Online Teacher Resource and Assessment Community Product Training and Professional Development Introduction T o ensure students achieve success, educators must take an active role in their continuous learning, onTRAC training, and professional development. Interactive Achievement has two dedicated divisions to support our clients in maximizing the success of the onTRAC platform in the classroom. The Client Services team develops and conducts onTRAC Product Training to teach customers how to use the software and the Professional Development team develops sessions with the end goal of impacting student outcomes. Product training courses and curriculum are developed specifically to instruct users in the functionality of onTRAC and guide users in how to execute those functions. Key activities of product training may include creating items and assessments, setting up test sessions, and accessing reports. Professional Development sessions have a significant focus on the building blocks and execution of best in class formative assessment. They are designed to teach educators how to get the best data from onTRAC to guide their instructional and program choices. The goal of professional development is to create growth for every student every day. Implementation of the onTRAC platform supports both core elements of success – the how with Product Training services and the why with Professional Development services. Led by Dr. Sally I’Anson, Interactive Achievement has a team of professionals that understand the needs of adult learners and Interactive Achievement’s Product Training and Professional Development sessions are developed with a commitment to following the national standards of professional learning that have been proven effective in improving teacher and leader practice. Dr. Sally I’Anson, Director Professional Development Product & Professional Development Training Icons Audience Training Format REC webinar Teacher Principal Live Online Recorded Webinar In Person Duration Instructional Coaches District Administrators 1.5 hr 2 hr 2.5 hr 3 hr 3.5 hr Training Session Times 1 Online Teacher Resource and Assessment Community BASICS PRODUCT TRAINING BASIC PRODUCT TRAINING Assessment Management System Basic onTRAC AMS User Training ...... 2.5 hr Audience: Objective: Obtain a basic working knowledge of the onTRAC AMS software and help features. Interactive hands-on training session that covers all aspects of the AMS user interface including Assessment Library, Testing Center, iTest, Reporting, Classroom Manager, and Help. The basic training is ideal for new users or anyone not previously trained by an IA trainer and can be customized by request for train-the-trainer groups and for school and district administrators. Available: REC webinar Recommended Prerequisites: None Longitudinal Data System Longitudinal Data System Basic onTRAC LDS User Training ....... 1.5 hr Audience: Objective: Obtain a basic working knowledge of the onTRAC LDS software and help features. An interactive training session in which participants will have hands-on experience with the LDS user interface including Student Snapshot Reports, Performance Snapshot Reports, Comparison and Quarterly Snapshot Reports, Report Builder, Interventions, and Watchlists. The basic training is ideal for new users or anyone not previously trained by an IA trainer and can be customized by request for train-the-trainer groups and for school and district administrators. Available: REC webinar Recommended Prerequisites: None 2 Online Teacher Resource and Assessment Community ADVANCEDPRODUCT PRODUCT TRAINING ADVANCED TRAINING onTRAC AMS Assessment Builder Workshop ................................. 3 hr Audience: onTRAC AMS Advanced Focus on Reporting Training ......................... 2 hr Audience: Objective: Users will create assessments with the guidance and assistance of an IA trainer. A brief overview of assessment creation kicks off this collaborative work session. Users will receive targeted Assessment Library training covering assessment creation options. All remaining time will be dedicated to a supervised work session in which the IA trainer provides support and troubleshooting for staff as they create assessments. This session is perfect for groups creating common assessments. Available: Objective: Users will develop an in-depth understanding of the various reports and student achievement data available in onTRAC. Focus on the Reporting module and explore the various options for assessing student achievement in onTRAC. Participants will explore different views including item analysis, standard analysis, class analysis, teacher analysis, and school/ division analysis. Available: REC webinar Recommended Prerequisites: None Recommended Prerequisites: Basic onTRAC AMS User Training onTRAC AMS Item Creation Workshop .............................. Longitudinal Data System 2 hr Audience: onTRAC LDS Power User Training ..... 2 hr Audience: Objective: Gain an understanding of the different types of item formats available in onTRAC and how to create items within the onTRAC software. Objective: Obtain a basic working knowledge of the onTRAC LDS software and help features, while focusing on administrative tasks within the software. An in-depth look at each item format, including multiplechoice and technology enhanced items. Participants will learn how to create each item type through hands-on exercises including adding images, assigning Blooms and Webs DOK, and how to troubleshoot item development. An interactive training session that is specifically designed for staff tasked with LDS site administration. Participants will have hands-on experience with the LDS user interface including Student Snapshot Reports, Performance Snapshot Reports, Comparison and Quarterly Snapshot Reports, Report Builder, Interventions, and Watchlists. Particular emphasis is given to administrative features available in Settings/ Client Manager. Available: REC webinar Recommended Prerequisites: None Available: REC webinar Recommended Prerequisites: None 3 Professional Development BUILDING ASSESSMENT LITERACY BUILDING ASSESSMENT LITERACY Fundamentals of Writing High-Quality Items .............................. 3.5 hr Objective: Learn the essential elements of writing valid and reliable items. Participants will use key curriculum documents to ensure that their new items are perfectly aligned to state, Common Core or Next- Generation Science Standards and skills. They will learn how to format test questions to mirror state assessment items in font size, style, use of graphics, italics, capitalization as well as the structure of questions. Available: Recommended Prerequisites: AMS Item Creation Workshop standards and skills being assessed and how to create them in onTRAC. Participants will create technology-enhanced items that closely align to next generation assessments. Clients using Interactive Achievement’s onTRAC software will use the technology-enhanced item templates to create enhanced multiple-choice, hot spot, drag and drop, fill-inthe-blank and constructed response items. Basic onTRAC AMS User Training AMS Item Creation Workshop Next generation assessments require students to generate text and complete performance-based tasks to demonstrate knowledge. Participants will learn how to design and create open-ended items to challenge their students. They will also learn how to align these items to the appropriate level of cognitive complexity according to the standard the item is intended to assess. Participants will learn how to use rubrics to grade open-ended items. Recommended Prerequisites: 3.5 hr Objective: Learn which item types best meet the Recommended Prerequisites: Objective: Learn how to create items that require students to generate text to demonstrate their understanding of a standard(s) and skill(s). You will also learn how to use rubrics for grading these items. Available: Audience: Available: 3.5 hr Audience: Audience: Fundamentals of Writing Technology-Enhanced Items ......... Fundamentals of Writing Open-Ended Items ............................... Basic onTRAC AMS User Training AMS Item Creation Workshop Increasing the Cognitive Complexity of Items ........................ 