INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR ELECTORAL SYSTEMS (IFES) Request for Proposal and Technical Specifications for Public Campaign to Promote Women’s Political Participation in the Maldives RFP/15/127 May 14, 2015 Public Campaign to Promote Women’s Political Participation in the Maldives RFP/15/127 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................3 1.1 1.2 PURPOSE .........................................................................................................................................3 COVERAGE & PARTICIPATION.........................................................................................................3 2 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................3 2.1 2.2 THE ORGANIZATION .......................................................................................................................3 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS ....................................................................................................................3 3 PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SERVICE PROVIDER’S UNDERSTANDING OF THE INQUIRY ...............................................................3 GOOD FAITH STATEMENT ...............................................................................................................4 COMMUNICATION ...........................................................................................................................4 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION ..................................................................................................................5 CRITERIA FOR SELECTION ...............................................................................................................5 SELECTION AND NOTIFICATION ......................................................................................................6 4 SCOPE OF WORK ..................................................................................................................................6 5 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................7 5.1 5.2 TIMELINE ........................................................................................................................................7 LICENSE, CLEARANCE AND APPROVALS .........................................................................................7 6 QUALIFICATIONS & REFERENCES.................................................................................................7 7 BUDGET & ESTIMATED PRICING....................................................................................................8 8 ADDITIONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS ............................................................................................8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT......................................................................................................8 COSTS .............................................................................................................................................8 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ..............................................................................................................8 SERVICE PROVIDER’S RESPONSES...................................................................................................8 PARTIAL AWARDING.......................................................................................................................8 NO LIABILITY .................................................................................................................................8 ENTIRE RFP ....................................................................................................................................9 9 SERVICE PROVIDER CERTIFICATION ..........................................................................................9 ATTACHMENT A ......................................................................................................................................11 ATTACHMENT B ......................................................................................................................................12 IFES/Maldives Page 2 of 12 Public Campaign to Promote Women’s Political Participation in the Maldives 1 RFP/15/127 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to invite prospective service providers to submit a proposal and technical specifications for a public campaign to promote women’s political participation in the Maldives. The RFP provides service providers with the relevant operational and performance requirements. 1.2 Coverage & Participation IFES reserves the right not to enter into any contract, to add and/or delete elements, or to change any element of the coverage and participation prior to the award without prior notification at any time without any liability or obligation of any kind or amount. 2 GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1 The Organization The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) is an independent, non-governmental organization providing professional support to electoral democracy. IFES promotes democratic stability by providing technical assistance and applying field-based research to the electoral cycle worldwide to enhance citizen participation and strengthen civil societies, governance and transparency. Under a grant from the United States Agency for Development (USAID), IFES is implementing a project to promote the integrity and inclusivity of the electoral process and to support civic education and the development of Civil Society in the Maldives. 