Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 1 Page 2 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 Call us at (800) 676-4410 From the DESK OF THE CEO Table of CONTENTS Don’t Overlook Attitude Learning how to advance in life takes the proper attitude. If you attempt to change or transform your life without taking the proper approach or adopting the correct attitude, you’ll be wasting your time. When it comes to making changes, attitude is everything. Vol. 1, Iss. 9 - Week of June 1st, 2015 Pg. 5................The Outlook is GREAT Pg. 6................Wanna’ go to VEGAS? Pg. 10 .............FEATURED ARTICLE: The Ten Commandments of Option Trading What defines a good attitude? Here are a few things that can make a difference and help you make the transformation from having a poor attitude to having a good attitude. Look at these ideas and examine yourself. Do you need to make some changes in your own life and improve your own attitude before you are able to seize the day. Pg. 16..............Coaches Corner - Setting Goals Recognize that a change needs to occur. You have to see that your attitude needs to be improved. Sometimes you don’t even recognize that your attitude has become poor. Often the slide occurs over a period of time and can be attributed to many factors, such as boredom or lack of a challenge. Recognizing that you need an attitude adjustment is the 1st step on the road to attaining the proper attitude you need for personal growth. Pg. 24..............Don’t Be Dazzled Believe that change is possible. You must believe in your own self. If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect others to believe in you? Self-assurance and self-belief can be a big part of helping you learn to take the proper attitude. There’s an old saying: “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” You must believe that changes are possible. Pg. 36..............Can we Just Be Social? Forget past failures and negative experiences. Don’t dwell on your shortcomings or you’ll never have a good attitude. We’ve all failed, but if you can forget about those instances you’ll be able to progress faster and have a better attitude. If your mother ever said “Can’t never could,” you’ll understand what she meant. If you have a negative attitude, you’re already behind the eight ball before you can even get started. Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am - 8:30 pm EST Stop criticizing yourself. This goes back to the previous point. Don’t beat yourself up, it only serves to worsen your attitude. Let it go and focus on the positive points. Admit when you were wrong or made a mistake, but quit harping on it. Pg. 18..............Explore ESIGNAL Pg. 21..............Market Trends Pg. 22..............Sharpen Up Your Networking Pg. 26..............Pot on the Market? Pg. 28..............Basic Indicators Pg. 33..............The Laughing Stock Pg. 34..............Upcoming Events Pg. 38..............Earnings Report (800) 676-4410 Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm EST Editor: Stan Awtrey Art Director: Glenn Chandler Webmaster: Stephen O’Neal Have a positive vision for the future. Look on the bright side and see the possibilities. If you have a positive vision, you’ll be able to adopt a better attitude. It’s easier to get things done when you embrace the positive. It can help your attitude improve and enable you to be better equipped to succeed. Happy Trading! Bill Corcoran Bill Corcoran President and CEO, BetterTrades Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 3 Page 4 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 Call us at (800) 676-4410 Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 5 Page 6 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 Call us at (800) 676-4410 Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 7 Page 8 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 Call us at (800) 676-4410 Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 9 Page 10 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 Call us at (800) 676-4410 T he Biblical Ten Commandments are intended as a set of rules for living successfully. If we follow them, we have an easier life. If we break them, then things have a tendency to go wrong, sooner or later. Hasn’t everyone experienced what happens when we break the rules of living? I’m sure you’ve discovered by now that there are rules for trading stocks and options, too, and breaking them may mean serious losses. This article aims to focus on what I feel ought to be the Ten Commandments of options trading. You may have read or heard about most of these before, but I think it’s useful to have them all addressed in one place. I want to discuss them briefly to give you a better understanding of what it takes to trade options profitably. No. 1: Thou shalt have a plan I have spoken to hundreds of traders and most of them do not have a real game plan for trading options. I found out early in my trading career that having a clear and concise game plan was critical. As the great New York Yankees catcher Yogi Berra, the king of the malapropism once said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.” This is the first commandment when it comes to trading the