Ege University Working Papers in Economics 2015 IMPORT DEPENDENCY IN TURKEY: AN INPUT-OUTPUT ANALYSIS Osman Aydoğuş Çağaçan Değer Elif Tunalı Çalışkan Gülçin Gürel Günal Working Paper No: 15 / 02 May 2015 Department of Economics Ege University IMPORT DEPENDENCY IN TURKEY: AN INPUT-OUTPUT ANALYSIS Osman Aydogus Department of Economics, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey Address: Ege Universitesi, Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi, Bornova, 35100 Izmir, TURKEY Telephone: +90 232 311 5286 Fax: +90 232 373 41 94 Email: osman/[email protected] Cagacan Deger Department of Economics, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey Address: Ege Universitesi, Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi, Bornova, 35100 Izmir, TURKEY Telephone: +90 232 311 2267 Fax: +90 232 373 41 94 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Elif Tunali Caliskan (Corresponding Author) Department of Economics, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey Address: Ege Universitesi, Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi, Bornova, 35100 Izmir, TURKEY Telephone: +90 232 311 3164 Fax: +90 232 373 41 94 Email: [email protected] Gulcin Gurel Gunal Department of Economics, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey Address: Ege Universitesi, Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi, Bornova, 35100 Izmir, TURKEY Telephone: +90 232 311 3164 Fax: +90 232 373 41 94 Email: [email protected] Abstract Import dependency is important for the development process. High import dependency implies, among many items, a vulnerability to foreign exchange shocks. This study examines the intermediate inputs import dependency of Turkish economy. Main contribution is the construction of an import matrix for year 2008, whereas the most recent official one is from year 2002. The analysis reveals dependency of Turkish economy on especially raw material inputs obtained from abroad. JEL Codes: input-output models, import dependency, Turkey Keywords: C67, F10, O50 Import Dependency in Turkey: An Input-Output Analysis Abstract Import dependency is important for the development process. High import dependency implies, among many items, a vulnerability to foreign exchange shocks. This study examines the intermediate inputs import dependency of Turkish economy. Main contribution is the construction of an import matrix for year 2008, whereas the most recent official one is from year 2002. The analysis reveals dependency of Turkish economy on especially raw material inputs obtained from abroad. JEL Codes: input-output models, import dependency, Turkey Keywords: C67, F10, O50 1 / 9 1. Introduction Input-output (IO) models are among the most used applicable models. Conducted studies focus on a very diverse set of research questions. Lin and Polenske (1995) examine sectoral energy usage. Zhang, Shi, Yang, Chapagain (2011) investigate international water trade and its impact on water usage in China. In light of the recent financial crisis, Leung and Secrieru (2012) examine how real and financial sectors interact. For the case of Turkey, conducted IO analyses focus on issues such as wage changes and sector prices (Konukman, 1996), price formation (Aydoğuş, 1999), effect of import prices (Berüment and Taşçı, 2002) and energy prices (Tunalı and Aydoğuş, 2007) on domestic prices and relationship between energy usage and carbon emissions (Tunç, Türüt-Aşık and Akbostancı, 2007). IO models are also used to examine import dependency of countries. Using IO modeling, Loschky and Ritter (2007) examine import content of exports for Germany. Cuihong and Jiansuo (2007) reveal the dependence of Chinese exports on imports of raw materials and intermediate inputs. IO models have been used to examine import dependency for the case of Turkey, as well. Günlük-Şenesen and Şenesen (2001) modify a standart IO model to isolate import dependency by origin sector and destination sector of flows, using Turkey 1990 data as a case study. Duman and Özgüzer (2012) use the 1998 