Mercy-Witness-Life Together.”
Mission grants have allowed various acts of human care to be extended across the District, including
through the support of Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) trailers and Operation Barnabas, a Synod
ministry designed to show God’s love to military members and their families.
I encourage each of you to sit down with your congregational leaders and members, walk through
your communities, visit with its citizens and ask yourself, “Where are the opportunities to show God’s
love corporately as a congregation and as individuals?” In addition to the above mentioned LERT
trailers, we’ve been working with other ministry partners to provide resources and guidance in the area of
caring for the elderly and their caregivers, again a growing field of opportunity in IDW.
Closely connected is the area of chaplaincy. We are blessed to have had two chaplains serving in
IDW this past triennium. Rev. Jim Brammeier serves part-time in the Des Moines area and Rev. Steve
Benson served full-time in the Sioux City area. These two outstanding pastors are always on call to visit
individuals in the hospitals in their areas to supplement the ministry of their pastors back home. Rev.
Benson accepted a call earlier this year to Luther Park, Des Moines, a care facility and Recognized
Service Organization of the LCMS. Prayer, discussion and study are underway to discern how best to
move forward with the Sioux City chaplaincy.
I have been blessed to have the privilege of serving with many Christian leaders. Allow me to
thank two of them. Rev. Paul Sieveking, retiring as District President, provided wisdom, mercy, grace
and a model of a servant leader for me as I’ve served in this position the past six and a half years. Rev.
Max Phillips, Chairman of the Missions Committee the past six years, has challenged me to think
strategically and with a passion for reaching the lost. God has used them and will continue to use them to
bring to many the Joy in Salvation!
A number of resolutions are being brought before the convention addressing the work we do
together in missions and human care. I urge you to give them fervent prayer, thoughtful reflection, and
open and godly discussion that they might help to call us to action in the next triennium and beyond in
taking the Gospel into our communities, throughout the District and into all the world! May we all be
blessed to experience and share Joy in Salvation!
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Mark Gerken, Executive Assistant
Missions and Human Care
Serving in the position of Part-Time Executive Assistant for Stewardship in Iowa District West, I have
had the distinct pleasure of working with some of the most wonderful people and sharing in the blessings
God has given to our District through them. The Apostle Paul wrote, “I truly thank my God every time I
remember you and praise Him for your fellowship in the Gospel” (Phil. 1:6, 7). The more I have had
opportunity to work beside and move around the District; I realize more fully the blessings of that
fellowship in the Gospel.
My time as Part-Time Executive Assistant for Stewardship has been spent in a variety of areas each
month as I have attempted to provide assistance to pastors and congregations of the District in their own
personal and congregational lives of Christian financial stewardship. In addition, I have had the privilege
of preparing weekly tools for use for pastors and congregations called “Discipleship Helps.” These are
weekly Bible Studies pertaining to the appointed Scripture lessons for the Sunday. They can be
downloaded from the website of the District at To find this tool for ministry, look
under the “Ministry Areas” tab and click on “Stewardship.”
Let me complement our District leadership in their intentional, constant and thoughtful management of
our District’s resources. Those in charge of the spiritual and fiscal responsibilities of this District are
incredible people. Stewardship literally means “household management” and the affairs of such
management in the District are done with decency, discretion and clear integrity. I especially thank our
business manager, Roger Curtis, and our treasurer, Jim Christensen, for their excellent contributions to the
District’s financial management. God has blessed Iowa District West tremendously and these individuals
and their advisory partners are managing the household of your District very well.
Our District leadership with whom I have worked most closely also includes District President Paul
Sieveking, LCEF Vice President Carole White and Christian Estate Planning Counselor Jim Schroeder.
Again these individuals work hard as servants in the Church to assist individuals and congregations in
their lives as Christian stewards seeking to manage the household of the District in such a way as to give
glory God and benefit His people.
During my time of service as Part-Time Executive Assistant for Stewardship in this past three years I
have had the privilege of:
Attending District Pastors Conferences;
Attending District Stewardship Committee Meetings;
Attending District Endowment and Legacy Committee Meetings;
Attending District Board of Directors Meetings;
Consulting with various pastors regarding Stewardship Emphases and the blessing of developing
Stewardship Committees that are eager to lead God’s people in their growth of discipleship which
involves the area of Christian Stewardship;
Meeting and planning with District Staff;
Meeting with circuit pastors conferences regarding Stewardship in their congregations;
Meeting with District Salary Guideline Committee;
Providing stewardship materials and advice for several congregations;
Attending District and Synod Leadership Conferences;
Meeting with District Staff for preliminary Budget Planning;
Helping host the Concordia Retirement Plans Workshop; and
Writing articles for the District via The Monthly, The Harvest and The Lutheran Witness as well
as through correspondence and the weekly preparation of “Discipleship Helps.”
The goal of transforming the concept of Christian stewardship to one of living out our lives of Christian
discipleship remains challenging. People still think of Christian stewardship solely in terms of $$$$
while our Church body views it as . . . “the free and joyous activity of the child of God and God’s family,
the church, in managing all of life and life’s resources for God’s purposes.” Discipleship is that free and
joyous activity of the child of God and the church in managing all of life. Life’s resources (or $$$$) are
only a part of the whole picture of what Christian Stewardship is all about. Thus, we continue to try to
change the concept in our District from solely that of $$$$ to one of a whole life of discipleship.
It remains a tremendous blessing to be a part of this District’s ministry and we can all look forward to
God’s continued blessings as He cares for His people in marvelous ways. It further remains a tremendous
blessing for us as His people to utilize these blessings, managing the household to His glory and to the
benefit of His people because we are blessed to live in the Joy of Salvation.
Respectfully submitted,
The Rev. Phill Andreasen
Part-time Executive Assistant for Stewardship
In accord with Synod Bylaw 2.3 the following new congregation has submitted its constitution and application for
membership in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. On February 17, 2015 the Board of Directors has accepted
the constitution and approved the membership of
La Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Amigos en Cristo, Denison, Iowa
The following congregations have submitted Constitution and/or Bylaw revisions in accord with Synod Bylaw 2.4.
They have been reviewed by the District Commission on Constitutions and are recommended for ratification by the
Board of Directors of Iowa District West.
St. John, Alta
St. Paul, Carroll
Trinity, Cherokee
St. John, Climbing Hill
Redeemer, Corning
Trinity, Creston
Peace, Des Moines
Trinity, Des Moines
Holy Trinity, Farnhamville
Fort Dodge, Prince of Peace
Grace, Le Mars
Immanuel Lidderdale
Faith, Sioux City
Immanuel, Spirit Lake
Respectfully submitted,
Commission on Constitutions
The Lutheran Witness has reflected a consistent structure to deliver every month three major
Root members of the LCMS in our common Lutheran theology while clarifying Lutheran
Bind members of the LCMS in a unified identify as demonstrated in the work of our ministries
and congregations; and
Help members of the LCMS interpret societal events and trends in the context of Lutheran
theology and practice.
Each month the District supplement includes a devotional article by District President Sieveking;
recent happenings in missions, stewardship, education, youth, the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, and
Mission Central by District leaders; an information article by parish nurse representative; birthday and
anniversary celebrations; and other news tidbits from District congregations as room allows.
It’s been a different challenge to keep the news current, as we work on each issue two months in
advance between receiving your news and pictures and when the magazine arrives in your home. This
means that a majority of articles are written in the past tense.
The LCMS Board for Communication Services and the District are still using the same computer
program to layout the pages. After copy is arranged in page sequence and the pictures are formatted, the
information is then upload to an FTP server for the LCMS Board for Communication Services in Saint
Louis. From there the pages go to Concordia Publishing House for printing.
Again, we solicit news from your congregation – reporting how God is blessing His Church in
Iowa District West, how your congregation carries on a Word/Sacrament ministry and reaches out into the
community. Birthdays and Anniversaries are still included, however they are not behind in dates as they
previously were. Dates are asked in advance so that they are printed in the issue that corresponds to the
correct date (January celebrations in January issue). Please send articles and/or photos via email to the
Respectfully submitted,
Jason Fuller, Editor
Iowa District West Edition
Iowa District West currently supports 8 day schools serving over
900 children. Caring pastors, principals, teachers, and staff are committed
to the sharing the Gospel each day. We promote a distinctly Lutheran
identity that encourages all to rejoice in the forgiveness and love God has
for us. We support outstanding Christian teachers, a safe environment, and
a family atmosphere – a caring partnership between home and school.
Our District Lutheran day schools and early childhood centers are part of a
network of nearly 2,300 LCMS preschools, elementary schools and high
schools across the country with the opportunity to proclaim and celebrate
God’s work among us. We thank God for the opportunity to provide excellent academic preparation for
the children we serve. We are most grateful for the liberty to share Jesus’ amazing love with children and
their families each day.
Our District Executive Assistant for Schools and the Christian Education Committee strive to support our
schools in the following areas: Equipping Leaders; Celebrating the Teaching Ministry; Resourcing
Schools and Congregations; and Serving as Advocates. Opportunities for leadership development are
offered regularly for administrators, teachers, and school boards. Teachers are supported through school
visits by the Executive Assistant for Schools, as well as an annual conference for professional
development. As a resource, the District assists with identifying candidates for ministry positions; as
well as communicates the blessings and addresses the challenges of Lutheran Schools. Our District also
promotes National Lutheran School Accreditation, offers grant opportunities for outreach, and networks
with State of Iowa non-public school organizations.
Respectfully submitted,
Sally Kraayenbrink
PT Executive Assistant-Schools
Early childhood centers are an important door to the mission field reaching unchurched children and
families in many communities.
Early childhood centers continue to share Jesus with thousands of children in 45 centers.
Celebrate new center at Trinity, Cherokee.
Many centers are in transition serving younger children as universal preschool impacts the traditional
Iowa District West partnered with the Nebraska District in hosting the National Early Childhood
Consultants conference in 2014.
The annual District Early Childhood Conference is a professional growth and ministry enrichment
highlight for the majority of our centers.
Early Childhood consultant Deb Fink continues to provide up-to-date information and resources so
centers can meet and exceed standards.
Respectfully submitted,
Deb Fink
PT Executive Assistant-Early Childhood
Family Ministry is a ministry that serves all generations to “believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of
God, that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31 NIV) with the help of Sunday School,
Midweek, VBS, Confirmation, and other ministries already in place in many congregations; using the
tools of Milestone ministry, parenting ministry, marriage enrichment, grief ministry, divorce ministry and
other tools; and by strengthening the home for daily devotions, caring conversations, and service to
District Family Ministry Team Members
The Family Ministry team is made up of four members:
 Cindy Storm – Calvary, Sioux City – DCE, Rostered
 Marilyn Shults – Shepherd of the Valley, West Des Moines – DCE, Rostered
 DeAnn Haas McCue – Gloria Dei, Urbandale – Education, Rostered
 Janet Brock – Gloria Dei, Urbandale – Layperson
Family Ministry in IDW Weebly Website
The Family Ministry team created a website that will remain a resource to congregations, leaders, and
families in the area of education and family ministry. The team chose to use Weebly as the website host.
Weebly is a “create-your-own” website company that offers quick website templates to “plug and play.”
Weebly hosts the site, with annual membership fees, but can be linked to existing websites.
The site,, includes Faith Milestones, Bible studies, devotions, etc. and is
linked to IDW’s website. The site is constantly changing and remaining current, with seasonal ideas, and
fresh ideas.
Advent and Lenten Devotions for Families
Devotions for Advent and Lent have been written by the team.
The devotion books have been put on the District website for congregations and families to download and
Family Ministry in IDW Defined
The Family Ministry team in mid-2013 spent time defining what “Family Ministry” IS in Iowa District
West. With the help of several congregational leaders, a working document was created to aid in
describing what this ministry is and will be. Following is that document.
Family Ministry is:
So that all generations
May believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, that by believing may have life in his name.
With the help of:
Cradle Roll
Sunday School
Using the tools of:
Milestone ministry
Parenting ministry
Marriage enrichment
Grief ministry
Divorce ministry
And other tools
To strengthen the home for:
Home devotions
Caring conversations
Service to others
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not
to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Home Devotions
Service to others
Cradle Roll
Sunday School
What is Family Ministry?
To share with another
2 Timothy 1:5-8a
I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois
and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. For this
reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the
laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but
gives us power, love and self-discipline. So do not be ashamed of the testimony
about our Lord… (NIV)
To inspire with courage, spirit or confidence
Psalm 28:4, 6
We will not hide them from their descendants;
we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,
so the next generation would know them,
even the children yet to be born,
and they in turn would tell their children. (NIV)
To make ready
Proverbs 22:6
Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it. (NIV)
A source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when
2 Timothy 3:16-17
God has breathed life into all of Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true.
It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole
again. It is useful for training us to do what is right. By using Scripture, a man of
God can be completely prepared to do every good thing. (NIV)
Who is Family Ministry?
All Generations
Why Family Ministry?
(to) believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, that by believing you may have life in his
name. John 20:31 (NIV)
With the help of (already in place in many congregations)
Cradle Roll, Sunday School, Midweek, VBS, Confirmation
Using tools of
Milestone ministry, parenting ministry, marriage enrichment, grief ministry, divorce ministry, and
other tools
Strengthening the home for
Home devotions, caring conversations, service to others, traditions
Respectfully submitted,
DeAnn Haas McCue
PT Executive Assistant-Family Ministry
During the past three years the Student Financial Aid Committee has been able to offer financial
assistance to over 50 students each year attending one of our Concordias and planning to enter into fulltime church work. In addition we have been able to give assistance to anyone from Iowa District West
attending a Concordia University.
