AMIRHAMID.COM UNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF TEAM EXCELLENCE BY CREATING A GENIUS CODE by Amir Hamid When the job of igniting an otherwise lackluster work improvement programme fell into my lap, I was skeptical to say the least. A fter all, the university I worked for employed over ten thousand people, of diverse professions and nationalities. The job of rallying a large, continuous pool of projects from such a wide swathe of personalities seemed, at first blush, impossible. Before setting off on my own tangent, I knew I had to make several key decisions, and quickly. The decision factory is the new marketplace of ideas. My role was not to produce a tangible product but a programme that would create an environment conducive to teams and projects, as well as muster the enthusiasm for teams to take their projects further, into competitions and conferences. In those early days, teams were primarily from the Information Technology groups, and projects were almost always incremental tweaks to existing systems, infrastructure or applications. This was hardly surprising, since most projects inevitably involved automation of some sort. Where were projects from administration, though? Didn’t human resource specialists have any bright ideas on how 1 It’s imperative to understand how knowledge is developed when building services or programmes from scratch to improve talent development? Didn’t safety officers have a better method to conduct site safety audits? UNRAVELING THE MYSTERY In the life cycle of knowledge development, my task was a mystery; its boundaries tenuous, its possibilities hidden. Yet, I was into a solid set of instructions. The experience, skills and expertise that my supervisor possessed remained, in effect, a heuristic. I thus began my apprenticeship with my supervisor, following him on his assessment sessions, networking with the people he networked with, and taking copious notes on the style and The National University of Singapore (NUS) is made up of about 16 academic schools and 20 administrative offices, spread across 3 sprawling campuses. not exactly starting from zero base. My supervisor was an expert in quality management, and had tons of experience assessing teams and projects from a wide array of industries. In Singapore, productivity projects are assessed by judges who are versed in the National Innovation and Quality Circles (IQC) Assessment Guide. Unfortunately, the precious body of knowledge was not condensed manner in which he engaged teams. Several months later, I had gathered enough knowledge to begin establishing the programme’s main ideas. The bulk of my supervisor’s intangible heuristic had been passed to me through intensive consultation and on-the-job training. Selfresearch into coaching and facilitation methods, as well AMIRHAMID.COM The biggest mistake organisations can make is to ignore the importance of team dynamics and their growth as project management best practices, helped me connect between disparate parts of the heuristic. I developed the programme’s business case, its value proposition, and communications plan. The Team Acceleration Roadmap (TAR) was thus born. In Singapore, universities are commonly referred to as Institutes of Higher Learning. I deliberately twisted the words and called the national platform the Learning Institutions Quality Conference (LIQC), therefore emphasising the continuous nature of genuine learning. OPERATIONALISING KNOWLEDGE Once teams secured good recognition at LIQC, they would then progress to the third and final checkpoint, which was the international platform. The roadmap was deceptively simple. It consists of only three checkpoints. The first checkpoint was the University. This was the business environment in which all teams were expected to do their projects in. To ensure that projects met the minimum requirements of the roadmap, teams submitted their project abstracts into an online system for evaluation. Where projects were found to be innovative, saved time and cost, and mitigated real problems, they were then selected to enter the next checkpoint, which was the national platform. 2 My first challenge was the sheer variety of project methodologies that teams used. Technologists generally favoured the waterfall model. Some championed Lean Six Sigma, while others stuck to the classic PDCA formula. I had to adopt an agnostic approach, willing to accept these projects into LIQC as long as the team accepted the need to re-cast their project report and presentation according to a unified and nationallyaccredited IQC Assessment Guide. It was important to keep TAR linear so that teams would be able to demonstrate and celebrate incremental achievements. One of the biggest reasons programmes fail, according to Kotter, is that managers do not systematically plan for, and create, short-term wins. The linearity also made it easy for TAR to be explained to peers and bosses. SUSTAINING KNOWLEDGE From the outset, I realised that teams focused on the wrong priorities. They obsessed over the look, feel and language of their project reports and presentations, paying little heed to team dynamics, and the team’s shared growth. The crafting of reports and presentations became a chore, often delegated to a junior member. This destroyed the sense of joint ownership that team members were supposed to have for their projects. Because project reporting was not seen as a natural activity, AMIRHAMID.COM could easily replicate it in future projects. More importantly, I took special effort to engage them as professionals, agreeing with Douglas McGregor’s Theory Y that people want to find meaning in their work and will contribute in positive ways if the work is well designed. Roger L Martin describes the three essential stages of knowledge development in his book The Design for Business. teams lost the opportunity to secure important lessons. Once the project was completed and the reports and presentations submitted for competition, it was often hard to bring these teams back in the following year. They were one-hit wonders. behaviour is a hard process, and you can never force people to change. You can, however, help them want to. Almost all the teams that were invited to the inaugural TAR were first-timers, with practically In the first year of LIQC, only 50% of teams won the coveted Gold. By the third year, the rate had gone up to 100%. I put a stop this. To control the bad habits from spreading, I dropped teams whom I thought were unwilling to work on their reports and presentations as a group. I believed that organisations cannot change their culture unless individual employees change their behaviour. Change programmes excel at deploying strategies, technologies, and training. Sadly, that is never enough. To change entrenched behaviour, I would have to get right down to the ground and use incentives, celebration, peer pressure, coaching to adopt new habits and role models. I knew there would be a fallout in the first year of the TAR. Changing 3 no experience in project management. I saw this as a rare opportunity to begin coaching the teams in the IQC Assessment Guide, which was really a set of project management best practices closely modeled after Lean Six Sigma’s DMAIC methodology. I did not try to ram the best practices down the teams’ throats, but began instead from their own projects, and how these projects would benefit from a project management framework. I demonstrated tools like SIPOC, Cause-and-effect diagram, process mapping and the Pareto principle by leveraging the information they already had in their project. I paved the way for teams to internalise these best practices. Because teams now had their own projects as models of best practices, they Even so, half the teams that joined the first LIQC did not win a Gold award. I was not disheartened. The teams remained in high spirits. Upon returning to their offices, they instantly started their next big project. Some, however, did the unexpected. They began to invite new members to their teams and mentored them the same way I had mentored them. Low winnings aside, this was the precise moment I knew I was on to something. CODIFYING KNOWLEDGE The first teams- what I termed the First Class- had left behind a suite of best-practice project reports and presentations. This was a body of knowledge that was too precious to leave lying around. I built a document repository and placed all the projects into it. These documented projects were then re-shared amongst new teams. Knowledge that had begun life as a mere heuristic in my supervisor’s mind was now codified. It had moved from being a mystery, to a heuristic and finally to an algorithm -a kind of collective genius code- whose success would not only be easily repeated, but expanded by all future teams.
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