Sunday, May 3 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter First Communion Celebrants Sunday, April 26, 2015 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Lansing, MI (517) 393-3030 Page 2 Mass Schedule Sunday, May 3, 2015 website: The Week Ahead Sunday the 3rd: Fifth Sunday of Easter 4:30 pm (Saturday) Jeanne Garvey —Garvey Family 7:30 am Gerald & Dick Traill —Pat Traill 9:30 am Dorothy Franklin —Delores Mandeville 11:30 am For the People of the Parish Monday the 4th Reconciliation after 8 am Mass MI Prayer Village 1 pm Parish Office Rosary Making/Training 6:30 pm Parish Office Religious Education 7th/8th 6:30 pm Parish Center Spirit & Bride Charismatic Prayer 7:30 pm Church Monday the 4th 8 am Steve Boichot —Friends & Family Tuesday the 5th Reconciliation after 8 am Mass Religious Education 1st - 6th grades, 7 pm (May Crowning Celebration) May Crowning 7 pm Church Youth Group 6:30-8:30 pm in the youth room Tuesday the 5th 8 am Paul Jakubiak —Mary Jakubiak Wednesday the 6th 8 am Evelyn Rathbun —Marie Langley Friday the 8th 8 am Mary Hedden —Fred & Marie Theis Wednesday the 6th Mothers Group 9:30 am Parish Office St. Vincent de Paul 7 pm Parish Family Center Mystagogia/RCIA 7 pm Parish Office Alpha Dinner 6:30 pm Parish Family Center Saturday the 9th 8 am Intentions of the St. Monica Sodality —Fr. John 4:30 pm For the People of the Parish Thursday the 7th Reconciliation after 8 am Mass Knights of Columbus 7:30 pm Parish Family Center Sunday the 10th: Sixth Sunday of Easter 7:30 am Roger Esch —Family 9:30 am Martina Adams —Snay Family 11:30 am Margaret Sullivan —Joan Tirak Friday the 8th Reconciliation after 8 am Mass Bible Study 9:30 am Parish Office Thursday the 7th 8 am Carol Schafer —Paul Schafer Saturday the 9th Reconciliation 3 pm - 4 pm Church Saint Monica Sodality 9 am Parish Office (after Mass) Mother’s Day Dinner 5:30 pm Parish Family Center Readings for next Sunday: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48, 1 Jn 4:7-10, Jn 15:9-17 (56) Happy Mother’s Day! Sunday the 10th: Happy Mother’s Day! Nursery 9:30 am Room 104 Youth Group 5 pm - 7:30 pm Parish Family Center Right to Life Carnations for sale after all Masses Parish Financial Stewardship Sunday, April 26: Loose: Envelopes: Total: $ 1,153.15 $ 20,793.83 $ 21,946.98 Total collected to date: Total budget to date: $ 861,252.04 $ 864,307.50 DSA 2015 Goal: $ 93,121.00 DSA Payments/Pledges: $ 95,098.00 103.2% of our goal (40% parish participation) Building Together with Christ Campaign: Campaign Goal: $ 1,774,600.00 Total Dollars Pledged: $ 1,204,867.65 (68%) Cash Received: $ 719,300.57 Number of Gifts: 509 (44%) (1,150 families) Reminder: Payment envelopes are included in your Sunday bi-monthly packets in “blue” envelopes for your convenience. If you have not made a pledge, please call the parish office for a pledge card. Walking the Camino... Walking the Camino to Santiago de Compostela: Walk with Bob and Pat Heriford and Chris Bourque on the 500 mi. (775 km) journey from St. Jean Pied de Port, France to Santiago de Compostela, Spain, where the remains of St. James the Greater were placed. Sunday, May 31, from 2:30 to 4 pm, Family Parish Center. This experience brought many spiritual, physical and emotional challenges that greatly bolstered our faith. Join us in reliving this grand adventure through mountains, valleys, cities and villages. Light refreshments will be served. Stewardship: A Way of Life… “Children let us love… in deed and truth” John reminds us that to truly love, we need to acknowledge that Jesus Chris is Lord; and, while loving Him, we then must love others. Giving thanks must include actions in your love of God and love of others. Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 517-393-3030 Website: Sunday, May 3, 2015 Page 3 Becoming Easter People - Part 4 For many years I've kept a card on my refrigerator that proclaimed the message: "We are an Easter People." I received the card from a parishioner who had breast cancer. She and her grandchildren made note cards and sent them to family and friends. I opened it and read it several times! It didn't say “Happy Easter” nor “Rejoice, The Lord has Risen.” It said, “We are an Easter People,” a message I found to be of profound faith. She wanted everyone to know that the power of faith transforms even death. It eventually became a memorial card for her and a consolation card for others, yet it holds the potential to be an everyday guide. There are Easter people in all of our parish communities whose faith inspires our own. They are the ones who trust the Holy Spirit’s presence even in the midst of adversity. They accept their own illnesses as opportunities to reveal God’s love to others. They are also the ones whose hearts ache with grief as they approach the Eucharist, hands outstretched, with the “Amen” on their lips. "So be it, I believe." And they are the ones