stock and options market. If you take care of creating your gameplan fully and keeping to it, many of the other facets of trading will take care of themselves. A solid trading game plan should include things like: Your goal: This can be expressed in many ways: how many trades you’ll target per day, week, or month; what percentage of trades you expect to be profitable (hint: don’t expect 100 percent); target percentage return per trade; and your overall profit goal for a particular time frame (month, quarter, year, etc.). Often you can work from larger goals to smaller ones, or vice versa. For example, if you want to make $60,000 this year by doing five trades per week, you’ll need to average $5,000 per month and about $240 per trade in 50 weeks of trading (you deserve a vacation, right?). Remember to be realistic when you set those goals. Small steps over the course of time lead to big advances in your knowledge. You can’t expect to learn everything at once, so don’t force the issue. Your trading time frame: How long do you want to be in trades? Are you more comfortable trading LEAPS that may take weeks or months to hit your exit price, or monthly covered calls, or do you watch your trades closely enough to be in and out in days or sometimes hours? Whatever your style, factor it into your gameplan. For example, if you do LEAPS, you may not be able to count on five trades a week as outlined above. Your exit and entrance points: This is the basic principle taught at the BetterTrades First Step and Next Step classes, but emotions will get in the way when you are in the trade. Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 11 It’s too easy to get into a trade without a defined exit point, saying “I’ll just go for a dollar or two and get out.” You need to set -- and stick to -hard and fast rules for your exits and entrances. These rules are never to be broken! Your risk capital: When you go on vacation you set a certain amount for your vacation expenses, and you manage that amount so it doesn’t run out before your vacation is over, right? You should approach your trading the same way. It can be tempting to deposit more money when a deal comes along that you can’t quite afford, but stick to your trading budget. That’s what paper trading is for. If a deal is indeed too good to pass up, look at closing another position to free up capital. Never trade with money you need for monthly expenses. Your favorite technical indicators: Don’t try to track every technical indicator you’ve ever seen. Try several in paper trades, then choose which ones support your trading style. You may find moving averages more useful than trend lines, or the other way around. Avoid using so many indicators that you can barely see the stock price on your charts, but be flexible — the key trait of successful traders is the ability to adapt to market changes. Your stop loss formula and procedures: When deciding where to cut a non-performing trade, you need to keep in mind the strategy you are using and your own risk tolerance. If you have only a few thousand dollars to work with, you need to be very aware of conserving your capital. You can’t afford to let losses run, but you also can’t afford to get stopped out regularly by the regular swings of a stock. Study up on stops, paper trade them, and pick the formula that fits your personal style and strategy. Page 12 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 2. Thou shalt honor thy money and manage it well. Are you trying to be a stock market Mark McGwire? Too many traders try to hit home runs when we need to get better at the basics of hitting singles. Remember our example above that made $60,000 per year by averaging just $240 per trade? You don’t have to hit a trade out of the park to make good money. One mistake is putting too much of your money into one deal, sector or strategy. If the market turns against you, you can get wiped out, and you will probably never return to trade. Ideally you should never risk more than 5% of your capital on any one deal. Even if you have to use a higher percentage because your capital is small, make sure you spread your risk around with even-dollar-amount trades. Your risk/reward ratio is another important factor. When you enter a deal, how much do you plan to make and how much of a cost (loss) are you willing to accept? If you want to make $500 on a trade and you are willing to have a $3000 cost on that same trade that would probably not be considered a good money management technique. You need your reward to be higher than your risk. Once you’ve decided and opened the trade, don’t change the rules. Emotion tends to take over while a position is open, and emotion makes for bad decisions. 