Illinois Job’s Daughters’ Session Decatur, Illinois June 25-28, 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION SESSION LOCATION: Decatur Conference Center and Hotel 4191 US Highway 36 West Decatur, IL 62522 217-422-8800 ROOM COST: $96.00 plus 12% tax ($107.52) for a standard room and $116.00 plus 12% tax ($129.92) for a business class room per day. Four (4) occupants maximum – no rollaways. Business Class rooms are newly renovated. King Bed Business Class rooms have a microwave and refrigerator in room. ROOM RESERVATIONS: Deadline – May 18, 2015 A room reservation form is enclosed with complete instructions. Do not send money with your form. If you find it necessary to cancel a room, the hotel requires 24 hours notice, or you will be responsible for that room night. Only the Bethel Guardian or an adult assigned by her is to register with the hotel. Bring a copy of your completed registration form with you. Changes should be directed to Uncle Ehren Hammond before arriving at the hotel. ROOM CONDITION: While we realize that it’s very difficult to keep your rooms clean when so many girls have to live in it together for four days, please try to keep them as neat as possible. Please do not “trash” others’ rooms. Do not remove mattresses from the beds or rearrange furniture (the hotel does not appreciate this). 1 The Grand Guardian Council of Illinois, Job’s Daughters International Grand Session 2015 Room Reservation Form – Deadline: Postmarked on or Before: May 18, 2015 Decatur Conference Center and Hotel 4191 US Highway 36 West, Decatur, IL 62522 Phone: 217-422-8800 Bethel No: Located In: ~or~ Name, Title: (Individual Registration – only required if not submitting through a Bethel) Total Number of Standard Rooms ________ Total Number of Business Class Rooms ________ Cost Per Room per night: Standard Room: $96.00 plus 12% tax ($107.52). Business Class:$116.00 plus 12% tax ($129.92). Four (4) occupants maximum – no rollaways. Business Class rooms are newly renovated. King Bed Business Class rooms have a microwave and refrigerator in room. Do not send money with this form. The adult in charge is to pay for the Bethel’s room at checkout time. Daughters will not be allowed to check-in without an adult. Cash, credit card or check deposit is required at check-in time to cover possible incidental charges. All rooms must be inspected prior to check out by the Bethel Guardian Room reservation forms completed by (please print carefully): Name/Title: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Person responsible for supervising the Bethel while at Session if other than/in addition to person listed above. Name/Title: Send room reservation forms postmarked on or before May 18, 2015 to: Ehren Hammond 25285 Schuck Rd., Washington, IL 61571 309-745-8012/309-453-7441 IMPORTANT NOTE ON DEADLINES: After the deadline date, The Decatur Conference Center and Hotel will release the block of rooms held for Job’s Daughters. Anyone trying to book a room after that date must, at that time, work directly with the hotel. If rooms are available, guests can expect to pay the prevailing room rate established by the hotel. 2 Circle the nights for each room. Please group people according to nights they will be staying. Please PRINT all names. Maximum of four (4) persons per room – no exceptions. Room 1 Wed Thur Fri Sat Room 4 1. * 1. * 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. Room 2 Wed Thur Fri Sat Room 5 1. * 1. * 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. Room 3 Wed Thur Fri Sat Room 6 1. * 1. * 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. Wed Thur Fri Wed Thur Fri Sat Wed Thur Fri Sat Sat *Denotes Chaperone of the room. Do not contact the hotel directly with any changes. Any and all changes prior to and after check-in should be directed to Ehren Hammond. 3 REQUIRED FUNCTIONS: Daughter attendance is required at the following functions: DRESS CODE DAUGHTERS: Opening Grand Bethel Meeting Grand Bethel Installation Jobie Hour Grand Guardian Council Installation Church Service Formals, street length dresses, or skirts/blouses will be required at the following functions: Opening All luncheons and banquets GGC Installation Grand Bethel Installation DRESS CODE NOTES: Tasteful casual wear can be worn around the hotel when not at one of the functions listed above. Dress slacks and collared shirts should be worn for both the Grand Bethel meeting and the GGC meetings. No jeans. Swimsuit cover- ups must be worn to and from the pool. All HQ’s and JPHQ’s should be in full regalia to escort distinguished visitors at Formal Opening on Thursday evening. See session directory for