Dynamic, Kinematic and Static Analysis of a Shaper Machine Dr. M. A. Asy Prof. Dr. M. A. Nasser [email protected] [email protected] Department of Production Engineering & Mechanical Design University of Menoufia Shebin El-Kom, Menoufia, Egypt Abstract: Nowadays, machine tool builders can no longer have enough money to consume time and money building and testing real prototypes of the machine tool model, instead they use virtual prototypes. Shaper machine has received limited attention regarding their dynamic and static behaviour. Shaper machine was remodelled for more static, kinematic and dynamic analyses. This paper presents the current state of virtual prototyping of a shaper machine tool; the work focuses on the design of the machine tool structure, main gear box, tool shank and tool holder systems. Shaper machine produced by the Egyptian Machine Tool Factory is selected for this study. The structural behaviour under static and dynamic loads is evaluated in order to obtain an optimized design of the shaper machine elements. Several software like Matlab, Excel, Ansys and Solidworks has been used for remodelling and analysis. Kinematic analysis defined position of shaper quick return mechanisms links, motion of ram, end of the rocker and machine crank as well as the displacement, velocity and acceleration of machine ram or cutting tool for different values of crank length and number of strokes per minutes. Finite element analyses of machine parts in static and modal domains are carried out on machine parts and their subassemblies. Using Virtual Prototyping techniques, engineers are able to shorten the design time and therefore shorten the time needed for pushing to market new products. Key Words: Dynamic, Deformation, Frequency, kinematic & shaper. 1. Introduction Shapers were very common in industrial production. The shaping machine is used to machine flat metal surfaces especially where a large amount of metal has to be removed. Other machines such as milling machines are much more expensive and are more suited to removing smaller amounts of metal, very accurately. The shaping machine is a simple and yet extremely effective machine. It is used to remove material, usually metals such as steel or aluminum, to produce a flat surface. However, it can also be used to manufacture gears such as rack and pinion systems and other complex shapes. The main parts include a gear box, rocker, floating link, ram tool holder, casing, base and a table. The reciprocating motion of the mechanism inside the shaping machine is obtained by using quick return mechanism. The gear box last driven gears is used as a rotating disk. As the disc rotates the top of the machine, “ram” moves forwards and backwards, pushing a cutting tool [1-4]. Quick-return mechanism design and kinematic analysis has received a lot of attention [5-18]. The links displacement, velocity and acceleration were found. Computer-Aided Design and Analysis of the Whitworth Quick Return Mechanism was studied in most references [5-22]. In the quick return mechanism, the velocity of cutting stroke and return stroke both change with the change in length of slotted link but the total velocity ratio remains constant. The velocity ratio and force output changes with the change in height of slider. The ratio of length of slotted link to height of slider is 1.083 and at this instant the velocity ratio and force are found to be with their maximum value during the stroke [15]. Shaper Mechanism is constructed by SolidWorks, and then it is imported the multi-body dynamics simulation software ADAMS in order to analyze the characteristic of the kinematics and dynamics simulation. [18] To improve the stability of the ram-movement and to make use of the power consumed during the return stroke, the author built a model in ADAMS to run its simulation to optimize the geometric parameters of the shaper so that a bidirectional planer is likely to be designed and applied in the industrial field, thus the producing efficiency could be increased without inventing a new kind of planer with a new mechanism, but only to change some geometric parameters of the original slider-crank mechanism [19]. Simulation of Whitworth quick-return mechanism has been done by using MSC ADAMS software. ADAMS software helps to study dynamic analysis and animation of shaper machine parts. In this paper the velocity and acceleration of cutting tool time in both cutting and return strokes is discussed. Force and torque versus time for crank pin are also discussed with the help of MSC ADAMS software [20]. An attempt has been made to analyze both statically and dynamically the three machine tool structures milling, shaping, and lathe. It concluded that the deflection is increasing with an increase in frequency. The frequency analysis has been takenup for the first 5 natural frequencies. Very limited results are