IEDA Relief Burkina Faso Report CADRI: Capacity for Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso March 3rd - 4th and 12th - 13th, 2015 Prepared by Valeria Puig Regional Reporting and Marketing Officer for West and Central Africa IEDA Relief Burkina Faso Abstract The CADRI workshop (Capacity for Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives) took place in Ouagadougou for 4 days during the month of March 2015. During the workshop the different partner organizations, IEDA Relief, the WFP, the FAO, the SPONG, the CONASUR, the UNHCR, the UNDP and OCHA among others, gathered to assess the evaluation report on national capacities for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). The organizations gave recommendations based on the evaluation report completed in October 2014 with the objective of detailing a national action plan for capacity building in the domain of Disaster Risk Reduction, preparation and response to emergencies. © International Emergency & Development Aid (IEDA Relief) 2014 Page 1 of 5 Introduction After completing the current national capacities in disaster risk reduction in Burkina Faso evaluation in October 2014, OCHA organized all of the parties involved in the evaluation, including IEDA Relief, at a DRR workshop. OCHA spoke during the training about the different traits and priorities established by the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005 – 2015 from the United Nations. In addition, the organizations came together during these four days to make recommendations on the Action Plan that was developed from the evaluation of national capacities for Disaster Risk Reduction, preparation and response to urgencies in Burkina Faso. The stages of the workshop The initial evaluation performed in October 2014, was done in the Centre, Sahel, and East regions of Burkina Faso, through semi-structured interviews done with more than 60 institutions. These interviews were also accompanied by field visits and evaluation teams. Following the evaluation, OCHA was able to offer a complete report in DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) to the government of Burkina Faso including the aspects that still need to be reinforced in the country. The priorities that were underlined during this workshop according to the new Framework for Action that will be held in Japan in 2015 for the period of 2015-2030, were the following: - The understanding of disaster risks. The reinforcement of good governance of the different institutions for risk management. To invest/build economic, social, cultural and environmental resilience. To prepare for an efficient response, rebuilding for the best, insuring the recovery and reconstruction of the communities. During the workshop, OCHA also talked about the large-scale catastrophes that have happened in Burkina Faso, such as the floods of 2009 and the “silent catastrophes” such as the droughts. OCHA recommended that for these we “attack the problem from its root”. OCHA also did the analysis of the relation between the exposure of the population (for instance based on the location chosen by the population to settle down, such as the border of a river which will have a tendency to flood), the vulnerability of the population and the capacity of the population to recover from a catastrophe. The eighth session of the CONASUR After the first session of the CADRI workshop, the CONASUR (National Council for Emergency Aid and Rehabilitation) held their eighth session with the objective of “Informing, preventing and educating: knowing more about natural risks”. IEDA Relief attended the presentations hosted by the UNDP, OCHA and the Government of Burkina Faso. Madame the MASSN (Minister for Social Action and National Security) in Burkina Faso, declared that she “exhorts the CONASUR to redouble their efforts to continue fighting for the prevention of catastrophes”. Furthermore, she also stated that “with climate change, catastrophes are likely to tip over human capacities to prevent disasters and rehabilitation”. Madame the MASSN will be present at the Third Worldwide Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction taking place in Sendai in Japan from March 14th to the 18th, 2015. © International Emergency & Development Aid (IEDA Relief) 2014 Page 2 of 5 The UNDP also talked about the floods of 2009 in Ouagadougou, and described the damages that were produced from the 293mm fallen in 12 hours. The UNDP gave the following numbers: Houses destroyed, 32260 Casualties, 119356 Victims, 150000 Missing, 1 Deaths, 46 Injured, 63 A total of: - 45 billion FCFA in damages; - 15 billion FCFA in losses; - A reconstruction that cost the country 20 billion FCFA.1 1 Source: PNUD. © International Emergency & Development Aid (IEDA Relief) 2014 Page 3 of 5 Pictures from the event IEDA Relief was present at the CADRI workshop that took place from the 3rd to the 4th, and the 12th to the 13th of March 2015 at the Royal Beach Hotel in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. 8th session of the CONASUR that took place on March 10th, 2015 at the National Centre of Archives. Madame the Minister of Social Action and National Security (middle) is also the Director of the CONASUR. © International Emergency & Development Aid (IEDA Relief) 2014 Page 4 of 5 Governors and Representatives of the different regions in Burkina Faso present at the eighth session of the CONASUR. © International Emergency & Development Aid (IEDA Relief) 2014 Page 5 of 5
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