The Messenger the newsletter of Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center (ILCUSC) Vol. 19 No. 5 FROM THE PASTOR 2104 Bob Billings Parkway Lawrence, Kansas 66049-2722 Church Office: (785) 843-0620 fax: (785) 843-1576 [email protected] f facebook immanuel lutheran church & university student center Worship Schedule: Worship Services Sunday, 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday School - 9:45 AM Bible Studies - 9:45 AM Pastor Rev. Randall Weinkauf (785) 393-6745 Office Manager Karen Lawson (785) 843-0620 Sunday School Superintendent Margaret Peterson (785) 865-0003 Messenger Editors Karen Lawson Jan Leines Mission Statement Our mission is: “To share God’s love in Jesus Christ by word and deed.” May • 2015 A “THANK YOU” FROM LAWRENCE AREA CLERGY April 22, 2015 Dear Randy and Members of the Council, On behalf of the Lawrence Area Clergy, I want to thank you for hosting this year’s community Holy Week services. This year marked the 41st anniversary of the services and brought together worshippers from an array of congregations in the Lawrence community. All of us who gathered at the services appreciated the warm welcome by your members and the assistance we received each day was most helpful, especially for those who helped prepare the lunches at the beginning of the week. Over the past few years, we have been intentional in reaching out to congregations outside of the downtown corridor to host our week’s services. This enables more people to participate in the tradition of the Holy Week services and to enjoy the setting of churches other than their own congregation. Our attendance increased this year and I am sure part of that was the intention of a few of our regular attendees who wanted to be in worship at Immanuel. I appreciate all of Rev. Randy Weinkauf’s help in coordinating this year’s event. The offering this year, which goes to help the Lawrence Emergency Ministerial Fund, totaled nearly $2,000, an amount that is higher than our average. Thank you, again, for the gift of your facility as we gathered to worship together. In Christ’s name, Kent Winters-Hazelton [Pastor, First Presbyterian Church] Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center Church Council Meeting – March 3, 2015 Members Present: Linda Herbel, David Magill, Tim Hetzler, Eloise Kerbs (5:25),Virgil Dean, David Lahm, Ann Hossler, Elois Allan, Eleanor Woodyard, Pastor Randy Weinkauf. Visitors: none Call to Order: Linda Herbel The meeting was called to order at 4:30pm. Opening: Pastor Randy Weinkauf Pastor provided a devotion which remembered the family of Steve Johnson, as well as the Lenten Season. Minutes: Linda Herbel The minutes from the February 9, 2015, meeting were presented for approval. A motion was made by Virgil Dean and seconded by David Magill to approve the minutes. Motion passed unanimously. Treasurer’s Report: Tim Hetzler Highlights from the Treasurer’s Report included: - Treasurer Tim Hetzler discussed changes in bank ownership. - There are no cash flow issues at present. Printed reports will follow. Bank statements didn’t arrive in time for this Council meeting. - Tim asks that anyone turning in deposits and/or bills, please provide details regarding purpose, and account numbers needed to complete transactions. A motion was made by David Lahm and seconded by David Magill to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed unanimously. Statistics/Parochial/Pastor’s Report: Pastor Weinkauf Pastor reviewed the statistical and parochial reports, his monthly report and the calendars. A motion was made by Tim Hetzler and seconded by David Magill to approve the reports. Motion passed unanimously. Board/Committee Reports: Eleanor Woodyard/Elois Allan The Board of Spiritual Affairs - reported that Brian Stapleton was installed as an elder at the 2nd service last Sunday. Elders reviewed the recommendation regarding meeting times. A motion was made by Virgil Dean and seconded by Tim Hetzler to accept the recommendations. Motion passed unanimously. Linda will send a memo to committee chairs and board chairs asking that agendas and minutes for all meetings be sent to Karen Lawson. Ann Hossler Educational Ministries - no additional report. Virgil Dean Board of Outreach - the Health and Wellness committee is discussing how to fund signage for the van. Ideas discussed were selling advertising or investigating using Thrivent funds. David Lahm Board of ILCUSC - David reported that a new policy regarding someone falling at church has been started. If someone has fallen and needs assistance, 911 must be called. Church volunteers should NOT try and move someone and risk injury to themselves or to the person who has fallen. David also announced that the current light fixtures