2.2 Schedule of Events The following tentative schedule will apply to this RFP, but it may change in accordance with the IFES’ needs or unforeseen circumstances. Changes will be communicated by e-mail to all bidders. 3 Issuance of RFP on Technical Questions/Inquiries Due by Answers/Addenda from IFES on RFP Closes on May 14, 2015 May 20, 2015 May 22, 2015 May 29, 2015 PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 Service Provider’s Understanding of the Inquiry In responding to this RFP, the service provider accepts full responsibility to understand the RFP in its entirety, and in detail, including making any inquiries to IFES as necessary to gain such understanding. IFES/Maldives Page 3 of 12 Public Campaign to Promote Women’s Political Participation in the Maldives RFP/15/127 IFES reserves the right to disqualify any service provider who demonstrates less than such understanding. Further, IFES reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether the service provider has demonstrated such understanding. Such disqualification shall be at no fault, cost, or liability whatsoever to IFES. 3.2 Good Faith Statement All information provided by IFES in this RFP is offered in good faith. Individual items are subject to change at any time. IFES makes no certification that any item is without error. IFES is not responsible or liable for any use of the information or for any claims asserted there from. 3.3 Communication Verbal communication shall not be effective unless formally confirmed in writing by a specified procurement official in charge of managing this RFP process. In no case shall verbal communication govern over written communication. 3.3.1 Notice of Intention: Service providers’ interested in bidding to this RFQ are encouraged to notify IFES of their interest as soon as possible by filling and sending to the contact below the Notice of Intention herewith attached as Attachment A. However, the Notice of Intention is not mandatory and is does not legally bind the interested service providers. Attention: Fax: E-mail: 3.3.2 Elizabeth Durbin +1 202 350 6819 [email protected] Service Providers’ Inquiries. Applicable terms and conditions herein shall govern communications and inquiries between IFES and Service Providers as they relate to this RFP. Inquiries, questions, and requests for clarification related to this RFP are to be directed in writing to: Attention: Fax: E-mail: Elizabeth Durbin +1 202 350 6819 [email protected] 3.3.3 Formal Communications shall include, but are not limited to: Questions concerning this RFP must be submitted in writing. Errors and omissions in this RFP and enhancements. Service Providers shall recommend to IFES any discrepancies, errors, or omissions that may exist within this RFP. With respect to this RFP, Service Providers shall recommend to IFES any enhancements, which might be in IFES best interests. Inquiries about technical interpretations must be submitted in writing. Addenda to this RFP. IFES/Maldives Page 4 of 12 Public Campaign to Promote Women’s Political Participation in the Maldives 3.3.4 RFP/15/127 Addenda: IFES will make a good-faith effort to provide a written response to the questions or request for clarification that requires addenda per the Schedule of Events in 2.2. 3.4 Proposal Submission It’s mandatory for bidders to send proposals in electronic copy via e-mail to Elizabeth Durbin ([email protected]) and Mariyam Naadha ([email protected]) on or prior to the closing date and time shown in the Schedule of Events in 2.2. All proposals should be submitted in English and contain: 1. A detailed, itemized budget showing the total costs in the sample format attached (Attachment A) 2. A detailed Implementation Plan in the sample format attached (Attachment B) 3. A detailed scope of work, identifying how the bidders proposes to complete all deliverables listed in the Scope of Work in Section 4. 4. Curriculum Vitae identifying key personnel 5. Portfolio of prior relevant Communications/PR work 6. Any other supporting documentation that will strengthen the proposal 3.5 Criteria for Selection The evaluation of each response to this RFP will be based on its demonstrated competence, compliance, format, and organization. The purpose of this RFP is to identify those suppliers that have the interest, capability, and financial strength to supply IFES with the product and/or service identified in the Scope of Work. Evaluation Criteria: SN 1 2 Criteria Thorough and detailed project plan, indicating how the bidder will complete the deliverables listed in the Scope of Work in Section 4, including a completed implementation plan based on the template provided in Attachment B. A feasible timeline. 3 A competitive budget with efficient and reasonable cost structure. 30 4 Past Experience, including three references with permission for IFES to contact Total Score 10 100 IFES/Maldives Score 30 30 Page 5 of 12 Public Campaign to Promote Women’s Political Participation in the Maldives RFP/15/127 3.6 Selection and Notification Service Providers determined by IFES who possess the capacity to compete for this contract will be selected to move into the negotiation phase of this process. Written notification will be sent to these Service Providers via mail. Those Service Providers not selected for the negotiation phase will not be notified. 