10 June 2015 From the Assistant Principal Confirmation This Sunday at 2pm and 5pm, our Year 6 students make their Confirmation. We congratulate them and ask that you keep them in your prayers as they receive this final Sacrament of Initiation. Prayer for Confirmation Vision Statement St Simon Peter Catholic Primary School community will provide challenges for the growth of the whole person. Within a framework of Catholic values, we will strive to live in harmony with each other and our environment living our motto “Love One Another.” Holy Spirit, strengthen our Confirmation candidates with your gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgement, Courage, Knowledge, Reverence and Wonder and Awe, and serve as a disciple of Christ. Grant that they may grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ. Fill them with the joy of your presence. Increase in them the fruit of your Spirit. Help them to experience and trust your dwelling within, so that they can count on your guidance today and every day. Show us the way to help one another become better disciples of Jesus Christ, sharing your love with our world and with each person we meet. Come, Holy Spirit! Come Music Concert Our annual Music Concert is tonight at 6.15pm at the Prendiville Performing Arts Centre. It is a wonderful night of entertainment, with our music students showcasing their talents. Thanks to all our music tutors, Mrs Templeton and Mrs Oliver for the time and effort they put into this evening, it is greatly appreciated. Parent Forums 127 families were represented at our Parent Forums this year. We thank those parents who took the time to attend and hear of new initiatives and updates on what is happening at SSP. The lucky winner of the voucher is Helen Walters – congratulations! Please remember we have a Survey Monkey for parents to complete and provide feedback. The survey closes this Friday June 12 at 3.30pm. Please complete the survey using the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PD62XCS St Simon Peter ELC – State Winner Congratulations to Nicole Harley and her team on St Simon Peter ELC becoming a State Winner in the Australian Family Early Education and Care Awards, 2015! St Simon Peter ELC is now the WA Catholic Super Early Childhood Service of the Year. This is a wonderful achievement and one of which we are extremely proud. As a State Winner in the Service of the Year category two representatives from our service will attend the Awards Celebration in Sydney from 18th - 20th June 2015. School Fee Payments The successful operation of St Simon Peter CPS relies on the contribution of parents to the fee income required to balance our annual budget. Fees provide approximately 21% of our annual income and it is vital that we continue to receive this level of support from our families in order to provide the children with the best possible education. After looking into SSP 2012, 2013 and 2014 financial reports, a closer inspection reveals the same families are neglecting to fulfil their financial obligation to the school year after year. This impacts on the school community as a whole and how St Simon Peter CPS can provide for your children. Having spoken to local Catholic Schools and Colleges, the School Board has made the decision to enforce the School Fees Policy and has employed AMPAC Debt Recovery. Once AMPAC has been engaged to recover an outstanding account there will be no further discussions between the school and the parents. This policy can always be found on the school website or by using this link http://internet.ssp.wa.edu.au/OurSchool/Pages/School-Vision-andPolicies.aspx Friends of SSP The Social and Fundraising group are currently working on making our quiz night, on Friday September 4, a huge success by sourcing lots of prizes. We are asking our school community for any donations of prizes to assist us on this fundraising venture. Donations could include: vouchers plants candles toiletries gardening items gourmet food hamper items various hamper items If you are able to assist by donating items, please leave them at the front office. Thank you to the mystery person who dropped in prizes last week! Interschool Cross Country Carnival The Interschool Cross Country Carnival will be held on Friday 19 June 2015. Please see the attached note providing details. If you are able to volunteer to help out on the day your assistance would be greatly appreciated. SSP Day On Thursday 25 June we will be celebrating St Simon Peter Day. The celebrations commence with Mass at 9am. Stalls to raise money for charity will take place between recess and lunch, followed by a skipathon after lunch. A sponsorship form will be sent home with each child today. Parents are most welcome to join us on the day. Commences this weekend!! Kind Regards Fiona Green St Simon Peter has registered to be a part of the Schools’ Wish List competition run by The West Australian. A box will be placed outside the office for entries. Entries appear in The Weekend West on Saturday