Offshore GOSP Comdetes Japan to Safaniya Voyage

Offshore GOSP Comdetes
Japan to Safaniya Voyage
6 am. Whistle
Effective 2 am., May 24, all
Aramco employees who begin
work atter that time and date
will nport one hour earlier than
they do at present unless specifically otherwise advised by their
immediate supervisor. In addition, the lunch period will be
shortened to one how in Abqaiq
and Ras Tan- on an e x m e n tal, pilot basis.
A survey will be conducted
soon to determine if the enperimental one-hour lunch
period in Abqaiq and Ras Tanura
has been successful. The'survey
will also determine whether
Dhahran employees, including
those who now travel to their
homes in the surrounding communities for lunch, would prefer
the one-hour lunch period.
The chaogcs in work schedules
have been prompted by the longstanding company practice of
going to work earlier in the summer months to take advantage
of cooler working hours in the
morning. This traditionally has
been done by a clock change
based on daylight savings time.
However, adoptioa of Greenwick
Mean Time plus three h o w as
standard locally has made it
impractical to adopt daylight
saving time.
The initial component of
Aramco's new offshore gas-oil
separator plant arrived off
Safaniya on Saturday, May 18.
and was turned over to the company with appropriate ceremony
at mid-afternoon the same day.
barge on which have k e n installed the main elements of the
gas-oil separator plant itsetf and
the utilities for this unique offshorn GOSP to come. It had been
towed from Japan where it was
fabricated on the southern island
of Kyushu by Sasebo Heavy
Starting the long voyage on
April 2, a Japanese tug, the
Drrisho Maru I brougbt the
bargo to a point in the Gulf
of Oman, when the Dutch tug
Jacob van Heenwkerck took
over the final leg of the tow into
the Arabian Gulf.
It was aboard the Jamb van
Heetnskerck, standing dead in
the water over Safaniya field,
that tbt delivery formalities took
place. Frcd L Haack, superintendent, Dhahran Division,
Construction Department, signed
the Protocol of Acceptance of
the barge in the name of Aramco
and Teruo lwakiri signed as
witness for the manufacturer.
Tbc Cabll*
of Delivery
was signed for Aramco by Acting Superintendant E. J. Nelson,
Tra5c and Semias Division,
MS&T, and bears the signature
of Dirk van Dorp, master of
the Jacob van Heemakerck, as
Shortly aRer the signing, the
Dutch tug cast off the barge,
which was then towed by Aramco
tugs the short further distance
west to Safaniya Pier.
There the barge will begin its
complex conversion into a GOSP
surrounded by water. The unit
towed from Japm will be cut in
two, one part to make up a 1 s
by-&?-foot GOSP platform and
the other a 95-hy-&?-foot utilities
A third platform on d c h dl1
pe installed living quarters is to
be added and the three parts,
standing on legs in their final
position 30 miles northeast of
Safaniya, will be connected by
steel walkways.
I Canteen
Guests Tonight
AU parents, teachers and
intemted adults arc invited
to attend the Dhahran Youth
Teen Canteen's second Open
House tonight from 6 3 0 8 p.m. Canteen committee
members and adult advisors
will all be on hand to greet
guests and coffee and cookies
wiU be sewed. Dhahran's teenagers are justly proud of their
recently refurbished Canteen,
so plan now to attend.
it& Leaguers'
Awards Promam
AU Little League playcrs, par-
ents, and fans are cordially invited to attend a special gathering
tomorrow, May 23, at 12 noon
at the Dhahran Auditorium.
Trophies will be presented to the
Pirates, champions of the 1968
season, and films of the 1966
World Series will be shown.
Dietrich Vehicle,
Saturday's Movie
On Saturday, May 25, the
Dhahran AEA movie program
"Golden Earrings,"
starring Ray Milland and
Marlene Dietrich. Showing will
be at 7 and 9 3 0 p.m. in the O'i
Exhibit Theater.
Aramco identification cards
and SR 1 are required for admission. Attendance is Limited to
AEA members and dependents;
eighth and ninth graders acwmpanied by their parents will be
admitted if seating space permits.