line-up time. Full Bethel regalia will be required of all members at the Church Service on Sunday morning. Adults and daughters: Clean, untorn, unpainted/unmarked jeans can be worn for all practices and at the dance on Friday night. Jeans must be in keeping with the standards of the Order. “Hip Huggers” or “belly shirts” will not be allowed. Anyone not appropriately attired at any time will be asked by a GGC officer or other adult to change. Members of other youth groups are asked to please conform to the dress codes stated above. SWAPPABLES: Something to share with another Jobie or friend of Job’s Daughters. This is a great way to meet new friends and say hello to old friends, as well as collect special things for your scrapbook. Swappables need not be expensive–use your imagination and make something to share. You may swap at any time except Formal Opening, Installations or Grand Bethel meeting. TELEPHONE CALLS: All phone calls made from any rooms are the responsibility of the Bethel and those registered in that room. The hotel will require a credit card at check-in time, if you would like your phone to be turned on in the room so you can make outside calls. (You will be able to make in-house (room-to-room) calls and receive outside calls without this deposit). SAFETY & SECURITY: The hotel will be patrolled, however, you will make the job an easy one by making sure your room is locked at all times. You may not leave the hotel without an adult. Always use the buddy system when you leave your hotel room. Your safety is our primary concern. CURFEW: Curfew for Daughters will be Midnight each evening. This means you will be in your room to stay, doors locked, and you will not talk above a whisper. 4 CONDUCT: Please follow the rules. We want everyone to have a wonderful time. We are guests in the hotel and your conduct, language, and dress have a direct bearing on the impression others receive regarding Job’s Daughters. If your conduct, language or dress is unbecoming of a Job’s Daughter, your parents will be notified and you will be sent home. CHAPERONES: There should be one CAV Certified adult chaperone for every five Daughters. It will be the responsibility of the Executive Bethel Guardian Council to insure that this requirement is met. Executive Bethel Council members should not be asked to chaperone since they are expected to attend all business meetings. Chaperones will be responsible for the conduct and appearance of the Daughters of their Bethel. Any damage caused by a Daughter will be the responsibility of the Bethel. Job’s Daughters, as well as adults, should conduct themselves at all times so as to be a credit to our Order. VALUABLES: YOU, and only you, are responsible for your own valuables. Do not leave them unattended! Please label items with your name and Bethel number to make it easier to return misplaced items to you. REGISTRATION BADGES: All adults, siblings, guests and Job’s Daughters’ members attending any session function (i.e. meetings, rehearsals, etc.), must be registered. Registration badges will need to be shown to attend Session. Late registration will be available at Session per the schedule contained elsewhere in this information. MEAL RESERVATIONS: Deadline – May 30, 2015 The meal reservation form is enclosed with complete instructions. All luncheons and banquets are open to anyone wishing to attend. Special dietary meals are available with advanced request (see form). Aunt Carmen Hanson Ernst will be chairing this committee again this year. FORMAL OPENING: On Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 7:30 p.m., we will kick-off our Grand Session. Awards will be presented and lasting memories will be made at our Formal Opening. All Honored Queens, Junior Past Honored Queens, Grand Bethel Officers, Grand Representatives and Honorary State Officers will take part in the Formal Opening. Our Honored Queens and Junior Past Honored Queens will please wear their full regalia, as you will be escorting our dignitaries. Honorary State Officers should wear their official dress with medallions as you will be seated together as a group. Grand Bethel and Grand Representatives should wear their official regalia as you will take part in the Formal Opening. Check your Session booklet for line-up information. 