JR. SMALL ANIMALS Exhibits Received: 10 AM Sat., Sept. 5 Exhibits Released: After Show Sat., Sept. 5 AMERICAN SYSTEM OF JUDGING All entry forms must be complete and fees must be paid by entry closing date. There are no entry fees and no premiums for primary exhibitors. Primary Exhibitors may enter in the breeding classes but receive participation ribbons only Premiums offered per Class: 1st- $6.00 2nd – 4.00 3rd- $2.00 Limit: Three entries per Exhibitor per Class Entry Fees: $1.00 JR. POULTRY All Poultry will be judged under the American Poultry Standard of Perfection. All birds must be leg banded with regulation bands (plastic or metal) and must correspond to band number on Entry Form. This is a one–day carry-in cage show only. All poultry must be inspected before being unloaded on the fairgrounds. Poultry inspection will be Outside of Livestock Gate on Sat., Sept 5, at 9:00 am. The Show will start at 10:00 am Large Fowl Must state breed and variety on entry form DIVISION 70 – AMERICAN – Plymouth Rock, Dominique, Wyandotte, Java, Rhode Island Red, Buckeye, Chantecler, Jersey Giant, Lamona, New Hampshire, Holland, Delaware DIVISION 71 – ASIATIC – Cochin, Langshan, Brahma DIVISION 72 – ENGLISH – Dorking, Redcap, Cornish, Orpington, Sussex, Australorp DIVISION 73 – MEDITERRANEAN – Leghorn, Minorca, Spanish, Andalusian, Ancona, Sicilian Buttercup, Catalana DIVISION 74 – CONTINENTAL – Hamburg, Campine, Lakenvelder, Polish, Houdan, Crevecoeur, La Flache, Faverolle, Welsummer, Bamevelder, Marans DIVISION 75 – ALL OTHER STANDARD BREEDS – Modern Game, Old English Game, Sumatra, Malay, Cubalaya, Phoenix, Yokahama, Aseel, Shamo, Sultan, Frizzle, Naked Neck, Araucana, Ameraucana DIVISION 76 – LARGE DUCKS – Pekin, Aylesbury, Rouen, Muscovy, Appleyard, Saxony, Cayuga, Crested, Swedish, Buff, Runner, Campbell, Magpie, Welsh Harlequin DIVISION 77 – GOOSE - Toulouse, Embden, African, Sebastopol, Pilgrim, American Buff, Saddleback Pomeranian, Chinese, Tufted Roman, Canada, Egyptian DIVISION 78 – TURKEY CLASS: 1.Cock / Male 1 year of age and over 2. Hen / Female 1 year of age and over DIVISION 87 - SHOWMANSHIP CLASS: 1. Primary 2. Beginning-Ages 9 – 10 Bantam Must state breed and variety on entry form DIVISION 79 – GAME BANTAM – American Game, Old English Game DIVISION 80 – MODERN GAME BANTAM – Modern Game DIVISION 81 – SINGLE COMB CLEAN LEGGED – Anaconda, Andalusian, Australorp, Campine, Catalana, Delaware, Dorking, Dutch, Frizzle, Holland, Japanese, Java, Jersey Giant, Lakenvelder, Lamona, Leghorn, Minorca, Naked Neck, New Hampshire, Orpington, Phoenix, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Spanish, Sussex DIVISION 82 – ROSECOMB CLEAN LEGGED – Anacona, Antwerp Belgians (D’anver), Dominque, Dorking, Hamburg, Leghorn, Minorca, Redcap, Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island White, Rosecomb, Sebright, Wyandotte DIVISION 83 – ALL OTHER CLEAN LEGGED – Ameraucana, Araucana, Buckeye, Chantecler, Cornish, Crevecoeur, Cubalaya, Houdan, La Fleche, Malay, Polish, Shamo, Sicilian Buttercup, Sumatra, Yokohama DIVISION 84 – FEATHER LEGGED DIVISION 85 – BANTAM DUCK – Call, East Indie, Mallard DIVISION 86 – BARNYARD / UTILITY / UNPEDIGREE 3. Cockeral / Male over 5 months of age, but under 1 year 4. Pullet / Female over 5 months of age, but under 1 year 3. Intermediate-Ages 11 - 13 4. Advanced-Ages 14 + 4-H DOG SHOWMANSHIP & OBEDIENCE All dogs must have written record stating they are current in both rabies and DHLP-P vaccinations at time of entry closing date. Dogs must be remove from the fairgrounds at the conclusion of the show. The show will start at 2:00 pm DIVISION 90 – DOG SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION 91 – DOG OBEDIENCE CLASS: 1. Primary 2. Beginning-Ages 9 – 10 3. Intermediate-Ages 11 - 13 4. Advanced-Ages 14 + JR. RABBITS AMERICAN SYSTEM OF JUDGING The show will start at 10:00 am STANDARD OF PERFECTION DIVISION SINGLE and FUR ANIMALS Rules, definitions and judging procedures as prescribed in the latest edition of the Guide Book and Standard of the American Rabbit Breeders’ Association, Inc., shall apply to all district and county fair rabbit shows, provided they do not conflict with any of the rules and regulations prescribed by the Department of Food and Agriculture. 