given without expansion [21]. A virtual machine tool is a simulation tool of machine tools first given by [22]. In this technique virtual modeling of machine tool kinematics, machine tool structure and feed drive dynamics as well as tool and workpiece behavior. The new design procedure with virtual prototypes shorten design time. The developed methods and software tools for improving the design and evaluation of machine tool components and structures. The virtual machine 715 www.ijaegt.com concept allowed the study of the machine dynamic behavior without building the practical prototype [22]. The finite element was used to study the modal analysis of machine tool structures [21-23], gear boxes [24 & 25] and cutting tools [2630]. References [31-33] were referred in studying theoretical and experimental modal analysis. From the literature review it is clear that the shaping machine has received very limited attention in both static and dynamic condition. Trails made to study quick return mechanism showed that there are no integrated software platform for the virtual design and analysis of the machine tools. Moreover, the direct experimental approach to study shaper machine and shaping processes dynamic analysis is expensive and time consuming, especially when a wide range of parameters is included. The alternative approaches are mathematical simulations where numerical methods are applied. In this paper, Matlab is used in the development of an accurate mathematical model and subsequent simulations for the kinematic and dynamic analysis of the mechanical shaper systems. From the present work it is easy to compute position of links, displacement, velocity and acceleration of quick return mechanism. Finite-element analysis is used to derive a computational model predicting the vibration behavior, deformations, stresses and strains in the machine tool structure, rotating and reciprocating elements as well as tool shank and tool holder. 2. Analysis The slotted-lever quick return mechanism shown in figure (1) is used in a shaper machine. For a constant rotation speed of the driving crank, “from the machine gear box”, it produces slow velocity in cutting stroke and fast velocity during return. In quick return mechanism, stroke position, velocity and acceleration of cutting stroke and return stroke both change with the change in length links and crank rotation speed. The ram displacement as a function of the crank angle can be derived as the following: Let OD=L, AB=R, OA= d (1) (2) (3) (4) From above (5) For the given mechanism the stroke: (6) The ram or cutting tool speed: (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) The ram or cutting tool acceleration: (12) (13) (14) For the machine under study the length of rocking (L) and floating links are 71 and 15 cm respectively. The distance between fixed points is (d ) 35 cm while crank shaft (R) is arbitrary from 0 to 15 cm. Figure 1 The Crank and Slotted Lever Quick Return Shaper Mechanism. Gearbox Kinematics The number of speeds of the shaper can be written as: 8=2x1x4 as can be seen later in the machine speed chart. Gear dimensions calculation cab be obtained from the following equations: The gear pitch diameter is: (15) Gear addendum diameter is: (16) Gear dedendum diameter is: (17) Finite Element Analysis Generally in shaping operations there will be some level of relative dynamic motion between the cutting tool and the work piece. The repeated sudden impacts in the beginning of cutting stroke and repeated sudden release when the cutting tool leaves the cutting surface. Other excitation comes from the rotating and reciprocated elements. Moreover, energy from the chip formation process excites the mechanical modes of the machine-tool system. Modes of the work piece may also influence tool vibration. The dynamic properties of the excitation, i.e. the chip formation process are correlated to the material properties and the geometry of the work piece. The vibrations may lead to unwanted noise, degraded surface finish and reduced tool life. These complicated factors motivate the Dynamic characteristics of the shaper elements, tool holder 716 www.ijaegt.com and tool shank as well as gear box and machine tool structure by using the finite element method. To carry out the static analysis by using finite element, assemble the element equilibrium equations to obtain the global equilibrium equations and introduce boundary conditions. (18) Where F, K, D are the force, stiffness and deformation respectively. In matrix form the static behaviour of the system can be estimated from the following form: (91) Where F, K, u are the force, stiffness matrix and deformation respectively. The equation (91) is solved for unknown nodal displacements and then solving for element stresses and strains. The shaper as a machine tool is an important machine in the manufacturing processes, it