5 REHEARSALS FORMAL OPENING Wednesday, June 25 at 8:00 p.m. All Grand Officers, Grand Bethel, Grand Representatives, and Ambassadors need to attend. DEGREE OF ROYAL PURPLE Thursday, June 25 at 3:00 p.m. All Grand Bethel Officers and Alternates need to attend. DISTINGUISHED ORDER OF JOB’S DAUGHTERS Thursday, June 25 at 3:30 p.m. All Grand Representatives need to attend. FLAG CEREMONY Thursday, June 25 at 1:00 p.m. Guides and Marshals should report to Aunt Harriet McClellen, Grand Marshal. They should bring their flags (American and Bethel). The flags need to be cleaned, pressed and marked with identification. If your Guide or Marshal is not able to attend Session, you may choose someone to take their place. All participants will wear full Bethel regalia with white cords to the ceremony on Thursday evening. NECROLOGY Thursday, June 25 at 2:30 p.m. All Chaplains or a Bethel representative should report to Uncle Kay Rogers, Grand Chaplain. GGC INSTALLATION Thursday, June 25 thirty (30) minutes following Formal Opening. This rehearsal is for Grand Guardian Council. All 2015-2016 Grand Officers and Installing Officers should attend. GRAND BETHEL INSTALLATION Friday, June 26, at 3:00 p.m. All new Grand Bethel Officers and Choir and Installing Grand Bethel Officers must attend. CROSS PRACTICE Sunday, June 28, at 9:15 a.m. All Daughters should be in full Bethel regalia and report to Uncle Kay Rogers, Grand Chaplain. OTHER MEETINGS OF INTEREST ROYALTY LUNCHEON Friday, June 26, 12:00 p.m. This luncheon recognizes all HQs, PHQs and Princesses for the 20142015 year. Please plan to attend. All other Daughters and adults are also invited to attend. NECROLOGY: Sunday, June 28 in conjunction with Church Service. Please see Uncle Kay Rogers’s letter posted under Session information to send in names of deceased members you want remembered. 6 JOBIE HOUR: Saturday, June 27 8:00 a.m. Information included in this packet. Be sure to adhere to deadlines. At this time, the 2015-2016 Honorary State Officers will be chosen. LIBRARIANS’ CONTEST INFORMATION: All entries are due by Friday, June 26 at 2 p.m. Judging is at 4 p.m. on Friday LIBRARIANS’ CONTEST AWARDS Awards will be given on Sunday, June 28 by Aunt Lori Curry, Grand Librarian. FAREWELL BREAKFAST: Sunday, June 28, immediately preceeding our Church Service. CHURCH SERVICE: Sunday, June 28 at 10:00 a.m. As noted previously, all Daughters should be in full regalia to form the Living Cross at the end of our Devotional Service. JOBIE TO BEE ROOM The Jobie to Bee Room will only be open during Friday’s business meeting. IMPORTANT REMINDERS Grand Guardian Council Books close on May 31, 2014. All donations to the Educational Grants, Promotional Fund, and Grand Bethel must be received by that date to be shown in the Annual Session Report. Committee Chairmen you are required to have three copies of your report, to be turned into the Grand Secretary on Friday morning. Please keep a copy to be read when you are called on to give your report at the GGC Business meeting. 7 Church Service & Necrology Ceremony Join us Sunday, June 28 for this year’s Church Service and Necrology Ceremony. All Chaplains are asked to participate in the Necrology Ceremony and all daughters should bring the appropriate regalia to form the cross at the conclusion of the Church Service. Practices for each will be noted in the Session program book. A form is attached to forward names and relationships of your Bethel’s loved ones who have passed over the year. Please have these names to me by June 12, 2015. You may send the filled out forms by mail or email. I look forward to seeing everyone at Session. Fraternally, Kay Rogers Grand Chaplain 116 N. Norwood Pl. East Peoria, IL 61611 309-251-5151 [email protected] 8 Necrology Ceremony This year’s Necrology Ceremony will be held Sunday, June 28, 2015 in conjunction with the Church Service. Both the June and December term Chaplains will participate in the ceremony. If you have a Chaplain who cannot attend, please have another member take her place so your Bethel is represented. Bethel # Bethel Guardian: June Term Chaplain Name: December Term Chaplain Name: Pro-Tem: Phone #: Attending Grand Session? Y / N Attending Grand Session? Y / N Name and relationship of those who have passed this GGC year 2014-2015: Please send the filled-out form through mail or email by June 12, 2015. Kay Rogers Grand Chaplain 116 N. Norwood Pl. East Peoria, IL 61611 309-251-5151 [email protected] 9 HONORARY STATE OFFICERS AND JOB’S DAUGHTERS HOUR To the Daughters and Bethel Guardian Councils of Illinois: Grand Session is fast approaching! And Jobie Hour is something you don’t want to miss! Remember to bring your swappables! As always, Jobie Hour is a JOBIES (Daughters) ONLY time when we choose our Honorary State Honored Queen and her officers for the coming year. The legalese procedure is as follows: (1) The GGC shall have Honorary State Bethel Officers selected by random drawing of Daughters between the ages of 10-15 or older if