3.5 hr Audience: Objective: Learn how to unpack standards to identify the level of cognitive complexity that the standard and skill should be taught and tested. Participants will learn how to assign levels of cognitive complexity to their test questions. Students will use core curriculum documents to analyze the intent of the standards and guide their decisions regarding assignment of the level of cognitive complexity from Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge. Available: Recommended Prerequisites: Basic onTRAC AMS User Training AMS Item Creation Workshop 4 Professional Development BUILDING DATA LITERACY BUILDING DATA LITERACY BUILDING ASSESSMENT LITERACY CONTINUED... Writing Aligned Formative Assessments ....................... 3.5 hr Audience: Utilizing Formative Data to Inform Instruction ........................... 3.5 hr Audience: Objective: Learn how to use formative assessment Objective: Learn how to create challenging data to identify common student successes and misunderstandings and create corrective instruction power lessons and assessments to address weaknesses. assessments for all learners that are aligned with the standards, skills, and curriculum being assessed. Participants will work together to create highly effective assessments that measure the taught curriculum and the intent of the standards. They will design assessments that are rigorous and challenging for all students. In addition, teachers will learn how to ensure that their assessments produce results that will give them critical information about individual students’ strengths and weaknesses as well as common errors and misunderstandings Participants will learn how to access formative and interim assessment data and analyze the data to uncover and identify skills mastered and not mastered. The group will dig deeper into the data to identify common student misconceptions and errors. Teachers will use reports to identify small groups of students who have missed the same skill(s). They will then work collaboratively to create short, high-impact lessons to remediate identified learning gaps. To conclude, participants will design new, short-burst assessments to ensure students have mastered the targeted skill(s). Available: Recommended Prerequisites: Available: Basic onTRAC AMS User Training AMS Assessment Builder Training Recommended Prerequisites: Basic onTRAC AMS User Training AMS Advanced Focus on Reporting Training Analyzing Longitudinal Data to Identify Promising Trends and Areas for Improvement .................................. 3.5 hr Audience: Objective: Participants will analyze a variety of longitudinal data trends to evaluate programs, interventions, materials and resources, schedules, instruction and patterns in student learning and behavior. Participants will learn how to analyze current school year and historical data to identify trends and patterns in data over time. In addition, participants will learn how to analyze data from a variety of sources to inform decisions at the district, school, grade/course level, classroom, and especially at the student level. Available: REC webinar Recommended Prerequisites: Basic onTRAC LDS User Training onTRAC LDS Power User Training 5 Professional Development INSPIRING ASSESSMENT INSPIRING ASSESSMENTAND DATA L AND DATA LEADERSHIP Implementing and Supporting Formative Assessment ......................... 3.5 hr Audience: 3.5 hr Audience: Objective: Learn how to implement processes and structures to implement and support a high- functioning and enduring embedded formative assessment model in your district, school(s) or grade/content teams. Participants will learn how to set up systems to support and monitor on-going implementation and review of formative and interim assessment data. Systems may include expectations for teacher analysis of student data, schedule of teacher team meetings, as well as reporting expectations for teacher leaders and building level leaders. Objective: Learn how to recognize and support key indicators of rigor in classrooms. Participants will learn how to identify rigor in classrooms. Certain elements of instruction are clear indicators of a learning environment that is engaging for all students and allows every to student to work at the outer edges of their ability without frustration. Learn how to recognize and help replicate these classrooms of excellence. Available: Recommended Prerequisites: None Available: Developing a Balanced Assessment Program ........................... Recommended Prerequisites: Basic onTRAC AMS User Training Using Data to Inspire Confidence and Creativity ................... Recognizing Rigor in Your Classroom ................................ 3.5 hr Audience: 3.5 hr Audience: Objective: Learn how to develop a culture that supports and encourages teachers and leaders to view student data as a resource to build confidence in current practices and inspire creativity to improve student achievement. The power of collaborative data inquiry lies in the professional dialog that occurs among grade level teams or vertical content teams when they are discussing student results from common assessments. These discussions reveal individual teacher instructional strengths, in teaching specific standards and skills. Participants will learn how to use instructional data to inspire confidence in teachers by identifying best practices. Learners will also develop the skills to use data to inspire creativity in schools and classrooms. Objective: Closely examine all of the different assessments administered in your district or school to determine the data that are being used by whom and for what purpose. Participants will learn how to determine which assessments are being administered in their school or district, when, to whom, and for what purpose. They will then create a process for possibly eliminating redundancies and filling in gaps. Participants will discuss the formative, interim and summative value of each data source and how that effects their use of data from that source. Available: Recommended Prerequisites: None Available: Recommended Prerequisites: Basic onTRAC AMS Basic Training onTRAC LDS Basic Training 6
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