is essential to know their static and dynamic behaviour. To carry out the shaper machine and/or its elements dynamic analysis, their mass and the elastic parameters are continuously distributed, it is discretized into a finite discrete system with multiple degrees of freedom by means of the finite element method. Then the system dynamics equations are established, it is expressed as following: (20) where M is structural mass matrix, C is structural damping matrix, K is structural stiffness matrix, δ(t) is generalized coordinates vector, P(t) is structural load vector. Calculation of natural frequency and vibration modes of the structure is a basic problem in dynamic analysis. Calculation of dynamic response by superposition will also use these mass and stiffness parameters. Assuming that the damping and external force is zero, the equation (20) can be expressed as following: (29) System's inherent frequency and modal vibration mode is obtained by the characteristic equation. (22) Where ω is the natural frequency, ϕ is eigenvector. We can see that the natural frequency of the system increases monotonically with the system stiffness meanwhile decreases monotonically with the system quality. Equation (22) can be obtained by generalized eigenvalues or standard eigenvalues . , when A is n order By the standard eigenvalues real symmetric positive definite or positive semi definite matrix, which has n real eigenvalues, it is expressed as follows: (23) For the generalized eigenvalue problem , which can be solved by trigonometric process on K or M, and the solution can be obtained separately. Thus, n eigenvalues is obtained by solving the generalized eigenvalues, the order is as follows: (24) (25) Where, are natural frequencies, and are their corresponding vectors. 3. Results and Discussions A shaper is a type of machine tool that uses linear relative motion between the work piece and a single point cutting tool to machine a linear tool path. Kinematics is the study of displacement, rotation, speed, velocity and acceleration of each link at various positions during the one complete rotation of cycle. Using this information one can compute various results with the crank angles. Quick returns motion mechanisms; drag link mechanism, Whitworth mechanism and crank and slotted lever mechanism are widely used in engineering applications. This mechanism is used in shaping machines, slotting machines and in rotary engines. When a mechanism like crank and slotted lever is required to transmit power or to do some particular type of work it then becomes a machine. Shaper machine is the application of this mechanism. The static, kinematic and dynamic analyses of any mechanism or machine is essential to achieve good design. Kinematics is the study of motion (position, velocity, acceleration). A major goal of understanding kinematics is to develop the ability to design a system that will satisfy specified motion requirements. This will be the emphasis of this work. Kinetics is the study of effect of forces on moving bodies. Good kinematic design should produce good kinetics. The crank and slotted lever mechanism shown in figure (1) is an application of second inversion. The slider reciprocates in oscillating slotted lever and crank rotates. Floating link connects slotted rocker to the ram. The ram with the cutting tool reciprocates in the horizontal direction. The ram with the tool reverses its direction of motion when crank is perpendicular to the slotted rocker. Thus the cutting stroke is executed during the rotation of the crank through angle small and the return stroke is executed when the crank rotates through angle 360 minus that angle. Therefore, when the crank rotates uniformly, faster return than cutting is obtained. Kinematic analysis is important for find out position, velocity and acceleration of each link in quick return mechanism. The cutting speed, depth of cut and feed rate has direct effect on machining variables. The cutting tool is fixed on the tool head, which is fixed into the machine ram. The cutting tool is the frontal part of the ram. In quick return mechanism, velocity of cutting stroke and return stroke both change with the change in length of slotter link while the total velocity ratio remains constant. The velocity ratio and force output changes with the change in height of slider. Matlab software is used to describe the motion of the shaper mechanism links. This case study of the shaper machine when the crank length is 12 cm., as shown in figure (2-a). Moreover, the linear motion of the ram (red), 717 www.ijaegt.com the end of the floating link inverted pendulum like motion (green) and crank circular motion (blue) are obtained as shown in figure (2-b). This analysis of position of the rotating, oscillating and reciprocating parts highlight the motion inside the machine. The ram or cutting tool displacement