3. Thou shalt locate all the exits. Let’s suppose the technicals look good on XYZ Company and the stock is bouncing off of strong support. You’re thinking about buying a call option for $6.00. But have you located your exits? You know you need to set your profit target and your stop loss point, but there’s still one more exit to plan for. You need to know how long you are Call us at (800) 676-4410 willing to give the position to move in your direction. Consider XYZ again—$6 buys a near-term option. If the stock hasn’t moved in your direction after three or four days, do you still want to stay in this deal? Probably not. If nothing’s happened in a few days, it may be time to get out and move on to another deal. 4. Thou shalt treat margin with great respect. Before the market decline of 2000, a lot of traders had only experienced incredible market expansion and many expected the market to simply keep going up. These traders got so comfortable many bet the farm on their positions by being fully margined. Then the bear market stepped out of its cave with a 50-pound club and BAM. Bulls, and most people are bulls even now, held on and watched their accounts get cut in half. That meant lots and lots of margin calls, scrambling, anguish, and the loss of hard-won assets. Margin is a great tool to have in your trading arsenal, but only if it is used wisely. Don’t use margin unless you have the cash to cover your position if necessary and you are willing to do so. 5. Thou shalt not catch a “falling piano.” If you own call options and the stock breaks support you should get out. Sadly, many traders do the opposite. Not only do they hang onto and not get out of such losing positions, but they often buy more as the stock is on the way down. This is known as “doubling down,” but I prefer to call it “Catching a Falling Piano.” Something about our pride will have us stand in the way of that falling piano, believing that somehow we will not only survive but we will actually catch the piano and save it. While this may sometimes happen, it is Call us at (800) 676-4410 a rare instance and should not be counted on. If you are in a position that has broken the trend against you, just get out. Accept the smallest cost you can and move on to another deal. Don’t let that falling piano—or your pride —crush you. 6. Thou shalt remain humble. This commandment ties right in with the previous one regarding pride. When we hit a good winning streak for a few weeks, it’s easy to become overconfident. I call this the Superman Complex; we think we are invincible and can’t make a bad trade. That’s the precise time we get careless and make a mistake, one that is often very costly. Overconfidence leads to sloppy trading, sloppy entrances and sloppy exit decisions. Make sure you set both feet firmly on the ground when you trade, and keep your head out of the clouds or you’re likely to get a nasty bump. 7. Thou shalt keep trading in its proper perspective. Do you ever feel like you just have to make a trade, almost any trade? Overtrading comes in two flavors. First is the feeling that you need to do a lot of deals to maximize your profits. Second is an emotional need to make a trade (good or bad), sometimes multiple times a day. Both of these situations are a problem. The first scenario is easy to fix when you understand that having fewer deals open at a time let’s you concentrate and trade better in those positions. It’s not that hard to end up with too many positions open at a time. With so many balls in the air we tend to make mistakes. The second scenario is more of a challenge. To some, trading can become similar to gambling, and I am sure we’ve all heard that gambling can in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 13 be addictive. If you are in this situation you will need to figure out how to manage or eliminate the urge to trade. You may also want to consider professional help. You should never trade if the circumstances are not right. 8. Thou shalt cut losses and let profits run. You may be thinking that these commandments are simple common sense, but I’ve learned from interacting with many traders that when it comes to the market, common sense is hardly common! Cut losses and let profits run has to be one of the most obvious statements ever, but it is much easier to say than do. We are trained to hope that a position will come back. The flip side of this problem is when trader holds onto an unrealized profit until it turns into a realized loss. Once again hope is the enemy—in this case, hope that the profits would continue up. It’s been said many times, but I’ll say it again: Hope is for dopes. Don’t let it run—or ruin—your trades! 9. Thou shalt consider the source. Start talking to anyone about trading and all of a sudden they have the next hot stock tip. Does this sound familiar? Have you had someone tell you that “XYZ” stock was a sure thing, poised to take off? Did you ask who their source was? In too many cases they heard it from their nextdoor neighbor’s uncle who overheard a woman who had talked to her hairstylist about a friend who works for a company that cleans the factory for “XYZ”. Do you want to rely on this information? How about your broker? Is it possible that the broker calls you with the “stock du jour” just to make a commission? Or could it be that the bro- Page 14 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 kerage firm wants to sell off a particular stock in their inventory? I’m not telling you to ignore tips—any of these could be great information. Just pay attention and do your homework before investing. The next time someone gives you a hot tip, stop and think about it for a minute. Does the person giving you the advice have your best interests at heart or their own? 