JUNE 2015 VOLUME 64 NUMBER 6 IEIMAO (ISSN 0018-9456) FOREWORD Report on CPEM 2014 ....................................................................................... H. S. Brandi and G. A. Kyriazis 1319 Guest Editorial ............................................................................ R. Landim, L. Di Lillo, B. Djoki´c, and A. Ferrero 1321 SPECIAL ISSUE PAPERS A/D and D/A Conversion, Analog and Digital Instrumentation A 10-A High-Precision DC Current Source With Stability Better Than 0.1 ppm/h ........................................................ ........................................................................................ N. Wang, Z. Li, Z. Zhang, Q. He, B. Han, and Y. Lu Evaluation of Agilent 3458A Time Jitter Performance ............................................... R. Lapuh, B. Voljc, ˇ and M. Lindicˇ Instrumentation for Measurement of Electric Power Systems, Energy Metering, Electric Power Quality Signal-Bandwidth Evaluation for Power Measurements in Electric Automotive Drives ........... D. Lindenthaler and G. Brasseur Traceability of Loss Measurements of Extra High Voltage Three-Phase Shunt Reactors .................................................. ......................................................................................... E. So, R. Verhoeven, L. Dorpmanns, and D. Angelo System for Calibration of Nonintrusive Load Meters With Load Identification Ability ............. M. Šíra and V. N. Zachovalová Measurement Infrastructure to Support the Reliable Operation of Smart Electrical Grids ................................................. .......................................... G. Rietveld, J.-P. Braun, R. Martin, P. Wright, W. Heins, N. Ell, P. Clarkson, and N. Zisky The Establishment of High DC Shunt Calibration System at KRISS and Comparison With NRC ...................................... .................................................................................... K.-T. Kim, J. K. Jung, Y. S. Lee, E. So, and D. Bennett Tail-Chopped Lightning Impulses Time Parameters Estimated According to Standard IEC 60060-1:2010 ............................. .................................................... C. R. H. Barbosa, J. Hällström, M. T. F. da Silva, L. C. Azevedo, and L. C. Faria A 600 V AC Voltage Amplifier for Power Measurements ................................ B. C. Waltrip, O. B. Laug, and T. L. Nelson Validation of a System for Evaluation of High-Voltage Impulses According to IEC 60060:2010 ........................................ .................................................................... C. R. H. Barbosa, M. T. F. da Silva, L. C. Azevedo, and L. C. Faria √ The Development of 110/ 3 kV Two-Stage Voltage Transformer With Accuracy Class 0.001 ......................................... ................................................... H. Shao, F. Lin, B. Liang, W. Zhao, D. Dai, S. Peng, T. Sun, J. Liu, and H. Zhang Performance of a Modular Wideband HVDC Reference Divider for Voltages up to 1000 kV ........................................... .......................................................................................... J. Hällström, A. Bergman, S. Dedeoglu, ˘ A.-P. Elg, E. Houtzager, J. Klüss, T. Lehtonen, W. Lucas, J. Meisner, A. Merev, T. Nieminen, M. Schmidt, E.-P. Suomalainen, and C. Weber A Characterized Method for the Real-Time Compensation of Power System Measurement Transducers ............................... ................................................................................. G. Crotti, D. Gallo, D. Giordano, C. Landi, and M. Luiso 1324 1331 1336 1344 1350 1355 1364 1369 1373 1378 1383 1390 1398 (Contents Continued on Page 1317) (Contents Continued from Front Cover) Uncertainty Analysis, Accuracy, Precision and Parameter Estimation Nonparametric Estimation of the Phase Difference Using RV1 and MSL Windows ................. D. Agrež, T. Lušin, and D. Ili´c Uncertainty Analysis in EVM Measurement Using a Monte Carlo Simulation ...... C. Cho, J.-G. Lee, J.-H. Kim, and D.-C. Kim Estimating the Fundamental Component of Harmonically Distorted Signals From Noncoherently Sampled Data ........ R. Lapuh 1405 1413 1419 Imaging Techniques and Instrumentation A Hyperspectral Camera in the UVA Band ............................................ M. Zucco, V. Caricato, A. Egidi, and M. Pisani 1425 Measurement of Materials and Applications A Setup for the Performance Characterization and Traceable Efficiency Measurement of Magnetostrictive Harvesters .............. ...................................................................................................................... M. Zucca and L. Callegaro Design and Calibration of a Compact Quasi-Optical System for Material Characterization in Millimeter/Submillimeter Wave Domain ...................... A. Kazemipour, M. Hudliˇcka, S.-K. Yee, M. A. Salhi, D. Allal, T. Kleine-Ostmann, and T. Schrader Antiperovskite Manganese Nitride Standard Resistor ................................................................................. .......... .................................................. T. Oe, C. Urano, N. Kaneko, H. Eisaki, Y. Yoshida, A. Yamamoto, and K. Takenaka Controlling the Fermi Level in a Single-Layer Graphene QHE Device for Resistance Standard ......................................... ......................................................... Y. Fukuyama, R. E. Elmquist, L.-I. Huang, Y. Yang, F.-H. Liu, and N. Kaneko Measurement Techniques Excess Current Noise in Amplifiers With Switched Input ....................................................... D. Drung and C. Krause Metrology, Standards and Calibration Experiences With a Two-Terminal-Pair Digital Impedance Bridge ............................................................................ ..................................................... L. Callegaro, V. D’Elia, M. Kampik, D. B. Kim, M. Ortolano, and F. Pourdanesh A Three-Arm Current Comparator Bridge for Impedance Comparisons Over the Complex Plane ....................................... .................................................................................. L. Callegaro, V. D’Elia, M. Ortolano, and F. Pourdanesh Improvements on INRIM Coaxial Microcalorimeter and Outcome of a Model Comparison .............................................. ........................................................................... L. Brunetti, L. Oberto, M. Sellone, N. Shoaib, and E. Vremera Cryocooled 10 V Programmable Josephson Voltage Standard ................................................................................. ..................... A. Rüfenacht, L. A. Howe, A. E. Fox, R. E. Schwall, P. D. Dresselhaus, C. J. Burroughs, Jr., and S. P. Benz The NIM Inertial Mass Measurement Project ............................. S. Li, Z. Zhang, Q. He, Z. Li, W. Zhao, B. Han, and Y. Lu Development and Evaluation of High-Stability Metal-Foil Resistor With a Resistance of 1 k ......................................... ........................................................................ A. Domae, T. Abe, M. Kumagai, M. Zama, T. Oe, and N. Kaneko An Initial Reproduction of SI Capacitance Unit From a New Calculable Capacitor at NIM ............................................. .............. Z. Lu, L. Huang, Y. Yang, J. Zhao, J. Qian, W. Lu, Z. Liu, Z. Zhang, X. Liu, J. Wang, W. Wang, Y. Lu, and Q. He Maximizing the Resolution of a Dual RF Drive Programmable Josephson Voltage Standard .................... D. Georgakopoulos Surface Layer Analysis of Si Sphere by XRF and XPS ............ L. Zhang, Y. Azuma, A. Kurokawa, N. Kuramoto, and K. Fujii Transportation Effect and Basic Characteristics of Metal-Foil Resistors Examined in an International Trilateral Pilot Study ....... ................................................................... N. Kaneko, T. Oe, W.-S. Kim, D.-H. Chae, R. Elmquist, and M. Kraft Development of a Type-N Coaxial Microcalorimeter for RF and Microwave Power Standards at KRISS .............................. ........................................................................................ J.-Y. Kwon, T.-W. Kang, J.-H. Kim, and N.-W. Kang Mass Measurement of 1-kg Silicon Spheres for Determination of the Avogadro and Planck Constants ................................ ......................................................................................... S. Mizushima, N. Kuramoto, K. Ueda, and K. Fujii Fabrication and Study of Large-Area QHE Devices Based on Epitaxial Graphene ......................................................... ...................................................................................... S. Novikov, N. Lebedeva, K. Pierz, and A. Satrapinski Coils and the Electromagnet Used in the Joule Balance at the NIM ......................................................................... ................................................................................. Z. Zhang, Z. Li, B. Han, Y. Lu, S. Li, J. Xu, and G. Wang Error and Uncertainty Estimations for A Passive-CC-Based AC Current Ratio Standard at High Audio Frequencies ................ ............................................................................................................................ T. Yamada and S. Kon Design and Evaluation of an Open-Loop Receiver for TWSTFT Applications ........................... Y.-J. Huang and H.-W. Tsao An Active Filter for Delta–Sigma-Modulated Josephson Waveforms ........ T. Bergsten, G. Eklund, V. Tarasso, and K.-E. Rydler Fabrication of Capacitor–Resistor Bank for Calibrating Commercial Capacitance and Tan δ Measuring Bridges ..................... ............................................................................................... J. K. Jung, A. Faisal, Y. S. Lee, and K.-T. Kim Improvements in the Low-Frequency Characteristic and Sensitivity of a Thin-Film Multijunction Thermal Converter in Vacuum ................................................................ Y. Amagai, H. Fujiki, K. Shimizume, K. Kishino, and S. Hidaka AC/DC Transfer Technique for Measuring Thomson Coefficient: Toward Thermoelectric Metrology ................................... ....................................................................... Y. Amagai, A. Yamamoto, M. Akoshima, H. Fujiki, and N. Kaneko Analytic Solution of the Magnetic Field and Inductance in a Coaxial Short Circuit ....................................................... ....................................................................................... M. Högås, K.-E. Rydler, J. Stenarson, and K. Yhland Development of 7.75 Ratio Voltage Divider Toward a Precise Measurement of Decade Resistance Based on the AC Quantized Hall Resistance ............................................................................. A. Domae, N. Sakamoto, S. Kiryu, and N. Kaneko 1431 1438 1446 1451 1455 1460 1466 1472 1477 1483 1490 1496 1503 1509 1514 1520 1527 1533 1539 1546 1553 1559 1564 1570 1576 1582 1588 (Contents Continued on Page 1318) (Contents Continued from Page 1317) Interference Cancellation for Hollow-Core Fiber Reference Cells ............................................................................ ............................................................... J. Seppä, M. Merimaa, A. Manninen, M. Triches, J. Hald, and A. Lassila Calculated Frequency Behavior of the PTB Calculable Capacitor in Audio Frequency Range ........................................... ................................................................................... M. Homklintian, T. Funck, J. Melcher, and H. Bachmair Calibration System for Zener Voltage Standards Using a 10 V Programmable Josephson Voltage Standard at NMIJ ................ ......................................................... M. Maruyama, A. Iwasa, H. Yamamori, S.-F. Chen, C. Urano, and N. Kaneko Evaluation of Linearity Characteristics in Digital Voltmeters Using a PJVS System With a 10-K Cooler ............................. ............. M. Maruyama, H. Takahashi, K. Katayama, T. Yonezawa, T. Kanai, A. Iwasa, C. Urano, S. Kiryu, and N. Kaneko An AC Josephson Voltage Standard up to the Kilohertz Range Tested in a Calibration Laboratory ..................................... ............ M. Schubert, M. Starkloff, J. Lee, R. Behr, L. Palafox, A. Wintermeier, A. C. Boeck, P. M. Fleischmann, and T. May Development of 300-kV Air-Insulation Standard Impulse Measurement System ........................................................... .......................................................................... Y. Pan, H. Shao, D. Xiao, L. Lai, L. Shi, L. Zhou, and W. Zhao Quasi-Balance Four-Terminal Resistance Bridge ................................................................ L. Lai, J. Feng, and L. Shi First Measurements of the Flux Integral With the NIST-4 Watt Balance .................................................................... ...................................... D. Haddad, F. Seifert, L. Chao, A. Cao, G. Sineriz, J. Pratt, D. Newell, and S. Schlamminger 1595 1600 1606 1613 1620 1627 1636 1642 Improvements to the Volume Measurement of 28 Si Spheres to Determine the Avogadro Constant ...................................... ............................................................................... N. Kuramoto, Y. Azuma, H. Inaba, F.-L. Hong, and K. Fujii A Novel Hollow Active Auxiliary Electrode Applied for the Vertical Calculable Cross Capacitor at NIM ............................ ....................................................................... L. Huang, Z. Lu, Y. Yang, J. Zhao, W. Wang, Y. Zhang, and W. Lu A Determination of the Local Acceleration of Gravity for the NIST-4 Watt Balance ...................................................... ........................ E. J. Leaman, D. Haddad, F. Seifert, L. S. Chao, A. Cao, J. R. Pratt, S. Schlamminger, and D. B. Newell Two-Stage Coaxial Inductive Voltage Divider and Its Calibration Setup for Use Between 1 and 100 kHz ............................. ....................................................................................................................... M. F. Beug and H. Moser The Improvement of Joule Balance NIM-1 and the Design of New Joule Balance NIM-2 ............................................... ............................................. Z. Li, Z. Zhang, Q. He, B. Han, Y. Lu, J. Xu, S. Li, C. Li, G. Wang, T. Zeng, and Y. Bai 1650 1657 1663 1670 1676 Sampling Current Ratio Measurement System for Calibration of Current Transducers up to 10 kA With 5 · 10−6 Uncertainty .... .................................................................................................. H. E. van den Brom, G. Rietveld, and E. So Homogeneity Characterization of Lattice Spacing of Silicon Single Crystals ............................................................... ....................................................................... A. Waseda, H. Fujimoto, X. W. Zhang, N. Kuramoto, and K. Fujii Single-Electron Pumping by Parallel SINIS Turnstiles for Quantum Current Standard .................................................... ..................................................................................... S. Nakamura, Y. A. Pashkin, J.-S. Tsai, and N. Kaneko Realization of Optical Power Scale Based on Cryogenic Radiometry and Trap Detectors ................................................ ............................................................. T. Menegotto, T. F. da Silva, M. Simões, W. A. T. de Sousa, and G. Borghi Traceability and Characterization of a 1000 kV HVDC Reference Divider ................................................................. ....................................................................... A.-P. Elg, A. Bergman, J. Hällström, M. Kharezy, and T. Nieminen Calibration of Wideband Digital Real-Time Oscilloscopes ............................ D. A. Humphreys, M. Hudliˇcka, and I. Fatadin 1709 1716 Nondestructive Evaluation and Remote Sensing A Novel Method and Its Field Tests for Monitoring and Diagnosing Blade Health for Wind Turbines ................................. .............................................................................. K.-Y. Oh, J.-Y. Park, J.-S. Lee, B. I. Epureanu, and J.-K. Lee 1726 RF, Microwave, Millimeter Wave and Tera-Hertz Absolute Intensity Measurements of CW GHz and THz Radiation Using Electro-Optic Sampling ...................................... .............................................................................................................. Y. Deng, H. Füser, and M. Bieler A Thermal Noise Measurement System for Noise Temperature Standards in W -Band .................................................... ......................................................................................... T.-W. Kang, J.-H. Kim, N.-W. Kang, and J.-S. Kang New Uncertainty Analysis for Permittivity Measurements Using the Transmission/ Reflection Method ................................ ............................................................................ Y. Kato, M. Horibe, M. Ameya, S. Kurokawa, and Y. Shimada Sensors, Sensor Fusion and Transducers Fabrication of Thin Film Multijunction Thermal Converters With Improved Long-Term Stability ....................................... .......................................................................... H. Fujiki, Y. Amagai, K. Shimizume, K. Kishino, and S. Hidaka 1685 1692 1696 1702 1734 1741 1748 1754 REGULAR PAPERS Estimating Parameters of Combined AM and PM Signals Using Prior Information ....................................................... ....................................................................................... G. A. Kyriazis, W. G. K. Ihlenfeld, and R. P. Landim Calibrations of Resistance Welding Equipment With High Pulsed Currents .................................................... B. Djoki´c A Dual-Channel Calibration System for AC Currents and Small AC Voltages ................................................. B. Djoki´c An Automated Josephson-Based AC-Voltage Calibration System ................................ W. G. K. Ihlenfeld and R. P. Landim 1760 1767 1773 1779
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