who gather their families in the face of approaching death to remind them that they are Easter people. As Easter people we believe that the cross transformed all pain and suffering into eternal life. It is this Paschal Mystery, this Easter faith, that we are called to live each day! Source: The time has come for Katie Tamayo to show her family and friends what she’s learned the last 5 years in college! Typically a recital would include an hour of repertoire that one has studied throughout their time at Grand Valley. But Katie decided that she is anything but typical. So instead, she picked out several of her favorite musical theatre songs and linked them together with a self-written story. Katie’s story is titled, "Alabanza." Alabanza means praiseworthy, commendable, and to give to the light (of God). The recital will tell the story of Isabella; a young woman struggling to find her place in the world. With the help of her friends and family, Isabella is reminded of her self-worth and decides to follow her dreams all the way to New York City. Dave Wiseman will be accompanying Katie for this performance. There will also be some of Katie’s friends participating in her show, as well as her niece Ally. This may be one of the last local performances Katie has before moving to New York City in the fall. So come on out for a showcase of Katie’s many talents as a new theater and voice performance graduate! There will be a small reception to follow the performance as well, hosted by Al and Denise Tamayo. Alabanza Friday, May 8th 7:30 - 8:30 pm First Presbyterian Church of Lansing Molly Grove Chapel, 211 N Chestnut St. Handing on the (through the Domestic Church) with Jen Brown FAITH “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” —Romans 12:2 The Triduum and the Sacraments: Marriage It seems that many in our society have decided that anything goes. You can marry a roller coaster, as I understand one woman did. You might say that is crazy and you obviously don’t believe in that, but I might ask you this: Where do you draw the line? And how do you know that your line is right? Christ gave us many examples in scripture about how he is the Bridegroom and we, his people the Church, are his Bride. (Isaiah 61:10, Jeremiah 33:11, all of Song of Songs, John 3:29, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 5: 25-30, Revelations 19:7 to name just a few). God created the world in such a way that the DNA from one father and DNA from one mother is all it takes to create new life. When God made us his bride, he poured his life into us in the sacraments. Every time we receive Jesus Christ in the Sacraments, it is a divine marital act, if you will: it is Christ coming into us. Not just standing next to or greeting us, but he literally pours himself into us. And from this act, new life comes forth. We are made into new beings. The Bridegroom (Jesus) and the Bride (the Church) make new Christians! He uses this analogy that, while incomplete because God is so much greater than “Bridegroom”, because marriage is the most intimate that two human beings can get. He uses our human language to express how he desires us, how he lays down his life for us, how he wants each one of us to be his Bride. (Yes, men, this is still a manly thing to do!) As I write this, the Supreme Court of the land is deciding how to answer two questions: Do states violate the 14th Amendment when they ban same-sex marriage, and do they violate it when they refuse to recognize same-sex marriages legally performed in other states? (source: National Journal). The states in question are Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and Michigan. Just recently I also saw that the ACLU is threatening to force pastors and ministers to officiate these weddings, no matter what their religion believes and tonight The National Review is reporting that religious institutions may lose their tax status if the Court rules in favor of so called “gay marriage.” This is something we have to take seriously as Catholics: Will we allow ourselves to be formed by the mind of the Church and defend what Christ himself instituted for the human community? Will we stand with Christ and his Bride and be bold in word and action about the truth that God ordained in our creation? This is a tough area for many folks because we want to be fair, we want to be just. We even want to be merciful, which is what Pope Francis calls us to be. While we must stand for what is just, for what God has created, we cannot recreate marriage to fit our own image - or our own desires. It is merciful to call society to obedience to Christ for this is freedom, this is what the Good News of his life, passion, death and resurrection are all about. This IS incredible fairness, even if some people find themselves unable or unwilling to hear it. Does this mean that the Church hates gay people and is unfair? Not