resume - jordan bibla

$(JordanBibla).isready(function( ) {
<meta description= ‘jb resume’>
<meta email= ‘[email protected]’>
<meta site= ‘’>
<meta cell= ‘416.949.5855’>
@import (experience)
@import (education)
#freelance {
.humber college {
organization : self employed;
diploma : 2 years;
position : design and web development;
program : design and development;
front-end : development;
design : graphic, ux, interaction;
/* this enlightening experience exposed me to
the realities of running your own business,
working with clients, and being disciplined with
personal goals, deadlines, and projects. thus far it
has been a fantastic and exciting challenge */
video : concept, creation, post-production;
.concordia university {
bachelor : 4 years; !honours
religion : phenomenology, mysticism;
#shefa project {
sustainability : food systems, energy;
organization : student group;
position : co-founder / director;
/* the shefa project is an environmental student
group in downtown montreal. our biggest accomplishment was implementing the sustainable
community meals program where we served 60-75
people a local and organic meal every friday night.
we also hosted workshops on pickling, urban
agriculture, and environmental policy. the
organization is still active in montreal */
#concordia university {
department : continuing education;
position : videographer;
@import (skills / software);
.development {
HTML5 : professional proficiency;
CSS3 : professional proficiency;
jQuery : working proficiency;
zurb foundation : twitter bootstrap;
/* actively learning git, javaScript, ruby on rails,
PHP, jekyll, and liquify, */
.design {
adobe : illustrator, photoshop;
/* i was hired by concordia university’s department
of continuing education to take video of lectures to
assist with their teacher assessment program */
premiere : pro;
@import (conferences);
#magen boys entertainment {
company : event production;
.conferences {
social : media week;
position : audio /visual technician;
FITC : future innovation technology creativity;
DX3 : marketing advertising retail;
/ with the magen boys, i was responsible for setting
up and handling lighting, audio, and video equipment at numerous private and corporate events */
TEDx : technology education design;
<?Dynamic References Available Upon Request>
<Thank You Kindly>