10. Thou shalt avoid the S.T.O.r.M. The “S.T.O.r.M.” is my name for Short-Term Out-of-the-Money options. This one habit can kill option traders, especially newer ones. Why do people buy S.T.O.r.M. options in the first place? It’s usually because they look inexpensive. Well, let’s think about that; why are they so inexpensive? Because there’s little opportunity that they will ever make money. When you are buying options, time decay is your enemy, and the closer to expiration the faster the decay. You should buy as much time as possible for your underlying stock to perform. If you are buying longerterm options, expiring four months out or more, you can then afford to buy one strike price out of the money. If you are buying short-term options however, three months out or less, you should buy them at least one strike price in the money. There you have it, my proposal for the “ten commandments” of option trading. Start applying them to your trades, both paper and real, and I think you will find that not only will you make better decisions but you may also see your trading accounts start to grow in value. Call us at (800) 676-4410 Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 15 SELLING By BetterTrades Coach JOHN WHITE I remember we had someone come over the house one time to do some repairs to our roof. There had been a lot of storms, including some hail, and there were numerous houses in the area that sustained damage to the roof. Ours was one of them. I called a couple of roofers who had been advertising in town and asked them to come out and give me an estimate on the cost. I was hoping it would only be a minimal cost, but was prepared to receive some bad news. I told my dad what had happened and that we had some people coming out to take a look and give us a price. Then he gave me a great piece of advice. He said, “Son, Page 16 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 make sure they know that you aren’t going to pay them a dime until the work has been completed to your satisfaction.” In other words, they were going to get paid at the end of the job. I took his advice and it paid off. The roofers were professional, did a great job and I paid them in full when the repairs were complete. That’s actually the way most jobs work. You do the work and then you get paid. It’s like that for any job where you exchange time for money. Having said that, I admit that I prefer to teach my students to take the opposite approach when they trade the stock market. I teach them how to get paid up front – when they open a position, rather than waiting until it is closed. Call us at (800) 676-4410 PREMIUM There are several methods that you can use in order to sell premium: naked puts, naked calls, credit spreads, covered calls and collars. I would recommend against considering naked calls because of the unlimited risk involved. The other strategies are perfectly acceptable methods of selling premium. Let’s take a look at the collar and see how that might work. A collar is a stock position that is insured by a put. You sell a call to pay for the put insurance and to provide potential income. It’s essentially a covered call joined with a protective put. HERE’S AN EXAMPLE: • You purchase the stock (or use the stock you already own) for $32.50. • You buy a 30 put for $1. capped your maximum loss on the put option at $2.50. In this example, if the stock goes down to $30, you’ve got $2.50 per share, but the put will make up that difference by its increasing value. Your stock loss will be offset by the put. If the stock price goes up to $35, you will have to sell your stock position, but will make a profit on the stock and keep the premium you captured when you opened the position. You can trade collars using bullish and bearish setups. You can trade them with a variety of time frames, from short to medium to long-term. Just remember to keep the trade insured at all times or you could run into difficulties. Just keep on selling premium. Get your money at the beginning of the trade. • You sell a 35 call for $1. The put insures the stock at $30. The call you sold brings in income and leaves you with an unlimited upside potential. The collar in this example has capped your maximum gain on the option at $2.50 and Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 17 eSignal is the NATION who want the best and fastes eSignal is comprehensive trading software th from 100s of exchanges and indices worldwide decision support tools and award-w ALL FROM A SI Save THOU$ AND$ of dollars in commissions compared to the average broker* MAKE JUST ONE OPTIONS TRADE PER WEEK AND SAVE MORE THAN THE YEARLY COST OF ESIGNAL! *as of 3/30/15. We compared 4 brokers - 1) TrackData: $10 minimum at $1 per contract. 2) TD Ameritrade and eTrade: $9.99 rate + $0.75 per contract. 