Preparing for Change Forum

Inclusive NZ (formerly VASS)
A Network for Change
Preparing for Change Forum
Tuesday 24 March – Wednesday 25 March, 2015
CQ Hotels and Conferences, 223 Cuba Street, Wellington
Tuesday 24 March
1.00 pm
Welcome and World Café
2.00 pm
Tools and Strategies for Organisational Well-being
Presenters: Silvia Zuur (Chalkle), Lucy Carver (Orientation Aotearoa) & Chelsea
Robinson (Lifehack and Loomio)
What constitutes wellbeing? How can we apply and measure this in our
organisations? This interactive workshop will give you snapshots into adaptive
management techniques that promote organisational wellbeing, and will take a look
at the well-being score card.
4.00 pm
Inclusive NZ Logo Launch
Join us to pay a fond farewell to our old name and formally launch our new
name and logo.
Wednesday 25 March
9.00 am
9.30 am
10.00 am
10.30 am
11.00 am
12.00 pm
1.00 pm
1.30 pm
4.00 pm
Enabling Good Lives Update
Our Inclusive NZ EGL reps will update us on EGL progress and provide an
outline of the Waikato Demonstration, which has distinct differences from
what is happening in Christchurch.
MoH Performance Measures for the new DSS Service Specifications
Speakers: Morgan Stevenson and Hayden Taylor
Morning Tea
MSD Contract Update
Speakers: Gordon Pryde and Colleen Shramka (TBC)
Discussion Groups
(Own arrangements: Let yourself loose in Cuba Street!)
Dollars and Sense
Speaker: Tess Casey, Inclusive NZ CEO
What you need to know about the changes to accounting for charities and
proposed Health and Safety standards.
Communicating our Message
Presenter: Rosemarie North and Jac Lynch, Think Differently
A workshop on how we can better market and communicate what we do.
Meeting Close
The programme may be subject to change.