Document 241167

Osteoarthritis of the Hip
estimated to affect more than 25
million people in America. It is a
degenerative joint disease in which
the natural cushioning in our joints
(known as articular cartilage) is
worn down leading to bone-on-bone rubbing causing
pain, swelling and loss of motion. Like any other
weight bearing joint, the hips are at risk for developing
What are the risk factors?
There are several factors believed to increase your
risk for developing OA of the Hip:
• Family History - Those with a family history
of OA have an increased risk of developing this
• Age - It is estimated by the American Academy
of Orthopedic Surgeons that 41% of all adults with OA
of the Hip are age 65 and older.
• Ethnicity - Caucasians of European descent have
been shown to be at the highest risk of developing OA
of the Hip.
• Obesity - Some studies have shown an increased
risk of developing OA of the Hip when carrying excess
body weight (Body Mass Index > 25) from early
adulthood (ages 25 - 40).
• Activities/ Injury - If you have sustained an injury
or have an occupation and/or hobby that places stress
on your hip cartilage, your risk of developing OA of the
Hip increases.
What are the common symptoms?
Typical fi rst signs include discomfort and stiffness in
your groin area, buttocks, and/or thighs upon awakening
in the morning. This pain flares when you are active and
improves when you rest. If you do not seek treatment
for OA of the hip, the condition will progress until rest
no longer relieves your pain. The hip joint will become
stiff and inflamed, and small bony protrusions known as
“bone spurs” may build up at the edges of the joint.
How is a diagnosis made?
Your doctor can make a diagnosis of OA of the
Hip based on a physical exam, medical history and xrays. During the physical exam, your doctor may rotate,
flex, and extend your hips to check for pain. X-rays
can determine if joint damage is present and if so, how
much damage has occurred in your hip. Additional tests
could also be performed by your doctor to rule out other
possible causes of the patient symptoms.
What treatments are available?
While you cannot reverse the effects of OA, early
non-surgical treatment may help you avoid the pain and
disability as well as the slow progression of the disease.
Surgery can help if your condition is already severe.
Non-surgical Treatment
If you have early stages of osteoarthritis
of the hip, initial treatments could
of those diagnosed
with OA of the Hip
are women
of those diagnosed
with OA of the Hip
are Caucasian
• Rest your hip from overuse
• Follow a physical therapy program of gentle,
regular exercise to keep your joint functioning and
improve its strength and range of motion
• Use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications
(e.g. ibuprofen)
• If overweight, start a weight loss program under
the supervision of your doctor
Surgical Treatment
If you have reached the later stages of osteoarthritis,
such that your hip joint hurts when you rest at night,
and/or your hip is severely deformed, your doctor may
recommend total hip replacement surgery (arthroplasty).
In this surgery, you will get a two-piece ball and socket
replacement for your hip joint. You may need the use of
crutches or a walker following surgery. Rehabilitation
will be important to restore the flexibility in the hip and
work your muscles back into shape.
Charlottesville Medical Research, in conjunction with Dr.
Jim Clark, will be conducting an OA of the Hip study as well
as an OA of the Knee study beginning in mid to late September.
If you would like more information about these studies, please
contact us at (434) 817-2442 or visit us on the web at www.
What is
OA of
the hip?
adult Americans are
estimated to be affected
by OA of the Hip
Source: American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
Charlottesville Medical Research
Current and Future Research Studies
• Anxiety
• Chronic Constipation
• Fibromyalgia
• Insomnia
• Irritable Bowel
Syndrome with
• Migraines
• Heartburn
• OA of the hip
• OA of the knee
• Weight Loss device
For more information, please call 434.817.2442
or visit our website at