3) OptionsXpress: $12.95 minimum at $1.25 per contract. Average for a single contract round trip (entry and exit) options trade between these 4 brokers came to $22.215 up to $22.22). Tradier is $0.351 per contract, $5 minimum for single leg, $7 minimum for multi leg and was in the average. Page 18 -(rounded in the MONEY Magazine - Volume - Issue 9 - June 2015 Callnotusincluded at (800) 676-4410 N’S LEADING PLATFORM PROVIDER FOR TRADERS st-flow of information for stocks, options, futures and forex trading. hat offers advanced charting tools, technical analysis studies and back testing, streaming quotes e and for all the asset classes — stocks, futures, Forex, options and ETFs. eSignal combines these winning data with trading integration that connects users to brokers for online trading — NGL E, C U S T O M I ZABLE PLATFORM ! eSignal Features: eSignal is comprehensive trading software that offers advanced charting tools, technical analysis studies and back testing, streaming quotes from 100s of exchanges and indices worldwide and for all the asset classes — stocks, futures, Forex, options and ETFs. eSignal combines these decision-support tools and award-winning data with trading integration that connects users to brokers for online trading — all from a single, customizable platform. Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 19 Page 20 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 Call us at (800) 676-4410 MARKET TRENDS a look at company that’s making news … Spotlight Stock: EnerNOC By Benzinga Staff EnerNOC (ENOC) is a key partner to Tesla Motors in deployment of its battery storage units. The company provides demand response and energy management software to commercial and industrial (C&I) users, according to a Greentech report from Jeff St. John. CEO Tim Healy said that EnerNOC’s initial Tesla battery deployments were at “select customer sites in California” and he went on to describe EnerNOC’s energy intelligence software (EIS) as the “information layer” between Tesla’s batteries and customer sites, allowing customers to “monitor the batteries and engage in demand-charge management and demand response.” a cost of $25,000 apiece, or $250 per kilowatt-hour,” according to the report. While the above prices may be relatively low for utility-scale lithium-ion batteries, the report added that it was unclear how much more costs would be added “with the addition of bidirectional inverters, other supporting electronics, and installation costs.” Over the long-term, software for managing batteries, including Tesla’s Powerpack, have a critical role to play from Healy’s perspective. “Batteries are an important piece of the puzzle in moving from central generation to distributed energy resources and microgrids. And in order for this transition to work, the industry requires software as an important part of the information layer,” Healy concluded. EnerNOC recently traded at $10.28, down 1.25 percent. It was unclear, however, when the Tesla business would become a significant generator of revenue for EnerNOC as the growth of the market may depend on Tesla Powerpack units coming in at a low cost to customers. “EnerNOC is using Tesla’s 100-kilowatt-hour Powerpack units, capable of discharge over two to four hours at a time, which Tesla has said will come in at Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 21 H igh achievers embrace the concept of networking. By reaching out to others with a different set of skills, they are able to enhance and improve their own abilities by leaning on the attributes of others. Many times networking can be performed to help you become a more complete person or company. For example, say you’re preparing to launch a website and you know the mechanics of how to put a site together and get it up and running, but have limited skills when it comes to writing content. You can go through your network and find someone who may be able to write the material needed to make the website come alive. They may even be someone who wants to contribute to a site, but who has limited technical know-how. The idea of networking at events has become more and more popular over the years. Perhaps you attend an event at a large venue and you find yourself sitting around the same Page 22 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 group of people for the entire day. Rather than speak only to your friends or rather than keeping mum, the idea is to reach out to other people around you. The person you meet may turn out to be a key contact, someone who can help your business and be of personal assistance. Maybe you’ll become a source for someone and can offer to help them in a business endeavor. But even if the person you meet produces no benefit, at least you can say that you’ve made a new friend. And no one can have enough friends! Call us at (800) 676-4410 When networking, find out as much as you can about the other person. Ask questions that require them to reveal themselves. Don’t ask questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” Make the other person get engaged in the conversation. Ask them for advice if you’ve got a problem. Ask them about any unique problems they’ve faced and listen when they tell you the answer. Be sure you listen instead of just wait to talk. By being observant and listening to other people when you network, you’re more apt to be tuned in to potential problems and possible solutions. Networking can really expand your base of contacts. Many business professionals use a social networking platform like LinkedIn to reach out and stay in touch with other people. It offers the opportunity to seize the day and connect with others who may be offering goods and services you can use. It’s normally preferable to work with someone you already know and with skilled networking you’ll know more people. (Tony Benson is a BetterTrades trading education coach and creator of the Patterns in a Flash training tool.) A FAST AND ENJOYABLE way to learn chart patterns and how to trade them! GET PATTERNS IN A FLASH FOR ONLY 199 $ FOR AN ENTIRE QUARTER! call 800-676-4410 AND SAY “PATTERNS”! Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 23 By Amelia Morrison D O DIVIDENDS AND DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTIONS MYSTIFY YOU? Chances are it’s not the concept of dividends that confuse you; the ex-dividend date and date of record are the tricky parts. Let’s see if I can shed some light about the dividend payment process and explain on what date the buyer of the stock gets to keep the dividend. The decision to distribute a dividend is made by a company’s board of directors. There is nothing requiring a company to pay a dividend, even if the company has paid dividends in the past. However, many investors (particularly fund managers) view a steady dividend history as an important indicator of a good investment, so most companies are reluctant to reduce or stop their dividend payments. DIVIDENDS CAN BE PAID IN A VARIETY OF DIFFERENT FORMS. Page 24 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 1. CASH DIVIDENDS are the most popular. This is money paid to stockholders, normally out of the corporation’s current earnings or accumulated profits. For example, suppose you own 100 shares of Cory’s Brewing Company. Cory has made record sales this year thanks to an unusually high demand for his unique peach flavored beer. The company therefore decides to share some of this good fortune with the stockholders and declares a dividend of $0.10 per share. This means that you will receive a check from Cory’s Brewing Company for $10.00 ($0.10 x 100shares). In practice, companies that pay dividends usually do on a regular basis of four times a year. Call us at (800) 676-4410 A one-time dividend such as the one we just described is referred to as an extra dividend. commission free and at a significant discount to the current share price. 2. STOCK DIVIDENDS, the second most common method, pays additional shares of stock rather than cash. There are FOUR major dates in the process of a company paying dividends: Suppose that Cory’s Brewing Company wishes to issue a dividend but doesn’t have the necessary cash available to pay everyone. He does, however, have enough Treasury stock to meet the requirements of the dividend payout. So instead of paying cash, Cory decides to issue a dividend of 0.05 new shares for every existing one share. This means that you will receive five shares of stock for every 100 shares that you own. If any fractional shares are left over, the dividend is paid as cash (because stocks do not trade fractionally). 3. PROPERTY DIVIDENDS are used rarely. This type of allocation is a physical transfer of a tangible asset from the company to the investors. For instance, if Cory’s Brewing Company was still insistent on paying out dividends but didn’t have enough Treasury stock or enough money to pay out all investors, the company could look for something physical (property) to distribute. In this case, Cory might decide that his unique peach beer would be the best substitute, so he could distribute a couple of sixpacks to all the shareholders.(Do not get too excited here, after all we are talking about peach flavored beer!) 4.DRIP= DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLAN is popular for some investors just starting out.. This is a plan offered by a corporation that allows investors to reinvest their cash dividends by purchasing additional shares or fractional shares on the dividend payment date. 1.DECLARATION/ANNOUNCED DATE - This is the date on which the board of directors announces to shareholders and the market as a whole that the company will pay a dividend. 2. EX-DATE OR EX-DIVIDEND DATE - If you buy a dividend paying stock one day before the ex-dividend you will still get the dividend, but if you buy on the ex-dividend date or later, you won’t get the dividend. Conversely, if you want to sell a stock and still receive a dividend that has been declared/ announced, you need to sell on (or after) the ex-dividend day. The ex-date is the second business day before the date of record. 3. DATE OF RECORD - This is the date on which the company looks at its records to see who the shareholders of the company are. An investor must be listed as a holder of record to ensure the right of a dividend payout. 