The current members of the Committee are: President Sieveking - IDW staff; Andrea Johnson - Lay
Member; Jane Gronau - Lay Member; Rev. Alan Miller - Pastor member; Vacant - Commissioned
Minister member; Rev. David Loeschen - Chairman.
Applications for assistance are received throughout the year with most coming in during the late spring.
The Committee meets in early July to consider the requests. Funds are provided through the budget of
Iowa District West, a generous gift from the LWML, a couple of large bequests, and other individual gifts
and bequests from various sources. In 2012 we had $131,737 available. In 2013 we were blessed with
$254,821. And in 2014 we had $171,726. Over 50 students preparing for full-time church work have
received aid from the District in the last triennium, in addition to students who were attending a
Concordia but not preparing for full-time church work. They attended and are attending: Concordia
University Chicago, Concordia University Irvine, Concordia University Nebraska, Concordia University
St. Paul, Concordia University Texas, Concordia University Wisconsin, Concordia Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne and Concordia Seminary St. Louis.
The students from IDW are always grateful for the support from their home District. We receive
numerous thank you cards and letters indicating that your support of their efforts are greatly appreciated.
Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
The Student Financial Aid Committee in partnership with the Christian Education Committee, the Youth
Services Committee and our Concordia Universities; seek ways to encourage full time church work as a
career. We also encourage attending a Concordia as an option for preparation for whatever vocation into
which God leads them. We are working on ways to help students financially and spiritually as they
prepare to enter into the harvest fields.
In 2013, funds became available to help some of our called workers in a
very significant way. The cost of education continues to rise and as a
District we make it a priority to provide financial aid to those going into
full-time church work.
But many full-time church workers come into our District with educational debt, some is staggering. We
established a Ministry Excellence Fund to provide help for some of that debt. Funds from endowment
contributions, legacy gifts, Iowa District West budget allocations, Iowa District West congregations,
organizations, and individuals are being used to help pay down some of the accumulated student debt.
The administration of applications for this grant is being conducted by a committee of at least three
individuals appointed by the chairman of the Iowa District West Financial Aid Committee and approved
by the District President. Currently serving on the Committee are Carole White, Warren Puck and Pastor
David Loeschen.
Individuals qualifying for grants from this fund can expect up to $4,000 in assistance annually, or up to
$6,000.00 if the congregation participates at the maximum matchable amount of $1,000 per year, and
subject to the availability of funds in the MEF. Additional yearly grants for a period of five years may be
requested subject to completion of grant requirements during the prior year.
Grant application and Review process includes. 1. Applicant completes an “Indication of Interest Form.”
2. Applicant completes the “Worker Application Form.” 3. Congregation completes the “Congregation
Commitment Form.” 4. Applicant identifies and selects a Financial Planner. 5. Financial Planner
completes the “Financial Planner Report.”
In 2014 twelve workers applied for and received grants from the MEF. A significant aspect of this
process was that the majority of the congregations these workers serve showed their love for their called
workers and the Kingdom of God by stepping forward and contributing toward debt reduction for
educational expenses. Once again in 2015 MEFs will be available. Those who received these funds have
expressed their overwhelming joy at having some of the burden of financial debt lifted off their shoulders.
Once again Iowa District West takes a leading role in modeling care for our full-time workers.
Respectfully submitted,
Pastor David Loeschen, Director
Student Financial Aid Committee
In his book, “A Little Book on Joy; The Secret of Living a Good News Life in a Bad News World”
President Matthew Harrison quotes this from Hermann Sasse, Theologian and Pastor of the Church in
Germany during World War II regarding Joy in Salvation, I believe these words ring in the ears of our
world today as they did some 80 years ago, “We need this joy now more than ever. The world needs it,
and Christendom needs it. If ever this joyful news was necessary for the world, then it is in our century of
great wars and mass death. But how should we, servants of the Gospel, announce this joy to the world if
we ourselves do not have it? What is missing in the churches of Christendom today is the measure of joy
which the old church possessed. We all stand in great danger of having the fearful seriousness of our time,
the concerns in the church and in the parsonage, even the concerns about the church which are
commanded to us, not allow the great joy to arise, or kill it. This is especially true of those among us who
work in “dead” congregations, who perhaps must preach in empty churches, and upon whom too much
work has been placed. But it is true there, too, where the ecclesiastical life seems to bloom and the
Christian faith is in no way attacked from the outside. There it is worldly joy, the secularized substitute
for the true joy of the Gospel, which threatens to destroy Christ’s joy.”
Joy in Salvation is the theme of this year’s triennial Iowa District West Convention. The Youth Services
Committee has been participating in this Joy in Salvation in many ways since the 2012 convention. Here
are some examples of this Joy in Salvation we have seen.
The Junior High Gatherings have gone very well these past three years. They continue to focus on the Six
Chief Parts of Luther’s Small Catechism. In the center of the teachings of Luther’s Small Catechism is the
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ where he gives all people salvation. In 2012, the theme focused on
the 4th Chief Part Baptism in “Washed”. In 2013, the theme focused on the 3rd Chief Part, the Lord’s
Prayer in “Re-Charge”, in 2014 the theme focused on the 5th Chief Part, Confession & The Office of the
Keys in “Not Just Words”.
The Senior High Gatherings since 2012 have taken place in Des Moines and Omaha, Nebraska. The 2012
Senior High Youth Gathering took place in Des Moines with the theme of “Power Up” using Acts 1:8 as
the theme verse, Acts 1:8 “8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you
will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” The 2013
Senior High Youth Gathering was built around the theme, “Freedom” based upon the theme verse,
“Galatians 5:1, “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a
yoke of slavery.” This is a special note to say the Senior High Youth Gathering celebrated its 30th year in
ministry in 2013! The YSC thanks God for the endless number of volunteers, organizers, and youth who
have made this a very special event for such milestone as 30 years! The 2014 Senior High Youth
Gathering was held in Omaha, NE as the Iowa District West was invited for the second time to participate
in the NE Senior High Youth Gathering. This theme was “Collide” taken from the verse 1 Corinthians
5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new
has come.”
Both the Junior and Senior High Youth Gatherings confess the Joy in Salvation we have in Christ! This is
a very strong point of the Youth Services Committee and a strong tradition of Youth Ministry in Iowa
District West!!
The Youth Services Committee is not only responsible for the Junior and Senior High Youth Gatherings,
but also oversees communication within the District regarding Youth Ministry opportunities within the
District. This is a constant issue as modes of communication are ever changing. We try to communicate
as best as possible the events taking place. We worked on a Youth Ministry Manual which has been put
together by various youth workers and districts. This gives an overview of Youth Ministry in the local
congregation with helps and aids to assist the youth worker. We hope to continue to encourage and work
alongside the youth workers in the local congregations as the Youth Services Committee.
The Youth Services Committee also works with Ellie Menz in the area of Missions in the District and
beyond with the IOWAY program. Ellie reports to the YSC which mission activities the youth are taking
part in and helping with around the district.
The last three years the Youth Services Committee would like to thank the following people for serving
on the committee; Rev. Joseph Seifert, Rev. Steve Klawonn, Rev. Roger Carlisle, Rev. Timothy Geitz,
Rev. Steve Hayden, Rev. Benjamin Dose, Ellie Menz, DCE Matt Eiden, DCE Shelly McMullen, Youth
Representatives; Spencer Owen, Hannah Hayden, Courtney Peters, Melinda Klawonn, and Alexa
Rev. Steve Hayden has a fine job of being the Part Time Youth Executive following the retirement of
Rev. Bob Riggert. We thank God for Pastor Hayden and the time and energy he puts into this position
while serving the congregation of Mt. Calvary in Indianola.
I leave you with a quote once again from A Little Book on Joy; How to Live a Good News Life in a Bad
News World, “Joy is the glorious, snow-capped peak on a mountain founded upon a death—Christ’s. On
top of Christ’s death is ours in Christ (repentance). The road to joy in worship is through death and
resurrection, ours and Christ’s. “Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy
that was set before his endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2). When Christ’s death proclaimed (1 Corinthians
1:23) falls out of preaching, joy begins a serious, inward death spiral.” Harrison pg. 82.
‘The rejoicing over salvation becomes egotistically, factiously,
fanatically, zealotically distorted when it detaches itself from the
remembrance of Jesus ‘sacrificial death’ [Peter Bruner, Worship in the
Name of Jesus, (Concordia, 1968), 189]
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Benjamin J. Dose, Chairman
Youth Services Committee
A man walked by a table in a hotel and noticed three men and a dog playing cards. The dog appeared to
be winning. “That must be a very smart dog,” the man commented. “He ain't so smart,” said one of the
players. “Every time he gets a good hand he wags his tail!”
When we have joy in our hearts, it will be obvious to everyone! “A joyful heart makes a cheerful face”
(Prov. 15:13). Joy in Salvation is ours through Jesus Christ. When we hear the good news of God’s saving
grace in Jesus Christ, the joy in our lives will be obvious to everyone!
As part-time Executive Assistant for Youth I cannot accomplish everything on my own as I serve the
district and also serve my congregation of Mt. Calvary in Indianola. So it is with joy that I recognize the
immense talents, love and service of so many others who have willingly served Iowa’s youth with me
and, by the power of the Spirit, accomplished what I could not as we have attempted to share God’s joy
with youth and families since the last convention. We recognize that the different age groups need to see
and hear God’s love in words and actions that they can understand; we confess that our display of God’s
Joy of Salvation is not always perfect, but we have experienced Joy in sharing God’s love with many of
all ages. Here are some of the things that have brought us Joy over the last three years.
Joy in the gifts God gives us through leadership
I continue to have joy as I recognize the service and leadership of many other servants of God involved in
youth ministry on a district level: Rev. Ben Dose who has served as Chairman of the Youth Services
Committee; Rev. John Schonkaes who has served as Jr. Gathering dean; Rev. Dave Dahlke, Rev. Jon
Riggert and Rev. Scott Jensen who have served as deans of the Senior Gathering; DCE Cindy Storm and
DCE Amy Schmidt who have served as IDW coordinators for the National Gathering; DCE Bonnie
Kabrick who has led our District DCE meetings; and all of the professional and lay men and women who
have served with them on the various leadership teams (gathering committees, camp, Youth Services
Committee, etc.). I have experienced joy as IDW continues its partnership with Camp Okoboji which has
willingly and successfully led in service to our district through Youth Week and Junior High Week
Camps in addition to Cub Week and other themed camps for our youth. These opportunities for youth to
grow in their faith remain focused on God’s Word and provide positive experiences in the lives of those
attending. Gathering committees continue to lead and plan. God continues to bless our district and its
people with willing and talented volunteers who share their time and talents with our youth across the
district. I could not do the job without so many who share in this ministry. Later this year the Youth
Services Committee is hoping to publish online a youth ministry handbook which it is hoped will help
provide guidance and support to the leaders in our congregations.
Joy in sharing God’s Word with the youth in Iowa District West and beyond
In 2014 we again joined in collaboration with the Nebraska District LCMS. Beginning in 2009, the Iowa
District West Youth Services Committee discussed the idea of a regional/cross-district youth gathering.
Last year for the second time a high school youth gathering was held in Omaha with congregations
attending from Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa West and Iowa East. This joint youth gathering “Collide”
gave us an opportunity to draw from an extended group of talented professionals for leadership and
service, provided our youth with the opportunities offered by a much larger gathering of youth (around
1200 attending), gave our students and counselors an opportunity for service through servant events sent
out into the greater Omaha area, and most important of all, reminded us of the reality of what we confess
in the creed; “the holy Christian church, the communion of saints…” In 2012 the Senior Youth Gathering
met at the Embassy Suites, Des Moines for “Power Up!” with attendees from the surrounding districts. In
2013 we experienced the Joy of seeing the power of God overcome some hurdles as we met in Des
Moines for “Freedom.” This fall we will also meet in Des Moines for “Hello! My Name is…” where we
have once again invited our partners from other districts.
Over the past triennium our district has continued to support Junior High ministry through an annual
gathering for students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades. The Junior High committee continues to use one of the six
chief parts of the catechism as a theme. In 2012 our theme “Washed” centered on our Baptism. In 2013
“Re-Charge” focused on the Lord’s Prayer. In 2014 “Not Just Words” taught Confession and
Absolution. During our most recent gathering all the students had an opportunity to receive personal
absolution from a pastor during the closing worship service. This gathering will continue to meet at the
Sheraton Hotel in West Des Moines on October 24-25, 2015 focusing on the Apostle’s Creed.
The next national youth gathering will be held in New Orleans in July 2016 and is titled “In Christ
Alone.” DCE Amy Schmidt of Ankeny has once again volunteered to serve as District Coordinator for
our congregations. Congregations will begin to see specific registration information this fall. Amy and
others will host meetings around the district to provide information and support to our congregations later
this year. Watch for more information and for the locations of these workshops.