such member was initiated within the past GGC years, except that Daughters nominated for Honorary State Honored Queen can be between the ages of 10-20. Daughters must be present at Job’s Daughters Hour in order to be eligible for any office. (a) The Honorary State Honored Queen shall serve as the Illinois Job’s Daughters HIKE Coordinator and HIKE will be her official charity. (b) The Honorary State Honored Queen shall be selected by random drawing from Daughters who have been nominated to this position. (aa) Daughters can be nominated by any member of Illinois Job’s Daughters or GGC member. Daughters and adults cannot nominate a Daughter to which they are related. (bb) Nominations will be sent to the chairman of Job’s Daughters Hour no less than 60 (sixty) days prior to the Annual Session. (cc) Nominees will be sent a letter informing them of their nomination and the duties and responsibilities involved in accepting the position. (dd) The nominees must send back their letter of acceptance signed by each themselves, their Bethel Guardian, and their parent/guardian. The letter of acceptance must be in the possession of the chairman by the opening of Annual Session. (ee) All Daughters who have accepted their nomination will be entered in a random drawing for the position of Honorary State Honored Queen. Nomination forms for Honorary State Honored Queen are enclosed. These are to be filled out by the DAUGHTERS or a member of the Grand Guardian Council ONLY. Jobies! This is your chance to recognize and reward the hard work and dedication to the Order you see in your fellow Sisters. PLEASE nominate those you think worthy of this recognition! Honorary State Honored Queen nomination forms must be returned to me, Aunt Tori CarnallHawkins, by April 27, 2015. Any postmarked or received after April 27 will not be included in the drawing at Jobie Hour. Once I receive your nominations, those nominees will be sent a letter notifying them of their nomination and an explanation of the duties and expectations for the coming year. The letter will also include a form to be filled out by the Daughter and requires signatures from the Daughter, their parent/guardian, and Bethel Guardian. These fully filled out and signed forms must be in my possession by the opening of Annual Session on Friday, June 26, 2015 in Decatur. Please follow these deadlines, there will be No Exceptions. 10 All daughters, between the ages of 10-15 or who have been initiated during this Grand Guardian Council year (since June 2014), wishing to hold an Honorary State office may sign up the morning of Jobie Hour, starting at 7:30am. Only those present at Jobie Hour will be given the chance at being an officer! Please keep in mind; if you are a medallion holder in Illinois for the coming year already, you are not eligible for an Honorary State office. Please come dressed in your comfiest clothes! (PJs are A-OK! Jobie appropriate, of course.) Bring your swappables! And be ready for anything. Jobie love, Aunt Tori Carnall-Hawkins Guardian Director of Epochs #14, PHQ#63, CGR ‘05-‘06 61 7th Ave. LaGrange, IL 60525 OR email to: [email protected] 11 Honorary State Honored Queen 2015-2016 Nomination Form I, ____________________________, a daughter or member of the GGC of IL, from Bethel # ___, would like to nominate ___________________________, from Bethel # ___, for the office of Honorary State Honored Queen, 2015-2016. _____________________ Nominee’s Address ______________ City ___________ Zip Code __________________________ Nominee’s Email ___________________ Nominator’s Signature ________ Date Must be postmarked no later than April 27, 2015. Please mail form to: Aunt Tori Carnall 61 7th Ave. LaGrange, IL 60525 OR email to: [email protected] 12 LIBRARIAN’S CONTEST April 2015 To the Honored Queens, Daughters, Bethel Guardian Councils and Members of the Grand Guardian Council of Illinois: It’s time to start putting together your entries for the 2015 Librarian’s Contest. Grand Session will be here before you know it, and I know that each daughter will want to participate in this year’s contest. The rules and contest categories are enclosed. The deadline for the LITERARY contest will be June 1, 2015 (postmarked for snail mail or dated for e-mail). Your entry must be sent to me at the address below. I will accept e-mail entries, in MS Word or PDF format. All entries other than Literary should be brought to Grand Session. We will start accepting entries Thursday morning June 25, 2015 and the deadline will be 2 pm Friday afternoon, June 26, 2015. If you are not arriving until after the deadline, please have someone from your Bethel submit your