Bethany 9:00am 86 Raceview Street, Raceview QLD 4305 Grace 10:00am 19 Ipswich Street, Riverview QLD 4303 St Johns 8:00am & 9:30am 32 Roderick Street, Ipswich QLD 4305 31st May, 2015 Holy Trinity First Sunday after Pentecost For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NLT) Ipswich Lutheran House 32 Roderick Street, Ipswich Qld 4305 Telephone: 07 3202 4035 Facsimile: 07 3281 9762 Email: [email protected] Internet: A Message From Pastor Ben The Jonah in Us Today we are beginning a brand new series based on the book of Jonah. We are going to be looking at a chapter per week over the next four weeks, as we remember afresh and dig a bit deeper into this famous Sunday School story. Now, if can remember back to when you were a teen (some might have to remember back a bit more than others) - often when you were told to do something that you didn't want to do. We would do a number of things: a) obey out of fear of the consequences b) ignore the command c) make excuses for why you didn't obey d) run and hide until the coast was clear e) say 'okay' but conveniently forget f) outwardly comply, but inwardly rebel g) willingly obey because you respected their authority and trusted their judgment. Jonah - when he was asked to do something that he didn't want to do - which of the above do you think he did? The fact is that God will often ask us to do things that we don't want to do, and when he does - we can always find a boat sailing in the wrong direction. And when you are out there, in that place, and some of you might be there right now, like Jonah, God may get a storm to grab your attention, or send you your worst nightmare because that is what is needed. Why? Because God is always calling us - sometimes to do some things which might make us feel uncomfortable - but ultimately, he calls us to do these things to bring glory to His name. So over the next few weeks - let's see what Jonah can teach us, because I believe that just as God used Him despite his rebellion - he can use each of us to build His kingdom also. Ben Worship This Week Bethany 9am Grace St Johns 10am 8am 9.30am St Marks 8.30am 9.30am Service with Holy Communion Children’s Ministry Service with Holy Communion Service with Holy Communion – LHS page 58 Hymns 140 LH, 778 LHS, 822 LHS, 880 LHS Contemporary Service without Holy Communion Sunday School Service without Holy Communion Sunday School 2 Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar This Week Mon 1/6 7.00pm Wed 3/6 7.00pm Thu 4/6 9.00am 6pm – 9pm Faith Chest Ministry (Bethany Shed) Parish Ministry Team Meeting – Parish House Parish Women’s Guild (St John’s Hall) Small Group Training with Emma Graetz (St John’s Meeting Room) Coming Up Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday (Parish Office Closed) Mon 8/6 7.00pm Faith Chest Ministry (Bethany Shed) Thur 11/6 10.00am St John’s Women’s Fellowship (St John’s Hall) Fri 12/6 6.30pm Messy Church (Bethany) Happenings in our Parish Baptism Remembrance Welcome to those families who have joined with us to celebrate and remember their baptisms. Please be sure to stay for a cuppa and chat following worship☺ Welcome Bethany School Children This morning we welcome Bethany School children, Year 6A, their teacher and families to worship with us at St John’s Thankyou We give thanks for Pastor Thomas Bohmert and Pastor Aub Podlich for leading worship at Bethany and Grace this morning. Welcome. Bethany Cards & Games – Change of Date Cards and games which would normally be held next Sunday 7th June has been changed to Sunday 15th June. Parish Women's Guild – Thursday 4th June We will meet at 9.00 am on Thursday 4 June in St John's Hall. Shirley Klinge, President of the West Moreton Zone, will join us for a Bible study lead by Pastor Ben. Following our Guild morning, we will go to Queen's Park Cafe for lunch. Husbands are invited to join us for lunch at around 11.30. All are welcome. New Phone Numbers Don & Vicki Park have a new home number: 3339 3113 Please update your directory accordingly. 