Joy in sharing God’s love with college students
Many of our young members attend a college or university. The Youth Services Committee recognizes
that youth ministry doesn’t end with high school graduation. Many experts in the field are now saying
that adolescence may last until the age of 25. College-aged students have also served with committee
members in leadership roles at both the Junior and Senior High gatherings.
You can also help these students get connected to a local, Lutheran church or student center. When you
use LCMS U services, LCMS Campus ministry has directories online where you can look for chapters at
the colleges or universities which you or your family are attending. If there is no chapter present, they will
direct you to the nearest Lutheran church. You may find more information and register at
Seeing the Joy in Salvation through volunteers
Finally, it is with Joy that I thank all the dedicated volunteers, lay members and church workers, who
make youth ministry possible in our district. Our camps, youth gatherings, and mission events are all
planned and staffed by volunteers from around the district. These talented men and women serve only
because of a love for youth and for their God. The men and women who serve as local counselors, Bible
class leaders, and youth leaders in their churches care about and serve the youth in their congregations
with compassion and selflessness. They deserve our thanks and appreciation. Thank you also to those
who have served on the Youth Services Committee at various times during this past triennium: Rev. Ben
Dose, Rev. Steve Klawonn, Rev. Joe Seifert, Rev. Roger Carlisle, Rev. Tim Geitz, DCE Shelly
McMullen, DCE Mark Sperry, DCE Jen Grundmeier, youth representatives Spencer Owen, Hannah
Hayden, Courtney Peters, Melinda Klawonn, and Alexa Rowedder, and advisory member Ellie Menz.
We continue to experience “Joy in Salvation.”
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Steven Hayden
PT Executive Assistant for Youth
JOY in Salvation!
What an exciting journey for the IOWAY (Individual Outreach
With Adults and Youth) outreach! It has been a great privilege
for me to work with many dedicated and involved youth and
adults of Iowa District West. What an amazing experience it is
to see the hand of God working in their lives and in the mission
outreaches! Working with youth and seeing the joy in their
faces as they share and experience first-hand the satisfaction of
helping others has been a rewarding experience. Many times I
have heard, “I didn’t know I could do that,” after sharing their
faith or physically getting involved with fix-up or clean-up projects.
“JOY in Salvation” was reflected in many of the following 2012-2014 activities.
Junior High Gatherings
 2012: Made fleece pillows for various mission
 2013: Nearly 36,000 meals of fortified rice
and soy were packaged during the gathering
and delivered by the Orphan Grain Train to
children around the world!
 2014: Made 500 greeting cards that were
given to Hope Ministries in Des Moines and to
nursing home residents in the Sioux City area.
The youth learned about homelessness and
wrote encouraging notes to the homeless and
nursing home residents.
 Collected and sent over 600 Christmas gifts to
children in Los Angeles. The toys were
distributed by Nehemiah churches.
Senior High Gatherings
 Collected, sorted and packed nearly 900 backpacks with school supplies.
Service Projects for Pastors Wives
 Provided a service project/activity/Bible Study at Pastors Conferences
Summer Mission Trips
Los Angeles two-week trip in 2012 and 2013
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico in 2014
Leadville and Breckinridge, Colorado in 2012
Lewisburg, West Virginia in 2012 and 2013
Jacmel, Haiti in 2012 and 2013 (three trips)
These trips involve organizing air fare, hotel and van reservations, advertising, promoting, processing
registrations and organizing work projects, VBS lessons and craft projects. I conducted training sessions
for each of the teams before the trips, worked with the leaders of the churches involved, coordinated and
directed work teams.
105 youth and adults went on summer mission trips during the past three years
Teams canvassed neighborhoods, planned and taught VBS
Loved the children and built friendships with team members
Helped Lutheran churches with repairs and painting
Outreach in Watts and on Skid Row in Los Angeles, CA. Donated and distributed health kits,
food and clothes. Shared the love of Jesus.
Painted the exterior of the only LCMS church in Puerto Rico. Donated and distributed health kits
and150 backpacks and school supplies.
Distributed food, shoes, quilts, pillowcases, dresses, shorts and over-the-counter pain relievers in
Haiti. Also did painting and repair work.
Shared the love of Jesus through VBS, distribution of backpacks, school supplies and health kits.
Distributed approximately 850 health kits with nine hygiene items in each kit.
Annual Petal Pushers mission trip to Pasadena, CA
 78 Iowans volunteered approximately 1,800 man/woman hours constructing the Lutheran Hour
float, the only Christian float in the Rose Parade, and other floats in past three years.
 Outreach at Union Rescue Mission on Skid Row in Los Angeles, CA. Donated and distributed
1,250 filled health kits, food, Bibles and clothes. Shared the love of Jesus with the homeless.
Created a new outreach, ETCH (Education To Change Haiti)
 Worked with Lutheran Church Charities, Pastor Marky Kessa (President of the Lutheran Church
in Haiti), IDW President Paul Sieveking and Jackie Rychel to establish the sponsorship of
children in Haiti.
 130 children in Haiti are now attending school because of the generosity of Iowa District West
churches and individuals. $250 per year allows a child to attend school, purchase school supplies
and a uniform.
Disaster Responses as District Disaster Response Coordinator
Organized teams to serve in the following communities:
Adair and Casey, IA: Worked with Pastor Timothy Fitzner to write grants for families with crop and
property damage.
Creston, IA: Worked with Pastor Jonathan Watt to assess needs, visit families, write grants and collect
items needed after the tornado.
Thurman, IA: Worked with Pastor Roger Carlisle. LERT trailer and team to serve at Thurman
Rock Rapids, IA: Worked with Pastor Mark Hansen to assess needs, visit families, write grants,
distribute grant money, deliver quilts, appliances and “Welcome Tubs.”
Pilger, NE: Worked with Pastor Makelin to assess needs, shared the needs of the people with IDW, and
helped purchase three vehicles and a house with the money donated by IDW churches and individuals.
Led a team who worked in Wisner, NE with a family to clean their house, lay carpet, etc.
Wakefield and Wisner, NE: Organized 10 teams from IDW who picked up debris after the tornado.
Volunteers were from 21 IDW communities.
Minot, ND: Held meetings and helped organize a team that served in Minot.
Estes Park, CO: Worked with Pastor Mark Schwalenberg to organize details for a team to serve at Estes
Conducted LERT (Lutheran Emergency Response Team) training for 550 individuals at the
following churches
Trinity Lutheran Church, Jefferson
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Farnhamville
Trinity Lutheran Church, Creston
Zion Lutheran Church, Ogden
First English Lutheran Church, Spencer
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Spirit Lake
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ames
Trinity Lutheran Church, Boone
Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Lake View
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Sac City
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, West Des Moines
St. Peter Lutheran Church, Newell
St. John Lutheran Church, Clarinda
Organized chainsaw certification
seminar and workshop. 33 in
Took FEMA training and certified with
Worked with Boone, Southwest and
Spencer/Northwest Circuits to assess
needs, purchase LERT trailers, logos for
trailer, etc.
Hope Ministries - serving homeless in Des Moines
 Collected numerous pairs of shoes, underwear, health items and clothes for the homeless in Des
 Organized teams and led teams to help at Hope Ministries.
Collection and shipment of items for following ministries
 Hundreds of quilts for homeless veterans in Iowa
 New Salvation Ministries, Skid Row in Los Angeles, CA - each month shipped underwear and
school supplies
 Shipped items collected for Melissa Salomon with Lutheran Hour Ministries (Mexico)
 Los Angeles, CA - collected and shipped toys
 Thousands of witness bracelets, health kits, Bibles and underwear as needs arose
 Backpacks and school supplies to Compton, CA
 Backpacks and school supplies to Lewisburg, WV
Organized College visitation for high school students - 2014
Fourteen Iowa District West high school students experienced a day of college life at Concordia
University, Seward.
Organized an appreciation meal at Godfather’s Pizza at Seward for current Iowa District West students
at CUNE: 2012, 2013 and 2014
Shared IOWAY activities
 Wrote monthly articles for The Monthly and The Lutheran Witness
 Wrote quarterly articles for The Harvest
 Presented to New Worker Orientation, LWML District Convention, IDW District Convention,
LWML and LLL rallies, IDW churches and youth groups
 E-mailed mission opportunities and updates on IOWAY
 Posted photos and articles on Facebook and IOWAY blog
Offer Mission Opportunities
 Made available mission options to individuals and Iowa District West churches
 Helped churches and individuals organize mission trips and/or service projects
Served on District Committees
 Missions Committee
 YES (DCE group)
 Youth Services Committee
 Junior High Youth Gathering
 IOWAY Advisory Board
 Operation Barnabas Task Force
 Attended IDW Board of Directors meetings
 Boone Circuit LERT Task Force
IOWAY Banquet
 Planned, organized and led the annual IOWAY Banquet attended by approximately 100 people each
I want to express my thanks to the many people in Iowa District West who have donated time, money and
labor to make the IOWAY outreaches a success. There is truly joy in serving when so many wonderful,
loving people work together to share God’s love.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellie Menz, IOWAY Director
[email protected]
Five years ago the District Missions Committee developed a new missions plan which focused our work
on the following key goals:
- expand and extend mission efforts to more places and through more partners
- shift away from permanent support toward seed funding
- create mission project models for every congregation to learn from and replicate
- fix specific targets for District Missions priorities
At the core of our work of bringing the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unchurched and unsaved, we
established five strategic targets to help guide our work. The five new missions targets are:
1.1.1 the kingdom lost or unbelievers
1.1.2 un-churched former LCMS members
1.1.3 men
1.1.4 vocations
1.1.5 technology
The transition to our new plan is nearly complete. All traditionally subsidized ministries have been
moved into new partnerships of local support. For all of these ministries this has been difficult work, but
not without its blessings. The work among Hispanics through our two dedicated church workers has been
repositioned through local congregations, including one new congregation to be officially accepted into
membership at our convention. The ministries to our college and university students in Des Moines and
Ames is continuing through their traditional congregational partners and the potential for new campus
ministry is being explored by the local congregations in the Fort Dodge area. Our subsidized work
among the hearing impaired has moved from a single base congregation to a greater work among the deaf
in more places.
The painful work of weaning away from District called and supported workers has been particularly felt
among the ethnic ministries to the Lao and Sudanese in the Des Moines area. The change has required
new models of worker support including bi-vocational approaches.
We are thankful to God for making and keeping this change ministry focused.
While old models of ministry were changing, new models of mission work were taking hold. For the
(5th) year, the District made grant awards to congregations looking for District support with seed money
for various projects designed to increase their outreach. While in the past, the District mission model
might have supported a few fully subsidized mission efforts, we are seeing many mission seeds planted in
a growing number of places. Since this model’s inception we have invested $221,559 in 100 ministry
Operation Barnabas continues to serve under the Missions Committee. They have been a God-send to
many military families and are a leader in this work in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. That
work continues to transition to post war services in support of veterans and returning soldiers. Especially
needed are efforts in mental health, marriage support and PTSD. Overtures in support of this important
ministry area are deserving of our support.
The Missions Committee has continued our focus on revitalization work with individual congregations
and by creating more pastor mentoring networks. One key area of revitalization is replicating. For much
of our history as a denomination we expanded by planting new congregations, often out of nearby
existing ones. During the past several decades that work has slowed, but the time is right in this
increasingly un-Christian world to reenergize our work at creating more ministry outposts. For that
reason the Missions Committee through the Board of Directors is bringing an overture and hopefully a
resolution to the convention for your prayerful support and strategic thinking to plant at least 18 new
ministry starts by the time we meet in convention again, Lord-willing in 2018. Generally, these new
ministry starts will fall into three synodically embraced definitions of new starts:
1. New Church Start. This includes any intentionally organized gathering of individuals who
have come together on a regular basis for the purpose of worship and/or study of the Word and is
intended to grow into an LCMS rostered congregation.
2. Satellite Site. These are extensions of a rostered congregation's Word and Sacrament ministry
at a separate site, under the supervision and leadership of that congregation. The site does not
intend to become an independently rostered congregation of the Synod.
3. Special Outreach Ministry. This is a new ministry of one or more congregations (eg,
immigrant ministry, mercy ministry, missional community, etc.) which is not intended to be an
independently rostered congregation (or does not have the capacity to become self-supporting).
This is intended to be an outreach or Gospel-ministry of an existing congregation to reach new
people and make new disciples.
Our work with mission partners such as the Center for US Missions has already helped us prepare the soil
for possible new church plants of new Hispanic ministry in Des Moines hosted out of Shepherd of the
Valley, and new satellite site expansion for St. Paul, Ankeny. Out of this work others are looking at
early childhood models of ministry (Christ, Bouton) and possible house churches (Memorial, Ames).
Thanks be to God many other discussions are starting around the question of “what is the Holy Spirit
leading us to do in our area?”
While not specifically requested at this convention, work will soon need to begin in engaging our District
members in support of these new ministry plants as partners with their prayers, muscles and gifts. I ask
you to join me in expecting the Lord to bless these efforts greatly!
Over the past year the Missions Committee has partnered with Pastor Greg Finke in bringing new
approaches of Christian outreach through our individual members. While the District is blessed with
many churches, there are over 60,000 of us engaged with the world every day at our jobs, in the
neighborhood, through children’s activities and in our leisure. Through Pastor Finke’s book, Joining
Jesus on His Mission, many have been energized by the simple way of living Jesus in our daily
interactions. Pastor Finke has presented to the District leadership team and is coming to do more work
with interested people and congregations later this year.