1. All animals must be identified by permanent ear markings conforming with the entry form on arrival at the show. Any duplication of ear markings by one exhibitor in the same division must be eliminated and the change recorded on the judging sheet before judging. 2. Animals will be shown and judged in the proper division and class for breed, variety, age and sex only. If no division is offered, no awards will be made. Rabbits that are disqualified because of permanent defects, deformities or blemishes, and those absent at the time of judging do not count when computing the numbers of exhibitors in the class. 3. A judge may eliminate (excuse) a rabbit from competition because of temporary or curable defects but the rabbit should be counted as an entry. 4. The age in months (4 months, etc.) must be entered on the entry form for each animal entered in breed divisions. RABBIT FUR QUALITY All normal furred breeds are eligible to compete. Colored – All colors except white. (Color not considered.) White – Usable portion of pelt to be white. All rabbits are eligible to compete in their respective breed fur or wool classes, and if normal furred, in the Commercial Normal Fur class. All fur and wool classes to be separately paid entries. All rabbits entered in fur or wool classes must be entered and shown in their respective class. Note: Any rabbit disqualified from competition or unworthy of award shall be ineligible to compete in any fur or wool class. This is a one-day carry-in cage show only. Limit: Three entries per Exhibitor per Class DIVISION 93 - CALIFORNIAN DIVISION 94 - NEW ZEALAND DIVISION 95 - SATIN DIVISION 96 - ALL OTHER BREEDS-LARGE DIVISION 97 - REX DIVISION 98 - MINI - LOP DIVISION 99 - NETHERLAND DWARF DIVISION 100 - ALL OTHER BREEDS-SMALL Please Note Rabbit’s Age on Entry Form CLASS: 1. Senior Buck 8 months of age and over 2. Senior Doe 8 months of age and over 3. Intermediate Buck 6 mo’s thru 8 mo’s of age 4. Intermediate Doe 6 mo’s thru 8 mo’s of age 5. Junior Buck Under 6 months of age 6. Junior Doe Under 6 months of age DIVISION 101 - RABBIT FUR QUALITY CLASS: 1 All Rabbit Fur Quality –Limit 3 entries Texture 40 points Density 30 points Balance and Condition 30 points Total: 100 points DIVISION 102 - SHOWMANSHIP - RABBITS NOTE: Must be entered and judged as individuals to be eligible. CLASS: 1. Primary 2. Beginning-Ages 9 – 10 3. Intermediate-Ages 11 – 13 4. Advanced-Ages 14 + *** SMALL ANIMALS *** Special Awards 4-H Beginning Dog Obedience 4-H Beginning Dog Showmanship 4-H Intermediate Dog Showmanship 4-H Intermediate Dog Obedience 4-H Advanced Dog Showmanship 4-H Advanced Dog Obedience 4-H Beginning Rabbit Showmanship 4-H Intermediate Rabbit Showmanship 4-H/FFA Advanced Rabbit Showmanship Best of Show Rabbit Reserve Best of Show Rabbit Best Poultry Showman Jacket Showmanship Classes Medals Charles & Janet Oilar Ray’s Food Place Mt. Valleys Health Centers Mt. Valley Health Centers Mt. Valleys Health Centers Artios Feed Mt. Valleys Health Centers Valley Hardware Evalee Nelson Pine Grove 4-H Club Red Barn Dan & Debbie Marcum 4 – H Poultry Intermountain Project
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