3 BLIPS Mainly Music Playgroup – Every Wednesday Morning Does your child like to sing and dance and make music? Is your child under 5? Maybe you'd like to come along to the Mainly Music playgroup running each week in the Arts Centre at Bethany. It runs after chapel on Wednesdays, starting promptly at 9.15am – 9.45am, followed by a cup of something hot and something delicious to eat for you and your child, from 9.45am – 10.30am. It costs $3 for children under 1 and $5 for children over 1 and families. Come along and join in the fun! If you have any questions please feel free to email Amanda at [email protected] Volunteering Opportunities F>R>O>G = Fully Rely On God Bible Holiday Program for Primary School aged kids Monday 28th, Tuesday 29th & Wednesday, 30th September Planning has commenced and helpers are needed in many areas! Next meeting is at 10am on Saturday 13th June @ Parish House Come along or Contact Parish House to be involved. Home Communion and Visiting Have you felt God leading you towards visiting and even giving Holy Communion to those people across our Parish who are unable to attend church? We thank God for the people who have volunteered; however we are still in need of more people to either visit regularly (once a month or bi-monthly) or to just visit intermittently throughout the year. We are also in urgent need of people to be available to visit monthly and give Holy Communion. Please keep this important ministry in your prayers. If you are able to help please Contact Vicki Park: Parish House on 3202 403 or Email [email protected] Upcoming Events Parish Children & Youth Ministries – Term 2 Friday 5th June H2H - 6.30pm St John’s House Ten Commandments – No Coveting RAGE – 6.30pm St John’s Hall Guest Speaker – Rick Zweck 4 Richard Zweck BA Bth B.Litt Veriditas Certified Labyrinth Facilitator …is visiting Rage on Friday, 5th June… Pastor Rick Zweck (A former school chaplain and parish pastor) will introduce our youth to the “stillness toolkit” – activities that lead students into stillness. The labyrinth is an essential part of this “toolkit.” Pastor Rick has 5 years experience working in schools with the labyrinth – from prep to year 12. He has also journeyed to France where he completed the Advanced Facilitator training with Veriditas. A non-profit team dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change using this tool to connect youth to God. Meister Eckhart wrote, “We progress through stopping.” True - but in this busy world how do we stop? All young adults are welcome to join the Rage youth group for this experience! 6.30pm start. Messy Church – Friday 12th June @ 6.30pm Come along to Bethany for a fun family worship experience! Men’s Shed Night – Thursday 25th June Guest Speaker Greg Hodges from Qld Kite Society will be coming to talk ‘Kites’. If you love to fly kites or are interested to hear more, then this night is for you! Watch out for more info and flyers in coming weeks. Upcoming Workshops Building Healthy Relationships – 22 & 23rd July Christ Focused communication This is a two day workshop focusing on • Understanding and developing our relationship with God and others • Keys to effective communication within our relationships Equipping for Leadership – 24/25/26th July Christ centred leadership This three day workshop will focus on • Understanding how leadership applies to all areas of our life • Identifying and developing individual and team leadership skills Both workshops will be held at St John’s Registration Cost $126 per person Register Online 5 Prayer Corner Church Prayer Time A time of prayer is held at Bethany every Sunday at 8.30am. Any and all are welcome to join in with these prayer times. Prayer Points • for the church, that it may reflect the communal love of God • for the Lutheran Church of Australia, that the Spirit may guide us into all truth • that God would make his name known to all nations through Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit • for wisdom to be proper stewards of God's creation • for scientists who seek to know about and use God's creation • for governments and industries, that they may use God's creation wisely • for all who have been baptised in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit • for parents, that they may teach faith in the Triune God to their baptised children • for all who suffer, that they may be strengthened by hope in God Care Slip & General Parish Prayer Requests • Thank you Lord for the Pentecost weekend with Pastor Noel - how wonderful to know the Holy Spirit like we've never known Him before. • for all Christians around the world. • Praise for those who have volunteered to help with the visiting. • Thank you for