The work of IOWAY has "stretched" with our leader Ellie Menz training and equipping more leaders of
mission trips to expand our Iowa mission witness with short-term concentrated work in key places. In
addition, she has spear-headed our work of being able to respond to disasters with an IDW quick response
through our four specially trained and equipped LERT regional teams.
Another avenue of missions is our work with Recognized Service Organizations that serve in our District.
Their efforts at introducing people to Jesus through their caring ministries continues to reach people at
critical faith opportunities in their lives. Lutheran Family Service has been a blessing to hundreds of
people that they serve each year through their counseling ministry, including their consulting services at
no charge with nearly 50 pastors in their own counseling ministry. Last year, God opened more doors for
pregnancy counseling and adoption than in the past and their work and that of Lutherans For Life
continues to champion God’s plan for life to individuals and in the public square. LFL is building
individual congregational teams to expand their ministry reach. LFS has focused additional resources on
serving our congregations as they work to bring Jesus to their communities. Among these new ministry
efforts are specific focuses on healthy marriage, church worker mental health and elder care. The Perry
Lutheran Home is entering their third year of working with congregations and communities on reaching
the lost for Christ through dementia and Alzheimer’s outreach. Camp Okoboji continues to find new
ways of serving our missions work through creative programming and by drawing people to “Jesus at the
Lake” and in their support of Operation Barnabas. LCEF has launched a new Lutheran Credit Union
which will help our church connect with new generations of Lutherans and better serve our professional
workers. The LCMS Foundation continues to link together people with means to ministries in need. This
work has been a blessing to many of our District mission efforts. The LLL has continued bringing
Lutheran Hour Ministries resources to our congregations. The LWML continues to bring mites to the
mission field and supports some very exciting mission efforts both here and around the world. And of
course, the missionary sending ministry of Mission Central continues to be a primary means of supporting
the important work of bringing Jesus to many places around the world. These are but a few of the ways
that our LCMS aligned partners are multiplying our mission outreach to others.
As chairman I give thanksgiving and gratitude to God for those who have so faithfully served as members
of the Missions Committee during the past triennium. Those members include: Rev. David Beagley,
Mrs. Ann Carrick and Mrs. Jane Morris (representing LWML), Mr. Doug Kading, Mrs. Carole White
(representing our Lutheran Church Extension Fund), Rev. Jason Peterson, Rev. Ray Smith (Rural
Missions), President Paul Sieveking, Mr. Gary Thies, Mrs. Ellie Menz (IOWAY), Rev. Roger Carlisle
(IDW VP), Executive Assistant Rev. Mark Gerken, and Rev. Max Phillips, Chairman. It has been a
privilege to serve all of you as chairman of our District Missions Committee. God has blessed me and
our Committee in many ways in these past six years in which I have been blessed to serve a Chairman.
May God continue to bless our work together so that many more hear the Word and feel the love of
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Max Phillips, Chairman
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We have had a fantastic Foundations of Faith campaign and we are now bringing that to a close.
Foundations of Faith you’ll remember is our effort to support the theological education of the first
Lutheran pastors in Southeast Asia. The congregations and individuals of our district have been extremely
generous in supporting this exciting opportunity! To date, contributions to train the pastors total $19,951.
We also have raised money to send LCMS pastors to Southeast Asia to do the actual teaching. Pastor
John Burger gave in-depth instruction on Luther’s Small Catechism. In addition, we have raised $8,669
to send more pastors to lay this foundation of our excellent Lutheran theology.
So how are the students doing? In a word—great! That said there are many obstacles to overcome
culturally and politically. The men are making steady progress and have begun their third year of study.
The third year curriculum looks like this:
LISA Year Three Courses
Tentative Dates
Christian Stewardship
January 20-24, 2015
Gerhard Michael
The Mission of God and Our
Involvement in It
postponed, date to
be determined
Church History
May 22-27, 2015
Rich Carter
August 21-26, 2015
Steve Chambers
The really exciting news is that in addition to this first group of pastors, there is a second cohort now in
their first year of study! Our missionaries are doing an excellent job of navigating this process and ask us
to keep on praying as they daily deal with the many challenges of this growing effort.
As committee chair I want to personally thank you for the wonderful response to this project. As we
conclude this emphasis, please feel free to ask for more detailed reports which we must guardedly share.
Also, if you feel led to continue support of this effort we whole-heartedly encourage that.
For the future, we are looking at opportunities to support missions in a manner that allows us to partner in
financial and other ways. Stay tuned for this next effort which will be offered this Fall.
God bless you as you share the great news of His love!
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Timothy Phillips, Chairman
The mission statement of the Human Care Committee (HCC) affirms Jesus’ ministry mandated for all
people in every kind of need (Matthew 25: 32-46). Our ministry focuses on the whole range of human
care and needs in IDW and beyond.
Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) continues to train volunteers through seminars led by District
Disaster Coordinator, Ellie Menz. LERT has proven to be a valuable resource addressing needs as a result
of natural and human disasters. Four LERT trailers are strategically located in the Sac, Boone,
Northwest/Spencer and Southwest circuits. There are countless unmet opportunities and needs which
could be served by the LERT trailers. A proposed convention resolution addresses this opportunity for
showing God’s grace and mercy.
Another emphasis this past triennium has been in the area of ministry to the elderly. A workshop was
held in January 2014 in partnership with Lutheran Family Service, Lutherans For Life, Perry Lutheran
Home and the District Missions Committee to help equip congregations for ministry in this ever growing
area. “Remembering Hope,” a project of the Perry Lutheran Home, is available to assist congregations
and societies in reaching out to people with Alzheimer’s and dementia and their caregivers with the good
news of Jesus Christ, the Hope of every person. Parish nurse Darlene Rueter will continue to contact
congregations to share ideas in elder care ministry and help them network with one another and tell their
stories of what they do in this area of ministry.
The congregations, schools and other ministries of IDW were encouraged at the last convention and will
be again at this convention to incorporate at least one act of Christian mercy into their annual ministry
plans especially in their local community and be encouraged to share the stories of their efforts with the
District. A list of Human Care Resources is available on the IDW website.
The HCC continues to promote comprehensive wellness of church workers, recognizing the connection
this plays in ministry. Rev. Jason Peterson has been appointed chairman of the District Commission on
Ministerial Growth and Support, succeeding Mrs. Ruth Daumer. We thank Ruth for her leadership and
anticipate God’s continued blessings on the efforts of the Commission. We promoted the Be Well/Serve
Well program of Concordia Health Plan which offered financial incentives to church workers and their
congregations for healthy behaviors and actions. Health screenings were arranged at several pastors
conferences. The congregations of IDW are encouraged to provide District compensation to church
workers and their families as outlined in the IDW compensation guidelines (family/relational wellness).
An area of increased emphasis in the next triennium will be life issues. This will be enhanced with the
appointment of Rev. Jonathan Watt as District Life Coordinator and as a member of the HCC.
The Des Moines chaplaincy is served on a part time basis by Rev. Jim Brammeier. Chaplain Steve
Benson accepted a call to serve as full time chaplain at Luther Park, Des Moines. As a result, the
congregations in the Siouxland area are studying the chaplaincy ministry to determine the best course of
action for how area congregations might meet the needs of this important area-specific ministry going
As our culture is increasingly promoting values and choices that are in direct opposition to God’s design,
the HCC continues to affirm and support the work of Lutheran Family Service. I urge your prayerful
consideration of a proposed resolution regarding their work.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Rozek, Chairman
I have been privileged to serve the congregations and families of IDW for over 16 years
in various ways. I meet with individual and organizational investors of Church
Extension to answer their questions and help them choose the investment(s) and
services that best suit their needs. In the past triennium, I have enjoyed sharing
demographic information and outreach ideas with many congregations and schools.
Capital Funding Services help congregations with capital campaigns for significant
building projects or debt reduction. Laborers for Christ is a valuable service to help
congregations save money on building projects and unify and excite the members about their common
cause. The Architectural Advisory Committee, with volunteers Gary Landhauser in Cedar Rapids and
Deon Bahr of Lincoln, remain available for facility questions or challenges. Consecrated Stewards is a
Gospel-based, stewardship education program that many of our IDW congregations have learned and
grown from. Another blessing of LCEF is the help available for rostered church workers in the form of
loans for housing, debt consolidation, home equity and education loan repayment. As always, loans to
finance church and school operations, expansion, new mission starts, and many other ministry purposes
are available through our church’s financial organization, the LCEF, and I consider it a joy to meet with
committees and congregations interested in furthering the Lord’s work in their communities. In the last
triennium, LCEF has made 17 new loans totaling over $7,715,000 thanks to faithful investors and
borrowers partnering together to make a difference in things eternal. To God be the glory!
Respectfully submitted,
Carole L. White, LCEF Vice President
Iowa District West & Iowa District East
Calls on Pastors at their Congregations
Individual Calls on Families and Members
Evening Mission Events at Congregations
LWML, LLL, District, OGT Circuit Presentations
Sunday Mission Festivals and B.C. Presentations
Pastors and Donors Visiting Mission Central
Presentations to Lutheran Schools
Saturday Night Worship Service Presentations
Lenten Service Presentations
Recorded DVD Interviews with Missionaries
Missionaries Housed Overnight at Mission Central
Missionaries on Furlough Presentations and Sending
Mission Bible Studies at Mission Central
Youth Events at Mission Central
Congregational Mission Festivals in the Barn
Groups Fed at Mission Central
Total Gifts Provided for the Lord’s Work for Three Years
1. Greatest Ministry Blessings – More and more people coming to learn about the mission of the Lord
Jesus! More and more missionaries coming from around the world. More and more people
understanding that we are all missionaries and the only thing important is telling people about Jesus!
2. Greatest Ministry Opportunities – More youth and students coming and more groups coming from all
of the United States! More opportunity to share the message of our dear Lord Jesus with nonbelievers!
3. Greatest Ministry Celebrations – Huge LWML Events. One day we had 75 missionaries from around
the world and their family members. In one year we had over 100 missionaries come from around the
world! Dr. Dale Meyer spoke in our barn at an Ascension Service with 300 in attendance.
4. Future Prayers and Partnerships – Further expansion of our Mission Museum, with new addition,
more bus tour groups, expansion of our volunteer staff, exceeding our current 68 members.
Additional volunteer pilots. Expanding our volunteer presenters from the current 6 to 12 for more
Respectfully submitted,
Gary W. Thies
Mission Development Counselor for
Iowa District West & Nebraska District
“I will run the course of Your commandments, for You shall enlarge my heart” (Psalm 119:32).
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh
and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26).
God’s Word says plenty about money and possessions – and our attitude towards them. But the above
texts are cited as a reminder that Christian stewardship is a FAITH matter. That’s why this Committee has
continued the shift to helping pastors and congregations with DISCIPLESHIP – following Jesus. We still
help them with ways to improve the stewardship level of the congregation. After all, God still calls each
of us to use faithfully His things. We remember that “The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness” (Ps.
24:1; Ex. 19:5; Gen. 14:21; etc.).
But it’s one thing to KNOW this – and quite another to DO it. Our tendency is to think, “It’s MY house,
MY car,” etc. When we remember they belong to God, we may begin to ask ourselves, “Will I use all His
resources on ME – or will I use HIS things for HIS purposes?” This – and any other part of following
Jesus – is against our sinful nature. So we need HIM to change us – on the inside. This truth is nothing
new. But we Iowa District West Lutherans will need reminding of it till the day we die, because of our
sinful nature. So the challenge to help congregations and individuals “get it” will continue. But the payoff
is worth it, as following Jesus – which includes being faithful stewards - is less of a chore, and more of a
joy, as He works more and more in us.
The goal of the Iowa District West Stewardship Committee is to assist pastors, congregations, and
individuals understand that Christian stewardship is a faith issue. So it dovetails naturally with being a
disciple – a follower of Jesus. Therefore we will continue to emphasize discipleship. For this triennium,
the Committee consists of Rev. Mark Hansen, Chairman; Jim Christensen; Rev. Bill Van Nostrand; Rev.
Mark Baldwin; Rev. Dr. Steve Turner; Steve Rozek, Lee Dreyer, and Stan Ullerich. Advisory members
include Rev. Phill Andreasen, Executive Assistant; Rev. Paul Sieveking, President; Jim Schroeder; Carole
White; and Roger Curtis. We still provide stewardship materials for congregations from Stewardship
Advisors. But in many congregations, those are not used. So Phill has worked hard to meet with pastors
individually, and the Holy Spirit is providing positive responses.
The Committee has worked with the District staff and treasurer to provide comprehensive financial plans
and budgets for each year. The work program for 2016-2018 will come from this Committee. The
Committee regularly publishes financial reports that show congregational giving to the work of IDW, and
encourages congregations to remit their mission offerings on a regular monthly basis. It has also produced
the IDW Compensation Guidelines for professional church workers to be presented to the 2015 District
Convention for approval, and encourages congregations to follow these guidelines for the care of their
The Committee helped sponsor a Concordia Retirement Workshop in the District to help professional
workers in preparation for their retirement planning.