at all. ALL of us have fallen short of the glory of God. We have to be intentional about holding one another accountable to Christ’s commandments as the 2nd Reading from the 1st Letter of St John reminds us that “we should believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another just as he commanded us. Those who keep his commandments remain in him, and he in them, and the way we know that he remains in us is from the Spirit he gave us. So, even in our love relationship with God, there are commandments. “for God is greater than our hearts and knows everything.” It is not ok to exclude anyone or speak badly of them simply because they act or think differently than you do. Yet, if we love one another, we will help one another to “keep to his commandments and remain in him”. This is how the Triduum teaches us about the Sacrament of Marriage and what it is: While we were yet sinners, Christ laid down his life for us. Christ, the Bridegroom pours his life into the Church creating new life. His death means a death to our own desires and his resurrection means that none of us have to live in sin no matter what our struggle is. Husbands and wives are called to have this same sacrificial love for one another. Favorite App, Blog, Book or Website Website: Resources initiative from the US Bishops. Website: A fascinating documentary about the Catholic Church and people who struggle with same sex attraction. Book: Good News About Sex & Marriage: Answers to Your Honest Questions about Catholic Teaching by Christopher West. Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 3815 South Cedar St. Lansing, Michigan 48910 Children's Stewardship Corner Donations benefit St. Vincent Home for Children April 26: $5.03 Total to Date: $ 762.20 Thank you for your good deeds! Children’s envelopes are available at no charge at the Stewardship area in the gathering space Health Ministry News Children’s mental health is not often recognized as a problem. However, one in every five children suffers from a mental health challenge. Less than 20% of the affected children receive the support they need. Mental health is essential to overall health and well-being. Reducing the stigma of mental illness begins with acceptance so the children can access appropriate services. All children deserve a chance for a healthy mind and body. May Crowning & Procession IHM’s tradition of honoring our parish patroness for nearly three decades through a celebration presented by staff, children, and families in religious education will be held Tuesday, May 5th at 7pm in the Church followed by a social in the Parish Family Center. This invitation is extended to the whole parish. SENIORS of the parish have received LOV-A-GRAMS and are asked to call the religious education office at 3933033 so a flower and reserved seating will be awaiting their arrival. Foster Care MAY IS FOSTER CARE AWARENESS MONTHF Did you know there are currently 13,000 children in foster care in the State of Michigan. Many of these children are from Lansing. There is a great need for appropriate foster homes to provide stability and safety for children while in foster care. To learn more about Foster Care and Adoption please contact Natalie Marshall at [email protected] or (517) 323-4734 ext. 1614 with any questions. Employment Opportunities There are several employment listings on our website, please go to: and look under “news and events” and click on “Employment Opportunities.” 517 393-3030 Page 5 FAX 393-0855 Ministry to the Grieving IHM seeks to support the grieving through prayerful support, materials available in the religious education library, and through two candlelight prayer services through the year. On Wednesday, May 13 at 6:30pm a MEMORIAL CANDLE LIGHT SERVICE will be offered in church for families who are grieving family or friends. There will be memory pieces offered all who attend with a social and refreshments following. Those planning to attend should call JoAnn Angers at (517) 393-3033. This week’s recommended Book found in IHM’s Religious Education Library is called OUR GREATEST GIFT written by Henri Nouwen published by Harper. Nouwen offers us here a gentle meditative book on coming to terms with death. For connection with prayer circles please call the parish office at 517-393-3030 or email JoAnn Angers at [email protected]. High School Graduates IHM’s High school graduates will be honored on Sunday, June 7 at the 9:30 am Mass with a breakfast to follow (a letter will be sent to all seniors and their families.) We also invite you to send in a graduation photo and short bio for our display in the gathering space. You may email: [email protected] or bring to the parish office. Focus on Youth... Middle School Lock-in 2015 Page 6 Website: Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Sunday, May 3, 2015 3815 South Cedar Street Lansing MI 48910 517-393-3030 Religious