with crank angle for crank length 3, 6, 9 & 12 cm for one cycle of the crank motion is given in figure (3). The displacement increases with the increase of crank length. The ram or cutting tool velocity with crank angle at different crank lengths and strokes/min is shown in figure (4). Motion of the Shaper Mechanism Links Machine Hight (0 cm is the Crank Centr Point) 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 Stroke Length (cm) 40 60 Figure 3 The Ram or Cutting Tool Displacement with Crank Angle for Crank Length 3, 6, 9 & 12 cm. (a) Motion of the Ram, End of the Rocker and Crank 60 Machine High (0 cm is the Crank Center Point) strokes/min is shown in figure (5). The selected values of the virtual crank length in this study is 3, 6, 9, 12& 15 cm while the speed of the machine is 12,18, 25, 35, 49, 71, 100& 140 stroke/min or crank rpm. The ram or cutting tool acceleration increases as the crank length and/or ram strokes per minute increase. As it can be seen in figures (4 & 5) the ram linear velocity and acceleration along the stroke length are obtained to study the kinematics of the cutting tool motion. A case study those parameters for the given shaper machine at crank length equals to 3 cm (10 cm stroke) 12 and 18 stroke/min is shown in figure (6). A variable ram velocity and acceleration is exist at each instant along the cutting and return strokes. 40 20 0 -20 Crank End of of the Rocker Ram -40 -60 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Stroke (cm). 20 40 60 (b) Figure 2 The Position of Crank and Slotted Lever Quick Return Shaper Mechanism (a) & Motion of Ram, End of the Rocker and Crank (b) (dim. in cm). The selected values of the virtual crank length in this study is 3, 6, 9, 12& 15 cm while the speed of the machine is 12,18, 25, 35, 49, 71,100& 140 stroke/min or crank rpm. The ram or cutting tool velocity increases as the crank length and/or ram strokes per minute increase. The ram or cutting tool acceleration with crank angle at different crank lengths and Figure (4) presents the ram velocity (cutting & return) with crank angle and position along the stroke. The ram velocity is a function of machine links dimensions and machine strokes per minute. From the results it is clear that the maximum cutting speed when working with 140 stroke/min are 40, 76.5, 108 and 136 m/min at stroke span 100, 200, 300 & 400 mm respectively. While when working with 12 stroke/min, the maximum cutting speed are 3.5, 6.55, 9.25 & 11.76 m/min. The maximum return speed for the above strokes spans are 46.8, 101.27, 165.28 & 241.75 m/min while they are 4.02, 8.68, 13.87& 20.72 m/min for 12 stroke/min. When moving from 100 to 400 mm span at machine speed 12 stroke/min. The ram velocity increases 3.36 times. For 100 mm stroke when moving from 12 to 140 stroke/min the ram velocity increases 11.42 times. The cutting speed plays an important part in machining accuracy and cost. Unfortunately, the repeated impacts between the cutting tool and workpiece could result in tool and/or workpiece and hole machine problems. To avoid the sudden impacts between the tool and workpiece the stroke span should be as short as possible. Smaller distance has to be used in the tool approach side. The positive side of the higher cutting speed is the increase of ram and consequently cutting tool kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is proportional with the square velocity. Negative effects could happen as a result of higher kinetic energy of associated higher return speeds. Figure (5) presents the ram acceleration for some selected strokes at machine different machine speeds (12, 18, 25, 35, 49, 71, 100 & 140 stroke/min). When using 718 www.ijaegt.com 140 stroke/min and stroke span 100, 200, 300 & 400 mm, the acceleration is 10.54, 23.6, 39.18 and 56.55 m/sq s, while the acceleration values are 0.077, 0.17, 0.28 & 0.4 m/sq s for 12 stroke/min and same stoke spans. When moving from 100 to 400 mm span at machine speed 12 stroke/min. the acceleration increases 5.3 times, while it was 6.22 times when using 140 stroke/min. For 100 mm stroke when moving from 12 to 140 stroke/min, the acceleration increases 137.14 times. The ram acceleration increases as the stroke span increase and significantly increase as the machine speed increases. The machine elements are subject to high repeated inertia forces as a result of repeated acceleration and deceleration of the massive ram (110 kg), this could result in complicated vibration and fatigue problems in the shaper machine. Shaper machine gearbox kinematics has been studied. The kinematic diagram and speed chart of the shaper gear box are shown in figures (6& 7) while table (1) gives the number of teeth of each gear in the gearbox and table (2) gives those gears dimensions. Low speeds (strokes/min) are required in shaping machine to reduce the static and dynamic problems. static