Promotion Application Form

International Isshin Ryu Karate Federation
Rank Promotion Application
Name _________________________________________
Date of Birth ___________ IIKF # ___________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________
Telephone ___________________________
Email ____________________
Instructor (Sensei) Name ________________________________
Are you actively training with your instructor at this time? Yes___ No___
Rank Applied for:
___ Shodan (1st degree)
___ Sandan (3rd degree)
___ Godan (5th degree)
___ Nanadan (7th degree)
___ Kudan (9th degree)
___ Nidan (2nd degree)
___ Yondan (4th degree)
___ Rokudan (6th degree)
___ Hachidan (8th degree)
Date of Application ___________
Which method of Rank Promotion review are you planning to use?
___ Live, in person, performance
___ Video performance
All ranks up to and including 5th degree must be tested for, in front of a panel
of rank examiners or through video performance. Guidelines for black belt
degree promotions (katas, time and age requirements) are listed in the IIKF
Fill out and return this form and the attached resume form. After promotion
rank review (live or video), you will be informed about your eligibility for your
next rank.
Certificate and promotion fee will be due at that time.
For international memberships please add $10.00 for shipping costs
International Isshin Ryu Karate Federation
Martial Arts Resume
Name ____________________________________________
Current rank ___________________
Style __________________
Date your received your last rank ______________________
Name of person promoting you to your last rank __________________________
Please give a description of your recent Accomplishments, Awards,
Certifications, Trainings, etc. since last rank promotion
Use other side of this sheet if needed
Please Mail or Fax To:
International Isshin Ryu Karate Federation
1512 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606
(585) 429-6344