June 13, 20 and 27. The more entries we receive the greater our chance of winning a prize!! Reminders Wednesday Thursday Sunday 10 June 11 June 14 June 6.15pm Music Concert PAC Dental Screening for Pre Primary, Year 3 and Year 6 2.00pm & 5.00pm Confirmation Lightning Carnival Last Friday our students from Year Six, and a few students from Year Five, took part in the annual Interschool Lightning Carnival. We have approximately two hundred students training before this event and about one hundred competing in five different sports at the carnival and they have enjoyed the opportunity to compete against each other and against other schools. There were a number of parent helpers in the weeks leading up to the carnival and at the carnival itself - their time and effort are greatly appreciated. The students’ sportsmanship and behaviour were both of a high standard and all the teachers involved were very happy with the enthusiasm displayed on the day. Team results are presented below and are of a high standard. This year the Boys’ Soccer (third year in a row for this team!) and Netball B Div were actually undefeated at the carnival along with the big news of the carnival, the Football Team! For the first time in the history of the school the Football Team won all their games at the carnival! Well done everyone and thank you again to all parent coaches, helpers and spectators. Netball A Netball B Netball C Girls Soccer Boys Soccer Boys Footy Mixed Flag Belt Rugby A Mixed Flag Belt Rugby B WIN 6 6 3 2 9 6 1 3 “UNDEFEATED” SSP FOOTBALL & SOCCER TEAMS LOSSES 1 0 4 2 0 0 8 7 DRAW 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 Parent Workshop Suitable for Parents & Caregivers of children in Kindy - Year 1 Jenny Elphick is presenting: Early Reading Behaviours Time: 9.30am Day: Tuesday 23rd June Where: Hall RSVP: Nicki Schunmann (RN) School Nurse Phone: 9301 6848 Email: [email protected] PPBR Joshua Menaglio, Benjamin Elphick, Emily Vague, Amber McKeon PPH Sienna Dow, Ellie Bergin, Christian Davey, Isabella Keighery PPV Vivian Hourihan-Urqizo, Andrew Armour, Isabella Caruso, Jessica Nelson 1R Matilda Harris, Taylor Purdye, Arleen Jobi, Celeste Mullarkey 1I Frankie Dickson, Tilly Griffiths, Charlie Laybourne and A’lexia Collins 1L Damien Guerini, Lachlan Toghill, Chloe Sandilands, Amelie McLeay 2S Salvatore Rabbone, Matilda Stevens, Luca Scutella, Caitlin Northmore. 2SM Angel Babu, Samuel Hocking, Brigitte Geneste, Dylan Chandinha 2H James O’Sullivan, Ryan McMaster, Alyssa Liddiard-Hawley, Abigail Schroeder 3L Kate Rixom, Connor Stott, Kye Jacobsen, Helena Toms 3K Lauren Elphick, Tully Hiser, Kade Orzanski, Sophia Schmiedte 3B Ebony Wale, Kian Farrall, Ashlee Crombie, Kosta Sierra The Golden Broom Award Winners are 2H – Congratulations! The assembly item for this week was performed by 1I On Wednesday 3 June 2015, 1I went to the Perth Museum and were involved in the ‘School days’ program where they experienced life in an olden day classroom. They were shown a cane, slate blackboards, typewriter and a potty amongst other things! We even saw how the teachers did the cane on a student. Thank goodness it was just a joke! Library Re-Opening Afternoon Tea – 4 June 2015 Thank you to everyone that took the opportunity to come along to join us for a look around our newly refurbished library. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION & FIRST RECONCILIATION Commitment Mass was last weekend. If you missed this weekend, then you will need to attend a weekend Mass over the next two weekends and your child will need to hand in their Yellow or Purple Commitment Card to Father personally after Mass. Any queries please contact Fran [email protected] CONFIRMATION MASSES – Saturday 13th June at 2.00pm and Sunday 14th June at 2.00pm & 5.00pm. All candidates need to arrive early to register; have photo taken; receive medallion and name card; and be prepared for Mass. A reminder if your child has a PROXY for their Sponsor, please contact Fran. Savvy Photography will be the Official Photographers taking photos during the Confirmation Masses at St Simon Peter Parish. They will be available to take Family Portraits on Saturday from approximately 12.00pm to 1.50pm and then after the Mass from approximately 3.15pm to 4.30pm. On Sunday they will be available to take Family Portraits from approximately 12.30pm to 1.50pm and after the Mass. For the 2nd Mass on Sunday they will be available to do Family Portraits from 3.15pm to 4.50pm and again after the Mass from 6.15 to 7.00pm. As we have a large number of Candidates, it is advisable to come early to save the disappointment of missing out. Savvy Photography will also be the Official Photographers taking photos of the children throughout the Mass and Group Photos, therefore no other photos are to be taken during this time. If you want to book a particular time on either day for your Family Portrait to be taken please contact Veronica on 0405 133 799 or 9401 6004.
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