Recommendation waiver form - Harvard Inequality & Social Policy

Application Form (page 5)
Letter of Recommendation
Student instructions:
The applicant should complete the section below, certifying that he/she either waives/does not waive right of access to this
letter, and submit this form with the rest of the application. This will serve as the official copy of this form on file.
The applicant should also provide a copy to his/her recommenders—or simply confirm whether access has been waived and
alert them to the key instructions below. In particular, please highlight that faculty members evaluating multiple students
may submit a single letter evaluating each in turn, and that emailed recommendations are encouraged. It is not necessary
for the faculty member to submit this form with the letter.
Applicant’s name
Recommender’s name
Recommender’s department or affiliation
I understand that federal legislation provides me with a right of access to this recommendation, which may be waived, but
that no school or person can require me to waive this right.
By selecting yes, I waive my right to access this letter of recommendation.
To the recommender:
This student is applying for a doctoral training fellowship with the Harvard Multidisciplinary Program in
Inequality & Social Policy, which was established in 1998 as a National Science Foundation Integrative Graduate
Education and Research Training (IGERT) initiative to foster innovative graduate education that transcends
traditional disciplinary boundaries. The program is now supported from a combination of other funding sources,
meaning that both U.S. and international students are now fully eligible to apply.
The Inequality program is designed to enrich and extend the work of Harvard Ph.D. students in Economics,
Government, Health Policy, Political Economy & Government, Public Policy, Sociology, Social Policy, and other
Harvard doctoral programs who wish to conduct research on topics of inequality and social policy, broadly
defined. Doctoral Fellows from neighboring social science disciplines gain opportunities they might not
otherwise have to interact and learn from each other, from Harvard faculty drawn from across the University, and
from the program’s national and international faculty guests. Contingent on program funding renewal, those selected
as fellows receive additional financial support in the form of a 4th year dissertation-stage stipend and/or research funds.
The program seeks applicants who will be entering their 2nd or 3rd year (G-2 or G-3) of Ph.D. study in September 2015.
Note: Faculty members who have received requests from multiple students may opt to submit a single letter that
briefly evaluates each student in turn. Approximately 8 fellows will be selected (contingent on funding availability).
You may e-mail your recommendation directly to [email protected] (encouraged), or send it in
hardcopy form to Pamela Metz, Kennedy School of Government, 79 JFK Street (Box 103), Cambridge,
MA 02138 (Telephone: 617-496-0109). Application deadline: 0RQGD\, May , 201.
It is not necessary for the faculty member to submit this form with the letter.