International Invention Journal of Agricultural and Soil Science (ISSN: 2408-7254) Vol. 3(1) pp. 1-8, April, 2015 Available online Copyright ©2015 International Invention Journals Full Length Research Paper Effects of Different Levels of Dried Cafeteria Leftover Feed on Nutrient Digestibility in Growing Castrated Male Pigs: Implication for Efficient Alternative Feed Resources Utilization Tesfaye Amene1*, Mangistu Urge2 and Mitiku Eshetu2 1 Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mizan-Tepi University, P.O. Box 260, Mizan-Tepi, Ethiopia 2 School of Animal and Range Sciences, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Haramaya University, P.O. Box 138 Dire Dawa, Ethiopia Abstract The study was conducted to evaluate both the effect of inclusion of dried cafeteria leftover (DCLO) at various levels in concentrate mix (CM) on nutrient digestibility and the economic benefits of substituting conventional concentrate were assessed at Haramaya university swine farm. Twenty Yorkshire pigs with initial mean weight of 19.89±0.297g (±SE) were randomly allotted to four dietary treatment groups in a completely randomized block design each with five replicates. The experimental rations were (sole CM, 33% DCLO, 66% DCLO,). At the beginning of the experiment digestibility trial was undertaken after an adaptation period of 15 days to the experimental pens and diets. Faeces were collected for seven consecutive days to analyze digestibility. Crude protein digestibility did not differ between treatment means, but DM, EE, CF, ash, P and Ca digestibility increased as level of DCLO inclusion increased. Partial budget analysis showed that DCLO inclusion in conventional concentrate was profitable as compared to sole CM. Cost of feed per kg weight gain declined significantly (P<0.01) with increasing level of DCLO. However, sole DCLO groups showed lower performance, despite the lower production cost. Thus, it was concluded that DCLO can replace CM up to 66% without adverse effect on pig performance. Keywords: Alternative feed resource, castrated male pigs, Concentrate mix, Dried cafeteria leftover, Nutrient digestibility. INTRODUCTION Attaining and sustaining food security are among the major goals of world leaders across the globe. About 842 million people in the world were unable to meet their nutritional requirements in 2013 (FAO et al., 2013). Governmental programmes, policies and projects are therefore aimed at ensuring regular food supply (especially those with high biological values like animal *Corresponding Author Email: [email protected] protein), local availability of food stuffs, food safety, affordability and accessibility. These goals have mounted pressure on livestock industries in devising means of increasing productivity and as well meeting the consumers‟ preference. Based on these demands, there has been a rise in the production of foods of animal origin, particularly from poultry and pigs in the world. In this regard, poultry accounts for about 34 percent and pork more than 40 percent share of the global meat protein market (FAOSTAT, 2012). The world‟s tendency to increase pig production as a protein source of high quality has been promoted more in developing countries, which is necessitated by factors 2 Int. Inv. J. Agric. Soil Sci. such as population increase, as rates of poverty decline, and as people eat more meat, including pork (González, 2005; FAO, 2013). Nevertheless, increased animal production is accompanied by increased demands for feeds, particularly for ingredients which have high protein and energy values, which may be difficult to achieve in the scenario where population is ever increasing, particularly in developing countries leaving little opportunity of having surplus grains to compound livestock feeds economically (Christopher et al., 1997; FAO, 2006). According to FAO (2011), increment of monogastric animal production and the more intensive feeding systems with improved genotypes resulted in relatively greater demand for higher quality concentrate feeds. Thus, availability and supply of grains and protein foodstuffs is likely to become more limited (Close, 1993; Amaefule et al., 2006). One of the available options to cope with this problem is to partially replace the conventional concentrate feeds by introducing food energy efficiency, such as recycling of wastes. With new technology, waste along the human food supply