deformation and dynamic performance have direct effect on the tool/workpiece dimensional accuracy and vibration. The static analysis calculates the effects of steady loading on a structure, while ignoring inertia and damping effects, such as those caused by time-varying loads. A static analysis can, however, include steady inertia loads (such as gravity and rotational velocity), and time varying loads that can be approximated as static equivalent. Static analysis is used to determine the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in structures or components caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. Finite element is a mathematical method for solving ordinary and partial differential equations that has the ability to solve complex problems that can be represented in differential equation form, as these types of equations occur naturally The sudden impact in the beginning of cutting stroke and sudden release when the cutting tool has gone out the cutting surface. Moreover, the inertia of massive ram represents an additional problem. Figure (8) shows the assembled gears and shafts as well as the assembly of the shaper machine gear box. Static deformation of the gear box at each speed is given in figure (1) and table (3). High deformation appears at lower speed meshing. The dynamic analysis is used to determine the vibration characteristics (natural frequencies and mode shapes) of a machine and/or machine component while it is being designed. It also can be starting point for another, more detailed, dynamic analysis, such as a transient analysis, a harmonic analysis, or a spectrum analysis. Dynamic analysis is the study of the dynamic properties of structures under vibrational excitation. Figures (90& 11) and table (4) show the gear box mode frequencies at each machine stroke/min. Mode frequency increases with the increase of machine speed gear box meshing. Fortunately, the gear box natural frequencies increase as the meshing of speed increases. The tool head of a shaper holds the tool rigidly, provides vertical and angular feeds movement of the tool and allows the tool to have an automatic relief during its return stroke. The (a) Ram velocity-crank angle (b) Ram velocity-stroke position Figure 4 The Ram or Cutting Tool Velocity with Position Along the Stroke Span at Different Crank Lengths and Strokes/min. 719 www.ijaegt.com Table 1 Gears Number of Teeth Gear No Gear Module (mm) Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 Z10 Z11 Z12 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4 4 4 4 Z13 4.5 Z14 4.5 Table 2 The Gears Dimensions Gear Gear Pitch Addendum Diameter Diameter Da Dp (mm) (mm) 115.50 122.50 98.00 105.00 98.00 105.00 115.50 122.50 80.50 87.50 133.00 140.00 63.00 70.00 150.50 157.50 65.86 72.86 210.75 217.75 210.75 217.75 351.25 358.25 73.11 488.90 Gear Dedendum Diameter Dd (mm) 106.75 89.25 89.25 106.75 71.75 124.25 54.25 141.75 55.86 200.75 200.75 341.25 80.11 495.90 63.11 478.90 Table 3 The Maximum Deformation (µm) at Different Shaping Machine Speeds (stroke/min) Speed No Speed Mode Maximum (Stroke/min) Deformation (µm) n1 12.6 88.777 n2 17.5 88.785 n3 25.2 89.053 n4 35 18.693 n5 49.7 99.834 n6 70 11.451 n7 99.4 11.482 n8 140 31.725 + (a) Ram acceleration-crank angle (b) Ram acceleration-stroke position Figure 5 The Ram or Cutting Tool Acceleration with Position Along the Stroke Span at Different Crank Lengths and Strokes/min. First shaft assembled components Second shaft assembled components + + + Third shaft assembled components Forth shaft assembled components = Figure 6 The Kinematic of the Shaper Gear Box. Figure 7 The Speed Chart of the Shaper Gear Box. 720 www.ijaegt.com Table 5 The Cutting Tool Mode Frequency and Maximum Mode Deformation Mode # Mode Frequency (Hz) Mode Deformation (µm) 1 3948 4.321 2 4363.7 4.182 3 12564 4.399 4 17942 4.458 5 19381 4.501 6 20160 5.396 Figure 8 The Assembled Shaper Machine Gear Box. Table 4 The Mode Frequencies at Different Shaping Machine Speeds (stroke/min) Speed Speed Mode Frequency (Hz) No (Stroke Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode per min) #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #5 n1 12 279.46 781.81 824.67 894.18 1080.2 1167.6 n2 18 279.36 621.42 781.66 892.57 941.03 1119.7 n3 25 278.98 781.02 892.14 902.69 1086.2 1162.7 n4 35 566.93 805.1 953.57 1031.9 1340.3 1380.5 n5 49 688.94 819.62 969.45 1085.1 1375 1411.7 n6 71 689 819.1 962.1 969.24 1353.1 1411.1 n7 100 689.17 819.42 969.13 1166.5 1409.6 1537.9 n8 140 688.84 819.14 969.35 1409.7 1654.2 1707.2 The vertical slide of the tool head has a swivel base which is held on a circular seat on the ram. The swivel base is graduated in degrees, so that the vertical slide may be set perpendicular to the work surface or at any desired angle. Apron consisting of clapper box, dapper block and tool post is clamped up the vertical