caring people who put others first. Please help us to be more like you, helping others without expecting anything in return. • Lord, Thank you for your provision, protection and promises. General Prayers • Please continue praying for o the pastors, office staff and leaders of the Parish and congregations. o the upcoming meetings of the parish and congregations (refer to the ‘Coming Up’ section at the back of this bulletin). o the church services beforehand and as they take place o specific events as they arise i.e. funerals, weddings, baptisms, synod, studies undertaken across the parish Available from your local Church foyer • Current Bethany School Newsletter • Current LCAQD Newsletter 6 Next Week Rosters Date Title Bethany 9am Sun 07-Jun-15 2nd Sunday after Pentecost Proper 5 Bible Readings Altar Colour Service Time & Details Green 0 Grace St Johns 10am 8am Sun 07-Jun-15 Sun 07-Jun-15 2nd Sunday after 2nd Sunday after Pentecost Proper 5 Pentecost Proper 5 Jonah 2 Psalm 138 2 Cor 4: 13 - 5:1 Mark 3: 20-35 Green Green 0 Eunice S 0 LHS page 6 HC Contemporary 9.30am w/o HC M Oldfield P Mibus T Samson J O'Donnell, B Steinhardt M Toft R Suthers M Stanke R Haag family Welcomers Glenys / Denis Pastor / Paul / JOHN S / Ross Paul Malcolm / Amy / Paul / John S Kurt / Cameron Band HC Assist. Janet R Schultz Prayer Leader Prayers Organist / Musicians Children’s Ministry / Children's Activity PP Operator Sound Desk Video Operator Children’s Talk/ Offering Counters PP Designer Morning Tea Cleaning Flowers Mowing St John’s Monthly Roster E Young Gary Ushers LEAH / Pam / Phillip Green 0 Service Order Bible Readings Reader Support Lay Leader St Johns 9.30am Sun 07-Jun-15 2nd Sunday after Pentecost Proper 5 D Gowell JJKJ H Barron G Fritsch / Gaylea / Sam A Fritsch TBA P Clark Monica Ben M David P. BEN / CaitlinAlissa Alissa M Zeidler H Barron C Tabke, T Dean Damm / Dickson E Smith M Theuerkauf S Grieger Denis / Glenys Rogers Kreis, Schultz, Stewart Gayle N Schultz John S / John D D Riggs Altar linen: G Steinhardt / Brass clean: Borchert, Tabke, Zahnow / Care slips/pencils: B Robke / Activity bags: B Robke / Cards: L Stiller / Funeral clean: S Piotrowski / Ushers: C Hoffmann, (emerg - M Oldfield) / Organist: L Holzheimer / Caterers: G Borchert, L Riggs, M Smith, G Steinhardt / Wedding usher: C Hoffmann Any changes or corrections with the rosters please contact the congregation’s roster coordinator – Bethany – Doreen Gowell/Gayle Green, Grace – Errol Freiberg, St John’s - 8am Claire Barnett, 9.30am Wayne Kreis 7 Want to know more about Jesus? Head to ‘Next Steps’ on our website: Or alternatively, speak to one of our pastors. We would love to hear from you and help you if you want to continue in your faith walk, learning more about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Guests – we trust that you have drawn closer to God in worship today. Our church is blessed by your presence today. Please stay and enjoy a ‘cuppa’ with us after worship and make yourself known to us. We’d love to answer any queries you may have. Help Us To Care - if you know of someone who has fallen ill or who is suffering in any way, please let the Pastoral Care Coordinator or one of the Pastors know by contacting the parish office so that appropriate care and follow up can occur. Thinking Of Joining This Church? – We would love for you to make that commitment with us, as you make a conscious decision to be part of something bigger than simply yourself. If you have been worshipping here regularly and are not yet a member, the pastors would be happy to talk to you about ‘making our Church home - your Church home. Ipswich Lutheran Parish Contact Details: Parish Office 32 Roderick Street, Ipswich, QLD, 4305 Open│Mon - Fri, 9am - 4pm, Phone│07 3202 4035 Fax│07 3281 9762 Email│[email protected] Web│ Parish Staff Lead Pastor│Milton Fritsch Associate Pastor│Ben Hentschke Crisis Care Co-ordinator│Betty Taylor Children & Youth Co-ordinator | Leah Bricknell Ministry Support│Karen Cotter & Michelle Yarrow Pastoral Care Support│Vicki Park Professional Standards│Michelle Yarrow Parish Worship Centres & Sunday Worship Times Bethany 86 Raceview Street Raceview 9am Grace 19 Ipswich Street Riverview 10am St Johns 32 Roderick Street Ipswich 8am│9:30am Bulletin notices and inserts deadline: Thursdays 2pm 8
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