chain could be used as a substitute for cereal in animal feed (Miller, 1994; Kwak et al., 2006; FAO, 2011). The availability of efficient feeds from such alternatives could feed all of the additional 3 billion people expected by 2050. At the same time, this would support a growing green economy and greatly reduce pressures on biodiversity, environments and water resources, a truly „win-win‟ solution (FAO, 2011). In accordance, studies by Luu Huu Manh et al. (2003) have shown that good economic return in pig production can be achieved by use of local feed resources instead of commercial concentrates. The use of by-products from agricultural, industrial processing and left over, such as cafeteria left over (Luu Huu Manh et al., 2000) is one such opportunity, which can help to improve producers' economic returns. Nowadays, the use of food wastes as animal feed is an alternative of high interest since it produces an environmental and public benefit besides reducing the cost of animal production (Samuels et al., 1991; Westendorf et al., 1998; Myer et al., 1999; Westendorf, 2000). Although, the chemical composition of food leftover is variable, food wastes are moderately high in protein and ash (Korneygay et al., 1970; Westendorf and Zirkle, 1997; Myer et al., 1999). The digestibility of nutrients in food wasted is generally not poor. Westendorf and Dong (1998) reported high protein digestibility in food waste diet than in a corn-soybean meal diet (88.2% vs. 84.3%). Likewise, Myer et al. (1999) reported moderately higher pepsin digestibility and available lysine in dried food waste relative to soybean meal, which is known to be excellent for these nutrients. However, information on the use of the mixture of food leftover with concentrate as swine ration is generally scanty and it is not studied under Ethiopian condition to make recommendation for use by producers. Thus, this study was conducted to investigate the effects of different levels of dried cafeteria leftover feed on nutrient digestibility in growing castrated male pigs and the economic benefits of their inclusion in the ration. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Area The experiment was conducted at Haramaya University 0 0 swine farm which is located at 42 3‟ E longitudes, 9 26' N latitude at an altitude of 1980 m.a.s.l and 515 km east of Addis Ababa. The mean annual rainfall of the area amounts to 780 mm and the average minimum and maximum temperatures are 8.5 and 23.40C, respectively (Mishra et al., 2004). Experimental Animals and their management Twenty healthy Yorkshire pigs with an average initial body weight of 19.89±0.297g (Mean ±SE) were selected from the University swine farm. The pigs were blocked based on their initial body weight into four blocks of five pigs, and each animal within each block were randomly assigned to one of the four dietary treatments. The pigs were individually housed in 1.2 m x 0.7 m x 0.96 m concrete house in controlled room having their own feed and water trough, and feed and water individually. Feed and water were provided twice a day at 7:30 AM and 2:30 PM ad libitum. Feed refusals were collected, weighed and recorded every morning at 7:00 AM. The pigs were weighed individually at the beginning and subsequently every 7 days during the experimental period. Based on their body weight, the feed offered to individual animal was adjusted to ensure pigs obtained feed at a rate of 4% (Okeke, 2007) of their body weight during the subsequent week days. Water was provided ad libitum on separate troughs. The experiment lasted for 90 days. Dietary treatments The ingredients, used in the rations formulation were mixture of maize grain, wheat short, wheat bran, noug seed cake, soya bean mill, cafeteria leftover, vitamin premix and salt. The wet cafeteria leftover was sun-dried for four consecutive days by sparsely spreading on canvas. It was hand stirred four times a day to facilitate better drying and put indoors every evening to minimize reabsorption of moisture. The dry matter of the leftover was tested weekly to determine whether its moisture content was in the recommended level for safe storage. Amene et al. 3 The moisture content of the cafeteria leftover was 6065% and 8.9% before and after drying, respectively. After the amount required for the entire experiment was secured, it was placed in sacks until ground and used. The main constituents of