ISSN 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. II, Special Issue XXIII, March 2015 in association with FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TIRUNELVELI DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICRACST’15) TH 25 MARCH 2015 Detection of Exudates in Diabetic Retinopathy A.M.Monisha (PG Student) Dept. of ECE St. Xaviers Catholic college of Engineering, Chukankadai Mrs.C.Helen Sulochana (Professor) Dept. of ECE St.Xaviers Catholic college of Engineering, Chunkankadai Abstract— Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is one of the leading causes of blindness in developed countries. Exudates are one of the primary signs of this disease. Detection of exudates by ophthalmologists normally requires pupil dilation using a chemical solution which takes much time and affects patients. This paper investigates and proposes a set of optimally adjusted morphological operators to be used for exudates detection on diabetic retinopathy patient’s non-dilated pupil and low-contrast images. The accurate detection of exudates by the elimination of Optic Disc (OD) is proposed. Because of its bulb shape and its color similarity with exudates, the Optic Disc could be detected using bit plane slicing operations. The final estimation of exudates can then be obtained by Morphological operations based on the appearance of exudates. This can obtain a high accuracy in the detection of exudates. Keywords— Diabetic Retinopathy,OpticDisc,Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization component. I. INTRODUCTION Diabetes is the commonest cause of blindness in the working age group in the developed world. Patient’s sight can be affected by diabetes which causes cataracts, glaucoma, and most importantly, damage to blood vessels inside the eye, a condition known as “diabetic retinopathy”.Diabetic retinopathy is a critical eye disease which can be regarded as manifestation of diabetes on the retina. The screening of diabetic patients for the development of diabetic retinopathy can potentially reduce the risk of blindness in these patients by 50%.Diabetic retinopathy is characterized by the development of retinal microaneurysms, hemorrhages and exudates. One of the main tasks of an automatic screening system is to detect DR lesions, such as exudates. Exudates occur when lipid or fat leaks from abnormal blood vessel or aneurysms. The amount of exudates increases as the degree of disease becomes more severe. So, early detection of exudates is very important. Exudates are of two types: Hard Exudates and Soft Exudates. In this hard exudates are lipid formation leaking from weakened blood vessels with well defined borders. Soft exudates are pale areas with indistinct margins in the retina. This paper is structured as follows: Section II gives a summary of previous works on exudates detection. The block diagram of the proposed method is presented in Section III. Experimental results and further analysis are demonstrated in Section IV. Finally, conclusions are presented in Section V. II. RELATED WORK The accurate detection of the exudates could be obtained by the elimination of the Optic Disc. The optic disc is localized by means of its high grey level variation in [2]. This works well, if there are no or only few pathologies like exudates that also appear very bright and are also well contrasted. However no method is suggested for the detection of the contours. In [7], an area threshold is used to localize the optic disc. The contours are detected by means of the 116 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARTET ISSN 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. II, Special Issue XXIII, March 2015 in association with FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TIRUNELVELI DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICRACST’15) TH 25 MARCH 2015 Hough transform, i.e., the gradient of the image is calculated, and the best fitting circle is determined. This approach is quite time consuming and it relies on conditions about the shape of the optic disc that are not always met. Sometimes, the optic disc is not even visible entirely in the image plane, and so the shape is far from being circular or even elliptic [5]. The approach in [8] is a Hough transforms based method to detect the contours of the optic disc. Some problems have been stated if the optic disc does not meet the shape conditions or if contrast is very low. In [6], the optic disc localization problem is addressed by back tracing the vessels to their origin. The method used in [4] is morphological filtering techniques and active contours are used to find the boundary of the optic disc, while, in [1], an area threshold is used to localize the optic disc and the watershed transformation to find its contours. However, shape irregularities or in low contrast could not have been eliminated. Also in [5], a similar approach is used. But the algorithm fails when contrast is too low or the red channel is saturated. Poor quality images affected the separation result of bright and dark lesions using thresholding and exudates feature extraction using RRGS algorithm. Zheng et al [9] detected exudates using thresholding and a region growing algorithm. Color normalization and local contrast enhancement followed by fuzzy C-means clustering and neural networks were used by Osareh et al. [10]. The system works well only on Luv color space but in the case of non-uniform illumination the detection accuracy is low. Mitra et al. [11] applied naïve Bayes classifier for diagnosis of diseases from retinal image. Most techniques mentioned earlier worked on dilated pupils in which the exudates and other retinal features are clearly seen. Most techniques mentioned for earlier work for the detection of exudates does not work well on non dilated pupil images. Based on experimental work reported