Work Schedale Changes
For Aramco Opera
Start work at 6:00 a.m.
Lunch period 11:00 am. to 12:OO noon
Quit work at 3:00 p.m.
New Dhahuu GeParl Wwk Schdde:
S M work at 6:00 a.m.
Lunch period 11:00 a.m. to 12:M p.m.
Quit work at 3 3 0 p.m.
Add Greece to Your Next Itinerarv
Aramw travelers are always
intcrarted in scenic stopover
points on the route to the USA
that offer comparatively low
Grsss mestr tbae qluliiiations. Often called the cradle
of Western civilization, its history goes back 4,000 years and
its many monuments, museums, and churches show that
Cifaecc was a center of civilizatfop 2,SiX3 years ago. Those who
.annot inbpsted in the classical
,qeriod will find that Athens is
.a modern city offering a variety
df entertainment and recreatjun. Many Aramwns have playeb the golf come at Glyfada,
jmt outside Athens, and sailed
in the Aege-an Sea AU sorb of
boats arc available for charter
and thexe arc t o m and cruises
, d o r e to suit everyone's taste
d purse.
We have not yet "done"
mxa and thaefore asked
CBarlic Johason of Dhahran
to ten us about the trip he, his
wife Phyllis. and daughter
Deborah -made io the faU of
1%T. We had tallred in general
tame about this trip between
go@ rounds in Ras Tanura but
the garticulan, Charlie sent via
,hp recording Because of space
limitations I cannot repcat the
/ - ,Huetois wnvey
the highlights.
what C$arlis has to
about their trip to the land
o f myth and mgic:
"We took a dlrrcf 'Ihaad.y
, tl&h$
to Athens where we were
d a l l y met. The Amalia Hotel
woa our home away from home.
it is located on Constitution Square, we made sure
to have a quiet room in the back
of the hotel. Thc Amalia is a
dia smell hotel with friendly
atampnent and counGous
-mice. A double room with
th and breakfast is $15.
"After two days of sightseeing
the city, we decided to
I wke the seven-day, 1,UX)-mile
. omhe on the Stella Ocean&.
This cruise starts every Monday
evening from April to October.
We made arrangements through
a local travel agency in the hotel
and paid with an American
Expnss Credit Card. While some
will not accept this
/ r ,q&it w d , the American Expnss
in A t h m will. (Of wum
w e last fan:. .) ~ h day
& b e the cruise began we rent-
i; *m
ed a car with driver for the laid eyes on before. Best buy,
160 km trip to Delphi, an inter- however, is leatha goods and
esting but mountainous ride. they say that the best quality
Delphi, the home of Apollo can be found at the Hilton
and the place whm the cele- Hotel shop.
brated Pythia gave her oracles,
"At noon of the sixth day we
is a beautiful village with a
departed Istanbul and arrived
beautiful view. If we were to
the next morning at Dclos, the
go hack to Greece we would
of -0.
Uninhabitcertainly include a few days in
We lcft at now for Mykonos,
"Upon our return to Athens where husbands take a beating
the following day we w m picked because it is the shopping island
~t ii here that Peter
up by bus and taken to Pireaus of G-.
extends a hearty
to board the ship. We travelled
at night and visited the islands
in the mornings. The Stella
"The wonderful cruise ended
Ocean& is a small and eleg'ant the morniog of the 8th day at
liner. Conceived and designed Piratug Back in ,Athens we
for pleasure trip, she was built enjoyed soms more sightsee&.
under the supe~sionof Lloyds Restaurantwise we recommend
Register of London, thus the one npr tbe Acropolis for
complying with the latest intema- luncb and for a 05leical. Greek
tional regulations foa safety at atmosphuc the ''Sevan Brothem"
%a. The food was out of this in the Plalca ems, Jvhcn one of
world! The t h m of us occupied the kitchen boys translated the
a fow-bath cabin for $600. menu for 0s.