As Chairman of the Committee over the past three years, I have enjoyed working with the members of
this Committee, with the District staff, and with Carole White of the LCEF, and Jim Schroeder, Christian
Estate Planning Counselor. They each bring insights and integrity to the table.
May God continue to bless the work of the Stewardship Committee, and each congregation in this
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Mark Hansen, Chairman
As of January 31, 2015
Cash Basis Accounting
The Statement of Activities is presented on a cash basis rather than accrual. The major difference in the
two methods is that accrual accounting requires the recognition of estimated uncollected contributions.
The District board has chosen to use cash basis for managing the District’s finances because of the desire
to manage its business affairs on contributions received.
Fund Accounting
The District maintains three funds. The General Fund accounts budget activities. The Endowment and
Legacy Fund accounts for activities that are a result of contributions with special contractual and legal
restrictions. This Fund is not part of the budgeting process. The Restricted Fund accounts for activities
that are funded through project fees and are also not part of the budgeting process.
General Fund
During the last three years there has been an effort to move some of the ministries of the District to local
management and financing. Direct congregational support and the amount of mission dollars spent
reflects this phase in effort. It is the Board’s intention to expand its mission spending with the focus on
temporary funding and the expectation of eventual local management and financing.
It should be noted that on average 65% of total expenditures went to the Synod or mission activities.
Endowment and Legacy Fund
Endowment funds are limited to distributing income only. Preservation of principal is a requirement.
Legacy funds intend that principal be spent. In general, spending of principal is over a period of 3 to 10
The District prepares accrual basis statements annually. The statements for the last three years have been
audited by an independent CPA. A reconciliation between cash basis and accrual basis is maintained
within the accounting system.
Respectfully submitted,
James A. Christensen, Treasurer
Statement of Activities
February 2012 through January 2015
General Fund
General Fund Income
Support From Congregations
Mission Support - Direct
Support From Endowment and Legacy
Investment Income & Other Revenue
Total General Fund Income
General Fund Expense
Synod Missions
District Missions
Human Care
Preparing Church Workers
Youth Services
Support Services
Total General Fund Expense
Net General Fund Income/(Loss)
Endowment and Legacy
Endowment and Legacy Contributions
Endowment and Legacy Income
Endowment and Legacy Distributions
Net Endowment and Legacy Income/(Loss)
Restricted Fund
Restricted Income
Restricted Expense
Net Restricted Fund Income/(Loss)
Loving Arms Transfer
Net Change in Assets
Feb 2012 Jan 2013
Feb 2013 Jan 2014
Feb 2014 Jan 2015
Since its move from the previous District office building at 1317 Tower Drive in Fort Dodge, the District
Archives has been located in the basement of the District office building at 409 Kenyon Road, Fort
Dodge. The organization of the Archives in the new location suffered a setback a few years ago when an
accident with a sewer pipe in the basement of the building occurred, and many of the materials in the
Archives had to be hurriedly moved to a different location in the room to prevent damage to the materials
and to allow repairs on the sewer pipe. The process of returning the materials to their former location in
the Archives has been somewhat of a tedious task. However, progress is being made. The west half of
the room had also been used as storage for various unused items. The District office staff took a day a
while back to dispose of much of the unused and unusable items, to straighten up the items that could be
kept, and to clean the room. Our thanks to the District office staff. Their work has made the Archives
room much more attractive and usable.
The duties of the District Archivist, as delineated in the District Handbook, section 13.05, include the
following: 1) receive as property of the District Archives, or as a loan to the District Archives, such
archival materials as fall within the scope of the District Archives; 2) register such materials according to
accepted archival accessioning procedures, prepare inventories, indexes, or other aids to the location of
materials, and store such archival materials in an environmentally safe and secure place; 3) assist
individuals and organizations in research and in locating materials, and supervise the use by others of the
materials in the archives; and 4) report the activities of the office of Archivist-Historian to each District
convention. The District Handbook also lists the scope of the District Archives and information regarding
transfer of records.
Each congregation should have a copy of the District Handbook, and it would be helpful for the
congregation and for the District Archives if someone in the congregation made themselves aware of the
items that should be brought or sent to the District Archives for storage so that they may be used for
future reference about the history of the congregation, its pastors, and important events in the life of the
The District Archivist has received and filed materials from congregations and entities within the District
as listed in the District Handbook under the scope of the District Archives. The District Archivist has
also assisted individuals, especially a number of those doing research in their genealogies in the records
of disbanded congregations that are stored in the District Archives.
Recently, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Urbandale, updated the material in its files at the District
Archives. The following is a very partial list of some of the items included. Mentioning these may help
to give other congregations samples of the kinds of material for the District Archives:
 The Commissioning Service of the Rev. Allen Rudow as Missionary-at-Large for the Iowa District
West to serve the Urbandale area.
 The Order for the Ground Breaking for Gloria Dei Lutheran Church at its present location.
 The Order of Service for the Dedication of the church building, along with a brief history of the
congregation to that date.
 Orders of service for the installation of Pastors Clarence Pannier and Robert Olson.
 An Order of Service for the Tenth Anniversary of the congregation, along with a brief history of the
congregation to date.
 An Order of Service for the Dedication of the congregation’s new sanctuary.
 The booklet with Order of Service for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the congregation.
It included pictures from the early history of the church, pictures of the founding members of the
congregation who are still active members, pictures of the pastors and vicars who have served the
congregation and a timeline of Gloria Dei’s Historical Milestones, including pictures. (An aid for
future reference is the fact that the pictures are all identified.)
A very partial list of other kinds of materials that are housed in the District Archives includes the
 12 file drawers of material from congregations of the District.
 7 file drawers of material on former and current pastors.
 3 file drawers of material on former and current teachers.
 Minutes of the Board of Directors from 1936 to the present.
 The records of numerous congregations that have disbanded.
The District Archivist has also attended the regular meetings of the Conference on Archives and History
sponsored by the Concordia Historical Institute on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis,
Congregations are encouraged to bring or send to the District Archives anniversary books, installation
services, ordination services, and other special service folders and bulletins, congregational histories,
biographies, and other materials pertinent to the history of individuals and congregations of the District.
It is especially important that congregations that disband have their official church records brought to the
District Archives to preserve them as a record of the history of Iowa District West and of The Lutheran
Church—Missouri Synod in this part of Iowa.
The current archivist has served part-time since 1979 and is one of the oldest and longest serving District
Archivists in the Synod.
The District Archives also serves as the repository for the District LWML Archives, and has stored some
materials also from the LLL, the former youth organization of the LCMS known as the Walther League,
and some material from Camp Okoboji. However, the District Archivist is not responsible for the
organization, etc. of these materials.
The Rev. Albert H. Buelow
District Archivist
FYI: The first known archives were the places where Noah kept the bees on the ark.
In 1988, delegates to the Iowa District West convention passed a resolution to enter a partnership with the
LCMS Foundation and Iowa District East LCMS. I was called to serve as the Christian Estate Planning
Counselor. In 1994 the delegates to the Iowa District West convention passed a resolution to change the
partnership with the LCMS Foundation and have me serve exclusively in Iowa District West.
This convention in 2015 marks the 27th year of this partnership. Through my work in Iowa District West
for the LCMS Foundation the following services are offered to individuals and congregations:
1. Individual help in developing a Christian Estate Plan.
2. Endowment planning for congregations
3. Investments for endowment fund
4. Gift planning for assets of land, securities, IRA distributions, etc.
5. Legal assistance and document preparation for charitable trusts, personal endowment, and gift
6. Trust management services
The Lord has blessed our partnership and thousands of families have developed a Christian Estate plan
that includes:
1. A written statement of faith.
2. An up to date will or trust to provide for their family.
3. A tax-wise gift from their estate to their favorite ministries.
Iowa District West, congregations in Iowa District West, Lutheran Family Service, Camp Okoboji,
LCMS World Missions, and many other LCMS ministries have benefited from gifts from the estate
planning of the members of congregations in Iowa District West.
Thanks be to God for blessing our work together in the past and on into the future.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Schroeder
Christian Estate Planning Counselor
LCMS Foundation
Regarding the candidates for the offices of District President and vice presidents, the District Handbook,
9.03, states the following:
a. Candidates for the offices of President and First and Second Vice President shall be in each
instance the three candidates receiving the highest number of votes in the nominating ballots
of the congregations.
b. The Secretary of the District shall notify each candidate and shall secure his approval in
writing to include his name on the convention ballot. Each candidate shall reply within ten
days as to his willingness to serve if elected.
c. In the event of the death, declination, or unavailability of any candidate, the nominee having
the next highest number of votes shall become the candidate.
d. In the event of a tie for the third position among the candidates, all names involved in the tie
shall be listed as candidates.
e. The Secretary of the District shall publish in the convention workbook brief biographies of
the three candidates for President, the three candidates for First Vice President, and the three
candidates for Second Vice President.
Regarding the nominations for the office of District President and vice presidents, the District Handbook,
9.01 d, states the following:
d. The Secretary of the District shall tabulate the nominating votes and shall report to the
convention by means of the convention workbook the names and tallies of all ordained
ministers who have received nominating votes for the office of President or First or Second
Vice President.
The following are the names and tallies of all ordained ministers who have received nominating votes for
the office of President or First or Second Vice President:
Steve Turner
Jonathan Watt
Roger Carlisle
Paul Egger
Mark Gerken
Alan Miller
Allen Henderson
Max Phillips
Robert Riggert
48 (accepted)
9 (accepted)
4 (accepted)
First Vice President
Roger Carlisle
Paul Egger
Steve Turner
Jonathan Watt
Brian Licht
Ben Dose
Nathan Dudley
David Ericksen
Allen Henderson
Merle Mahnken
First Vice President (continued)
Max Phillips
Jesse Burns
Timothy Geitz
Kevin Johnson
Bradley Ketcham
Larry Lemke
Russell Senstad
Second Vice President
Russell Senstad
Jonathan Watt
Roger Carlisle
Ben Dose
Jonathan Conner
David Dahlke
Paul Egger
Timothy Geitz
Mark Baldwin
Kevin Johnson
Jason Peterson
Leland Schmidt
Brian Licht
Max Phillips
Robert Riggert
Steve Turner
Jay Wheeler
Robert Zellmer
(accepted – if Carlisle or Watt is elected as President or First Vice
Name: Roger Carlisle
Age: 58
Year of Ordination: 1983
Name: Steven Turner
405 Center Street, Wall Lake 51466
Age: 56
Year of Ordination: 1985
Address: 3 Country Estates, Algona 50511
Number of Years in Synod: 28 years
Number of Years in District: 28 years
Number of Years in Synod: 30
Number of Years in District: 30
Present Position: Pastor, Peace Lutheran Church, Wall Lake, Iowa
Present Position:
Senior Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church Algona, Iowa
District Offices Held:
Youth Services Committee (Chairman 6 years)
District Reconciler
District Board of Directors
District Nominating Committee
Sac City Circuit Visitor
2nd Vice President, Iowa District West
District Offices Held:
1st Vice President, Iowa District West
2nd Vice President, Iowa District West
Synod Nomination Committee
Member Iowa District West Board of Directors
LCMS Model Theological Conferences
Chairman IDW Committee on Lay Ministry
Chairman Rural Ministry Task Force
Chairman District Stewardship Committee
Floor Committee Chairman District Convention
Delegate Synod Conventions
President of the Board of Directors,
Lutheran Family Service of Iowa
Board of Directors Lutheran Family Service
Former Pastorates:
Other Full-time Positions Held:
Other significant service or experience:
Circuit Evangelism Rep
District Confirmand Retreat Dean
LCMS Convention Delegate
1989 & 2007
LCMS Convention Floor Committee
LCMS Convention Alternate Delegate
1986 & 2004
District Junior High Retreat Staff
Circuit Youth Rep
Blackhawk Ministerium
Sac County Hospice Board, Chairman 4 years
Sac County Pheasants Forever Chairman
Trustee, Wilma Gosch Foundation
Co-author of Circuit Pastor Planned Program
IDW Task Force on Pornography, Chairman
Pastoral Care Specialist Certification
Various ad-hoc committees for school and community
Former Pastorates:
Dual parish: Trinity, Marcus/Pilgrim, Quimby, IA
2002 & 2005
1989, 1998, 2004
Other Full-time Positions Held:
Other significant service or experience:
Board of Directors Good Samaritan Communities
Kossuth County C.A.R.E.