cafeteria leftover were the traditional Ethiopian pancake “Enjera” which is made up of a cereal grain Teff and bread made of wheat, respectively. All the ingredients, except soyabean meal, wheat short, wheat bran, and vitamin premix were hummer milled to pass 3 mm sieve size and stored until required for formulation of the experimental rations. Experimental rations are shown in Table 1. Except cafeteria leftover alone, the three treatment rations were formulated on an isonitrogenous basis having 18% crude protein. Ration 1 contained only the mixture of conventional concentrate ingredients, DCLO replaced concentrate by 33 and 66% in rations 2 and 3, respectively and ration 4 was only DCLO. Vitamin premix was added equally in sole CM, 33% DCLO and 66% DLO rations while sole DCLO did not contain vitamin premix. Salt was added based on its content in the cafeteria leftover in CM, 33% DCLO and 66% DLO since test of DCLO in laboratory showed that it contained the recommended amount of salt meant for pig diet. to room temperature, weighed and dried at 60°C for 72 h. The partially dried sample of feces were ground to pass 1mm sieve and stored in airtight polyethylene bag pending further analysis. Profitability The partial budget analysis was employed to determine the profitability of incorporation of different proportions of cafeteria leftover as pigs‟ feeds by using the procedure of Upton (1979). The partial budget analysis involves calculation of the variable cost and benefits. Partial budget measures the pig cost, feed and labor cost and the profit after the experiment, or differences between gains and losses for the proposed change. The net income (NI) was calculated by subtracting total variable cost (TVC) from total return (TR): NI = TR - TVC The change in net income (∆NI) was calculated as the difference between the changes in total variable cost (∆TVC), and is calculated as follows: ∆NI = ∆TR - ∆TVC The marginal rate of return (MRR) measures the increase in net income (∆NI) associated with each additional unit of expenditure (∆TVC): MRR = ∆NI/∆TVC x100 Feed sampling and processing Representative feed offer samples were collected once per day and pooled by feed type for the entire experimental period. After thorough mixing, the pooled samples were sub-sampled and dried at 60°C to constant weight for chemical analysis. Both air dried and oven dried feed samples were finely ground to pass through 1 mm mesh size and stored in an air tight plastic bags pending chemical analysis. Dry matter (DM) content of the feed was monitored by drying representative feed samples in a forced draft oven at 105 oC overnight. Chemical analysis of feeds Feed samples were analyzed for dry matter, ether extract, crude fiber and ash content according to AOAC (1990). Nitrogen content of the feed was determined using Kjeildhal procedure to determine CP value by multiplying with 6.25. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer method for Calcium and Colorimetric method for phosphorus determination were used. Metabolizable energy (ME) of the experimental diets was determined by indirect methods, according to Wiseman (1987) as follows: ME (Kcal/kg DM) = 3951 + 54.4 EE - 88.7 CF - 40.8 Ash MEASUREMENTS Digestibility Statistical Analysis Digestibility was conducted at the beginning of the experiment after an adaptation period of 15 days to the experimental pens and diets, seven days to the carrying of fecal bags and feces were collected for seven consecutive days. A feces collected each day per animal was weighed and 15% was sub-sampled and stored frozen at -20oC, and pooled over the collection period. At the end of the digestion trial the sample from each animal was thoroughly mixed and 15% composite sample from each animal was sub sampled and thawed The data collected were analyzed as per completely randomized block designs following the procedures suggested by Gomez and Gomez (1984) by employing GLM ANOVA procedure using Statistical Analysis System (SAS Institute, Inc., 2008) version 9.1.3 computer software program. When the analysis of variance indicate the existence of significant difference among treatment means, Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) were employed to test and locate the treatment means that are significantly differed from the rest. The 4 Int. Inv. J. Agric. Soil Sci. Table 1. Ingredients percentage in growing-finishing swine ration (on dry matter basis) ingredient Maize grain Wheat short Wheat bran Noug seed cake Soya bean mill Dried Cafeteria left over Vitamin premix (%) Salt (%) Total (100kg) 0 54 10.12 7.43 19 9.21 0.12 0.21 100 Treatments (%DCLO) 33 66 30.30 2.20 4.12 2.11 2.11 2.12 15.61 3.60 14.73 23.80 33 66 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 100 100 100 100 100 DCLO= Dried cafeteria left over; CM= sole concentrate mix Table 2. Chemical composition of feed ingredients used in the experiment ration formulation (DM bases) Chemical Components DM CP EE ASH CF Ca P ME(Kca/kg) Cafeteria leftover 91.21 9 13 7.60 3.61 0.80 0.71 4028.81 Noug seed Cake 92.15 29.62 8.14 9.11 18.34 0.35 0.32 2395.78 Ingredients Soya bean Maize Meal Grain 93 90 39.04 8.46 9.21 6.24 5.75 5.90 5.71 2.83 0.35 0.02 0.83 0.82 3710.95 3798.72 Wheat Short 90 14.74 3.34 5.53 9.88 0.19 0.78 3030.72 Wheat Bran 90.50 16 4.21 6.10 12.41 0.21 0.79 2402 DM = dry mater; CP = crude protein; EE = ether extract; CF= crude fiber; Ca = calcium; P = phosphorus; ME = metabolizable energy, kcal = kilocalorie; kg = kilogram. following model was used for the experiment (Montgomery, 2001): Yij = µ + Ti + Bj +eij Where, Yij = represents the jth observation (experimental unit) taken under treatment i. µ = over all means, Ti = ith treatment effect, Bj = block effect. eij = is a random error component that incorporates all other sources of variability in the experiment. Nutrient digestibility RESULTS Profitability Chemical Analysis and Nutritive Value Ration containing different levels of DCLO was economically feasible than the control diet in feed cost/kg of live weight gain without affecting the dry matter intake and body weight gain (Table 4). Pigs fed with sole CM had the lowest net return compared to those fed with sole DCLO and that containing DCLO as a replacement for concentrate mixture. The result was more promising for pig fed 67% DCLO ration with the highest net return of Birr 1509.8. Crude protein content of soybean meal, noug seed cake, wheat bran and wheat short were within the range of values reported from the same laboratory previously (Table 2). Crude protein content of dried cafeteria leftover (9%) was slightly higher than that for maize grain (8.46%). Conversely, dried cafeteria leftover had the highest EE (13%) content than the other ingredients. Noug seed cake had the highest ash and crude fiber. Digestibility of most of the nutrients showed significant (P<0.01) difference among the dietary treatments (Table 3). The digestibility of CP is not affected by levels of DCLO inclusion in the concentrate mixture, but digestibility of the other rations were higher in sole DCLO and 67% DCLO as compared to the other levels. Amene et al. 5 Table 3. Digestibility of nutrients in pigs fed with ration containing different levels of dried cafeteria leftover (%) Parameters DM CP CF EE ASH Ca P CM 85.78b 87.43 50.60d 61.67d b 63.36 56.85b 45.47b Treatments 33%DCLO 67%DCLO 86.31b 89.32a 87.82 87.02 54.42c 60.83b 75.40c 86.52b b a 60.76 72.62 57.06b 58.68ab b 46.70 48.20ab DCLO 91.66a 88.56 67.62a 90.16a a 73 62.57a 52.20a SEM 0.38 0.34 1.51 2.48 1.46 0.81 1.04 SL ** Ns ** *** ** ** * ab Means within the same row bearing different superscripts are significantly different; * = P<0.05; ** = p< 0.01; ***= p< 0.001; ns = not significant; DM = dry matter; CP = crude protein; EE = ether extract; CF = crude fiber; Ca = calcium; P = phosphorus; CM= concentrate mix alone; 33%DCLO = concentrate mix (67%) + dried cafeteria leftover (33%); 67%DCLO% = concentrate mix (34%) + dried cafeteria leftover (66%); DCLO = dried cafeteria leftover alone; SL= significant level; SE = standard error of mean. Table 4. Economics of pigs fed ration containing different levels of dried cafeteria leftover Treatments 33%DCLO 66%DCLO 796 794.81 174 182 794.80 510.32 Variables Weaned Pigs Cost (birr/pig) Total Feed Consumed (kg/pig) Total Feed Cost (birr/pig) CM 794 179 970.21 Transport Cost (birr/pig) Average Carcass Weight (kg/pig) Price /kg of Carcass (at HU, birr/kg) Labor Cost (for drying leftover birr/pig) Total feed cost (birr) (TVC) 120 50.42 50 0 70 48.39 50 50 36 59.02 50 100 20 38.70 50 200 1090.21 2521 914.82 2419.51 646.31 2951 430 1935 1727 636.80 1623.52 708.71 2156.12 1509.80 1137 707 - 103.52 -71.91 175.42 -41 429.12 -873 443.90 -196.71 590 -70.20 660.20 -10.61 Gross income (birr/pig) Total returns (birr/ pig) (NI) Net