Traveling from Guatemala City to Xela. Useful travel

Traveling from Guatemala City to Xela.
Once you have arrived Guatemala you can take a taxi from the airport to one of these bus
stations. Below there is also a map of Xela that shoes where the busses have “offices” where
they let you off, and where INEPAS is located.
Linea Dorada
16 Calle 10-03, Zona 1
Guatemala City
Tel: 2415-8900
Guatemala City to Xela
Approx: 4 hours
8 Ave 16-41, Zona 1
Guatemala City
Tel: 2251-0610
Guatemala City to Xela
Approx: 4 hours
12 Avenida "A" 0-65, Zona 7
Guatemala City
Tel: 2471-8626
Guatemala City to Xela
Approx: 4 hours
8:00am; 10:30am
12:30pm; 3:00pm; 5:30pm
7 Av 19-44, Zona 1
Guatemala City
Tel: 2220-0238
Guatemala City to Xela
Approx: 4 hours
8:30am; 2:30pm
Useful travel phrases to get from the airport to the bus office:
¿Por favor, donde puedo encontrar un taxi?
Where can I find a taxi?
¿Cuánto cuesta para ir a la oficina de Linea Dorada
How much does it cost to go the Linea Dorada office?
¿Tiene cambio para un billete de cien Quetzales?
Do you have change for 100 Quetzales?
Necesito ir a la calle Arguibel.
I need to go to Arguibel street
Necesito ir a la avenida San Juan.
I need to go to San Juan avenue.
¿Usted sabe donde está la oficina de Linea Dorada?
Do you know where the
Linea Dorada
Office is?
Me gustaría ir a la oficina de
I would like to go to the office of
Linea Dorada
Linea Dorada
¿Me podría ayudar con mi equipaje?
Could you help me with my luggage?
Where the Buses arrive in Xela.
Each bus line arrives at a different location in Xela.
This map shows where the busses arrive and as well as
where INEPAS is located.