Saint Paul Institute For Education Rural and Small Town
Rural Ministry Institute Consultation Concordia Seward, NE 2001
Vicarage Supervisor
4-H leader
Pony league Baseball Coach
Name: Jonathan Watt
Age: 53
Year of Ordination: 2001
Address: 800 N Sumner Avenue, Creston 50801
Number of Years in Synod: 14
Number of Years in District: 13
Present Position: Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church, Creston & Mount Ayr, Iowa
District Offices Held:
Board for Parish Services, South Dakota District
Chair, South Dakota Pastors Conference Committee
Former Pastorates:
St. John, Howard, SD
St. John, Burt, IA
Our Savior, Swea City, IA
Other Full-time Positions Held:
Computer Tech Consultant, Personnel Data Systems,
Blue Bell, PA
Computer Operator, Programmer, Systems Analyst,
Bryan Memorial Hospital, Lincoln, NE
Other significant service or experience:
District Life Coordinator, IDW
Circuit Visitor, Southwest Circuit, IDW
President, Vice President, Habitat for Humanity of
Union County, IA
Manager, State Tornado Relief Distribution Center,
Creston, IA
Other experience or qualifications or degrees:
EMT, Miner Co, SD, Certified
International Academy of Apologetics, Strasbourg,
Pastoral Advisor LERT Team, SW Circuit, IDW
Name: Roger Carlisle
Age: 55
Year of Ordination: 1983
405 Center Street, Wall Lake 51466
Paul Egger
Age: 52
Year of Ordination: 1990
406 Monona Street, Galva, Iowa 51020
Number of Years in Synod: 28 years
Number of Years in District: 28 years
Number of Years in Synod: 25 years
Number of Years in District: 14 years
Present Position: Pastor, Peace Lutheran Church, Wall Lake, Iowa
Present Position: Pastor, St. John Lutheran Church, Galva, Iowa
District Offices Held:
Youth Services Committee, Chairman 6 years
District Reconciler
District Board of Directors
District Nominating Committee
Sac City Circuit Visitor
2nd Vice President, Iowa District West
District Offices Held:
Circuit Visitor
Former Pastorates:
Faith Lutheran Church, Flora, IL
Trinity Lutheran Church, Iuka, IL (vacancy)
Former Pastorates:
Other Full-time Positions Held:
Other significant service or experience:
IDW Confirmand Retreat Dean
IDW Clergy Health Cabinet
LCMS Convention Delegate
Clay County Ministerial Alliance President (CID)
Area Pan-Lutheran Pastors study group host
Preacher/Activity Leader at Annual Area Middle
School Retreat
Preacher at Iowa/Nebraska Middle School Retreat,
Council Bluffs
Guest Lecturer at Nebraska Pastors Study
Baseball/Softball Coach
Galva-Holstein High School “Success 4” Com
Circuit Bible Institute Presenter
AAU Volleyball coach
Other Full-time Positions Held:
Other significant service or experience:
Circuit Evangelism Rep
District Confirmand Retreat Dean
LCMS Convention Delegate
1989 & 2007
LCMS Convention Floor Committee
LCMS Convention Alternate Delegate
1986 & 2004
District Junior High Retreat Staff
Circuit Youth Rep
Blackhawk Ministerium
Sac County Hospice Board, Chairman 4 years
Sac County Pheasants Forever Chairman
Trustee, Wilma Gosch Foundation
Co-author of Circuit Pastor Planned Program
IDW Task Force on Pornography, Chairman
Pastoral Care Specialist Certification
Various ad-hoc committees for school and community
1995 & 2007
Other experience or qualifications or degrees:
BA Political Science/Journalism from UNI (high honors) 1985
Name: Jonathan Watt
Age: 53
Year of Ordination: 2001
Address: 800 N Sumner Avenue, Creston 50801
Number of Years in Synod: 14
Number of Years in District: 13
Present Position: Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church, Creston & Mount Ayr, Iowa
District Offices Held:
Board for Parish Services, South Dakota District
Chair, South Dakota Pastors Conference Committee
Former Pastorates:
St. John, Howard, SD
St. John, Burt, IA
Our Savior, Swea City, IA
Other Full-time Positions Held:
Computer Tech Consultant, Personnel Data Systems,
Blue Bell, PA
Computer Operator, Programmer, Systems Analyst,
Bryan Memorial Hospital, Lincoln, NE
Other significant service or experience:
District Life Coordinator, IDW
Circuit Visitor, Southwest Circuit, IDW
President, Vice President, Habitat for Humanity of
Union County, IA
Manager, State Tornado Relief Distribution Center,
Creston, IA
Other experience or qualifications or degrees:
EMT, Miner Co, SD, Certified
International Academy of Apologetics, Strasbourg,
Pastoral Advisor LERT Team, SW Circuit, IDW
Name: Roger Carlisle
Age: 55
Year of Ordination: 1983
Name: Russell Senstad
405 Center Street, Wall Lake 51466
Age: 49
Year of Ordination: 1992
Address: 4211 Eldorado Ct, Sioux City, IA 51106
Number of Years in Synod: 28 years
Number of Years in District: 28 years
Number of Years in Synod: 23
Number of Years in District: 23
Present Position: Pastor, Peace Lutheran Church, Wall Lake, Iowa
Present Position: Senior Pastor, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Sioux City, Iowa
District Offices Held:
Youth Services Committee, Chairman 6 yrs
District Reconciler
District Board of Directors
District Nominating Committee
Sac City Circuit Visitor
2nd Vice President, Iowa District West
District Offices Held:
Past Member – IDW Board of Directors
Pastor Member – Camp Okoboji Board of Directors
Past Circuit Visitor, Sioux City Circuit (2 times)
LWML Zone Counselor (Adair and Sioux City)
LCMS Reconciler
Dean of Jr. High Week at Camp Okoboji
Former Pastorates:
Former Pastorates:
Immanuel, Adair, IA
Other Full-time Positions Held:
Other Full-time Positions Held:
Other significant service or experience:
Circuit Evangelism Rep
District Confirmand Retreat Dean
LCMS Convention Delegate
1989 & 2007
LCMS Convention Floor Committee
LCMS Convention Alternate Delegate
1986 & 2004
District Junior High Retreat Staff
Circuit Youth Rep
Blackhawk Ministerium
Sac County Hospice Board, Chairman 4 years
Sac County Pheasants Forever Chairman
Trustee, Wilma Gosch Foundation
Co-author of Circuit Pastor Planned Program
IDW Task Force on Pornography, Chairman
Pastoral Care Specialist Certification
Various ad-hoc committees for school and community
Other significant service or experience:
Other experience or qualifications or degrees:
Name: Jonathan Watt
Age: 53
Year of Ordination: 2001
Address: 800 N Sumner Avenue, Creston 50801
Number of Years in Synod: 14
Number of Years in District: 13
Present Position: Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church, Creston & Mount Ayr, Iowa
District Offices Held:
Board for Parish Services, SD District
Chairman SD Pastors Conference Committee
Former Pastorates:
St. John, Howard, SD
St. John, Burt, IA
Our Savior, Swea City, IA
Other Full-time Positions Held
Computer Tech Consultant, Personnel Data Systems, Blue Bell, PA
Computer Operator, Programmer, Systems Analyst, Bryan Memorial
Hospital, Lincoln, NE
Other significant service or experience:
District Life Coordinator, IDW
Circuit Visitor, Southwest Circuit, IDW
President, Vice President, Habitat for Humanity of
Union County, IA
Manager, State Tornado Relief Distribution Center,
Creston, IA
Other experience or qualifications or degrees:
EMT, Miner Co, SD, Certified
International Academy of Apologetics, Strasbourg,
Pastoral Advisor LERT Team, SW Circuit, IDW
The District Handbook, section 9.15 d, states that prior to the convention the District Nominating Committee shall
“submit its complete list [of nominees] to the President of the District for publication in the Convention Workbook.
This list shall contain for each candidate the name, address, congregation, present and previous District offices held,
and the position to which nominated.”
Below is a list of the nominees for each office. The information on each candidate is contained on the following
pages. Information on each additional candidate nominated either by the Nominating Committee or by the
convention itself, if nominations are forthcoming from the floor of the convention, will be distributed at the
convention (see District Handbook, section 9.17 b). The nominees in each category are listed in alphabetical order.
This information is provided for your use in your preparation as a delegate. The number in parentheses following
the office listed is the number to be elected to that office. The page number following the candidate’s name is the
page on which his/her biographical information may be found.
Incumbents are designated by an (I) behind their name in the biographical information section.
Nicholas Thackery
Page 87
James Travis
Page 87
Peter Wegner
Page 87
Timothy Geitz
Page 95
Kendall Meyer
Page 95
Dan Vogel
Page 95
Kerry Burmeister
Page 88
Scott Ernst
Page 88
Lori Gamble
Page 96
Doug Kading
Page 96
Amy Schmidt
Page 96
Lynn Dreyer
Page 89
Bob Dunker
Page 89
Stan Ullerich
Page 89
Tim Buelow
Page 97
Paul Fuhrman
Page 97
Mark Kramer
Page 97
Marilyn Schroeder
Page 98
David Daumer
Page 90
Richard Salcido
Page 90
Dan Wagner
Page 90
Ordained Ministers (3)
Mark Baldwin
Page 99
Roger Carlisle
Page 99
Duane Miesner
Page 99
Bob Riggert
Page 100
Ray Smith
Page 100
Lindsay Watkins
Page 100
Commissioned Minister (1)
Sue Barlow
Page 101
Amy Schmidt
Page 101
Merrilee Sump
Page 101
Laypersons (3)
Garry Gruhn
Page 102
John Kern
Page 102
Wanda Pritzel
Page 102
Warren Puck
Page 103
John Tews
Page 103
Carole White
Page 103
Jonathan Conner
Page 91
Dennis Martens
Page 91
Ken Schmidt
Page 91
Ben Dose
Page 92
Jonathan Riggert
Page 92
Mark Schwalenberg
Page 92
David Beagley
Page 93
Dave Dahlke
Page 93
Bruce Lesemann
Page 93
Patti Anderson
Page 94
John Kern
Page 94
Darlene Rueter
Page 94
Marci Baldwin
Page 104
Lee Dreyer
Page 104
Ruth Gerken
Page 104
John Tews
Page 105
Office to which nominated: District Secretary
Office to which nominated: District Secretary
Office to which nominated: District Secretary
Name: Nicholas Thackery
Age: 36
2307 18th Street
Emmetsburg, IA 50539
Name: James Travis
Age: 38
3622 Pierce Place
Sioux City, IA 51104
Name: Peter C. Wegner (I)
Age: 68
612 45th Street
West Des Moines, IA 50265
Present Congregation: St. Paul, Emmetsburg &
Peace, West Bend
Present Congregation: Calvary, Sioux City
Present Congregation: Peace, Des Moines
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Emmanuel, Lake View, IA
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Good Shepherd, Memphis, TN
St. John, Chicago, IL
Shepherd of the Valley, WDM, IA
Greater Memphis Lutheran Pastors Conference, Secretary
North Chicago Pastors Conference, Secretary
Des Moines East Circuit Pastors Conference,
Des Moines East Zone LWML Counselor
Lutheran Care Services, Des Moines, IA,
Board of Directors, President
Year of Ordination: 2009
Year of Ordination: 2002
Year of Ordination: 1972
Number of years in District: 6
Number of years in District: 12
Number of years in District: 32
District and other offices held:
District and other offices held:
District and other offices held:
Des Moines West Circuit Visitor
IDW Worship Committee
Chairman IDW Stewardship Committee
Office to which nominated: District Treasurer
Office to which nominated: District Treasurer
Name: Kerry Burmeister
Name: Scott D. Ernst
Age: 48
2015 Texas Avenue
Hardy, IA 50545
Age: 61
Address: 6420 Golf View Place
Sioux City, IA 51106
Congregation where membership is held:
Zion, Humboldt
Congregation where membership is held:
Redeemer, Sioux City
Offices held in congregation:
Board of Education
Offices held in congregation:
Vice President
Chairman of Elders
Formal Education:
BS degree in Animal Science, ISU
BBA Accounting, Drake University
MBA, Drake University
Formal Education:
BS degree in Business, Morningside College
Occupation (past and present):
Midwest Division Controller – Hog Slat, Inc.
Occupation (past and present):
Certified Public Accountant
District and other offices held:
Treasurer, Lutheran Family Service
District and other offices held:
Office to which nominated:
Board of Directors
Office to which nominated:
Board of Directors
Office to which nominated:
Lynn Dreyer
Dr. Robert Dunker
Stan Ullerich
3123 11th Avenue North
Fort Dodge, IA 50501
513 Bluestem Trail
Dakota Dunes, SD 57049
1700 West 6th Street
Storm Lake, IA 50588
Age: 56
Age: 69
Board of Directors
Age: 55
Congregation where membership is held:
St. Paul, Fort Dodge
Congregation where membership is held:
Redeemer, Sioux City
Congregation where membership is held:
Grace, Storm Lake
Offices held in congregation:
Chairman, Board of Elders
Board of Elders
Evangelism Board
Vice President of Congregation
Offices held in congregation:
President of Congregation
Chairman, Stewardship Committee
Strategic Planning Facilitator
Endowment & Legacy Committee
Offices held in congregation:
President of Congregation
Formal Education:
MBA from Iowa State University
Formal Education:
PhD from University of Nebraska
Formal Education:
BA from Buena Vista University
MS from Iowa State University
PhD from Purdue University
Occupation (past and present):
Director of Human Resources, NEW
Cooperative Inc.