4 SCOPE OF WORK The Maldives has existing laws and treaties in place to protect women’s political participation. In 1993, the Maldives became a signatory to the Convention on the Eradication of All Forms of Discrimination (CEDAW), and has committed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Domestically, Article 17 of its 2008 Constitution prohibits discrimination based on gender, and legitimizes temporary special measures or affirmative action to redress inequalities. Nevertheless, there are structural, social and cultural barriers that prohibit women’s political participation. Women’s participation in politics and in top government positions is very low in the Maldives. According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Maldives ranks at 136 of 154 countries in terms of women Members of Parliament, at 5.88%. The Maldives gender assessment, Women’s Empowerment in Political Processes in the Maldives, conducted by IFES, identified that socio-cultural views about gender roles is a key driver of low representation of women in decision making. IFES conducted a qualitative study with a focus on understanding the root causes of negative perceptions of women in decision making roles and, more broadly, gender equality. In an effort to address the socio-cultural and perception issues that hinder women’s ability to participate effectively in politics, IFES is looking for a PR/ Communication firm who will work closely with the working group of national stakeholders convened by IFES to achieve the objectives and to deliver the outputs detailed below. OBJECTIVES 1. To increase awareness and educate the public on importance of women’s political participation 2. To encourage women to participate in politics and public life OUTPUTS 1. Communication strategy identifying a) key messages to increase awareness on importance of women’s political participation, as well as encourage women to actively participate in public life, b) appropriate materials, c) mediums and d) dissemination techniques. 2. Campaign materials promoting women’s political participation. DELIVERABLES 1. Messaging workshop IFES/Maldives Page 6 of 12 Public Campaign to Promote Women’s Political Participation in the Maldives RFP/15/127 Based on the IFES qualitative study on perception and attitudes towards women in public life, the PR firm will design and lead a messaging workshop for the working group convened by IFES, to develop key messages to inform the communication strategy. 2. Develop a communication strategy Based on the key messages identified, the PR firm will propose a communication strategy, clearly identifying key messages, appropriate materials, mediums and dissemination techniques. The communication strategy should propose the most cost-effective means to disseminate key messages as well as highlight use of social media for dissemination of identified materials. The communication strategy should be finalized with input from IFES, and the working group. 3. Development of public information campaign materials Based on the communication strategy, and in close consultation with IFES and the working group, the PR firm will design campaign materials promoting the key messages. The selected firm is expected to provide print-ready documents and electronic media e.g. videos, audio messages and infographics that can be posted on social media, in line with the agreed communication strategy. 4. Dissemination The firm will support IFES and the working group to identify mediums for dissemination that IFES and national stakeholders will utilize to promote the campaign. The firm is expected to recommend the best and most cost-effective channels for distribution of the various types of campaign materials that it produces. 5 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Timeline Service Provider must submit timeline in the proposal showing the time required to produce and consolidate the products. IFES expects services to be completed on or about July 31, 2015. 5.2 License, Clearance and Approvals In the presence of any local legal requirement to produce or deliver the products and/or services described in the Scope of work, the service provider will include the time needed to obtain possible, licenses, clearances and/or approvals in the timeline. 6 QUALIFICATIONS & REFERENCES The applying service provider must provide the following information in order for their proposal to be considered: 1. A brief outline of the company and services offered, including: Full legal name and address of the company Full legal name of company’s President and / or Chief Executive Officer IFES/Maldives Page 7 of 12 Public Campaign to Promote Women’s Political Participation in the Maldives RFP/15/127 Registration Documents 2. Evidence of successful completion of a project of a similar size and complexity. 3. References: Contact information for no less than three references from projects similar in size, application, and scope and a brief description of their implementation (including location and year) 7 BUDGET & ESTIMATED PRICING Pricing must be in Maldivian Rufiyaa. Unit prices are required and in the case of discrepancies between unit price and total price, the unit price will be taken as reference basis in the evaluation. Technical Specifications must be shown per each item. Prices must be valid for 90 days. Service providers must use the provided budget template in Attachment A. 8 ADDITIONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 8.1 Non-Disclosure Agreement IFES reserves the right to require the Service Provider to enter into a non-disclosure agreement. 