return (birr/Pig) Change in total return (∆TR) Change in net income (∆NI) Change in total variable cost (∆TVC) MRR ( ∆ NI/ ∆TVC) DCLO 798 160 50 TVC = total variable cost; MRR = marginal rate of return; HU = Haramaya university; CM= concentrate mix alone; 33%DCLO; 67%DCLO%; Sole DCLO. DISCUSSIONS Chemical Composition of Feed Staff The crude protein content of DCLO in the present experiment was lower than 15 - 23% reported by Westendorf et al. (1996) and 20 - 28% reported by Westendorf et al. (2000). The difference in crude protein composition between the different studies might be attributed to differences in food type, methods of food preparation, moisture contents and processing methods. Moreover, the present value is lower than a threshold required for optimum growth performance of swine (NRC, 1998) when used as a sole feed. According to NRC (1998) growing pigs require 17.2 to 20.0% CP in the diet, and between 1.7 and 2.3 kg of DM intake/day, depending upon body size. The EE was lower and ash contents higher than that reported by Westendorf (2000; 14 - 16% and 3 - 6%, respectively). The higher ash content in the present study might be due to the fact that DCLO had relatively higher sodium chloride content and dust that might be added by wind during drying of wet cafeteria leftover. On the other hand, the lower fat content, when compared to different literature values might be related to lower fat and oil contents of DCLO and some fat and oil might have been lost during sun 6 Int. Inv. J. Agric. Soil Sci. drying. Fat content of 17 to 24% and ash content of 3 to 6% were also reported in previous studies (Kornegay et al., 1970; Pond and Maner, 1984; Ferris et al., 1995; Westendorf et al., 1996; Chae et al., 2000). The CP and ME contents of SBM, NSC, maize grain, wheat short and wheat bran were within the range reported for these ingredients in previous studies (Negussie and Alemu, 2005; Mekasha et al.; 2007; Seyoum et al., 2007; Befikadu; 2008). Dry matter of sole DCLO was higher than that of 33% DCLO, sole CM and 66% DCLO; CF of the same treatment was lower than that of 33% DCLO, sole CM and 66% DCLO. The result might be because sole DCLO was taken after sun dried under shade which projected the level of DM in this treatment than other treatments, and sole DCLO had no wheat bran and wheat short which might relatively amplify the value of CF in 33% DCLO, 66% DCLO and sole CM. Ash content was higher in sole DCLO and lower in sole CM as compared to other two treatments. Ether extract was higher in sole DCLO and lower in CM, but CP was similar for all treatments. Nutrient Digestibility Crude protein digestibility was not significant (P > 0.05) among dietary treatments. This is similar with the result obtained by Fahey and Holzgraefe (1982) who reported that CP and fat digestibility were similar, but DM and fiber digestibility were less when pigs were fed diet containing ground corn and food waste. The result was not congruent with the findings of Rivas et al. (1994), who noted decreased crude protein digestibility as the proportion of restaurant waste increased in the diet. The difference between the present experiment and previous observation might be due to differences between food leftover obtained at different time and nature of food waste. Higher DM and EE digestibility in sole DCLO fed pigs might be due to the lower level of CF and types of fat in DCLO implying that increased level of dried cafeteria leftover in the ration increased fat digestibility. In previous studies, Rivas et al. (1994) and Westendorf (1998) noted superior digestibility of food waste EE, ash, and nitrogen as compared with the corn-soybean diet, although the acid detergent fiber digestibility of the cornsoyabean diet was superior to food waste. Wang et al. (2004) found that supplementation of diets for growing pigs with wheat bran and sugar beet pulp reduced fecal digestibility of energy. Digestibility of CF decreased in the order sole DCLO > 67% DCLO > 33% DCLO > sole DCLO in which conventional concentrate mix had high level of CF in this study. The intake of more CF consequently resulted in lower digestibility by animal digestive system due to formation of lignin–cellular chain (Farhat et al., 1998; Longe and Fagbenro-Byron, 1990). Digestibility of crude Fiber is of some concern in swine diets because its poor digestibility can reduce the apparent digestibility of other