in previous work, good quality images with larger fields are required. The examination time and effect on the patient could be reduced if the system can succeed on non-dilated pupils. This paper proposes an exudates detection techniques based on mathematical morphology on retinal images of non-dilated pupils that are low quality images. The proposed method comprises of bit plane slicing method and it works on low contrast images and it works if the shape conditions of the image is not met and also it determines the correct boundary. They works well on Luv color space and improves the detection accuracy. This method detects the false positives correctly and poor quality images does not affect these operations. The sample of images are choosen from the DIARETDB1 database, a public database in which the images are acquired using the standard fundus camera. III. SYSTEM OVERVIEW The proposed approach consists of the following three steps: Elimination of optic disc, Image preprocessing and Candidate Extraction. The first step Elimination of optic disc could be done by the bit plane slicing operations and preprocessing is necessary to enhance the images. In the last step of Candidate Extraction the candidate regions are extracted using the Otsu thresholding followed by Morphological operation . Our proposed method, as described in detail in the following section, is broadly shown in Fig.1.1. A. Elimination of Optic Disc The optic disc (the bright circular region from which the blood vessels emanate) is the only area in the fundus images having the same brightness and color range like exudates. So, detection of exudates could accurately be done by extracting the bright yellow regions after eliminating the optic disc area from the fundus image. The bit plane decomposition of an 8 bit image yields eight binary images. The higher order bit planes contain a majority of visually significant data while the lower order ones contribute to more subtle details in an image . On examining the eight bit planes of the fundus image, the lower order bit planes are found to carry significant information regarding the location of the optic disc. The bit plane slicing operation yields eight bit plane images and Morphological closing operation is applied on the eighth bit plane image. The Morphological closing of the image A with the structuring element SE of radius six is given by, C=(A•SE)=(A⊕SE)⊖SE (1) where ‘⊕’ denotes dilation , ‘⊖’ denotes erosion. Here A is the input image, SE is the structuring element of size six is done. B. Image Preprocessing The image preprocessing is used to enhance the 122 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARTET ISSN 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. II, Special Issue XXIII, March 2015 in association with FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TIRUNELVELI DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICRACST’15) TH 25 MARCH 2015 optic disc detected image output. The methods used for preprocessing are the Median filtering and CLAHE. Median filtering is a nonlinear method used to remove noise while preserving edges. Elimination Of Image Candidate Optic Disc Preprocessing Extraction Fig 1.1 Block Diagram of the Proposed method The median filter works by moving through the image pixel by pixel, replacing each value with the median value of neighbouring pixels. CLAHE stands for Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization. Vessels, MAs, exudates and noise are dominant after contrast enhancement. CLAHE is used to prevent the over amplification of noise. the following marker image. Otsu thresholding is used to automatically perform clustering-based image thresholding, or, the reduction of a gray level image to a binary image. Otsu's thresholding method involves iterating through all the possible threshold values and calculating a measure of spread for the pixel levels each side of the threshold, i.e. the pixels that either fall in foreground or background. The aim is to find the threshold value where the sum of foreground and background spreads is at its minimum.The thresholded image was dilated and it is subtracted with the dilated optic disc detected image and the morphological operations are done to obtain the exudates detected output image. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS C. Candidate Extraction The candidates are the structures that appear in similar to that of the exudates. The candidates structures may be cotton wool spots or any other drusens .The candidate like structures could be detected by the following steps: Morphological Closing. Local variation on image, Otsu thresholding, Border removal and Morphological Reconstruction. Closing is the first step in candidate extraction. It is an important operator from the field of mathematical morphology. Closing is a method of dilation followed by erosion. Closing is the dual of opening, i.e. closing the foreground pixels with a particular structuring element, is equivalent to closing the background with the same element .The Morphological closing of the image A with the structuring element SE of radius six is given by, C = (A• SE) = (A⊕SE)⊖SE (2) where ‘⊕’ denotes dilation , ‘⊖’ denotes erosion. The next step is the local variation on image. It can characterize the texture of an image because they provide information about the local variability of the intensity values of pixels in an image. A local variation operator was then applied to the previous result to get a standard deviation image which shows the main characterization of the closely distributed cluster of exudates. The extraction of objects is the next step after local variation on image. Thus a border-cleaning procedure was developed based on morphological reconstruction. The original image is used as the mask and The proposed method accurately determines the exudates by