slide by a screw. The two vertical walls on the apron called clapper box houses the clapper block which is connected to it by means of a hinge pin. The tool is mounted upon clapper block. In the cutting process, the tool holder and machine structure is subjected to dynamic excitation forces. The dynamic force excites the modes of the structure, then the response of the structure may reach risky proportions due to the excitation, depending on the rigidity and inherent damping in the structure. The vibration of a machine tool structure reduces the life of tool tips, the quality of the surface finish and the tolerances obtained by the machining process. The problem is related to the dynamic stiffness of the machine tool structure. One of the objectives of the research was set to study the dynamic stiffness of a shaper machine structure, gear box, reciprocating parts, tool holder and cutting tool. A finite element modal analysis was conducted to determine the dynamic properties of the structure to make sure that they are rigid enough to withstand the dynamic loads applied on them. The level of vibration at the tool tip, limits the tool life as well as tolerances and the surface finish obtained by the machining process. The frequencies of the cutting tool have high values. Higher frequencies can be obtained when using shorter tool and/or larger tool cross section. Figure (12) shows the cutting tool mode shapes. Table (5) presents the cutting tool mode frequency and maximum mode deformation. Higher tool cross section and shorter overhang tool length give lower tool mode deformation. Figure (13) and table (6) give the mode frequencies of the tool holder equipped with the tool shank. Usually, the rate of material removal is reduced to lower vibration levels during machining obtain the required tolerances and surface finish. The reduction in rate of material removal reduces the efficiency of the machine. This because the component manufacturing time is increased and lower production is obtained from the machine over a period of time. The objective of the vibration attenuation is to improve the dynamic stiffness of the machine tool structure, to increase the rate of material removal and thereby prolonging the life of the tool tip. Moreover, acoustic noise emission in the machining process results from the relative motion between the tool tip and work piece. High levels of acoustic noise causes discomfort in the working area. The problem is associated with the dynamic stiffness of the machine tool structure. By improving the dynamic stiffness of the structure, the level of noise emission from the machining process can be reduced. Figure (14) shows the ram and the tool holder assembly. The ram is a reciprocating member of the shaper. This is semicylindrical in form and heavily ribbed inside to make it more rigid. It slides on the accurately machined dovetail guide ways on the top of the column and is connected to the reciprocating mechanism contained within the column. It is massive reciprocating part of the machine. Its kinetic energy and inertia could result in ease metal cutting. In the quick return of the ram it may causes a problem because it has high kinetic energy and higher inertia. Figure (15) and table (7) shows cutting tool and tool holder static deformation at different tool overhang length. The tool deformation increases as the overhang cantilever like length increase. The shorter cantilever part of the cutting tool the rigid tool. This means that at shaping process the overhanged part of the cutting tool should be as short as possible. Table 6 Tool Holder Equipped with Tool Shank Mode Frequencies 721 Mode # Frequency (Hz) 1 2 3 4 5 6 432.31 450.35 568.73 629.97 747.29 923.24 www.ijaegt.com Table 7 The Maximum Static Deformation in the Cutting Tool When Fixed at Different Tool Overhang Distance ( ). Tool Overhang Max Deformation in the Tool ( ) Distance (mm) 20 8.6055 25 8.8056 30 11.399 35 14.623 40 18.897 45 23.405 50 28.508 Figure (16-a) shows the carriage total deformation which is very small due to higher rigidity and massive of its block, which leads to the appearance of the first six modes as rigid body modes, figure (16-b). The dynamic analysis is one of the important phase in design the systems. A computer base modelling and simulation gives better understanding regarding rigid system parameters. There is much scope in development of an accurate mathematical model and subsequent simulations for the kinematic and dynamic analysis of the mechanical systems for the precise application in the industry. From the present work it is easy to compute velocity and force at each joint for any real application of quick return mechanism, this work can be extend in the direction of optimization of weight of each link for the same dynamic behaviour. Figure (17) gives the assembly of the shaper machine (structure, base, table