and 2002 IO tables to conclude that not only manufacturing, but also trading sectors contribute to import dependency. Saygılı, Cihan, Yalçın and Brand (2012) use 1998 and 2002 IO tables, supplemented by firm surveys, to conclude that share of imported inputs in total inputs rose by 10% from 2002 to 2007. Ersungur, Ekinci and Takım (2011) use the 2002 IO table of Turkey to measure forward and backward import dependency linkages. The studies that utilize IO modeling to examine import dependency in Turkey are limited by the lack of recent IO tables. This study analyses import dependency through an IO model based on IO tables for year 2008. The contributions are twofold: Firstly, a 2008 import IO table is obtained through a non-survey approach. Secondly, import dependency is examined through this relatively recent table. The study progresses as follows: Next section presents the considered model and summarizes the results. Last section concludes. 2. Model, Data and Results The model is based on the goods market equilibrium condition: X = AX + Cd + Cm + Id + Im + Gd + Gm + E – M 2 / 9 (1) where X : output A : matrix of IO coefficients Cd : consumption demand for domestic goods m : consumption demand for imported goods C d : investment demand for domestic goods Im : investment demand for imported goods Gd : government demand for domestic goods m : government demand for imported goods I G E : exports M : imports Intermediate inputs can be either domestically produced or imported. Hence, A = Ad + Am where Ad is [domestic coefficients] and Am are [import coefficients]. Also, by definition, M=Am + Cm + Im + Gm. Therefore Equation 1 can be solved as: X = [I – Ad]-1 [Cd + Id + Gd + E] (2) Multiplying from the left by Am yields imported intermediate inputs as: Am X = Am[I – Ad]-1 [Cd + Id + Gd + E] (3) From Equation 3, the import requirements can be isolated by: R = Am[I – Ad]-1 (4) The matrix R includes the direct and indirect effects of increases in the final demand elements. Each element of matrix R, denoted rij, shows the additional intermediate input import of sector i needed to meet the unit increase in final demand by sector j. Sums of the rows of R show how much intermediate input import by sector i increases if final demand in every sector j increases by 1 unit. [forward linkage] Sums of the columns of R show how much intermediate input import by every sector increases if final demand by sector i increases by 1 unit. [backward linkage] The analysis in this study relies on the forward and backward linkages implied by Equation 4. However, Equation 4 requires domestic and imported IO table for Turkey. Latest IO table for Turkey 3 / 9 are available for year 2002. The import matrix of year 2002 has been updated to year 2008. The choice of year 2008 is based on the availability of a national IO table of Turkey. As part of the development planning process, İZKA (İzmir Regional Development Agency) has funded the update of the national IO table of Turkey to 2008, which in turn has been the starting point for the preparation of a regional table for İzmir (Aydoğuş, Değer, Çalışkan and Günal, 2015). To maintain consistency with İZKA's 2008 national IO table, the 2002 import matrix has been aggregated to 36 sectors. To obtain an import matrix for year 2008, the non-survey method is adopted. In the framework of this study, the non-survey method is the most feasible method among alternatives. The non-survey method relies on constructing the table from a national table through various transformations, where transformations are based on adopted assumptions. Compared to a survey method, which requires extensive surveys to be conducted, the non-survey method has a considerable cost advantage. It is stated that the cost differential may reach a factor of 20 (Boster and Martin, 1972). The share of intermediate imports in total imports, from 2002 import matrix, is used to divide sectoral imports in the 2008 IO table to intermediate use imports and final use imports. This stage provides intermediate input imports for