2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe 1/11 Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe David Edward Bruschi Formerly: Racah Institute of Physics and Quantum Information Science Centre the Hebrew University of Jerusalem the Holy Land Currently: York Centre for Quantum Technologies, Department of Physics University of York the United (for the moment) Kingdom April 24, 2015 arXiv:1409.5283 In collaboration with: N. Liu, J. Goold, I. Fuentes, V. Vedral, K. Modi 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Introduction 2/11 Relativistic and Quantum Physics Relativity + Quantum Information = Relativistic Quantum Information 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Introduction 3/11 (Classical) Thermodynamics and general relativity Important achievements in general relativistic scenarios - Three laws of black holes; - Cosmology and big bang; - Firewall issues. 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Introduction 4/11 Outlook, aims and motivations Outlook - (Classical) Thermodynamics useful in the study of the Universe. - Quantum processes in the universe do not necessary involve large numbers of constituents. - Important: Von N. Entropy of the Universe cannot change. 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Introduction 4/11 Outlook, aims and motivations Outlook - (Classical) Thermodynamics useful in the study of the Universe. - Quantum processes in the universe do not necessary involve large numbers of constituents. - Important: Von N. Entropy of the Universe cannot change. Aim Use quantum thermodynamics to understand work, entropy and energy flows in relativistic and cosmological setups. 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Introduction 4/11 Outlook, aims and motivations Outlook - (Classical) Thermodynamics useful in the study of the Universe. - Quantum processes in the universe do not necessary involve large numbers of constituents. - Important: Von N. Entropy of the Universe cannot change. Aim Use quantum thermodynamics to understand work, entropy and energy flows in relativistic and cosmological setups. Motivations - The Universe is relativistic and quantum system and processes can involve small numbers of constituents. - Mainly: We cannot compute energy, entropy and work flows in relativistic quantum systems. 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Models for cosmology 5/11 Simple cosmology model Expanding universe line/metric element ds 2 = Ω2 (τ ) [−dτ 2 + dx 2 + . . .] , gµν = Ω2 (τ ) (−1, 1, . . .) 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Models for cosmology 5/11 Simple cosmology model Expanding universe line/metric element ds 2 = Ω2 (τ ) [−dτ 2 + dx 2 + . . .] , gµν = Ω2 (τ ) (−1, 1, . . .) Scalar quantum field φ(t, x) = ⨋ [uk ak + uk∗ ak† ] , k [ak , ak† ′ ] = δ d (k − k ′ ) 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Models for cosmology 5/11 Simple cosmology model Expanding universe line/metric element ds 2 = Ω2 (τ ) [−dτ 2 + dx 2 + . . .] , gµν = Ω2 (τ ) (−1, 1, . . .) Scalar quantum field φ(t, x) = ⨋ [uk ak + uk∗ ak† ] , k [ak , ak† ′ ] = δ d (k − k ′ ) Frequency shift and choice of conformal factor √ √ ωin/out = k 2 + m Ω2 (τ∓∞ ), Ω(τ ) = 1 + (1 + tanh(σ τ )) 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Models for cosmology 5/11 Simple cosmology model Expanding universe line/metric element ds 2 = Ω2 (τ ) [−dτ 2 + dx 2 + . . .] , gµν = Ω2 (τ ) (−1, 1, . . .) Scalar quantum field φ(t, x) = ⨋ [uk ak + uk∗ ak† ] , k [ak , ak† ′ ] = δ d (k − k ′ ) Frequency shift and choice of conformal factor √ √ ωin/out = k 2 + m Ω2 (τ∓∞ ), Ω(τ ) = 1 + (1 + tanh(σ τ )) Bogoliubov transformations and squeezing † aout,k = cosh rk ain,k + e i θk sinh rk ain,−k , tanh rk = sinh (π ωout2σ−ωin ) sinh (π ωout2σ+ωin ) 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Energy in this system 6/11 Work and energy of two mode squeezing All couple of modes (k, −k) decouple. We can focus on a single couple and redefine ain,k ≡ ain and ain,−k ≡ bin . Initial Hamiltonian 1 † † bin + ] ain + bin Hin = ωin [ain 2 Final Hamiltonian 1 † † Hout = ωout [aout aout + bout bout + ] 2 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Energy in this system 6/11 Work and energy of two mode squeezing All couple of modes (k, −k) decouple. We can focus on a single couple and redefine ain,k ≡ ain and ain,−k ≡ bin . Initial Hamiltonian Final Hamiltonian 1 † † bin + ] ain + bin Hin = ωin [ain 2 1 † † Hout = ωout [aout aout + bout bout + ] 2 Start with an initial thermal state ρ with ni particles. The work W done by spacetime is Work performed W =Tr ((Hout − Hin ) ρ) =ωout nc + (ωout − ωin )(ni + 1) with nc particles that are created. 