Occupation (past and present):
President Emeritus, Western Iowa Tech
Community College
Occupation (past and present):
College Professor
District and other offices held:
District and other offices held:
Elected representative to SLIMM, a strategic
planning organization for LCMS congregations in
the three state Siouxland region
District and other offices held:
Layperson Member-at-Large on IDW
Board of Directors
IDW Stewardship Committee
Office to which nominated:
Christian Education
Office to which nominated:
Christian Education
Office to which nominated:
Christian Education
David Daumer
606 Kansas SW
Orange City, IA 51041
Age: 59
Richard Salcido
1101 Park Lane
Ida Grove, IA 51445
Age: 61
Daniel Wagner
101 East Bertha
Paullina, IA 51046
Age: 58
Present Congregation: Faith, Orange City &
St. John, Ireton
Present Congregation: St. Paul, Ida Grove
Present Congregation: Zion, Paullina
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
St. Paul, Sioux City, IA
District Camp VBS Committee
Cub Week Staff
Secretary/Treasurer - IDW Pastors Conference
Communications Director – IDW Conventions
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Salem, Jacksonville, IL (Interim Principal)
Salem, Jacksonville, IL (Associate Pastor)
Our Savior, El Paso, TX (Pastor)
Trinity, Decatur, IL (DCE)
Blessed Savior, New Berlin, WI (DCE)
South Wisconsin District Youth Ministry Task
Central Illinois District youth counselor
training events
Delegate to 2001 LCMS Convention
IDW LWML Zone Counselor
Delegate to 2013 LCMS Convention
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Faith & Hope, Ignace & Sioux Lookout,
Ontario, Canada
Eisleben, Scott City, MO
Lutheran Chapel of Hope, Campus Ministry,
Cape Ciradeau, MO
Trinity, Sabin, MN
Pastoral Supervisor for Vicarage
District Rep to Synod Conferences on
Congregational Services
LLL Zone Counselor
LWML Zone Counselor
Chaplain Fire & Rescue Squad
Year of Ordination: 1983
Year of Ordination: 1991
Year of Ordination: 1984
Number of years in District: 31
Number of years in District: 5
Number of years in District: 9
District and other offices held:
Circuit Visitor
District and other offices held:
South Wisconsin District DCE Chairman
Central Illinois District DCE Chairman
Chairman for two Central Illinois District &
Southern Illinois District Youth Gatherings
Rocky Mountain District Board of Evangelism
District and other offices held:
Worship & Music Task Force Chairman
(Minnesota North District)
Circuit Visitor (Minnesota North District)
Office to which nominated:
Jonathan Conner
1204 Center Street
Manning, IA 51455
Office to which nominated:
Age: 37
Office to which nominated:
Dennis Martens
Age: 59
511 South Washington Street
Remsen, IA 51050
Kenneth Schmidt
1193 Prairieview Avenue
Van Meter, IA 50261
Age: 59
Present Congregation: Zion, Manning
Present Congregation: Christ, Remsen
Present Congregation: Trinity, Van Meter
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
St. John, Sanborn, IA
Speaker at apologetics conferences in IDW
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Secretary/Treasurer of IDW Pastoral
Conference Committee
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Concordia, Sioux City, IA
Year of Ordination: 2004
Year of Ordination: 2008
Year of Ordination: 2005
Number of years in District: 11
Number of years in District: 8
Number of years in District: 10
District and other offices held:
Jr. Youth Gathering Committee
Pastors Conference Planning Committee
District and other offices held:
District and other offices held:
Office to which nominated:
Youth Services
Benjamin J. Dose (I)
200 West Tracy Street
Arcadia, IA 51430
Office to which nominated:
Youth Services
Age: 38
Jonathan Riggert
4982 Old 21 Road
Cherokee, IA 51012
Office to which nominated:
Youth Services
Age: 36
Mark Schwalenberg
Age: 58
1000 West Broadway Street
Polk City, IA 50226
Present Congregation: Zion, Arcadia
Present Congregation: Trinity, Cherokee
Present Congregation: Beautiful Savior, Polk City
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
South Shore Trinity, White Bear Lake, MN
Youth Advocacy Team, MN-S District
IDW Junior High Youth Gathering Worship
Board of Directors of Camp Okoboji
IDW Rural Advocacy Team
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Holy Cross, Saint Cloud, MN
Minnesota North District Youth Task Force
Pastoral Advisor to Prince of Peace Lutheran
School Association, St. Cloud, MN
Chaplain at Camp Okoboji
Pastoral Delegate to Synod Convention
President Cherokee County Ministerial
Iowa State Patrol Chaplain
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Immanuel, Guthrie Center, IA
Concordia Cub Weeks staff
Year of Ordination: 2003
Year of Ordination: 2005
Year of Ordination: 1991
Number of years in District: 7
Number of years in District: 4½
Number of years in District: 24
District and other offices held:
Member IDW Youth Services Committee
Chairman IDW Youth Services Committee
District and other offices held:
IDW Youth Gathering Dean
District and other offices held:
Des Moines Circuit Visitor
IDW Youth Gathering Committee
IDW Youth Gathering Dean
Office to which nominated:
David Beagley
110 Lynn Avenue
Ames, IA 50014
Office to which nominated:
Age: 34
Office to which nominated:
David Dahlke
Age: 48
6562 Center Street
West Des Moines, IA 50266
Bruce Lesemann
215 Cayuga Street
Storm Lake, IA 50588
Age: 53
Present Congregation: Associate Pastor, Memorial
Lutheran Church and Student Center, Ames
Present Congregation: Senior Pastor, Shepherd of
the Valley, West Des Moines
Present Congregation: St. John, Storm Lake
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Junior High Week Staff
LWML Zone Counselor
Service & Renewal Committee, Lutheran
Deaconess Association
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Faith, Shumway, IL
St. John, Auburndale, WI
IDW Junior High Week Topic Leader
IDW Youth Gathering Dean
IDW Youth Gathering Worship Committee
LCMS Servant Events
LLL Circuit Rep
LWML Circuit Rep
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Church Planter/Leadership Trainer in
Kingston, Jamaica & Sarangani Province,
Mindanao, Philippines
EFL teacher in Macau
Lutheran school teacher, Trinity, Stewardson,
IL and Faith, Godfrey, IL
Junior and Senior Counselor for IDW LWML
Planning Committee for IDW outreach
resource and training event in 2011
Year of Ordination: 2007
Year of Ordination: 1992
Year of Ordination: 1997
Number of years in District: 8
Number of years in District: 12
Number of years in District: 8
District and other offices held:
IDW Missions Committee
District and other offices held:
Circuit Visitor
North Wisconsin District Adult Education
Central Illinois District Mental Health Round
District and other offices held:
Office to which nominated:
Human Care
Office to which nominated:
Human Care
Office to which nominated:
Human Care
Patti Anderson
John E. Kern
Darlene Rueter
3830 Dakota Avenue
Gowrie, IA 50543
214 Wood Acres
Algona, IA 50511
1602 Harriet Avenue
Carroll, IA 51401
Age: 44
Age: 56
Age: 59
Congregation where membership is held:
Holy Trinity, Farnhamville
Congregation where membership is held:
Trinity, Algona
Congregation where membership is held:
St. Paul, Carroll
Offices held in congregation:
Offices held in congregation:
Vice President
Sunday School Teacher
Vacation Bible School Director
Offices held in congregation:
Chair, Human Care Board
Chair, Stewardship/Family Life Board
Secretary, Church Council
Formal Education:
AA Degree, Business Administration and
Financial Management, AIB
Formal Education:
BA Degree, Health Care AdministrationBusiness Administration, Augustana College,
South Dakota
Formal Education:
Nursing Degree, Sioux Valley School of
Nursing, Sioux Falls, SD
Occupation (past and present):
Owner of Patti’s Long Arm Quilting
Treasurer of Anderson Machinery Sales, Inc.
Occupation (past and present):
Licensed Nursing Home Administrator
Occupation (past and present):
Clinical Coordinator of Cardiac and
Pulmonary Rehab at St. Anthony Regional
Hospital, Carroll, IA
District and other offices held:
District and other offices held:
Member of Older Adult Ministries Committee
District and other offices held:
District Parish Nurse Representative
Office to which nominated:
Office to which nominated:
Office to which nominated:
Timothy Geitz (I)
1430 7th Avenue SE
Le Mars, IA 51031
Age: 53
Kendall Meyer
Age: 46
508 SW Maplewood Drive
Grimes, IA 50111
Daniel Vogel
32678 Aspen Avenue
Manning, IA 51455
Age: 63
Present Congregation: Grace, Le Mars
Present Congregation: Mt. Olive, Des Moines
Present Congregation: Amigos en Cristo, Denison
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered
Associate Pastor, St. Paul, Fort Dodge, IA
Trinity, Manilla, IA
St. John, May City, IA
Staff for Concordia Cub Week
Dean of Cub Week
LWML Pastoral Advisor
LLL Pastoral Advisor
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered
Gloria Dei, Urbandale, IA
IDW Stewardship Committee
Concordia Cub Weeks Staff
IDW Church Worker Compensation
TCN Learning Community
Former Congregations / Church Services Rendered
Monte de Los Olivos, Miami, FL
Bilingual Pastor, St. Matthew, Miami, FL
Senior Pastor, Zion, Manning, IA
Hispanic Missionary, Iowa District West
Year of Ordination: 1987
Year of Ordination: 2005
Year of Ordination: 1982
Number of years in District: 27
Number of years in District: 10
Number of years in District: 18
District and other offices held:
Ordained Member-at-Large, IDW Board of
Secretary/Treasurer, IDW Pastors Conference
District and other offices held:
Chairman, IDW Christian Education
District and other offices held:
Circuit Visitor
Office to which nominated:
Minister, Member-at-Large
Office to which nominated:
Minister, Member-at-Large
Office to which nominated:
Minister, Member-at-Large
Lori Gamble
Douglas Kading (I)
Amy Schmidt
2303 Jackson Avenue
Spirit Lake, IA 51360
523 East 13th Street
Spencer, IA 51301
410 SW Westlawn Drive
Ankeny, IA 50023
Age: 55
Age: 66
Age: 31
Present Position:
Program Director, Camp Okoboji
Present Position:
Executive Director, Camp Okoboji
Present Position:
DCE, St. Paul, Ankeny
Former Congregations and Positions:
Redeemer, Sioux City, IA, DCE
St. Paul, Osseo, MN, DCE
St. John, Burt & Our Savior, Swea City, IA,
DCE intern
Trinity, Algona, IA, Parish Assistant
Immanuel, Marshfield, WI, Teacher
Immanuel, Lakefield, MN, Teacher
Immanuel, Perryville, MO, Teacher
Former Congregations and Positions:
St. John, Vincent, and St. Peter, Woolstock, IA,
DCE (1971-1979)
First English, Spencer, IA, DCE (1979-1990)
Former Congregations and Positions:
Other Church Service Rendered:
IDW Sr. High Youth Gathering Planning
LCMS National Youth Gathering Planning
Other Church Service Rendered:
Member of Task Force to start preschool at
First English, Spencer
District Youth Gathering Committee
Dean of Youth Week
Chairman, Board of Elders
Advisory Delegate to Synod’s Convention
Other Church Service Rendered:
IDW Youth Gathering Committee
District Coordinator for National LCMS Youth
Year of Commissioning: 1982
Year of Commissioning: 1971
Year of Commissioning: 2006
Number of years in District: 20
Number of years in District: 44
Number of years in District: 9
District and other offices held:
Commissioned Minister Member-at-Large on
Board of Directors
Nominating Committee
District and other offices held:
Commissioned Minister Member-at-Large on
Board of Directors
Chairman, District Scholarship Committee
Member, District Education Committee
District and other offices held:
Office to which nominated: Lay Member-at-Large
Office to which nominated: Lay Member-at-Large
Office to which nominated: Lay Member-at-Large
Timothy Buelow
Mark Kramer
2813 Walnut Street
West Des Moines, IA 50265
Address: 1408 Greta Street
Cherokee, IA 51012
5200 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50312
Congregation where membership is held:
Messiah, Johnston
Congregation where membership is held:
Trinity, Cherokee
Congregation where membership is held:
Gloria Dei, Urbandale
Offices held in congregation:
Vice President
Offices held in congregation:
Youth Director
Finance Committee
Chairman Constitution Rewrite Committee
Offices held in congregation:
Vice President
Formal Education:
Bachelor’s Degree-Civil Engineering
Master’s Degree-Environmental Engineering
Formal Education:
MA Secondary Administration, University of
South Dakota
Formal Education:
BA, Buena Vista University
MBA, University of Iowa
Occupation (past and present):
Consulting Engineer
Occupation (past and present)
Retired High School Principal, Athletic
Director, Curriculum Director, Referee
(football/wrestling), State Junior High Student
Council Advisor, Coach, US Navy
Occupation (past and present):
VP-Trading Operations Manager, Wells Fargo
Home Mortgage
District and other offices held:
Lay Delegate to 2012 IDW Convention
Member of Missions Floor Committee at 2012
IDW Convention
District and other offices held:
District and other offices held:
Age: 47
Paul Fuhrman
Age: 75
Age: 48
Office to which nominated:
Lay Member-at-Large
Marilyn Schroeder (I) Age: 71
Address: 1828 14th Street
Boone, IA 50036
Congregation where membership is held:
Trinity, Boone
Offices held in congregation:
Finance Secretary – 2 terms
Endowment Committee
Sunday School Teacher
Formal Education:
Bank Courses
Occupation (past and present):
34 years in banking – Retired as Executive
Administrative Assistant in July 2014
District and other offices held:
LWML Iowa West District President
2015 LWML Host Convention Committee
IDW Board of Directors
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Ordained
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Ordained
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Ordained
Mark J. Baldwin (I)
Age: 60
Roger P. Carlisle (I)
Age: 58
Duane Miesner
412 North Main
Kingsley, IA 51028
Age: 59
Address: 409 NE 31st Street
Ankeny, IA 50021
Address: PO Box 189
Wall Lake, IA 51466
Present Congregation: Senior Pastor,
St. Paul, Ankeny
Present Congregation: Peace, Wall Lake
Present Congregation: First, Kingsley
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Eastern Heights, St. Paul, MN