dietary components, such as protein (Myer et al., 1997; Westendorf and Myer, 2004). Moreover, the energy loss due to heat production might be less as low CF inclusion in the feed increases because of relatively lower CF percent in the ration coupled with favorable energy protein ratio (Longe and Fagbenro-Byron, 1990; Moon, 2004). Mineral digestibility was significantly affected by the level of dried cafeteria leftover inclusion in the ration. This result is in agreement with Wang et al. (2004), which revealed that depression in digestibility of chemical components could be due to the decrease in the mean retention time of this diet in the GIT, which is brought about by higher levels of fiber in wheat bran, soybean hull and other cereal by-products based diets compared to maize bran based diets. However, in the present study pigs feed concentrate based on maize and other diets performed poorly in terms of growth and weight gain as compared to inclusion of DCLO as ingredient in the diet, which mainly replaced concentrate mix. This might be due to low level of CF and high digestibility of other nutrients which could be as a result of positive combined effects of these with CF in DCLO than other treatment diets. Economic Analysis The control treatment had the lowest net return (636.8 Birr/pig) compared to the ration containing DCLO, which was in the range of 707 - 1483.57 Birr. The result was even more promising for pig fed 67% DCLO ration with the highest net return of Birr 1509.8. This might be associated with the highest body weight gain and highest feed conversion ratio. This result agreed with the findings of Westendorf et al. (1998) who concluded that growing or finishing pigs fed food waste performed nearly as good as pigs fed a traditional diet when the food waste was supplemented with corn. The most important parameter of partial budget analysis is the change in net return (NR) and marginal rate of return (MRR). This is due to the fact that MRR measures the net return increment associated with each additional units of expenditure. The MRR implies that each additional unit of 1 Birr per pig cost increment resulted in 1 Birr and additional 0.41, 1.96 and 1.06 Birr/pig profit for 33% DCLO, 67% DCLO and sole DCLO, respectively. When a resource is limited, the extra cost should be compared with the extra net profit. Treatment ration with better daily gain and economic return should be recommended as the biological and economical optimum for raising pigs. Inclusion of DCLO in the mixture of maize grain, wheat short, wheat bran, Amene et al. 7 soybean mill, Noug seed cake and vitamin premix, like 67% DCLO ration in the present experiment can be used for formulation of least cost swine ration without adverse effect on the overall pig performance. Accordingly, the least cost ration per pig reared was found to be diet 67% DCLO as evidenced by the minimum cost. CONCLUSION The observed variation in nutrient digestibility among different levels of DCLO in the present dietary treatments were probably due to the good nutrient contents of DCLO and relatively low CF content as compared to sole CM. Similarly, there was a decrease in the cost of production across the treatment following the pattern sole CM > 33% DCLO > 67% DCLO > sole DCLO which was probably due to the low cost of DCLO as compared to sole CM. Generally, this study showed that the digestibilities of most of the nutrients were increasing as the levels of DCLO increased in the present dietary treatments. Therefore, it can be concluded that inclusion of DCLO in CM up to 67% DCLO would be a better feeding and profit oriented strategy to improve the performance of growing castrated pigs as demonstrated in the present study. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The study was made possible through the financial support of the Mizan-Tepi University under the Ministry of Education, Ethiopia. The authors wants to thank the authorities of Haramaya University for their unlimited support and all staff member of Swine Farm of Haramaya University for their cooperation and technical support starting from the beginning to the end of the study. REFERENCES Amefule KU, Ibe SN, Abasiekong SF, Onwudike C (2006). Response of weaner pigs to diets of different proportions and high levels of palm kernel meal and brewers dried grain in the humid tropics. 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