the elimination of the Optic Disc. A sample of input RGB images are converted into its green channel .Because the green channel exhibits its best contrast on its background and vessels. A sample of input RGB images are taken from DIARETDB1 database and the output of the green channel image is shown in the Fig 1.2 a) and b). After green channel conversion bit plane slicing is applied and the highest bit plane image is chosen for further processing. It contains the major of the information needed for the optic disc elimination. The bit plane decomposition of the green channel image yields eight bit planes .The output of the eight bit plane images are shown in Fig 1.3. The Morphological closing operation is performed in the eighth bit plane and the morphological closed image could be obtained and shown in Fig 1.4.a).The closed image is complemented and it is multiplied with the green channel image to obtain the optic disc detected image shown in Fig 1.4 b). The preprocessing methods median filtering and CLAHE are applied on the optic disc detected image and the output is shown in Fig 1.4 c) and d).. Applying a closing operator on the contrast enhanced image will help eliminate the vessels which may remain in the optic disc region. A local variation operator was then applied to the previous result to get a standard deviation image which shows the main characterization of the closely distributed cluster of 123 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARTET ISSN 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. II, Special Issue XXIII, March 2015 in association with FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TIRUNELVELI DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICRACST’15) TH 25 MARCH 2015 exudates and the output is given in Fig 1.4 e) and f). Fig 1.2 a) Sample of input RGB images Fig 1.3 Eight bit plane images Fig 1.2 b)Green channel images The borders are removed from the resulting image and the resultant image was threshold at automatically selected grey levels, using the Otsu algorithm, threshold result were also included in the candidate region, and was dilated. The result is shown in the Fig 1.4 g) and h). The dilated image was subtracted with the dilated optic disc image and it is multiplied with the dilated complement image to obtain the Exudates detected output image and it is shown in Fig 1.4 i).Sample images were tested using MATLAB. Each image took approximately 3 min to process included the optic disc removal step which took around 1 m. The previously unclear exudate regions were visibly highlighted and the exudates can be visibly observed after the process. The optic disc was also detected well and removed. Usually there are no exudates pixels around the optic disc so the removal of the optic disc did not affect the exudates detection. The performance of our technique was evaluated quantitatively by comparing the resulting extractions with hand-drawn ground-truth images pixel by pixel. Here the very obvious exudates pixels which are normally bright and yellowish areas, are marked pixel by pixel. Sensitivity and specificity were chosen as our measurement of accuracy of the algorithms at the pixel level. This pixel-based evaluation considers four values, namely true positive (TP), a number of exudates pixels correctly detected, false positive (FP), a number of non-exudates pixels which are detected wrongly as exudates pixels, false negative (FN), a number of exudates pixels that were not detected and true negative (TN), a number of non exudates pixels which were correctly identified as non-exudates pixels. From these quantities, the sensitivity and specificity were computed using Eqns (1),(2) .The accuracy was given in eqn (3). 124 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARTET ISSN 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. II, Special Issue XXIII, March 2015 in association with FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TIRUNELVELI DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICRACST’15) TH 25 MARCH 2015 compared with the hand-drawn ground-truth images. For the data set with diabetic retinopathy exudates, the specificity and sensitivity of the exudates detection are 44.68% and 99.48%, The retinal images with exudates and normal retinal images without exudates were processed they were a) f) b) g) c) h) d) i) e) j) Fig 1.4 (a)Closed image (b)Optic disc detected image (c) Median filtered image (d)CLAHE image (e)Closed image (f)Local variation image (g)Thresholded image after border removal (h)Dilated image (i) Exudates detected image (j)Ground truth image 125 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARTET ISSN 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. II, Special Issue XXIII, March 2015 in association with FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TIRUNELVELI DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICRACST’15) TH 25 MARCH 2015 and accuracy 99.49% respectively. Our algorithm has very high specificity and accuracy which showed that the algorithm does not recognize a non-exudates pixel as an exudates pixel. Table I contains the higher accuracy and sensitivity of the proposed method in comparison with the other methods. operations. Thus our proposed method works well on low contrast images and the accurate detection of fundus images is done with the elimination of optic disc by bit plane slicing operations. The performance is also evaluated using ground truth image and a higher specificity and sensitivity could be achieved. Table I Comparison results of the proposed method References Accuracy Specificity Sensitivity Proposed method 90.29% 99.32% 44.68% Sopharak et al. [7] 96.1% 99.31% 43.31% Osareh et al.[4] 93.4% 94.1% 63% Niemeijer et al. - 86% 65% [1] T. Walter, J. Klein, P. Massin, and A. 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