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Energy in this system 7/11 The “inner friction” An adiabatic process would lead to a work cost Wad of the form Adiabatic work Wad = (ωout − ωin )(ni + 1) 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Energy in this system 7/11 The “inner friction” An adiabatic process would lead to a work cost Wad of the form Adiabatic work Wad = (ωout − ωin )(ni + 1) which allows us to find the inner friction Wfric for our case as Inner friction Wfric =W − Wad =ωout nc 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Energy in this system 7/11 The “inner friction” An adiabatic process would lead to a work cost Wad of the form Adiabatic work Wad = (ωout − ωin )(ni + 1) which allows us to find the inner friction Wfric for our case as Inner friction Wfric =W − Wad =ωout nc Our last step We proceed to show that Wfric can be interpreted as an entropic quantity 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe (Created) particles are entropy 8/11 Entropy and inner friction Forward process pin,out = ∣⟨nout ∣nin ⟩∣2 ⟨nin ∣ρ∣nin ⟩ Backward process pout,in = ∣⟨nin ∣nout ⟩∣2 ⟨nout ∣ρ∣nout ⟩ 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe (Created) particles are entropy 8/11 Entropy and inner friction Forward process Backward process pin,out = ∣⟨nout ∣nin ⟩∣2 ⟨nin ∣ρ∣nin ⟩ pout,in = ∣⟨nin ∣nout ⟩∣2 ⟨nout ∣ρ∣nout ⟩ Fluctuation relation: sin,out ∶= − log⟨nout ∣ρ∣nout ⟩ + log⟨nin ∣ρ∣nin ⟩ pin,out = pout,in e sin,out 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe (Created) particles are entropy 8/11 Entropy and inner friction Forward process Backward process pin,out = ∣⟨nout ∣nin ⟩∣2 ⟨nin ∣ρ∣nin ⟩ pout,in = ∣⟨nin ∣nout ⟩∣2 ⟨nout ∣ρ∣nout ⟩ Fluctuation relation: sin,out ∶= − log⟨nout ∣ρ∣nout ⟩ + log⟨nin ∣ρ∣nin ⟩ pin,out = pout,in e sin,out Forward process Pin,out (s) = ∑ pin,out δ (s − sin,out ) nin ,nout Backward process Pout,in (s) = ∑ pout,in δ (s − sout,in ) nin ,nout 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe (Created) particles are entropy 8/11 Entropy and inner friction Forward process Backward process pin,out = ∣⟨nout ∣nin ⟩∣2 ⟨nin ∣ρ∣nin ⟩ pout,in = ∣⟨nin ∣nout ⟩∣2 ⟨nout ∣ρ∣nout ⟩ Fluctuation relation: sin,out ∶= − log⟨nout ∣ρ∣nout ⟩ + log⟨nin ∣ρ∣nin ⟩ pin,out = pout,in e sin,out Forward process Backward process Pin,out (s) = ∑ pin,out δ (s − sin,out ) Pout,in (s) = ∑ pout,in δ (s − sout,in ) nin ,nout nin ,nout Average entropy: K (X ∣∣Y ) ∶= − ∑n px (n) [log py (n) − log px (n)] ≥ 0 s = K (Pin,out ∣∣Pout,in ) 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe (Created) particles are entropy 9/11 Results Initial state Entropy ρ= e −βin Hin Z sin,out = ωin nc T 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe (Created) particles are entropy 9/11 Results Initial state Entropy ρ= e −βin Hin sin,out = Z ωin nc T Final result s= ωin nc T This is our main result. Extendable result Number of created particles nc = sinh2 r . This result can be extended to: ̵ * Unruh effect: tanh r = exp[ kBh TωU ]; ̵ * Schwarschild black hole: tanh r = exp[ kBh TωH ]; * Analogue gravity models. 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe The end 10/11 Conclusions and outlook Conclusions * We have studied applications of quantum thermodynamics to setups that appear in quantum field theory; * Have found some entropic quantity that increases in (simple) cosmological processes; * The results apply to different cosmological and quantum field theoretical scenarios. Outlook * Can teach us more about the physics at the overlap of relativity and quantum mechanics; * Drive future theoretical efforts to uncover novel physics; * Hopefully: provide energy balance relations in quantum field theoretical scenarios. 2nd QT conference, Medina Mayurqa, Spain - Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe Acknowledgments Thank You. 11/11
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