entry. Viewing of entries will be Thursday and Friday (except during judging and planned events). Judging will take place Friday afternoon. Awards will be given during the church service on Sunday morning. Entries can be picked up anytime Saturday or Sunday morning at church. Enclosed in this packet is a registration form. Forms will be available at the Librarian’s Contest at Grand Session. This year’s special category will be the Christmas Cookies and Cupcakes (Category 7) in honor of Aunt Tina and Uncle Rusty’s year. I know they are excited to see just how creative the daughters can be in their culinary skills. Good Luck! Aunt Lori Curry Grand Librarian, BG 49 13 This communication has the approval of the Grand Guardian ILLINOIS JOB’S DAUGHTERS LIBRARIAN’S CONTEST RULES 2015 1. Any active member of Job’s Daughters including Bethel Beaus and Bees are eligible to enter all categories. 2. ALL WORK MUST BE DONE BY THE DAUGHTER OR BEAU TO WHICH THE ENTRY BELONGS. No one else is to work on the item entered in the contest. (Bees are allowed to have a helper, but please write this on your entry form) 3. You may enter any and all categories up to a maximum of 3 times. 4. All entries must have been completed since the last Grand Session of Illinois Job’s Daughters (June, 2014) 5. Basis of judging will be on neatness of work, organization, appealing display and originality of work. 6. First Place, Second Place, Third Place awards will be given for each division for each category based on overall score for category. In other words, if there is only 1 entry in a category it does not mean an automatic First Place. 7. Entries that are not received by the deadline (2 pm on Friday) may be displayed for viewing only but will NOT be eligible for judging. 8. School/classroom projects that a daughter created are acceptable for any category. 9. Projects from a kit must be accompanied by the picture or the outer wrap from the kit. Category 1 – Literary Work Due June 1, 2015 (Before Session) Poetry: Prose: year.” Librarian’s Report: Theatre: 12 to 15 Lines – Any appropriate topic Short story or essay of 100 to 500 words on topic: “How I keep Christmas all A report written by a Daughter and used as a Librarian’s Report. A Play written by a Daughter with four or more speaking parts, characters identified in bold or caps. Basis for judging will include correct spelling, correct punctuation, correct grammar, composition and originality of work. DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME OR BETHEL NUMBER ON ENTRY OR OTHERWISE IDENTIFY IT. Each entry must be accompanied by the entry form. Do not include cover or artwork with your entry as these will not be judged. Entries must be typed with double spacing or neatly written on 8 ½ by 11 inch paper with one inch margins. Quotations or excerpts may be used, but must be enclosed within quotations marks and referenced properly. Remember if we can’t read it, we can’t judge it. Entries must be postmarked by June 1, 2015 or emailed by that date with subject line LIBRARIAN’S CONTEST ENTRY. Send entries to: By mail: Lori Curry, 602 N Wood St Lot 13, Maroa, IL 61756 By email: [email protected] 14 Category 2 – Art Painting – may be oil, pastels, tempera, or acrylics Drawings – may be line, pen, charcoal, chalk, or sand art Computer Generated – be original, use your imagination Graphic Storyboard- a basic concept of a beginning of a story to a completion of a story… let your imagination go. Entries may or may not be matted or framed. The artist’s name must NOT be visible anywhere on the entry. If it is a PAINT BY NUMBER it would be the same as a kit and we would need the picture or the outer wrap from the kit 12 Category 3 – Handicrafts Cross Stitch Applique Jewelry Plastic Quilting others Needlepoint Latch Hook Paper Mache Origami Sewing Crewel Embroidery Plastic Canvas Work Decoupage Novelties Knitting Punch Art String Art Crocheting and Garments should be brought on hangers and covered with clear plastic bag. Individuals must select and complete the garment and handicraft themselves. You can be advised or taught; however, the advisor CAN NOT select or complete the item in any way. Category 4 – Photography Black & White Color Collages Digital Edited Landscape, people, pet, other subjects Landscape, people, pet, other subjects With a cohesive theme, any theme with computer program, such as Photoshop For Digital category, the original photo must be included with the edited/finished entry for comparison of changes. Photography entries do not need to be framed or matted for display. Category 5 – Ceramics / Porcelain / Metal / Wood / Glass Ceramics Porcelain Porcelain Dolls Metal Works Wood Working Leatherwork Stained Glass Dolls will be judged on eyes, hair and body, composition and cleanliness of clothing. Category 6 – Scrapbooks Job’s Daughters Other – Digital – Term, year, Bethel publicity Completed by an individual for self or another, any theme/reason Any computer generated, non-traditional scrapbook – It will be your responsibility to have the device there to view this scrapbook on. For digital, judging will also include flow of pictures and added features (such as music) used to enhance photos. 