and rocker). The obtained results by using finite element show that that the selected shaper machine is rigid enough to withstand static loads and mitigate vibrations. Total Deformation in Machine Gear Box Meshing # 1 (12 rpm) Total Deformation in Machine Gear Box Meshing # 5 (49 rpm) Total Deformation in Machine Gear Box Meshing # 2 (18 rpm) Total Deformation in Machine Gear Box Meshing # 6 (71 rpm) Total Deformation in Machine Gear Box Meshing # 3 (25 rpm) Total Deformation in Machine Gear Box Meshing # 4 (35 rpm) Figure 10 Mode Frequencies at Different Shaping Machine Speeds (stroke/min). Modes @ Machine Gear Box Meshing # 1 (12 rpm) Modes @ Machine Gear Box Meshing # 5 (49 rpm) Modes @ Machine Gear Box Meshing # 2 (18 rpm) Modes @ Machine Gear Box Meshing # 6 (71 rpm) Modes @ Machine Gear Box Meshing # 3 (25 rpm) Modes @ Machine Gear Box Meshing # 7 (100 rpm) Modes @ Machine Gear Box Meshing # 4 (35 rpm) Modes @ Machine Gear Box Meshing # 8 (141 rpm) Total Deformation in Machine Gear Box Meshing # 7 (100 rpm) Total Deformation in Machine Gear Box Meshing # 8 (140 rpm) Figure 91 The Gear Box Mode Frequencies. Figure 1 The Static Deformation of the Gear Box 722 www.ijaegt.com Cutting Tool Mode # 1 Cutting Tool Mode # 2 Cutting Tool Mode # 3 Cutting Tool Mode # 4 Total Deformation of Cutting Tool @ Overhang length= 20 mm Total Deformation of Cutting Tool @ Overhang length = 35 mm Total Deformation of Cutting Tool @ Overhang length = 25 mm Total Deformation of Cutting Tool @ Overhang length = 40 mm Total Deformation of Cutting Tool @ Overhang length = 30 mm Total Deformation of Cutting Tool @ Overhang length = 45 mm Cutting Tool Mode # 5 Cutting Tool Mode # 6 Figure 12 The Cutting Tool Mode Shapes. Figure 15 The Maximum Static Deformation in the Cutting Tool when Fixed on Tool Head at Different Tool Overhang Distance ( ). Figure 13 The Tool Holder Equipped with Tool Shank Mode Frequencies (a) (b) Figure 16 The Carriage Tool Deformation (a) and The Carriage Rigid Body Modes (b). Figure 14 Ram and Tool Holder Assembly. 723 www.ijaegt.com 5. By using Solidworks, Matlab and Ansys it is possible to optimize the design process by changing one or more of the initial parameters; those parameters can be updated by using CAD models. 6. There are no integrated software platform for the virtual design and analysis of the machine tools. 7. By analyzing the calculation result in the post-processing program the designers can evaluate the machine properties during the design stage. 8. Today the main problem in checking structures consists in importing and preprocessing the CAD model. 9. This approach will help the designer to synthesize the quick return mechanism for desired stroke length. 10. Dynamic analysis is one of the important phase in design the systems. A computer base modeling and simulation gives better understanding regarding rigid system parameters. 11. There is much scope in development of an accurate mathematical model and subsequent simulations for the kinematic and dynamic analysis of the mechanical systems for the precise application in the industry. 12. In conclusion, this paper has resulted in the creation of a dynamic simulation model of the machine structure. Although there is scope for the accuracy of the model to be improved, in its current form it provides a firm basis for predicting the behavior of the machine. In addition, much can be learned from the simulation model in terms of how the structure is likely to react to different types of excitations. References Figure (17) Shaper Machine Assembly (Structure, Base, Table and Rocker). Conclusions 1. In this paper complete kinematic analysis of quick-return mechanism is done by using programming language Matlab. Positions, angular velocities, angular accelerations of members, of specific points of the given mechanism are determined. The given methodology on kinematic analysis, with a slight modification can be applied to any type of planar mechanisms. 2. From the present work it is easy to compute position, velocity, acceleration and force at each joint for any real application of quick return mechanism, this work can be extended in the direction of optimization of weight of each link for the same dynamic behavior. 3. In quick return mechanism, velocity of cutting stroke and return stroke both change with the change in length of slotted link and crank length. 4. Using a set of committed software, engineers are able to analyze and optimize many aspects of real life usage of machine tool elements without spending money on real prototypes and this could result in time and money savings. [1] P.L. Ballaney, “Theory of Machine”, Khama Plublishers, 2-B, Nath Market, Nai Sarak, Delhi-110006, 1996. [2] Passi M, “Theory of Machine-I”, Technova Publications, Bungalow No.44, Jeevan Prakash Hsg. Soc. 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