The regular shore excursions arc
'WeM&mofoptional at a total cost of $30
visitors to Greece,
per person.
expuienccd no difficulty what''Thc8e t o m were very wcll soever and thought m r y one
organized and we found the went out of t@if way to make
guides outstanding. Each day, ow stay pl-t.
If you decide
during the happy hour, an to go to Oreeee we hope that
aFofitologist gave the historical you will be os'aa&icd as we
background and other pntiaent were with our trip."
information about the placss to
Incidentally, them are several
be visited the following day.
cruises of varied length
The lounge had a chit-system,
starting on different
and there was a tipping arranptho
wsec T h w who
meot throw& the purser. The
Novelty Shop ca@sd typical wish to m o m the cabin of
Greek items with prices wm- their choke in adwo may
do w throu@ the 1 4 travel
parable to the local markets.
agencies hmc in Bandi Arabia.
"Oar Ilrartep wae H c d d h , Direct Wb to Athens am
the capitalof Crete, largcst of the available rovoral days of the
Greek islands. Highlights of the wwk.
tow ware the visitto the Palace of
Knossos and the shrine of the
Minoan civilization. On the third
day we arrived at Rhodes. This
is a free port and those with Continue to
shopping ambitions can go wild.
T4a Abqaiq
We enjoyed a visit to the im- "Shway AkI" chapter of TOPS
posing castle of the Knights of (Takeoff Pounds Sensibly) conS t John and to the Aaopolii
tinws to win by toeing pounds.
of l i d o s . T h m rninaJ are m h - Last month's top weight loss
ed by climbing 600 steps or via a was ncordud by Oisela Drayton,
donkey ride. On the fourth day
entitling her to tho QUSMof UIO ,
we reached Kusadasi, Turkey,
Month Crown.
for a tour of Ephuus. We visited
The group is currently runthe Basilica of St. John, the
tomb of ths Vigin Mary, and ing a special wntest with prizes
the stadium with its fantastic ac- for an added incentive to their
custics. Tbe 6fth day brought weight losing membcrs. TOPS
us to Istanbul, the pcafl of the members meet every Saturday
h p o n ~ With
~ . its 3,000 shop evening at 7 p.m. Call JO&I
in the Bazaar, Phyllis went wild OsLam, 4791, for additional inlooking at tbiw she had never formation.
A Loser OII a Loser
May Save a Doubtful Hand
Beginning bridge players usual- the heart finewe. West won with
ly approach the play of a hand I& Queen and continued spades
with only a slight idea as to for lack of a better lead. South
whether they will make their ruffed again and laid down the
wntract or not With experienm, Ace and King of hearts in hope
playcrs karn to evaluate thdi of picking up the outstanding
hands by counting losers. How- trump. Unformnately trump
ever, careful attention to card were not divided evenly and
play will oAen allow an expert south saw that he hsd ahotha
to play two losers on a singie dunp, lo= and wuld easily
trick. Today's hand is an inter- be set if diamonds didn't split.
sting exam*
of how victory Declarer saw that his only hope
can be snatched from defeat. was to avoid a diamond loser.
Dcclarsr played the Ace of
diamonds and then continued
Q 876
with a small diamond This
key play kft Wcgt without any
0 Kl0732
Q KJ 4 2
dcfenw. If he trumped, declanr
would pick np East's Queen
of diamonds on the next round
of diamands. A club discsrd
would sct up dummy's fourth
dub for a second diamond dis-
& wsn aa South saw the
d m y b was sorry W t be
hadn't eneowgd hts p~
by bidding tbrce diamonds in.
stead of fow 4dgrt.9. Five dia=
monds is a lay-dowrr and six is
possible if diamonds split. On
tho other hand, four 4~
could be rough if tnrmp w m
split unfavorably, At worst,
South oould lose two hearts, a
d h o n d , and a club.