each of the 36 sectors. This is a column vector and needs to be divided into a matrix. In other words, aggregate intermediate inputs imports need to be distributed to sectors. To this end, the shares of intermediate imported inputs for each sector are obtained from the 2002 import matrix, then used on the 2008 sectoral imported intermediate inputs vector. This yields the import matrix for year 2008. The obtained import matrix and İZKA's 2008 national IO table have been used to perform the calculation implied by Equation 4. Implied forward and backward linkages are presented in the appendix, Table A1. Top ranking sectors in terms of forward and backward linkages are presented in Table 1. Table 1 shows that the highest forward linkages in Turkey are displayed by natural resource related sectors. If final demand in every sector increases by 1 unit, the intermediate input import requirement by “mining and quarrying” sector increases by 1.6 units. This is 1.3 for “manufacture of chemicals and chemical products” and 1.06 for “manufacture of basic metals”. 4 / 9 Table 1: Top 5 forward and backward linkage sectors Forward Rank Backward Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products Mining and quarrying 1.6291 1 and nuclear fuels 0.6015 Rank 1 Manufacture of chemicals, chemical products 1.3067 2 Manufacture of basic metals 0.4208 2 Manufacture of basic metals 1.0641 3 Electrical energy, gas, steam and hot water 0.3320 3 Recycling 0.7454 4 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products 0.3288 4 5 Manufacture of chemicals, chemical products 0.3062 5 Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 0.4259 Source: Authors' calculations. Backward linkages show the intermediate input import triggered by a unit increase in the final demand of a given sector. This is a better representation of dependency on intermediate input imports. For example, if the final demand in “manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels” increases by 1 unit, intermediate input import o 0.60 units are triggered. This figure is a representation of Turkey on imported unprocessed petroleum. “Manufacture of basic metals” sector triggers an intermediate input increase of 0.42 units. “Electirical energy, gas, steam and hot water” production has become very dependent on imported natural gas in the last decade and a half. Therefore, it is not surprising that this sector displays the third highest ranking in intermediate input import dependency, with 0.33. 3. Conclusion Conducted analysis shows that import dependency in Turkey is a matter of raw material imports, mostly fuels. The result is for year 2008 and differs from Duman and Özgüzer (2012), who argue that the growth in import dependency from 1998 to 2002 is due to the effect of not only manufacturing but also the trade sector. The difference in results is most likely due to sector aggregation. This study employs 36 sectors whereas Duman and Özgüzer (2012) use an aggregated 12 sector table from OECD. Günlük-Şenesen and Şenesen (2001) find that raw petroleum is an important factor for import dependency of Turkey in 1990, a result more in alignment with the current study. 5 / 9 The analysis is consistent with the fact that Turkey is poor in petroleum amd has to import a considerable quantity to meet the domestic demand. Unless a new source is located, there is little policy action in this regard. However, since domestic price of imports are heavily dependent on the exchange rate, policy action to avoid exchange rate fluctuations are recommended for price stability. 6 / 9 References Aydoğuş, Osman. (1999). Türkiye ekonomisinde maliyetler ve enflasyon: 1985-1990. Ekonomik Yaklaşım. 10(34): 5-25. Aydoğuş, O., Değer, Ç., Çalışkan, E.T. and Günal, G.G. (2015). 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Economic Systems Research 23: 431-446. 