15 Category 7- Christmas Cookies and Cupcakes Christmas cookies and cupcakes will be judged on presentation, appearance, creativity and taste. All entries must have been baked and decorated by the person to whom the entry belongs. Jobie-to-bees are expected to have a helper with the baking but not with the decoration. All entries must be submitted in triplicate…that is you will need three of your entry…3 cookies or 3 cupcakes…as the judges will need to taste your entry. Decoration themes are to be related to the topic of Christmas. So have fun and I look forward to seeing your entries. 16 ENTRY FORM FOR GRAND LIBRARIAN’S CONTEST 1 Form per Entry (PLEASE PRINT) Name: __________________________________________Age: ___________ Bethel_________ Phone: ________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ (If you have a cell phone at session please give me that number for contacting you) Choose Division: ____ 1. Seniors and Bethel Beaus. Age 15 and above – active Job’s Daughter or Bethel Beau ____ 2. Juniors Age 10-14 ____ 3. Jobie to Bee (Beaus to Bee) Age 6-10 (has not been initiated yet) Choose Category: (See Descriptions attached) ____ 1. Literary ____ 2. Art ____ 3. Handicrafts ____ 4. Photography ____ 5. Ceramics / Porcelain / Metal / Wood / Glass ____ 6. Scrapbooks ____ 7. Christmas Cookies and Cupcakes Title of Entry: __________________________________________________________________________________ Material(s) Used: __________________________________________________________________________________ Work is: ____ 1. Original ____ 2. Kit ( Please include the picture or the outer wrap from the kit ) Signature of Daughter/Representative: ________________________________________________________________ *** For Official Use Only*** Drop off Date/Time: _____________________________ Entry Code Number: __________________ If you have trouble finding someone to turn your entry in to, please call my cell 217-855-2440…Aunt Lori Curry 17 Meals Complete information regarding the meal dates and times, menu and cost will be available at a later date and will be posted on our web page. Please watch the web page for these details. 18 Hi – My name is Jo Bee and I hope you have had lots of fun this year. Our bees have raised money for H.I.K.E., decorated a Christmas tree at Brookfield Zoo, performed skits at Job A Rama and had a lot of fun along the way. We love meeting new people and attending sleepovers, parties and other activities. Jobies to Bee are an important part of the bethel. We are the future. I can’t wait to see everyone again at session. The future of Job’s Daughters is strong with our bees by our side. I would like to invite you to attend our Illinois Grand Session for Job’s Daughters held in Decatur, Illinois on June, 25-28, 2015. Please make sure and register with your bethel. I have been very buzzzzzy coming up with fun activities for us to do at session. The bee room will only be staffed during the business (buzzzznessss) meeting on Friday morning and if necessary Friday afternoon. When you are in the Bee Hive on Friday morning, the Queen Bees will have special crafts for you to make. If you would like to enter your craft for judging in the Librarian’s Contest the Queen Bees will help you get it entered. Speaking of session if a Bethel is bringing a Jobie to Bee that will need to be supervised during the business meeting, please also designate someone to help with this. Jo Bee will be there too, but she needs some help from you. There will be a special room with fun activities. If you have anything you would like to donate or suggestions of fun activities for the bee hive, please call Aunt Margo or Aunt Kim (they are my helpers). If you or your parents have any questions, please contact Aunt Margo Nelson, 309-397-8378, or Aunt Kim Hammond 309-745-8012, or by email at [email protected]. She is so excited to see all of you again and meet the new bees. Well, have fun on the Jobie trail and we’ll see you in June! Jobie Love, Jo Bee Illinois Job’s Daughters Where Friends become Sisters 19
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