~ n o o t k o p a Q l *
of epades with his Ace and lod
the Queen of clubs to knock out
the Aoe. West won with the Ace
of clubs and continued with the
Q w n of spades which South
ruffed. Dcclonr got t0 dommy
with the Jack of clubs and took
swle b). discarding a spade and
hoping that declarer would missguess the club suit. Dcclarw
won with the King of diamonds,
d i e d a dismpnd on the
K& of clubs, and trumped the
lret club with bis menrcrlning
thunp, Dcdmr thou played bls
lsst uard, a small diamond, and
d c d w West had to trump
W s dfgmond trick.
t N
ote that West had to &$art
with four ~ l u for
b this lino of
plw to succeed. South couldn't
be SUE that this was tbc caw,
but it wes a very ULely distrlhution. And South ww astute
m o w to sdze upon this one
It mrlly doan't pay to lsrd
trump whon the outstanding
trump b high, It is better to
force the defender to trump
in on a long side suit or, as
in this case, take yow tricks
. .Ah
k& Store (A Mock)-mounted gwdle he& SR 690; giant 1t& sand& SR 35 to 45.
Co-op Drugs (C block)
.silver and copper jug, SR 1,839;
Yak bells. SR 54; Tibetan piqt- Giltne
ed masks, SR 9a up; jade handled spoons. SR 31; silwr Nonchalance deohomnta, SR
6 and 8.
Uniiwraf Watch Store @
T d g Store ( Ablock)-ffinge
edgings, SR 45; moirtpd dress block) - Rotary ~atcbds,SR
length$ SR 90 to 250; Wings 150 to 180; Old London b m d
SR 35; Outdoor Girl make- large numeral watches, SR 60;
up; Ma@ Play men's trawl set;
indudiig aftarcshad, cqlogne,
and shaving ccsam. SR 25; transistor fowbaad radios,
Spencers' adjustable diapers, SR 250 to 310; National m r d
playem SR, 190 to 450; batmy
SR 3.
dl-dnroudi Material Stare (A operated wall docks with &y
Coh~ma daoonrtor aad date, SR 150; bowling pin
fabrios in 50 colors, SR 20 per clocks, SR 90; Parker or S h d @ r
mcter; silk chiffon, SR 12; Tetp pen and pencil sets, SR 75 to 130;
gal, SR 8; cnpe Terygd, SR 5. Longine ladie'watches, SR 500;
G m Ftag (A block)
new Jovial b a d carved wall clock;
shipment o* Ostcr prod0cts: SR 290: Japmmc alarm clffih;
Ostsrilms in six models, SR 164 binoculars, SR 90 to 170; stop
to 430 for 10.speed modd: Oster watch, SR 60; book-shad ope
bar dryras wiih nmote control. recarder, SR 90.
Saudi Arabian Exbibition (D
SR 105 to 226; mamgers SR 63
new women's sandals:
to 297; manicure set, SR 155& block)
wash and wear knit
crugber, SR 15% knrfe sharpenwith can opener, SR 124; juice suits in' latest styles, SR 115 to
oxtractor, SR 297; hair cutting 155: d r e s . SR 80,skirts, SR
set, SR 53, dog p o o m h sets, 70: silver sheas. SR 65; purses,
SR 172 to 182; Cannon seatnlkss SR68to 115.
General TI&P - Store (D
or strttch hose, SR 6.50; gt8duation cads; Lanvin neckties. block) - Arne1 drasseg, SR 50
handkerchiefs, socks, cuff bnks. to 75; women's'pajamaa SR 32,
AlJohi Store (A block) - new nightgowns, SR 18; men's
cotton shift lengths: l i e n in p pajamas, SR 35.
F d y Caop Grocer (H bloek)
td colors; Swiss embroidered
cottons, SR 25 per meter; - Lucky L& canned baked
Tcrygal linen in 50 colors, SR 7 apple, SR 4; new shipment of
Amoy products: sweet-sour and
per meter.