in the upper level hallways will soon be obsolete. A plan for replacing the fixtures is being developed. Soon parts will not be available. An estimate of $4458 to replace all fixtures has been received. LED lighting will be investigated. David also presented information on the parking lot proposal that has now been approved by the city. He also informed Council that the aluminum can receptacle will be moved to the northwest corner of the parking lot. David will check with local nurseries about the cost of purchase and planting 12 trees along the south side of the church property. Old Business: Linda Herbel - Linda discussed the inventory of kitchen supplies and the budget for it. At this point, $95 has been spent. It was suggested that a special container for coffee funds be put in place. David Lahm offered to design the container. 2 Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center - The 5th Sunday luncheon, which will be March 29 at 11:00, was discussed. The custodian will set up the tables Saturday night. Council will serve as hosts and will provide the drinks. Linda said the kitchen is in need of towels. An announcement will be placed in The Messenger and bulletin. - Assignments for the remaining Lenten meals were designated - elders on March 18th, and youth on March 25th. Pastor outlined the services to be held during Holy Week. - David Lahm told Council that Room 22, Pastor Alan’s former office, has been offered to Justice Matters for office space. Immanuel will reclaim the space if necessary. New Business: Linda Herbel - Elois Allan provided an update on the grocery bucks. All Dillon’s cards have been sold. - Curt Loupe will be available on Investor’s Sunday, March 15, to provide financial information for those interested. - A financial Record Review to Council will be due in June. - Future topics were outlined: Constitution and By-Laws Review - just to discuss any changes in mind. A committee will be put in place to review. Closing: Linda Herbel Linda thanked those who work for our church and all their committee work. Adjournment: Linda Herbel Linda adjourned the meeting at 6:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Eloise Kerbs, Secretary COUNCIL NOTES APRIL 13 CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING Pastor Weinkauf provided a devotion after Linda Herbel called the meeting to order. The minutes and treasurer’s report were approved. Purposes for several of the restricted accounts were reviewed. Following Pastor’s report, all board chairpersons provided their reports. There was quite a bit of discussion regarding the bids for the repair and expansion of the parking lot. This project has been in the works for quite some time. Various ways to complete the funding for the project as well as ways to inform the congregation of the details were discussed. Each board shared any issues it had with the current constitution and by-laws. A committee will be formed to review the constitution and make recommendations to council and the voters on any changes that might be needed. The Fifth-Sunday potluck was evaluated. The next one will be May 31. It was decided that the Church Council would continue to organize and host the events. The Kansas District sent a letter announcing President Kohlmeier’s retirement and requesting a donation toward a monetary retirement gift. This will be discussed further at the May council meeting. Linda Herbel President Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center 3 STEWARDSHIP JOURNEYS Last fall, during October and November, eight of our congregation members shared their stewardship journeys at Sunday Services. This was part of the Consecrated Stewards program. The feedback received from church members indicated that people felt this sharing about personal stewardship was probably the most powerful part of the program. Many felt they would have liked to hear every-one’s testimony. The Stewardship Committee has asked those who spoke if they would be willing to share their testimony via the Messenger. For the coming months, you will be able to read those testimonies in this newsletter. Thank you to those who were willing to share. My Stewardship Journey By Jim Sylwester For me only a glance back is necessary to know that God has been gracious, God has been good, throughout my 80 years. As an infant I received the gift of faith through baptism, and as a little child I learned that “Jesus Loves Me.” In the small town of Roseburg, OR, where my father was the Lutheran pastor, my loving parents provided for my siblings and me. However, my childhood was unique. Beginning in the 2nd grade I lived with my grandparents in Portland because I needed special speech lessons and dental work. I would return to my parents’ home in summers to deliver papers, mow lawns and, when 16, to take newspapers off the press. As a teenager I began to give $5 each week for the Lord’s work. I do not remember what percent $5 was, but at the time the minimum wage was 75 cents an hour. Throughout these early years my faith was strengthened through family devotions and the blessings of attending Lutheran schools. The Lord always provided jobs. During college it was answering complaint calls at a newspaper office, washing dishes or assisting the morning cook. In the summers it was as a baggage handler at the Greyhound bus depot in Portland. Career wise, I taught in Lutheran elementary schools for six years, the last three in Junction City, KS. During the summers I began to study history at KU. Becoming a fulltime student in 1962, I joined Immanuel, regularly giving an offering for the Lord’s work on earnings from graduate assistantships and summer jobs. My chief blessing in 1965 was my marriage to Kathy. Our first apartment had only two rooms. Kathy provided our major source of income while I taught part-time or had fellowships. As members of the newly founded University Lutheran Church, our offerings were slightly more than five percent each month. After completing my degree in 1969, Kathy and I moved to Warrensburg, MO, where I taught at the University of Central Missouri. Active in Bethlehem Lutheran Church, we began by giving five percent each month, increasing the percent as I received increases and she found employment. 4 We were blessed not only with two sons, but also spiritually and materially. I retired in 1999 and the following year we returned to Lawrence, joining Immanuel. Unfortunately, in December 2000 Kathy was diagnosed with cancer. Still we were able to enjoy this city and to travel until 2005. Sadness came in 2006 with the passing in March of our grandson, Aiden, who had been born four months premature. His lungs simply could not sustain life. And then on November 28th, Kathy succumbed to cancer. For me it was adjustment time, but my two sons, daughterin-law, the members of Immanuel and others gave their support. Joy returned with the births of grandchildren in 2007 and 2009, and in December 2009 I married Gretchen. She was especially involved at Immanuel in Bible study and music. We traveled and spent ten weeks each winter at her home in southern California. Shortly after returning to Lawrence in 2012, however, she passed away due to a cerebral hemorrhage. Again it was adjustment time for me, and again my family, the members of Immanuel and others provided support. For me the most important question long has been: “How can I serve the Lord whatever the circumstances?” I see stewardship as a three-legged stool: time, talent and treasure. We dedicate time to the Lord through daily devotions, regular church attendance, Bible study, and by using our talents, skills and abilities to glorify God and to further His kingdom. The opportunities within and through Immanuel are countless. No one can do everything, but all can do something, beginning by praying that God would be glorified and His kingdom enlarged. All can pray that God would bless their own efforts and the efforts of others. In responding to God’s love in Christ Jesus through my offerings, I think of 1st Corinthians 16:2. According to the apostle Paul, on the first day of the week each person should give an offering that is in proportion to one’s income. Therefore, I regularly give a percent of my income for the Lord’s work. Scripture also urges us to give sacrificially, thankfully and cheerfully. Such giving demonstrates a trust in the Lord and a willingness to make His work a priority. Most of my offerings are given to Immanuel’s general fund because Immanuel is where, for example, I regularly hear the gospel, especially that my sins are forgiven, receive the Lord’s Supper, and see infants and others baptized. In response I annually pledge a percent of my income, which is very stable, for the Lord’s work, translating the percent into a weekly amount. If my income would fluctuate from year to year, I would simply give a percent based upon my income during the previous three or five years. Adjustments can always be made. I urge all to give a percent of their income for the Lord’s work, doing so cheerfully and regularly. May we together serve the Lord as “Consecrated Stewards.” Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center Dear Friends In Christ, Mission Opportunities Short Term (aka MOST Ministries) is a short-term Christian mission-sending agency located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. For the past 25 years, we have had the privilege of sending over 3000 individuals to 47 different countries and meeting the physical and spiritual needs of over 170,000 people through our various team projects. Even though Eastern Europe has had some of the fastest growing economies within the European Union, many of its citizens continue to struggle economically and most have been deprived of spiritual feeding since the end of World War II. So what can volunteers do for these countries and their citizens? The answer is two-fold. 1) Teach English, "the language of commerce and opportunity." 2) Present the Gospel message to those who have yet not heard the life-giving story. Since the early 1990s MOST Ministries has been sending English as Second Language (ESL) Teams to Eastern Europe. Unfortunately, the last few years we have been unable to send any teams to this area due to a lack of missionminded volunteers. If you are interested in learning more about this tremendous outreach opportunity please contact Debby Suchyta (MOST Ministries' Team Administrator) at [email protected] or 734.994.7909 X11. Debby will be more than happy to provide you with all the information you will need to join a 2016 ESL Team. If you have any questions or would like additional information on MOST Ministries, please contact us at [email protected] or 734.994.7909. You may also visit our website at MOST MINISTRIES IS A RECOGNIZED SERVICE ORGANIZATION OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH-MISSOURI SYNOD. FIFTH-SUNDAY DINNER ON MAY 31 FAMILY PROMISE Immanuel’s fifth-Sunday dinner on Palm Sunday was a great success! Thank you to all who participated. Our next fifth-Sunday dinner is scheduled for May 31. As before, there will be no Bible study or Sunday School that Sunday. There will be one worship service at 9:30 a.m. At 11:00 a.m., there will be a congregational potluck dinner. Please plan on attending. Immanuel’s next Family Promise rotation is the week of May 10 (through the 17th). It takes many hands on deck to keep this ship afloat, and we appreciate all the many efforts of our regular crew members. But if you are not already on board, please consider joining our crew of volunteers for our May voyage. It will be a real blessing. Please contact Ann Hossler (305-205-3136) or Virgil Dean (841-5954) about how you can help with this important ministry. To help with planning, it would be good if individuals would be willing to bring food according to the following assignments. This worked really well at the last event and food was plentiful and delicious. We will have the ovens turned on to 250 degrees to keep food warm during the service. There will be plenty of extension cords for crock pots. Families with last names starting with: A – G: Dessert H – M: Main Dish M – Z: side dish or salad We look forward to enjoying this meal as an Immanuel family. If this happens to be a Sunday that you don’t have time to prepare a dish, please attend anyway! Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center On May 21st, the American Red Cross blood drive will be held at Immanuel in the Activity Center, noon to 6pm. Donors can make an appointment by calling 1-800 Give-Life (1-800-448-3543). Walk-ins are welcome, also. We need volunteers to play an important role in the drive. A short training of 10-15 minutes will be given to each volunteer for each volunteer job. See the signup sheets in the notebook in the narthex to see how you can help. Thank you! 5 HYMNS FOR OUR SEASONS “Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” often known simply as “The Navy Hymn,” dates back to 1860, when William Whiting wrote it for a student of his about to travel by ship from England to America. The hymn has been rewritten to include travel on land and in the air. Many verses have been written for Navy SEALs, submariners, astronauts, military families, ship dedications and more. We thank you, God, for loved ones dear Who clung to faith beyond their fear, Who served and paid the highest price For freedom bought with sacrifice. May they remind us of your Son Whose death our final freedom won. —Heidi L. Mann, 2012 BUDGET & EXPENSES Total Yearly Budget General Offerings Current Year-to-Date (Mar. 2015) (2015) $390,390.96 $35,465.75* Building Use 2,000.00 Other income $91,548.81 180.00 420.00 743.89 1,416.89 Total Gen. Receipts $392,390.96 $36,389.64 $93,385.70 Total Gen. Expenses $423,120.00 $28,877.63 $82,335.88 ($32,729.04) $7,512.01 $11,049.82 Net Income (Loss) *includes offerings from Lenten services. OFFERINGS General Fund Designated Mar. 1 $8,142.75 $153.27 Mar. 8 7,796.92 219.10 Mar. 15 7,619.55 267.47 Mar. 22 4,828.81 244.50 Mar. 29 5,492.25 960.00 $33,881.28 $1,844.34 Total MAY 25, 2015 Eighteenth-century brothers John and Charles Wesley, co-founders of the Methodist Church, were prolific hymn writers. Use Charles Wesley’s hymn “O Thou