News Update:

News Update:
The newsletter assists you to remain updated with the activities that are being undertaken.
PORTALS: The Quantcast rank is 806
Overall 6 new pages were created. Also 35 map pages and 4 content pages were updated.
Updates for Allwonders:
- 3 Maps and 8 new pages were added this week.
- Old DFP Adcodes were replaces with new ones.
- The new Review functionality has been made live.
- Currently planning on Integrating MOI's travel section on
- Banners have been provided to run on redundant inventory.
- All existing FB promotions were restarted using Allwonder's page.
- Restaurant Reviews of Delhi have started on AllWonder's blog.
- Misc. issues related to migration were resolved.
- Projecting on 4,12,000 page views on Allwonders and 36,000 pageviews on SFO
Updates of Quiz:
Eqypt Quiz:
Likes: 3,026
Clicks: 1,644
Pageviews: 2,974
Beaches Quiz:
Likes: 2,224
Clicks: 967
Pageviews: 1,696
Fr and Es Updates:
Fr.mowInterlinking of "Where is" and “Country Flag" has been done for 65 countries
2 Updated maps added in 'Canada index' page and in 'cities in Canada' page.
Content added in 8 countries index pages
Expected sessions May 15 - 256,567
Last year May - 91,955
es.mow1 updated map added in Canada index page.
15 country pages checked for interlinking, map, metas and content
Expected sessions May 15 - 709,113
Last year May - 340,869
Content Updates:
• Current Events daily
• Weekly Europe News
• 4 Quiz – Cuba, UN, Beaches, Syria
• 3 MoW Blogs – Ebola, US Election, Craft Beers
• 10 ISIS updates
• 5 News Update
• Updated – NPT poll, Timor leste (index page content and fast facts Infographic)
MoW Finance Updates:
15 urls of Pharmaceutical Companies are corrected
Following Urls Data has been updated:
- World's Largest Banks
- Top 10 Investment banks
- World Top Companies
- Top 10 Economies of the World
- Fortune 500 Companies
Company Folder interlinking has been done.
1000 pages are been uploaded to wordpress. We are the official no. 1 in India.
Overall 7 new content pages were created. Additionally 8 content pages and 11 maps were updated.
Business MOI:
- Home page news being updated regularly - 6 to 10 news articles being updated daily.
- New Homepage made live for BMOI.
- Meta updated for 10 pages of Top Brand pages along with on page SEO.
- Meta updated for 27 pages of Top companies folder collectively along with on page SEO and content updation.
- Meta updated for 20 pages for Banks in India pages along with content QC.
SEO Updates
SEO of Delhi section of 25 pages and Mumbai section 20 pages.
SEO of 4 Single keywords SI - Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Mumbai, Nagpur.
SEO of 5 Not Coming SI Keywords
Removed 6 Duplicate Pages
Not found (404) page error was fixed for 18 pages.
My India:
- SEO of this week's blogs and images were done
- Created 3 Tag for My India
- Interlinking of pages were done
- Worked on 30 pages of My India- (Updating meta, content formatting, image issues, created tags(h2), interlinking)
- Data updated on 20 Commerce Colleges
- Data updated on 8 Engineering colleges
- New page of NIT Patna was created
- Content updated on page of IIM's in India
- Results information was updated on all the date sheet pages
- Worked on 20 Travel Destinations. Interlinked pages, Added links on Left panel and Tables, added images and
- SEO of Places to Visit 20 Pages.
- Entry fee data updated on 59 pages.
- Redirect 3 duplicate pages.
- IPL Results and Points Table page were updated
Content Updates:
Daily Current Events, Weekly Blog created
Articles Created
AIIMS in India, Universities in Gujarat, Universities in Maharashtra, IIM, DU Cut -off (DU Cut-Off Page, College
Page, B.A B.Com cut list Page)
MyIndia: 20 articles
MOI Facebook: Total Likes on MOI FB page: 1,110,570 page likes
This week the quantcast rank of is 146.
- 3 new blogs added
- One year of Modi Government content made live.
- Day 88th to 93rd of Kejriwal Government in India made live
- Content updated for 15 Bihar assemblies
- On page SEO done for index pages of Tripura, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh pages.
Online Stores:
1. Amazon. in: Products (World map vinyl and MOI-Maps) would be replenished this week.
2. Snapdeal: On boarding training is in process.
All issues in QuizXL app are resolved. The app is now running on Play Store and App Store.
The QC of World Atlas app is completed and the app update is released on stores with updated country fact file
India Atlas app update is released with a change in app icon displaying MOI logo.
4. & websites are redirected to & respectively.
Work Anniversary
Recipe Of The Week
Ice Cream Soda
Serves: 2
⁄4 cup milk
• 3 tablespoons chocolate syrup
• 1 cup vanilla ice cream (or 1 large scoop)
• Club soda (cold)
1. Pour the milk into one tall glass. Stir in syrup.
Add in ice cream and enough soda water to fill
almost to top of glass. Top with whipped cream if
desired. Serve with a long spoon and a big
Brain Teaser
A ladder hangs over the side of a ship anchored in a port. The bottom rung touches the water. The distance
between rungs is 20 cm and the length of the ladder is 180 cm. The tide is rising at the rate of 15 cm each hour.
When will the water reach the seventh rung from the top?
Spot The Difference
Latest Flick
Photo Quiz
Identify the actors and the movie and win chocolates
Answer to the Brain Teaser: If the tide is raising water, then it is raising the ship on water, too. So water will reach still the first rung.