AMli&a Dnrgs ( A block) - Pineapple sauces, SR 2.50; bambaitcry operated hair mover. boo shoots. SR 3.40;lychee nuts,
SR 75; Neuport rcflll for butane baan sprouts; also chili sauce,
gas lightns, SR 6; Fl&.ohbx Bradley's packaged candies, f m h
surgical soap, S q 6; elastic endive.
bandage; dpastlc hoslag; off
Reveira Store @ block)
bug nprp,y, $R 6: now shipment girls' d m , SR 12; boys' suits.
of Dr. Soholls foot comfott SR 10; teenagers A-tine denim
item, incaud'ig Foot Balm for dnsscs. SR 28; baby gift sets;
&st and Legs, SR 8.
women's bcach sandals with
Port Store (B blook)
new heavy cork soles; Nerva shift
EhipIWlt of orlane ~ w m e t i g ; drsscs. SR 35, L u m thnad
l%evc Roswr Bleu facial mask, &in, SR 65; rhinwtone edging,
6R 16; Emulsion. SR 10; Sauna SR IS por m a .
W Phw Bath. SR A5Saadoli Store (B block)
EUxtr of F
1% M4k hth,SR 23; C1.~1~(1ngMid& East stamps: hair bands,
Milk, $R 1% Lam Cmmo. aye ribbon, t h d . buttons. w d
msm; ttpstlck, SR' 8.50: ndl zippers: Ponds Angel Face
polish, frosted or wfmtd, SR makcup
$.SO to 12; UkLaSllt gold platod
Jameel's (N block)
dumiW80 spoooq SR 56; dessert egg poaehcr, SR 14; Goddiwd's
rPt, SR 2OQ; dinner w6, SR 400. long-tern poilishSR4; bathroom
Seiec: Gfore (C block) J o b so*. including black, SR 65;
Qais Englbh skirt and b l o w h a g s , SR 14; Atlrinean pun
' riPfs,SR 1 2 $ ; ~ ~ ~ p l awool
n 6bldots, SR 60.
Cynthia Bills Se
lune Wedding Date
Mr. and Mt6 Liiston F. W i
of Dhabran announw tho fonhcoming marriage of their dau*
ter Cynthia Jane to Ensign
Peter Francis Andcrs. The weddin8 will take place June 11 in
the First Covenant Church of
Sacramurto. w.
ABQAl+TheAbqaiq Oafden
Group h holding an open meeting- at tho home of Mrs. Dorothy
M p l e , House 16-472, on sat&day, May 25, at 7:30 p.m.
On the ageada is a demonstra- ,
tion on re-potting h o w plant& .'
A door p&e Hill be given and. .:
retnshmencS will be w e d .
Visitors an cordially ihvited to - 1
attend the meeting.
rhe Arabian Philatelic AssooiD- '
r r d wM hold their monthly meeting in the Recreation Roam
above the Dbahran Snack Bar "
on Tuesday, ' ~ a y28. at 7 p.m.
Flank Pattsrson will speak on' .
"Hejaz Overprints and Swrhar~cs." The trading seasion wiU '
again consist mainly of midEastern stamps. All colleclors
are welcome.
'W. .a
Gardeners Discuss
Patterson Speuks
At stamp Meatin&
Nichds,Rader, WeM, Take
Top Honors at J ~ n w Open
one-hundred d ' t w o junior
ten& players enterod &e fourth
annual Aramca Junior T m i s
Open which begnu on April 25
and ended the evening of May 8.
Defending ebampiom &thy
Nichols and Jenaifer Rader
swept the field in dl &Is'
events in their m@e&ve flights
to k m e tripk winners for
the second time in sucwsaion.