Education IHM-St. Casimir School Preschool — 6th Grade, 393-3033 Kindergarten — 8th Grade, 882-6631 Complimenting Parent Efforts in Nurturing Faith Dear Parents, In a sort time we will gather for THE CELEBRATION OF OUR PATRONESS MARY on Tuesday May 5th at 7pm. This evening will include a procession, prayer service, and program of the children. We invite the participation of many. Encourage family and friends to attend this special event for Mary. Book of the Week: A Revelation of Love8 Mother Teresa by David Scott published by Loyola Press. A vivid interpretation of Mother Teresa’s life. DVD of the Week: In His ServiceS three films in one about serving Christ by Candlelight Media. ONCE MORE in the wonderful spirit of families enjoying PRAYING TOGETHER at meals, at bedtime, or whenever the time will be YOU ARE INVITED AS FAMILIES to take part in IHM’s Prayer Circles. If you would like to help in this great ministry to support the parish of IHM in prayer please call the religious education office at (517) 393-3033 or email me at [email protected]. Enjoy each Day and Give God Thanks ...Announce the Gospel- live, love, and share the Word. JoAnn Angers, Director of Religious Education and Social Ministry Registration for 2015-16 is now open to new families! If you want to find out if a faith-based education is the right fit for your family, call today for a tour, 882-6631. Grade 7 is now full with a waiting list available. Call now if you are interested in another grade! Religious Education 7th/8th Grades & High School High School Youth Group –All high schoolers are welcome to join us TODAY, Sunday, May 3rd, from 5 - 7:30pm in the PFC. High school youth should also come check out our Tuesday night group from 6:308:30 in the youth room. Don’t forget to join our Facebook page “IHM Youth Group Lansing” for updates! Contact Jay [email protected] or call 393-3030 x221 with questions. 2014-15 Confirmation Candidates: We will be celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation TODAY, Sunday, May 3rd at 2:30p at St. Mary Cathedral. Contact Toni: [email protected] or call 393-3030 x221 with questions and keep checking your inbox for the weekly updates. 7th/8th Grade Rel. Ed.- Middle schoolers should be completing their make-up work which is due the last day of class, Monday, May 11th— the same day as our Family Celebration. Contact Toni: [email protected] or call 393-3030 x221 with questions. Our grade 8 students will be touring Washington DC this week! Say a prayer that their travels will be safe and memorymaking. May will be very busy with the annual class picnics, lots of field trips, ending ceremonies and then packing up! Construction on the North Wing begins June 1st, so everything must be packed up and moved out. It is all going to make for a very busy month. Saturday, May 16 will be our athletic Golf Marathon. We would love to have you join us in golfing that day! For information contact our A.D. Bill Devine at 484-6344 or [email protected]. If you aren’t a golfer but would like to support this fundraiser consider donating a prize! Your support is very much appreciated! Attention Preschool Parents Meet our new preschool teacher on Wednesday, May 6 or May 13 between 10am and 11am. Also, please come to our Preschool Open House on Tuesday, May 19 at 5:30pm in room 102. This is a great opportunity to meet our new teacher Mrs. Evans. Mrs. Evans will have a children's center set up and she will talk to parents about her plans for the upcoming school year. This is an awesome fun filled evening and she is very enthusiastic and is excited to start! She is looking forward to meeting parents and preschoolers. Children’s Corner by JoAnn Angers, D.R.E. Find the Gospel message for May 3, 2015 in John 15:1-8. Find the words in capital lettersS JESUS COMPARED HIMSELF (to) THE VINE (and the) BRANCHES. ANYONE WHO DOES NOT LIVE (with Jesus) WILL (be) LIKE (a) WITHERED BRANCH. D E R A P M O C S E H C N A R B J Y R O W D H F M E T E V I L I I U S W H O L V B O V U S T W L M F L E S M I H E N O Y N A C W I D K N L I K E B R A N C H V E Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 8:30—5 pm, Tuesday & Thurs 8:30 am - 7 pm, Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Saturday: 9 am - noon Our Website: Save The Date! Mid-East Food Festival: St. Joseph Melkite Catholic Church - Thursday, May 7 and Friday, May 8 from 11 am to 7:30 pm, 725 W. Mt. Hope Ave. Dine in or Take Out, adult plates: $13, child plates $7.50. Call 484-7230. The Association of Catholic Women will have their monthly meeting Saturday, May 9, 12:00 noon, St. Mary Cathedral Parish Hall, 219 Seymour St., St. Elizabeth Seton Room, 2nd floor. At this meeting the officers for 2015 - 2016 will be installed as well as Librarians from area Catholic Schools will be in attendance. St. Monica's Sodality: Do you know someone who is no longer practicing their faith? The