Who Camest From Above” as a prayer that the Holy Spirit will burn brightly in your heart and life today: O Thou who camest from above, the pure celestial fire to impart, kindle a flame of sacred love upon the mean altar of my heart. There let it for thy glory burn with inextinguishable blaze, and trembling to its source return in humble prayer and fervent praise. New Sta ff Fund Goal, $70,000.00 Ne w Sta ff Fund Ba l ance, $21,650 PAROCHIAL REPORT FOR MARCH 2015 Death: Max Dougherty, March 23, 2015 Kenneth Lahm, March 25, 2015 Transferred In: Jodi Murphy, from Peace Lutheran, Natoma, KS Transferred Out: Jeannie & Marcus Merritt, to Mount Calvary Lutheran, Wamego, KS 6 Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Saveia Cochran 25 William Main 26 Christina Hobbs 26 Marissa Pope 26 Delisa Drewes 1 Zachary Signor 26 Nick Wood 1 Sheri Crabtree 28 Alison George 1 Maksim Smith 28 Pat & Deb McCandless Charles Maples 1 Jenna Trull 28 12 3 28 Vance & Marsha Schwyhart Vernon Bartels Maxine Brody Mark Crabtree 4 Diane Miller 29 Scott & Mandy Sponholtz 12 Scott Sponholtz 5 Dudley Karstensen 29 Lyle & Sharon Hettinger 14 Jack Landgrebe 6 Arya Schwermann 31 David & Hallie Nation 17 Brian Stapleton 6 Jean Rader 7 Rev. Randy & Nancy Weinkauf 18 Scott Hobbs 7 Virgil & Jan Dean 18 Vicki Kubota 7 Jennica Mosier 8 Brian & Stephanie Stapleton 20 Garry Fister 9 Stephen & Kim Legler 23 Amalie Stone 9 “Happy Mother’s Day!” Phouthone & Miranda Souvannavong 23 May 10th Warren & Phyllis Legler 27 Dick & Shirley Bivens 27 Eric Babb 10 Lew Llewellyn 11 Stephanie Pfannenstiel 11 Lynn Krusemark 12 Tyler Deterding 12 Stella Mosier 12 Alan O'Neal 13 Jaycie Thaemert 13 Anne Ferguson 14 Maria Pope 14 Laurie Powell 14 Kyle Deterding 16 Rosalee Neibarger 18 Luke Lewis 18 Kristie Rock 19 Lyle Hettinger 20 Cora Stone 20 Kelly Drake 21 Shirin Moshiri 21 Isaac Mosier 21 Jennylyn Jensen 24 Eric Wittman 24 May 2 A Birthday Celebration! Members of Immanuel’s Choir sang Christmas carols to Jim Schubert in late January. He enjoyed it very much and even sang with us. Jim celebrated his 100th birthday on February 19th. Happy 100th , Jim!! Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center 7 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY As a “covenant” church (or Faith Partner), Immanuel pledged to pray for and financially support Lawrence Habitat for Humanity, especially every other year as it launches its Building on Faith (BOF) project. The Asuku family is anxiously waiting for its “Nail Drive” to begin! The target for that big day is early June. But this cannot happen until the financing for the family’s 2015 BOF house is in place. So, if you can help, get your contributions in today or as soon as possible. Please use our special offering envelopes (just write “for Habitat” on the outside) or the Lawrence Habitat for Humanity envelopes that were placed in your mail boxes. Immanuel contributed over $2,000 in 2013, and I am confident that we will step up and do at least as much this time. --Virgil Dean, Social Ministry Committee 2015 OPPORTUNITY QUILT Thanks to generous donations, we have an Opportunity Quilt available! Sue Shackelford donated a beautiful, vintage Jacob's Ladder quilt top. A member at Risen Savior in Basehor generously offered to donate her time to quilt it. Immanuel's quilting group provided finishing touches to the beautiful queen size quilt that YOU could win! We will be selling tickets: $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. The drawing will be held on LWML Sunday (the first Sunday in October). YOU could be the lucky winner! Proceeds will be used to fund supplies for our 2015 Lutheran World Relief Mission Quilts. Join us at noon the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month in the lower level of the church! 8 Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center 9 Sunday 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM Monday Tuesday Sunday Worship Service Schedule: Worship Service with Communion Sunday School & Bible Classes Worship Service with Communion 25 Memorial Day Church Offices Closed 5:45 Deaf Ministry 7:00 Men’s Group 18 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 4:30 Church Council 5:45 Deaf Ministry 11 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 4 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 5:45 Deaf Ministry 6:00 Board of Outreach 6:45 Evangelism 6:45 Social Ministries 12 Wednesday 6 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever Council Reports Due 7:45 Chancel Choir 13 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever Thursday 7 9:30 Bible Study Nehemiah Assembly – Lied Center 8:00 Bible Study @KU 14 9:30 Bible Study Noon Quilting for LWR 20 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 