Paul Webb sucassfdly defended
his 13 and above boys' singles
and mixed doubles titles from
last fall's tournamcat, and this
year added tho boys' doubles
crown ro also beaome a triple
champion. The winnets in ibe
m as
13 and above Bights i
Boys' singles - Paul Webb;
Tom Goddard, runner-up; girls'
Kathy Nichols; Liz'
Wood, runner-up: boys' B ftight
- Rodney Haug; giris' B ilight
Lisa M q ;hrys' daublee Paul Webb and Ali & a d - a ;
girls' do*
KBthy N i o h
and Liz Wood; mixed doubles
- Kathy Niehols and Paul
In th U ud mdar ulghbl,
d~feodi'ngchnpioae Jim MGars
and Tony Webb again dominated
the boys' evcmts, both ntaining
a e u dual titles from the third
Junior Open. Winners a n as
Boys' singles - Tony Webb;
Jim Mears, m e r - u p ; ' girls'
JennWor h d e r ; JO$
Madany, runner-up; boys' doubks - Tony Webb and Jim
Mears; mixed doubles -Jennifbr
Rader and Jim Meem; giils' B
Righi - Pam Geunon: boys' B
bght - Muhammad spauri;
girls' doubles - Jennifer Radar
and hdary Ann Banatto.
-4ddluoPll rrrrrds nac arda
to Jeff Loyer, the new 10 and
undet boys' singhs chempion.
and to David W b w and
Rodmy H a u g h sportsrmnshlp.
Lal Bhrh Tropby for BedPavor.
The bridbto-be fueishcd her
preparatory education at tbe
Intornational Wool in h e m ,
Switzerland, and graduated last
June from Pomom College in
Claremont, Calif. Sho has bcsn
working in New York Ctty with
the G w r s Braziller Publishing
Her fiance, whoso parentB,
reside in San Francisqo, & elno
a 1967 graduate of Pomona W'
loge. He is cu11e11tly oompldrlg
hi officers t d d n g at the Cow
Guard OWcers Candidate:School.
&$ ,&
buoy with ;@I@'&&&
tjb gpdli
, . Za*. on
ad m ~ w i h~
d ~ ' t a ~ h a d n e l
T q
ywa he
bit the
' W s boom
and bad to &fmm the-.
~i m e s s foi the third
Come Cm 1 @:ourBallot
,2451 aeries by Oily
t o * n $ w ~ f l i c a s f a r ~ . ~ ~ w gJ?
69 m u . 'php ~xm#&zg:opsab'.
, ,
-t r + -- This
:,-.t c- i+rWeek's Movies
Memory Lane
"Hommy" wriRlitcs from Abqaiq that the temperature on
May 18 was 118 &grew.
The second mating of the Dhahran Tennis Group was held
last Wednesday. h r g e Radcr introduced some of the v a y
wecntial points of good tennis playing, and the whole gang put
the instrucrions to pmctice.
UnLss Mimeograph stencils arrive within the week, there will
not be a "Sun & Flare" until they db!
Ann Griffin d v e d two "Abby" awards at ceremonies
held by the Abqaiq Playas' on May 22. Mn. Gri5n was named
best actress for her role in "Sorority," and she received athe award
for best charaoluizatibfl in "Arsenic and Old Lam:'
* * *
Carroll Loyer of Dhahran rolled a rousing 674 singles series
and a respectable 1,590 total in his qualiPying eight g a w to
bad Aremployee entries in the American Bowlkg Congress
Masters Tournament at Syracuse, N.Y. Despite Loyer's falkue
to qualify for the match-play rounds, he outshot such top stars
as Billy Wdu, Buddy Bomar and Steve Nagy. Aramco's tarn
included A1 Porto, Karl Deloin, Bob Lehman and Ldyer.
* *
John Lunde, Aramco chief engineer, who has been sparing
fish for 20 years, becape the victim last week w h i i fishing in
the Gulf qhen a 2-foot garfish leaped out of the water and
speared him in the arm. Lunde not only has the scar to prove it
. he has the 6sh.
Crossword Puzzle
Bobby V&. Jackie Dc Shannon Jeffrey Hunter, F r s n a Nuyen
Drams (Adult) Fair
Action-Drama (Adult) Good
One Short, One Cartoon
One Cartoon
May 22: 3:00,7:30 p.m.
May 22: 4:00,7:00,9a p.m.
May 23: 3:00,7:30 p.m.
May 23: 5:lQ ?:m,9:OO p.m.