8 / 9 Appendix: Table A1: Forward and backward linkages by sectors Sector Agriculture, Hunting and Forestery Forward Rank Backward Rank 0.3846 6 0.0642 32 Collected and purified water, distribution services of water 0 30 0.1188 26 Construction 0 31 0.1644 21 Education services 0 35 0.0399 35 Electrical energy, gas, steam and hot water 0.0006 28 0.3320 3 Financial Intermediation 0.0262 23 0.0354 36 Fishing 0.0003 29 0.0963 27 0 36 0.0776 30 Health and social work services Hotels and restaurants 0 33 0.0881 28 Manufacture of Basic metals 1.0641 3 0.4208 2 Manufacture of Chemicals, chemical products 1.3067 2 0.3062 5 Manufacture of Coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 0.4259 5 0.6015 1 Manufacture of Electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c. 0.2295 7 0.2772 11 Manufacture of Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 0.1101 13 0.2788 9 Manufacture of food products and beverages 0.0617 16 0.1236 25 Manufacture of Furniture; other manufactured goods n.e.c. 0.0297 22 0.2907 6 Manufacture of Machinery and equipment n.e.c. 0.0081 26 0.2359 16 Manufacture of Medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks 0.0332 21 0.1562 22 Manufacture of Motor vehicles, trailers and semi‐trailers 0.1726 9 0.2602 15 Manufacture of Office machinery and computers 0.0466 19 0.1650 20 Manufacture of Other non‐metallic mineral products 0.0616 17 0.1538 23 Manufacture of Other transport equipment 0.0712 15 0.1531 24 Manufacture of Printed matter and recorded media 0.0125 24 0.1753 19 Manufacture of Pulp, paper and paper products 0.2149 8 0.3288 4 Manufacture of Radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus 0.0768 14 0.2017 18 Manufacture of Rubber and plastic products 0.1489 11 0.2780 10 Manufacture of textiles and textile products 0.1685 10 0.2847 7 Manufacture of tobacco products 0.0010 27 0.2743 12 Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur 0.0111 25 0.2180 17 Manufacture of Wood and products of wood and cork (except furniture); articles of straw and plaiting materials 0.0613 18 0.2643 14 Mining and Quarrying 1.6291 1 0.0836 29 Other services 0.0415 20 0.0595 34 Recycling 0.7454 4 0.2808 8 Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness and footwear 0.1486 12 0.2727 13 Transport, storage and communication 0 34 0.0611 33 Wholesale and retail trade 0 32 0.0695 31 Source: Authors' calculations. 9 / 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 4 5 1 Kağıt ve kağıt ürünleri imalatı 42 8 5 33 15 100 2 2 2 10 2 2 3 4 1 26 5 1 044 3 3 4 2 17 17 3 52 512 125 1 1 2 24 4 1 1 6 2 1 6 9 1 76 133 15 14 648 6 66 4 1 2 2 2 81 11 3 238 716 1 1 1 15 967 20 12 30 77 9 6 1 1 9 1 2 17 289 50 101 6 104 363 6 63 3 2 1 23 57 814 388 13 15 36 2 13 1 1 22 6 3 58 254 46 217 3 974 89 3 45 5 1 1 27 2 37 13 14 17 1 11 1 18 2 18 5 9 75 80 233 13 404 690 3 28 2 1 1 1 068 2 15 11 1 10 245 4 1 11 2 1 7 32 7 78 9 989 208 9 175 191 1 16 45 4 1 1 427 2 16 6 57 5 21 10 4 61 5 7 211 2 740 38 49 262 111 2 19 11 3 1 33 2 17 8 80 5 111 29 42 506 18 56 137 2 761 60 89 387 90 2 44 10 1 2 9 3 40 10 18 3 1 3 36 4 29 6 3 1 1 19 6 1 2 14 37 19 1 332 4 4 68 704 54 182 373 44 1 8 2 1 298 1 20 4 22 1 13 170 250 3 6 200 1 26 67 8 3 5 5 10 1 3 21 Radyo, televizyon, haberleşme teçhizatı ve cihazları imalatı 1 1 29 4 14 1 1 14 42 8 6 74 1 6 1 22 Tıbbi aletler; hassas ve optik aletler ile saat imalatı 5 6 1 2 5 328 30 1 167 3 4 94 1 134 83 270 125 69 1 5 4 1 6 51 1 23 3 3 171 59 1 58 1 1 54 91 10 10 34 10 4 5 1 24 3 23 44 1 6 1 5 4 1 230 1 405 16 315 313 41 3 15 248 3 1 60 17 17 25 Motorlu kara taşıtı Diğer ulaşım Mobilya ımalatı; , römork ve yarıaraçlarının imalatı b.y.s. diğer imalat römork imalatı 122 115 5 1 26 Yeniden değerlendirme 28 17 2 21 3 1 209 1 16 11 112 1 2 13 91 1 4 1 1 1 12 185 2 27 1 1 3 5 1 4 124 22 4 7 1 28 Elektrik, gaz, Suyun toplanması, arıtılması ve buhar ve sıcak su dağıtılması üretimi ve dağıtımı İnşaat 30 9 14 1 69 9 1 345 15 22 807 3 902 419 274 117 547 2 27 253 1 1 8 1 28 3 29 71 2 118 157 1 1 125 10 25 144 77 9 135 555 94 109 1 175 1 031 101 106 25 33 11 169 68 1 375 163 30 Toptan ve Perakende Ticaret Oteller ve lokantalar 26 1 19 34 1 8 24 42 7 31 47 31 271 12 40 1 1 16 64 126 13 108 31 123 30 520 647 1 99 526 53 3 29 70 1 258 22 3 887 