TEAM AGREEMENT Our vision for globalX trips is that they will be opportunities for people to pursue spiritual growth and healthy relationships through serving. To accomplish this vision, we ask that all team members agree to the following: Spiritual Development: • I commit to discipline myself and to put a priority on growing deeper in my walk with Christ during the preparation process and during the trip itself. Healthy Relationships: • I will make it a priority to attend 80 percent of the team meetings and to be an active participant in all team and project activities. • I will attend a security and safety briefing. • I will uphold the standard of behavior my team and I discuss and decide is necessary (e.g., conflict resolution, team correspondence, conduct on the field, etc.). • I will seek to be sensitive to the culture in my words, actions, and dress. • I will refrain from any activity or behavior that might be a stumbling block to any team member, our partnership ministry, or the people I am seeking to influence. • I will refrain from a romantic relationship with another team member or a national throughout the entire trip process. • I will submit to the authority of the team leader. I realize I may be asked not to go or sent home by the team leader at my own expense if I do not adhere to the team agreement. • I will develop an attitude of service and flexibility. I commit to serve the team, the team leader, the nationals, and the overseas workers in the field. I will bring a spirit of flexibility to the project, assuming that plans often change. © 2013 NPM, Inc. • I will not give cash or personal gifts of any kind to a national while on my trip. I understand that doing so may create an unhealthy dependency and sense of entitlement. I agree to adhere to this policy no matter the circumstances in order to protect the health of the relationships between my team and the people we are serving, as well as globalX and our partners. Initial here: ____________ © 2013 NPM, Inc. FINANCIAL AGREEMENT • I will give a nonrefundable deposit of $100 at the first team meeting to solidify my commitment to this trip. • Once airline tickets have been purchased, I will pay for 100 percent of the ticket price, even if I have to withdraw from the globalX trip. • Through personal support-‐raising for this trip and/or personally paying for the trip, I will have 50 percent of my funds turned in to North Point Ministries eight weeks prior to departure, 80 percent of my funds turned in four weeks prior to departure, and 100 percent of my funds turned in two weeks prior to departure. I understand that if my personal support for this trip is not raised, I will not be allowed to go on this globalX trip. • In the event I am unable to participate in the globalX trip or not able to raise the required support, I understand that all funds submitted are nonrefundable and nontransferable to a future globalX trip. • I understand that any amount of money raised over and above the required amount for my trip will be used to cover the overall trip costs and for international projects as determined by the globalX staff. Initial here: ____________ © 2013 NPM, Inc. TALENT RELEASE I, ____________________________________ hereby permit globalX and North Point Ministries (NPM) to use any audio, video, written, or pictorial footage of myself taken while on this globalX trip for future promotions of globalX and NPM. I understand that neither globalX nor NPM will use any of this footage for any purposes or organizations outside of marketing for globalX and NPM, nor will they sell or release this material to any outside party. © 2013 NPM, Inc. Initial here: ____________ M E D I C A L R E L E A S E globalX, operated by North Point Ministries, Inc., under the supervision of the staff and volunteers of North Point Community Church, Buckhead Church, Browns Bridge Community Church, Gwinnett Church and/or Watermarke Church, require the completion and acceptance of a medical release prior to participation in a short term trip. Minor’s Name _____________________________________ Trip Dates _______________________ I, ___________________________ (full name), for the minor indicated above, apply to North Point Ministries to participate in a globalX trip. I acknowledge and agree to, and represent, the following for myself and the minor, in consideration of the opportunity to be provided by the Church (contingent upon its agreement to my child’s and/or my participation). Acknowledgment of Risks: I acknowledge that as a result of the travel involved, and being in a foreign country, participating in the globalX trip involves risks of serious damage and harm to persons and property, and even death, and I assume those risks, including risks arising from acts or failures to act of the Church. Information Relied on by Church: I am the parent or legal guardian for the minor for whom this document is signed. The minor is in good health and sound mind. If necessary, I have discussed or will discuss with my physician the minor’s participation in the trip, and the minor has received or will receive any vaccination or other recommended prerequisite medical treatment my physician deems necessary. The minor will participate in the trip only if I have received my physician’s approval, if I deem it necessary, and believe that the minor is able to participate without harm. I acknowledge that the Church will not assess or approve the minor’s fitness for participation. I am under no force or duress of any kind to compel the minor’s participation in the trip or my signing of this document. Medical Permission: I give my permission for the minor to be treated © 2013 NPM, Inc. for illness or injury sustained while participating in the globalX trip, including by the administration of emergency anesthesia or surgery; and authorize the adult leaders of the short term trip to act on my behalf in ordering such treatment. Release: THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED TO ABSOLVE THE CHURCH OF ANY LIABILITY TO ME OR THE MINOR THAT IS RELATED TO THE MINOR’S PARTICIPATION IN THE GLOBALX TRIP. Accordingly, I hereby release the Church from, waive, and will never sue the Church for, any damage (whether damage to or loss of property, finances, life, body, mind, or emotions), cost, suit, demand, claim, or other liability, that arises or is alleged to arise from or in connection with the minor’s participation in the trip. Such liability includes any liability that arises or is alleged to arise from the Church’s negligence (but not its willful and wanton misconduct). Such liability also includes any liability that arises or is alleged to arise from claims for contribution by another that the minor or I have sued or from whom the minor or I have received compensation. Definitions: (a) References to “me,” “my,” and “I” shall include and bind the minor, my spouse, any parent of the minor for whom this document is signed, any guardian or other person with responsibility for the care and supervision of such minor, and any insurer, heir, estate, legal representative, executor, administrator, successor, or assign of me or such minor. (b) “Participation” or “participating” in the trip includes planning and preparing for, traveling to, and traveling from, as well as participating in, the globalX trip. (c) The “Church” includes (i) its affiliates, and institutions cooperating in the short term trip; (ii) the trustees, elders, deacons, officers, employees, volunteers, and agents of the Church or such affiliate or institution; and (iii) the spouses, insurers, heirs, estates, legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, estates, and assigns of any of the foregoing. Initial here: ____________ © 2013 NPM, Inc. S I G N A T U R E P A G E I have read and agree to the Team Agreement, Financial Agreement, Talent Release, and Medical Release above. Student Signature: _____________________________________________________ Name (please print): ___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (if participant is under 18): Date: _______/_______/_________ © 2013 NPM, Inc.
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