Associate Pastor, Shepherd of the Valley, West
Des Moines, IA
IDW Institutional Chaplain, Des Moines, IA
IDW LWML Pastoral Counselor
LWML Zone Counselor
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Dean of IDW Confirmand Retreat
IDW Junior High Week Staff
Sac City Circuit Evangelism Representative
Sac City Circuit Youth Representative
LCMS Convention Floor Committee #4—
Program and Finance
LCMS Convention Delegate
Co-author of Circuit Pastors Planned Program
IDW Task Force on Pornography, Chairman
Pastoral Care Specialist Certification
Former Congregations/ Church Service Rendered:
Immanuel, Spencer, NE
Christ, Lynch, NE
IDW Youth Gathering Committee
Year of Ordination: 1984
Year of Ordination: 1983
Year of Ordination: 1998
Number of years in District: 19
Number of years in District: 32
Number of years in District: 14
District and other offices held:
IDW Nominating Committee
District and other offices held:
Youth Services Committee
Board of Directors
IDW Nominating Committee
District Reconciler
Sac City Circuit Visitor
2nd Vice President
District and other offices held:
Ainsworth Circuit Visitor (NE)
Le Mars Circuit Visitor
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Ordained
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Ordained
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Ordained
Robert Riggert (I)
Age: 67
Ray Smith
Address: 810 Nisnabotna Drive
Manning, IA 51455
723 North 9th Street
Missouri Valley, IA 51555
Present Congregation: Retired – Assistant to the
Pastor, Zion, Manning
Present Congregation: First, Missouri Valley
Present Congregation: Trinity, Boone
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Zion, Manning, IA
St. Luke, Cylinder, IA
Immanuel, Lone Rock, IA
Trinity, Fort Wayne, IN, Principal and Teacher
Bethlehem, Euclid, OH, Principal and Teacher
Director of Customer Services, LCEF—IDW
and IDE
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Zion, Owensville, MO
Mount Calvary, Belle, MO
Former Congregations / Church Service Rendered:
Wittenberg Lutheran Chapel, University of
North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, Campus Pastor
Mt. Hope, Evergreen, CO
Immanuel Lutheran Church & Student
Center, Western Illinois University, Macombe, IL
St. John, Rushville, IL
Education Committee, North Dakota District
Continuing Education Pastor, North Dakota
Synod Convention Delegate
Christian Education Committee, IDW
Year of Ordination: 1982
Year of Ordination: 2003
Year of Ordination: 1979
Number of years in District: 34
Number of years in District: 8
Number of years in District: 20
District and other offices held:
Chairman, Christian Education Committee
Chairman, District Family Life Committee
Chairman, District Pastors Conference
LCMS Reconciler
LCMS School Ministry Cabinet
Executive Assistant IDW
District and other offices held:
IDW Rural/Small Town Missions Assistant-PT
Circuit Visitor, Council Bluffs Circuit
IDW Early Childhood Cabinet
District and other offices held:
Circuit Visitor, Boone Circuit
Age: 60
Lindsay Watkins
Age: 61
Address: 527 South Marshall Street
Boone, IA 50036
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Commissioned
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Commissioned
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Commissioned
Sue Barlow
Amy Schmidt
Merrilee Sump
5513 Aurora Avenue #7
Des Moines, IA 50310
410 SW Westlawn Drive
Ankeny, IA 50021
707 West Scidmore
Clarinda, IA 51632
Age: 49
Age: 31
Age: 59
Present Position:
Teacher, Mt. Olive Lutheran School, Des
Present Position:
DCE, St. Paul, Ankeny
Present Position:
Principal/Teacher, Clarinda Lutheran School
Former Congregations and Positions:
Teacher, Concordia Lutheran School, Storm
Former Congregations and Positions:
Former Congregations and Positions:
St. Paul High School, Concordia, MO
St. Paul College & College High, Concordia,
Bethlehem-Trinity, Fort Wayne, IN
Other Church Service Rendered:
Evangelism Committee
Other Church Service Rendered:
IDW Youth Gathering Committee
District Coordinator for National LCMS Youth
Other Church Service Rendered:
National Lutheran School Accreditation
IDW NLSA Commission
Assoc. of Choice in Education Board of
Council of Iowa Accredited Nonpublic Schools
Dept of LCMS Ministry Task force for
National Lutheran School Accreditation and
Excellence in LCMS Education
Year of Commissioning: 2011
Year of Commissioning: 2006
Year of Commissioning: 1978
Number of years in District: 12
Number of years in District: 9
Number of years in District: 20
District and other offices held:
District and other offices held:
District and other offices held:
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Layperson
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Layperson
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Layperson
Garry Gruhn
John E. Kern
Wanda Pritzel
527 Pennsylvania Avenue, Apt 4
Story City, IA 50248
214 Wood Acres
Algona, IA 50511
234 9th Avenue North
Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Age: 62
Age: 56
Age: 54
Congregation where membership is held:
Memorial, Ames
Congregation where membership is held:
Trinity, Algona
Congregation where membership is held:
St. Paul, Fort Dodge
Offices held in congregation:
High School Bible Class Teacher
Assistant Confirmation Class Teacher
Offices held in congregation:
Vice President
Sunday School Teacher
Vacation Bible School Director
Offices held in congregation:
Formal Education:
BS BA - Accounting
Formal Education:
BA Degree, Health Care AdministrationBusiness Administration, Augustana College,
South Dakota
Formal Education:
Masters in Social Work, University of Missouri
Occupation (past and present):
Soybean Wholesale Broker-MBS Genetics
Occupation (past and present):
Licensed Nursing Home Administrator
Occupation (past and present):
Director of Ministry Support &
Congregational Services, Lutheran Family Service
District and other offices held:
Lay Member, IDW Board of Directors
LLL District President
District and other offices held:
Member, IDW Older Adult Ministries
District and other offices held:
Member, IDW Human Care Committee
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Layperson
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Layperson
Office to which nominated:
Committee, Layperson
Warren C. Puck (I)
PO Box 217
Manning, IA 51455
Age: 76
John Tews (I)
1499 Noah Avenue
Bayard, IA 50029
Age: 73
Carole White (I)
1150 Home Park Blvd, #7
Waterloo, IA 50701
Age: 55
Congregation where membership is held:
Zion, Manning
Congregation where membership is held:
Immanuel, Guthrie Center
Congregation where membership is held:
St. Peter, Newell
Offices held in congregation:
Financial Secretary
Endowment Committee
Bible Study Leader
Offices held in congregation:
Vice President
Offices held in congregation:
Evangelism and Missions Chairman
Stewardship Chairman
Formal Education:
B.S. in Industrial Administration, ISU
Formal Education:
High School
Formal Education:
B.A. in Accounting, UNI
MBA in progress, UNI
Occupation (past and present):
Retired (Farm Equipment Dealer)
Occupation (past and present):
Insurance Agent
Occupation (past and present):
Lutheran Church Extension Fund—Missouri
Synod Vice President for the Iowa Districts
District and other offices held:
Chairman of IDW Board of Directors
IDW Endowment and Legacy Committee
Iowa District West Nominating Committee
District and other offices held:
Iowa District West Nominating Committee
District and other offices held:
District LWML Member Development
District LWML Treasurer
2015 National LWML Convention Treasurer
Iowa District West Nominating Committee
Office to which nominated: Synod’s Nominating
Committee, Layperson
Office to which nominated: Synod’s Nominating
Committee, Layperson
Office to which nominated: Synod’s Nominating
Committee, Layperson
Marci Baldwin
409 NE 31st Street
Ankeny, IA 50021
Age: 61
Lee Dreyer
2242 140th Street
Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Age: 63
Ruth Gerken
2201 North 15th Street
Adel, IA 50003
Age: 57
Congregation where membership is held:
St. Paul, Ankeny
Congregation where membership is held:
St. Paul, Fort Dodge
Congregation where membership is held:
Faith, Adel
Offices held in congregation:
Bible Class Teacher
Choir Member
LWML Membership Committee
International LWML Convention Golf
Tournament Committee
Offices held in congregation:
Chairman of Finance Committee
Co-Chair Annual School Auction Committee
Church Building Committee
Offices held in congregation:
Preschool Board
Youth Board
Worship Board
Confirmation Teacher
Formal Education:
BS in Education, Concordia, Seward
MS in Community Counseling, University of
Formal Education:
Associate of Science Degree
Formal Education:
BA, Wartburg College
Occupation (past and present):
Individual and Family Counselor at New Hope
Counseling Center
Occupation (past and present):
Insurance Sales and Commercial Property
Occupation (past and present):
LCEF Promotions Director, Iowa Districts
East & West
District and other offices held:
District and other offices held:
Chairman, IDW Board of Directors
Member, IDW Stewardship Committee
District and other offices held:
Fan into Flame Committee
District Preschool Visitation Team
Office to which nominated: Synod’s Nominating
Committee, Layperson
John Tews
1499 Noah Avenue
Bayard, IA 50029
Age: 73
Congregation where membership is held:
Immanuel, Guthrie Center
Offices held in congregation:
Vice President
Education Board
Formal Education:
High School
Occupation (past and present):
Insurance Agent
District and other offices held:
IDW Nominating Committee
The regulations regarding the nomination and election of circuit visitors are found in Bylaw 5.2.2 of the
Handbook of the Synod. This Bylaw reads as follows:
The circuit visitor shall hold his position by virtue of his selection by the circuit forum and ratification by the district
(a) Circuit forums shall meet at the call of their circuit visitors to select their circuit visitors no later than the time
established by the district. When in-person meetings are burdensome (e.g., geographically large circuits), a
circuit may select another manner of meeting (e.g., e-meeting technologies) that is suitable and made available
to all participants, taking into consideration the need to provide for an open and fair exchange of ideas and
secure, private, and confidential voting.
(b) Nominations for candidates for the office of circuit visitor may be submitted by a voting congregation of the
circuit and suggested by the district president, in consultation with the praesidium of the district.
(c) Each circuit may adopt procedures and methods that will insure efficiency and accuracy, including the use of
mechanical, electronic, or other methods of casting, recording, or tabulating votes. The privilege of voting shall
be exercised by the representatives from each member congregation of the circuit, who shall have been
selected in the manner prescribed by the congregation (Bylaw 5.3.2).
(d) All nominated pastors serving congregations and emeriti pastors shall be eligible for election in accordance
with section 4.3 of these Bylaws.
(1) Following presentations of pertinent information regarding each pastor as listed in Bylaw (c) and
circuit visitor responsibilities as provided hereafter in this bylaw, each voter shall submit the names of two
pastors on the initial ballot.
(2) The three pastors (or more in case of a tie vote) who receive the highest number of votes in this
preliminary ballot shall be placed on the next ballot. Each voter shall vote for only one candidate.
(3) Balloting shall continue with the lowest candidate being removed from each succeeding ballot until one
pastor shall have received a simple majority of all votes cast, who shall be declared the nominee.
(e) Immediately following the circuit forum, the circuit visitor shall report in writing the results of the selection
process to the secretary of the district in preparation for ratification by the district convention.
(f) In the event that a circuit visitor has not been selected by a circuit forum or has been selected but is no longer
available to serve, thus resulting in no circuit visitor selection being included on the convention slate of circuit
visitors for a circuit, the district president shall make the selection, which selection shall then be included on
the convention slate of circuit visitors.
(g) The convention shall have the right to alter the slate by amendment.
(h) The convention shall then ratify the slate of circuit visitors, which ratification shall constitute election.
Bylaw 9.31b of the District Handbook states that “[e]lection to the office of circuit counselor shall not exclude
the person from consideration for another office. If also elected to another office, he shall choose in which position he
wishes to serve.” At past conventions, when a pastor who was nominated as circuit counselor from his circuit and was
elected also to another office had chosen to serve in that other office, the delegates from his circuit have caucused and
selected another pastor from their circuit to serve as circuit counselor. This selection process must be completed and
the name of the pastor given to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee prior to the Chairman of the Nominating
Committee’s presentation to the convention for ratification of the candidates for circuit counselor (Bylaw 9.17c).
The results of the selection by the circuit forums are as follows:
Adair Circuit
Algona Circuit
Boone Circuit
Carroll Circuit
Cherokee Circuit
Council Bluffs Circuit
Denison Circuit
Des Moines East Circuit
Des Moines West Circuit
Fort Dodge Circuit
Humboldt Circuit
Le Mars Circuit
Mapleton Circuit
Steve Wichtendahl
Neil Hayen
Lindsay Watkins
Brian Licht
Leroy Riemer
Ray Smith
Merle Mahnken
John Schonkaes
Steve Klawonn
Edward Durand III
Aaron Flatau
Andrew Carlson
Richard Merrill
Northwest Circuit
Sac City Circuit
Sioux City Circuit
Southwest Circuit
Spencer Circuit
Storm Lake Circuit
Jesse Burns
Charles Bettin
Ralph Shorey
Jonathan Watt
David Zimmer
Paul Egger
The Rev. Peter C. Wegner, District Secretary