8.2 Costs The RFP does not obligate IFES to pay for any costs, of any kind whatsoever, which may be incurred by a Service Provider or third parties, in connection with the Response. All Responses and supporting documentation shall become the property of IFES, subject to claims of confidentiality in respect of the Response and supporting documentation. 8.3 Intellectual Property The Respondent should not use any intellectual property of IFES including, but not limited to, all logos, registered trademarks, or trade names of IFES, at any time without the prior written approval of IFES, as appropriate. 8.4 Service Provider’s Responses All accepted Responses shall become the property of IFES and will not be returned. 8.5 Partial Awarding IFES reserves the right to accept all or part of the quotation when awarding the purchase order. 8.6 No Liability IFES reserve the right to accept or reject any quotation or stop the procurement process at any time, without assigning any reason or liability. IFES/Maldives Page 8 of 12 Public Campaign to Promote Women’s Political Participation in the Maldives RFP/15/127 IFES shall not be liable to any Service Provider, person, or entity for any losses, expenses, costs, claims, or damages of any kind: Arising out of, by reason of, or attributable to, the Service Provider responding to this RFP; or As a result of the use of any information, error, or omission contained in this RFP document or provided during the RFP process. 8.7 Entire RFP This RFP, any addenda to it, and any attached schedules, constitute the entire RFP. 9 Service Provider Certification This certification attests to the Service Provider’s awareness and agreement to the content of this RFP and all accompanying calendar schedules and provisions contained herein. The Service Provider must ensure that the following certificate is duly completed and correctly executed by an authorized officer of your company. This proposal is submitted in response to RFP/15/127 issued by IFES. The undersigned is a duly authorized officer, hereby certifies that: (Service Provider Name) agrees to be bound by the content of this proposal and agrees to comply with the terms, conditions, and provisions of the referenced RFQ and any addenda thereto in the event of an award. Exceptions are to be noted as stated in the RFQ. The proposal shall remain in effect for a period of 90 calendar days. The undersigned further certify that their firm (check one): IS IS NOT currently debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by any federal entity. The undersigned agree to notify IFES of any change in this status, should one occur, until such time as an award has been made under this procurement action. Person[s] authorized to negotiate on behalf of this firm for purposes of this RFP are: Name: Title: Signature: Date: Name: Title: IFES/Maldives Page 9 of 12 Public Campaign to Promote Women’s Political Participation in the Maldives Signature: RFP/15/127 Date: Signature of Authorized Officer: Name: Title: Signature: Date: IFES/Maldives Page 10 of 12 ATTACHMENT A BUDGET TEMPLATE *This is a sample template, to be altered according to requirements of Project Period Total MM/DD/2015-MM/DD/2015 this RFP. All budgets are to be in Maldivian Rufiyaa. Base Rate Title/Category Name 1. DIRECT LABOR - (Labor & Benefits) Project Staff Salaries Project Staff 1 Name Project Staff 2 TBD Project Staff 3 TBD Per Current Rate 0 /day 0 /day Subtotal Project Staff Salaries 1. Total Direct Labor - (USN & TCN) 2. CONSULTANTS Local Consultants Consultant -1 Consultant -2 0 /day 0 /day Subtotal Local Consultants - (In the Field) Units Rate 0 0 Amount Amount $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 Units 0 0 0 2. Total Consultants $0 $0 3. TRAVEL, TRANSPORTATION & PER DIEM In-Country Travel (Field) Airfare (Origin/Destination) Perdiem (Lodging) - City Perdiem (M&IE) - City Airport Transportation 0 0 0 0 /round trip /day /day /trip 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal In-Country Travel (Field) Field Office - Local Transportation (Field) Local Transportation 0 /month 0 /each 0 /day/person 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 Subtotal In-Country Travel (Field) Travel Services Interpreter/Facilitator Travel Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal Travel Services 3. Total Travel, Transportation & Per Diem $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4. OPERATIONAL EXPENSES Operational Costs-Expenses 0 /each 0 /each 0 /each 0 0 0 0 0 0 4. Total Operational Expenses 5. SPECIAL EVENT EXPENSES Project Activities Briefings Meetings Workshops 0 0 0 $0 0 /month 0 /month 0 /workshop 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. Total Special Event Expenses 6. OTHER DIRECT COSTS Other Expenses (Field) Bank Charges Translation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 $0 0 /year/type 0 /month 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 6. Total Other Direct Costs $0 $0 SUB-TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (1-6) $0 $0 TOTAL COSTS (1-6) $0 $0 IFES/Maldives Page 11 of 12 Public Campaign to Promote Women’s Political Participation in the Maldives RFP/15/127 ATTACHMENT B IMPLEMENTATION PLAN TEMPLATE Project Title: Public Campaign to Promote Women's Political Participation in the Maldives Activity June 1 2 3 4 1 July 2 3 4 August 1 2 3 4 September 1 2 3 4 1 1.1. 1.2 2 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Note: The markings on this implementation plan are only an example. Additional lines for activities may be added as seen appropriate. IFES/Maldives Page 12 of 12
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