Document 131556

-12 I
MONDAY. JULY 14, 2014
Zahara rocks
with her guitar
and line vocals
Her di stin ct ive voca ls acco m pan ied
by deep guita r cho rds inst antly
identi fy Za hara o n the mic.
Bulelwa Mkutukana also called
Za ha ra hit immediate musical
success when she launched he r
debut albu m, Loliw e, in 2011. It
clo sed in a d ouble plat inu m status
withi n 17 d ays in Sou th Africa,
placing h er at the top of music
cha rts.
Za hara, her stage n ame. m eans
blo om ing flowe r in h er nat ive Xh osa
lan guage. The name su its he r ever
soari ng career.
Za ha ras mu sic has ma de he r a
househ old na men , no t ju st in South
Africa but in the continent. She
has three fu ll alb ums; Loliwe, The
Begi nning Live and Phe ndula
At this year's 20th Annual South
African Music Awards, sh e ad ded
two awards to her lo ng list of past
accolades. Phendu la album seized
her the Best Selling Album and
Female Artist of the Year.
She awaits ano ther award from
Afric an M uz ik Magazine Awards,
which nominated her for Best
Fe ma le Artist Southern Africa.
In one of her albums she dedicated
one song to the late Nelson
Mandela touching many with her
stro ng vo cals and fine guitar tunes.
She see ms ins ep arable from her
gu itar as seen in he r video and
goes w ith it w he rever she is
perform ing.
Her se nse o f fas h ion is
obvio us in her Afro m ad e
garments an d clean
b ushy afro locks. He r
wa rdrobe is simp le
yet classy an d
modern. She is
sixth born in a
family of seven
ch ild ren. Sad ly,
in April thi s yea r,
Za hara los t h er
25 yea r old
Qs Club dominates the
roost in hip hop tunes
Ommy Dimpoz rides
Qs is a hip pub and res ta ur ant
lo cated in Westla nd s, Nairobi.
It attrac ts local and foreign
clie ntele
Th is has always been a gem in
the heart of Electric Avenue
for party p eople and it has
ma naged to stay rel evant and
hip accommodating crowd
w ith classic taste.
The club offers quality pool
tab les wh ich adds to the fu n as
revellers challenge each other
on the tab les. whi le the OJ
en tertains the crowd with best
techno, hip hop, reggae, and
The track Me an d You by
Ornmy O im poz featuri ng
Vanessa Mdee won the
prize for the best Afro
pop song at the 2014 Tan zania Music Awa rd s (Kili
Music Awards).
The track describes an
in separable twosome
love. The colourfu l video
featu res ur ban Afro pop
art istes Ornmy O im poz
and Vane ssa Hau Mdee,
both Tanz anian bongo
flava artists
Vanessa Mdee o r Vee
high with
raga all ni ght w ith the qua lity
sound systems and big sc reens
placed strategically for all to
Th e Qs, other th an the frien d ly
service an d security is tha t
they managed to reinve nt
themselves to accommodate
a younger ye t mature crowd .
Th ey have struck a ba lance a nd
th ey ha ve do ne so beautifully.
The clu b offers better security
for the in ho use and their
ri des thanks to the bouncers
positioned ou tside and inside
t he club.
Betrayal generates more anger-and
resentment than the initial love
Betrayal h u rts a nd fru strates
relationshi p giving rise to
g reate r resentmen t than the
initial love.
In her )calous lyri cs,
Beyo nce Giselle KnowlesCarte r is fru strated and
lonely because th e m an she
gave her self to has betrayed
h er love.
Thi s has dri ven he r to the
pen thou se w here she is
see ki ng co ns o latio n in a
d rink to drown her so rro ws.
She w ishes he were in her
shoes to know ho w m uc h
she is broke n given tha t she
remained fai thfu l to h im at
all tim es they were together.
She kept the promise; he
failed to keep his word .
The jealous in her
tormenting her with
houghts of betraying
h im too so that he also
ex perie nces how it feel s to
be bet ra yed .
But he r heart tells her
she ca nnot surv ive the
immorality. She cannot
escap e thinking of his ex,
who she left for this new
found love. Her love for him
has now turned to hatred
because he has filed to keep
the promise, She even hates
th e time they spent together.
She ask s him not to judge
her if she goes back to her
former friend.
Me And You
Mo ney is large ly known
as Tanzan ia's first ever
The Closer singer b agged
the R&B so ng o f the year
award du ri ng this yea r's
Kili Awards. She released
her th ird single Hawajui
in June.
Ornmy O impoz is an
award win n ing Afro pop
singer. He is creatin g
quite a buzz across the
continent wit h h its like
Ndagus h ima and Baa dae.