34 20 5 2 3 4 1 18 32 64 5 19 11 5 1 2 16 264 11 1 33 8 9 5 11 2 8 47 1 66 1 8 7 115 162 11 48 6 2 2 1 2 76 3 34 Sigorta ve Kara, Su, Hava ve Emeklilik Fonları Boru Hattı Eğitim hizmetleri Dahil Mali Taşımacılığı ve Hizmetler İletişim 6 10 6 10 77 7 8 18 63 6 625 79 9 36 4 1 6 10 13 4 35 Sağlık işleri ve sosyal hizmetler 117 2 116 140 610 176 177 74 440 253 17 393 738 209 177 1 308 713 129 626 48 47 18 87 56 358 2 104 36 Diğer Hizmetler 37 740 14 12 062 800 1 379 7 844 458 489 4 220 660 191 2 887 25 555 1 745 3 076 23 727 12 333 358 2 503 928 983 293 4 728 4 1 858 34 862 16 6 543 Toplam 7 1 2 592 2 704 12 054 4 532 6 396 5 270 2 997 21 730 1 611 7 809 243 1 357 10 937 5 337 421 1 388 251 774 2 163 1 837 130 2 983 10 894 38 1 677 38 İthalatın Nihai Kullanıma giden kısmı 21 12 063 3 392 4 083 19 898 4 990 6 885 9 490 3 658 21 921 4 498 33 364 1 988 4 433 34 664 17 670 779 3 891 1 179 1 757 2 456 6 566 135 4 841 45 756 53 8 220 39 Toplam İthalat (2008 tablosundan) Toplam Diğer Hizmetler Sağlık işleri ve sosyal hizmetler Eğitim hizmetleri Sigorta ve Emeklilik Fonları Dahil Mali Hiz Kara, Su, Hava ve Boru Hattı Taşımacılığı v 3 421 2 657 12 5 708 4 993 16 8 907 12 4 041 2 839 3 1 400 3 2 422 3 955 2 17 125 90 8 510 11 4 882 9 2 690 5 22 475 7 3 668 22 4 526 Page 1 88 5 3 164 7 805 2 206 14 7 406 516 7 2 777 15 12 736 7 181 5 6 907 151 7 039 7 933 64 6 420 181 579 3 603 7 1 008 384 7 518 1 067 152 324 117 064 2 164 513 269 388 3 231 1 253 4 491 1 1 2 51 16 64 5 32 595 23 38 410 1 1 3 11 Büro, muhasebe B.y.s. elektrikli Metalik olmayan Makine ve Kimyasal madde B.y.s. makine ve Plastik ve kauçuk makine ve ve bilgi işlem diğer mineral Ana metal sanayii teçhizatı hariç; ve ürünlerin teçhizat imalatı ürünleri imalatı makineleri imalatı cihazların imalatı ürünlerin imalatı metal eşya sanayii imalatı 1 765 17 1 93 6 9 1 29 2 14 84 70 1 40 181 21 11 136 15 10 Kok kömürü, Basım ve yayım; rafine edilmiş plak, kaset v.b. petrol ürünleri ve kayıtlı medyanın nükleer yakıt çoğaltılması imalatı 4 491 7 1 10 7 2 2 4 60 3 1 38 709 166 2 5 1 4 1 131 268 9 Ağaç ve mantar ürünleri imalatı (mobilya hariç); Kağıt ve kağıt hasır ve buna ürünleri imalatı benzer, örülerek yapılan maddelerin imalatı 1 765 98 1 21 1 2 21 10 172 3 424 743 4 20 505 3 33 91 1 7 8 Derinin tabaklanması, işlenmesi; bavul, el çantası, saraçlık, koşum takımı ve ayakkabı imalatı Oteller ve lokantalar 65 1 50 24 2 34 2 108 29 50 61 6 6 60 352 216 2 037 149 31 143 7 Giyim eşyası imalatı; kürkün işlenmesi ve boyanması Toptan ve Perakende Ticaret İnşaat Suyun toplanması, arıtılması ve dağıtılmas Elektrik, gaz, buhar ve sıcak su üretimi ve Yeniden değerlendirme Mobilya ımalatı; b.y.s. diğer imalat Diğer ulaşım araçlarının imalatı Motorlu kara taşıtı , römork ve yarı‐römo 75 Radyo, televizyon, haberleşme teçhizatı v 10 3 B.y.s. elektrikli makine ve cihazların imala Tıbbi aletler; hassas ve optik aletler ile saa 5 55 3 2 Büro, muhasebe ve bilgi işlem makineleri Makine ve teçhizatı hariç; metal eşya sana 3 72 46 30 79 319 1 001 435 3 92 12 1 17 62 236 6 1 B.y.s. makine ve teçhizat imalatı Ana metal sanayii Metalik olmayan diğer mineral ürünlerin i 61 110 1 3 2 1 182 Kimyasal madde ve ürünlerin imalatı Plastik ve kauçuk ürünleri imalatı 26 1 012 Kok kömürü, rafine edilmiş petrol ürünler Basım ve yayım; plak, kaset v.b. kayıtlı me 5 Ağaç ve mantar ürünleri imalatı (mobilya 1 13 23 16 151 3 Tekstil ürünleri imalatı 59 6 1 904 1 4 776 Derinin tabaklanması, işlenmesi; bavul, el 1 138 372 1 1 876 Tekstil ürünleri imalatı Giyim eşyası imalatı; kürkün işlenmesi ve 1 96 19 Tütün ürünleri imalatı 2 179 1 3 180 4 1 2 2 692 1 Balıkçılık, balık üretme ve Madencilik, Petrol yetiştirme Gıda ürünleri ve Tarım, Avcılık ve ve Doğalgaz çiftliklerinin içecek imalatı Ormancılık Çıkarımı işletilmesi ve balıkçılıkla ilgili hizmetler 14 Tütün ürünleri imalatı Gıda ürünleri ve içecek imalatı Madencilik, Petrol ve Doğalgaz Çıkarımı Balıkçılık, balık üretme ve yetiştirme çiftlik Tarım, Avcılık ve Ormancılık 2008 İTHALAT IOT Sheet1
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