21 9:30 Bible Study 7:00 Close Knit Friends 19 FSHS Graduation 7:45 Chancel Choir 27 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 7:45 Chancel Choir LHS Graduation 26 5:00 Health & Wellness 6:00 Worship Committee 6:30 Elders 6:30 Property & Grounds 7:00 LWML Bible Study 7:30 Stewardship Noon Quilting for LWR 28 9:30 Bible Study Noon - Red Cross Blood Drive May 10-17, 5:30pm to 6:30am – Family Promise 7:45 Chancel Choir 9:00 Circuit Pastors’ Conf. – Haskell, Lawrence 5 May 31st (5th-Sunday Celebration) 9:30 AM Worship Service with Communion 11:00 AM Congregational Pot Luck 3 5th Sunday of Easter Red Wagon Food Collection Noon – LSF Lunch 1:00 Handbell Choir 5:00 Young Families Gathering 10 6th Sunday of Easter Mother’s Day 17 7th Sunday of Easter 10:00 Voters’ Meeting 1:00 Handbell Choir KU Commencement 24 Day of Pentecost 31 Holy 1:00 Handbell Trinity Choir 9:30 Service 11:00 5th-Sunday Pot Luck 1:00 Handbell Choir Friday 1 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 8 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 15 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever Messenger articles due 22 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 29 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 2 9 16 23 Saturday 8:00am Men's Bible Study 8:00am Men's Bible Study 8:30am Choir Practice 8:00am Men’s Bible Study 8:00am Men’s Bible Study 5:30 Ministry to the Blind Annual Picnic – Prairie Park 30 8:00am Men's Bible Study CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR CONFIRMANDS ADVICE FOR GRADS “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson Officers of the Congregation—2015 Linda Herbel President Morgan Crabtree and Garret Durr were confirmed in the faith on April 26, 2015. We wish them God’s blessings as they continue their walk with Christ Jesus. David Magill Vice-President SERVING IN THE LORD’S HOUSE IN MAY Eloise Kerbs Secretary Tim Hetzler Treasurer USHERS: Early Service: Late Service: Board Chairs David Lahm --------- ILCUSC Services Virgil Dean ----------------------Outreach Ann Hossler---- Educational Ministries Elois Allan/Eleanor Woodyard -------------------------Spiritual Affairs Organizations Cradle Roll ------------ Courtney Sheldon Lutheran Women’s Missionary League ------------------------------ Joylynn Harlow Men of Immanuel Lutheran Church -------------------------------Marvin Bredehoft Elders Elois Allan Jake Lahm Scott O’Neal Barb Riley Brian Stapleton Eleanor Woodyard GREETERS: Early Service: Late Service: Russ & Beth Dwyer; Kyle & Sara Deterding The Koch family Beth & Russ Dwyer Lynne Krusemark LAY CALLERS: 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st Caryn Scott Virgil Dean Jim Sylwester Dudley Karstensen Caryn Scott READERS: 8:30am/11:00am 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st Jack Landgrebe/Denise Koch Ralph Planthold/Marek Koch Barb Riley/Ginny Kubota Caryn Scott/Lynn Krusemark Jim Sylwester (one service at 9:30am) ACOLYTES: 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st Morgan Crabtree Garret Durr Alex Ferrell Derry Ferrell Jacob Horton COMMUNION CARE: 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st Eric Babb Eric Babb Wiley Scott Jim Sylwester TBD Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center 11 Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center 2104 Bob Billings Parkway Lawrence, KS 66049-2722 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage Paid Lawrence, KS 66044 Permit No. 74 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED A monthly newsletter published by Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center “Every Servant a Loving Messenger” 2015 NEW BANNERS IN THE SANCTUARY If you were in church on Easter Sunday, you were able to view for the first time the new banners purchased for the sanctuary by the Worship Committee. These banners are called “stained glass symbols of faith” and were purchased from a company called Praise Banners. The banners certainly show off our sanctuary’s stained glass in a whole new way. There were eight banners purchased, and their themes and locations are: West Wall: The Crown of Thorns The Bible The Baptismal shell The Communion East Wall: The Trinity The Ten Commandments The Cross The Descending Dove Pastor and Nancy supervised the hanging of the banners and their sons, Michael and Erik, did the actual work of installing them while they were here for a family celebration of Easter. Erik also placed the white cloth on the cross at the front of the church. Many of us wish the whole process had been recorded for the congregation’s viewing pleasure! Thank you to the Worship Committee for the investment in the banners!
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