Anouke Airnee. Jean-Louis
Jim Hutton, M t o n Berle
Drama (Adult) Exallent
Comedy (Adult) Very Good
No W r t Subject
One Cartoon
May 24: 4:00,7:00,9:00 p.m.
May 25: 3:00, 7:30 p.m.
May 25: 5 m , 7:00,990 p.m.
Rosalind Russell, Sandra Dee, BLUES ROR LOVERS
Ray Charles, Tom Bell
Brian Aheme
.(Adult) Good
Comedy (Adult) Good
Two Cartoons
one' Ic;mttoon
May 27: 4:00,7:00,9:00 p.m.
May 26: 3:00,7:30 p.m.
May 28: 5:00,7@, 9:00 p.m.
May 27: 390, 7:30 p.m.
M i h l Crawford, Oliver Reed
Science-Fion (Family) Good
SUS-Comedy (Adult) Good
Two Cartoons
One Cartoon
May 29: 4:00,7:00,9a p.m.
May 29:3 a , 7:30 p.m.
May 30: 3:W, 7:30 p.m.
May 30: 5933,7:00,9:00 p.m.
Lee Marvin, Angie Dickinson
Drama (Adult) Goad
Two Cartoons
May 22: 3% 7:U) p.m.
May 23: 3%. 7 3 0 p.m.
Mike Henry, Jan M w a y
Adventure (Family) Fair
Two Cartoons
May 24: 3:30,7:30 p.m.
May 25: 3:30,7:30 p.m.
Hayley Mills, John Mills
Com-Drama (Adult) Exallent
No Short Subject
May 27: 3:30,7:30 p.m.
May 28: 3 :30,7:30 p.m.
John hland, Virginia Mayo
Western (Adult) Fair
One Short Subject
May 29: 3:30,7:30 p.m.
May 30: 3:30,7:30 p.m.
C i J R m N T ~ r n m b
5: A seisnco Bdion a
m to s p b of
w w n m o n 4 with a men from DRAGON endeavoring
fieblind y o u En&h lad b cmoam&
by a blind BlOhph.
IW wonin and 100
of music.
DWIINATION PXWdR $PAC& A fully autormted rsmotely wnvdled space ahlp for undoranbar rraarch wmphrn
with pn .mpbibiou&am moortar, is dhmwcd by a a labomtom crew. (Color)
62 Somaht lita
63 Tlps of ald
64 DowloR.'
65 V M a
AEQNQ: BANNING: apaiaO Robsn W.snSr. Aq*ostts CDmsr, 1ffl St. S ~ b n M u 28: 3:W. 7:30 p.m.
An angry
yman blr;l;lll.ila his way into tho position of golf-pro at a p d country club in Arizona, whom tho idlo rich do a
lot of backbiting d u r i tbair
~ ~ long &ts, but play
golf during tbsir long daze. (Adult Cdor)
DEAHRAN: UP TH& DOWNSTAIRCA8&: rtarriaO S.ndy D a d a , BUwn HooLuZ M a y 23: 3 Si3 p.m. - A dedicated
taamcr patkntly smggblrith pn owraavdsd high r h w l dus in New York's duma (Adult -Color)
Coming TV Highlights
dius d i m u i d 0 s . civilians rob
tho Union S U D .
7 M G.E. THEAlXR: A Lillie Wkle
4:45 C3IIll)ItW:'S SHOW: CIvtwrv
Rnnre War al Tonrbr~n
EiOWI&: me O ~ h w
K i d m
4:46 C3IIll)REN's SHOW:
nHwJ Plara, Tkg Eal You Mlrr
W A Y , MAY 20
4:45 ~ I t R N SHOW:
BUi Jr.
m Udr a
7 % GEC SMART: AN in the MBd
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q,@:onrs'mwh domi
thmllllb&rd&drcecans and
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wordhas ;been raaivcd annou&ag h e
o f k g e b.
on May 8 in Bnron
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tlumkmd to
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ReEiniDg Compury io
Mr, %l~omasis
a u m k d by lib
p e e , hb married
top p@pm
produced sparkling
ltard %d&t -,
Whioh was
?he most critical