St. Monica's Sodality offers a way to help bring them back though intercessory prayer. Join us the 2nd Saturday of each month. St. Monica's prayers, rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed in the Church chapel following the 8 am Mass. Faith sharing and refreshments will follow in the parish office. Mother’s Day Dinner: IHM Knights of Columbus will be holding its Annual Lester McIntonsh Mother’s Day Dinner on Saturday, May 9, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm in the Parish Family Center (following the 4:30 pm Mass). Please join your fellow Parishioners for a delicious dinner to honor all Mothers. Adults $8. Mothers and Children (under 10) $3. In honor of Mothers on Mother’s Day, the Right to Life of Ingham County will have fresh carnations available for sale after all Masses. Donations will support education programs related to the plight of the unborn and area crisis pregnancy services. Thank you for your support! Golf Marathon: IHM-St. Casimir School/Knights of Columbus are inviting you to support this event to raise funds for the school’s athletic program and the many outstanding projects of the Knights. Be a Golfer - Golf for free at Hawk Hollow Golf Course on one of two courses. Food, refreshments, golfer package and prizes. Be a Sponsor - if you can't golf, be a Gold or Hole Sponsor. The Marathon takes place Saturday, May 16th. Information packets are available. Contact Bill Devine: [email protected] or call 484-6344. Fr. Mac Scholarship Dinner: Tuesday, May 12, Kellogg Center Michigan State University 6:00 pm. Cocktail Reception 7:00 pm. Dinner & Program Keynote Speaker: John Shinsky, 2015 Community Service Recipient: David M. Flint, D.D.S. Tickets: $125 per person. Contact Colleen: 267-2109 or [email protected]. St. Casimir Card Party: Thursday, May 14, 6:30-9:00 pm in the St. Casimir Holy Family Center. Play cards, board games or just visit with friends and enjoy desserts and beverages. Door prizes/raffles. Top prize is $500. Tickets available at the door - 6 pm. Enrollment at Lansing Catholic High School is currently accepting applications for incoming 9th graders and for transfer students into grades 10 and 11 for the 2015-16 school year. Applications and the tuition worksheet are available on the school’s website For more information contact the Admissions Office at [email protected] or 517-267-2102. Page 7 Parish Staff Contact Information Parish Office/Staff: 393-3030 FAX: 393-0855 Rev. John Byers, Pastor [email protected] Rev. George Daisy, In Residence Deacons: Bill Fudge & John Cameron Website: Business Mgr: Barry Marsh [email protected] Bookkeeper: Ann Schadler [email protected] Secretaries: Anita Sandel [email protected] Barbara Smith, Bulletin [email protected] Coordinator of Evangelization & DiscipleshipS...393-3030 Jennifer Brown [email protected] Religious Education Pre-school – 6th gradeSSS..393-3033 JoAnn Angers (RCIA for children): [email protected] Religious Education 7th/8th grades/High School/Young Adults: Jay Jong (Youth Group) [email protected] Toni Watters (7th/8th, Confirm.): [email protected] RCIA for Adults, Leah Hinman: . [email protected] Adult Faith Formation, Leah HinmanSSSSS....393-3030 Liturgy & Music, Dave Wiseman: [email protected] School, Angela Johnston, PrincipalSS...SSSS......882-6631 [email protected] Social Ministry/Health Ministry JoAnn Angers.......393-3033 Restorative Justice/Change of Heart,SSSS.S......243-8605 St. Vincent de Paul: Dennis Harney, PresidentS....393-3030 Knights of Columbus: Ken Balcer, Grand KnightS....393-3030 [email protected] website: ICAP: Counseling Assistance ProgramSSSS. 393-3030 Rosary Makers, Laurene MooreSSSSS...SS...393-3030 Adoration Chapel, Jack ChanSSSSSS..SS...668-8113 Divine Life in the Parish Weekend Masses: Weekday Masses: Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am Monday — Saturday: 8 am Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3 - 4 pm, after 8 am Mass on: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 1st Saturdays. Sick and Homebound: Call the parish office to request a hospital visit, sacrament of the sick, communion, or prayers. Infant Baptism: Registered members and their families may arrange through the parish office in advance. Preparation class is required. Sacrament of Marriage: Please make arrangements with the pastor or deacon at least nine months in advance of the proposed wedding date. Welcome New parishioners! Please register by calling or stopping by the Parish Office. We encourage you to be an active member by attending Sunday Mass weekly and supporting your parish in gratitude for what God has given you. Mission Statement: As a Christ-centered, Spirit-led faith community, fed by Word and Sacrament, we bring the “Good News” of God’s love into all areas of our lives, that we may lead others to Christ.
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