4. DATE OF PAYMENT (payable date) - This is the date the company sends the dividend to the holder of record. This date is generally a week or more after the date of record so that the company has sufficient time to ensure that it accurately pays all those who are entitled. Dividend stocks are a nice addition to consider for a portfolio. (Read more of Amelia Morison’s Blogs at A DRIP is an excellent way to increase the value of your investment. Most DRIPs allow you to buy shares Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 25 Purchasing POT on the Market? It COULD Happen! L egalized marijuana has had its fair share of difficulties over the past few years. From legal battles to an ongoing debate over how federal law hampers innovation, the marijuana market has been under a lot of pressure. Page 26 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 Call us at (800) 676-4410 H owever, according to Kindman Cannabis CEO Ryan Fox, those issues are just the beginning as the recreational marijuana market opens up. His Coloradobased wholesale dispensary has seen steadily increasing demand as the drug becomes more acceptable to the general public, something growers haven’t been able to keep up with. Fox’s business has invested in increasing the number of growing facilities; he says the industry is only likely to get bigger, and most dispensaries aren’t prepared to handle any more growth in demand. According to Fox, the current market is only in its infancy and most firms’ long-term plans are weak at best; but, with recreational use spreading quickly, he says it’s only a matter of time before other states follow Colorado’s lead. The weed industry in Colorado has faced shortages, especially after days like April 20 and New Year’s when the state’s legislation changed. In other places where marijuana was recently legalized, like Washington D.C., shortages also became a problem, as demand for the drug surpassed what growers and dispensaries had predicted. For that reason, Fox said he sees marijuana evolving to trade like a commodity in the future, once the industry has become more developed. Much like corn or coffee, marijuana crops are affected by a wide range of factors from weather conditions to pest problems, and as the industry matures, Fox says investors will begin to value the drug as a tradable commodity. Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 27 BACK to BASICS... by Stan Awetry BASIC INDICATORS the importance of indicators I ndicators are an important part of the trading process because they allow an individual to project which direction a stock may move. By using indicators, a trader can often confirm their beliefs about a trade or back away from entering or exiting a position. There are more than 100 technical indicators available for analytical reasons and they can each be used to identify potential trading opportunities. Indicators are generally based on either price or volume. Here are some of the more popular indicators to consider using in your technical analysis. Page 28 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 • MACD: The “MACD” is a trend following momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of prices. To Calculate the MACD subtract the 26-day EMA from a 12day EMA. A 9-day dotted EMA of the MACD called the signal line is then plotted on top of the MACD. • PARABOLIC SAR: A technical analysis developed by J. Wells Wilder. The strategy uses a trailing stop and reverse method (called “SAR” - stop-and-reversal) which helps determine good exit and entry points for investing Call us at (800) 676-4410 • RELATIVE STRENGTH INDEX: A technical analysis indicator that compares the days that a stock finishes up against when it finishes lower. RSI ranges from 0 to 100, but a stock is considered overbought if it reaches the 70 level and you should consider selling. When the market is a true bull market then 80 might be a better level since stocks often trade at higher valuations. Likewise if the RSI approaches 30 it is a strong buying indicator and 20 in a strong bear market. • STOCHASTIC: The Stochastic Oscillator compares where a security’s price closed relative to its price range over a given time period. The theory behind this indicator is that in an upwardly trending market, prices tend to close near their high and during a downward trending market, prices tend to close near their low. Stochastics work best when a stock is channeling and is ineffective when a stock is trending. • ADVANCE /DECLINE LINE: A technical analysis tool representing the total of differences between advances and declines of security prices. The advance/decline line is considered the best indicator of market movement as a whole, stock indices such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average only tell us the strength of 30 stocks where as the A/D line provides much more insight. Remember, too much analysis is a bad thing. Find the handful of indicators you like and learn how to use them to your utmost advantage. Don’t try to learn them all; you’ll spend too much time in analysis and not enough time making better trades. Don’t succumb to paralysis by analysis. You’ll be HANGING on our every word! Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 29 walk in a trading lamb...WALK OUT A TRADING LION! The ULTIMATE class from BetterTrades is being offered exclusively to students who are ready to learn how to become an active participant in the market. The Five-Day Trader’s Intensive is an action-packed WEEK of implementing what you’ve learned under live market conditions by making a series of non-funded paper trades under the watchful eye of two of the premier stock market educators in the country. BILL CORCORAN Bill brings a unique perspective to the BetterTrades coaching staff. A former law enforcement officer, he came to the company as a student, attended classes and learned how to use the stock market as a way to achieve his personal goals. Today his message resonates with students, who appreciate and draw encouragement from his high-energy presentations. Bill teaches a variety of strategies and techniques that can be used with short-term and longerterm positions. Page 30 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 MARKAY LATIMER Markay is one of the top teachers of technical analysis. She has taught thousands of students how to read and understand the information that is available in a stock’s price chart. Ironically, she became a believer in the importance of charting after setting out to prove they were meaningless. She wound up proving their value! Markay understands market patterns and enjoys teaching students how to identify them and recognize the trading opportunities they present. Call us at (800) 676-4410 HERE’S WHAT YOU GET WITH THE FIVE-DAY TRADER’S INTENSIVE: • Five days of non-stop “intensive” instruction. You’ll start at 8 a.m. and wind up around 5 p.m. each night. Other than a break for meals you’ll get pushed and pushed! • Two tremendous instructors. Bill Corcoran and Markay Latimer are two of the nation’s best instructors when it comes to stock and options trading. They have taught thousands of students how to trade the market and they’re ready to help you reach the elite level. • Access to the new purpose-built mock trading room in our Atlanta office. Each desk comes with 3 monitors so you can watch multiple positions at once. There are televisions and stock tickers on the walls. Each computer is loaded with the tools you’ll use to assist you in your quest for greatness. You’ll feel just like you’re on the floor of the exchange. This is a FULL-SERVICE EDUCATIONAL EVENT that is designed to teach you how to manage information, identify trading candidates, locate and efficiently enter and exit non-funded trades in multiple time frames. 5 DAYS OF EDUCATION THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR TRADING FOR A LIFETIME! THE NEXT 5-DAY CLASS IS COMING SOON! WE HAVE A PHENOMENAL OFFER WAITING FOR YOU... CALL US TODAY AT 800-676-4410 TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT! Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 31 SPEND TWO FULL DAYS LEARNING HOW TO USE THE TRADING TOOLS UNDER LIVE MARKET CONDITIONS. During this exciting two-day program you’ll be able to get hands-on training on how to set up and use your trading tools while the market is live. You’ll be taught how to use the tools through a series of non-funded practice trades that will help you get ready for the real thing. Join one of our talented trading education coaches for two fast-paced, exciting days. YOU’LL LEARN SO MUCH MORE… AND SO MUCH FASTER… by taking your skills & these tools to a level not experienced by the average trader. PLUS: It all takes place inside the new BetterTrades TRADING ROOM. You’ll experience the look and feel of a real trading room and get the personal attention for which BetterTrades has become known. Regular price $2995 EVENT PRICE 1995 $ This class was all about mastering the “tools of the trade”. Whether you aspire to become a blacksmith, accountant, attorney, or a golf pro… you can only allow yourself the opportunity to reach your greatest potential after mastering the tools of the trade. It’s difficult to know where to begin using the tools when you are not sure what the tools are capable of. BETTERTRADES STUDENT CLAYTON P. Thank you for providing the Traders Camp course. WITHOUT EXCEPTION THE MOST COMPLETE TRAINING I HAVE EVER RECEIVED! The facility was top shelf and state of the art. BETTERTRADES STUDENT RIC R. CSM US ARMY(RET) AS USUAL, ROB OVERDELIVERED! His tireless efforts, down to earth approach and thorough explanation of the strategies, facilitated a full understanding and application of the material taught.Anyone looking to enhance their trading to get to the NEXT LEVEL, should attend Traders Camp. Page 32 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 BETTERTRADES STUDENT RICHARD A. Call us at (800) 676-4410 ~ the LAUGHING “STOCK” ~ Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 33 Page 34 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 Call us at (800) 676-4410 Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 35 Page 36 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 Call us at (800) 676-4410 Where on the World Wide Web can you find BetterTrades? EVERYWHERE... THAT’S WHERE! Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and GooglePlus are just a few of the places yoou can find BetterTrades. And we have a ton of content, special offers, information, and other great reasons for you to friend us, like us, follow us, retweet us, etc. So come on and visit us online... WE’RE REAL EASY TO FIND! Call us at (800) 676-4410 in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 37 EARNINGS REPORT: JUNE 1st - JUNE 30TH, 2015 TICKER COMPANY NAME MONDAY, JUNE 1ST AIRT.................................................... “Air T, Inc.” CONN.............................................. “Conn’s, Inc.” CVGW........................................ Calavo Growers GWRE....................... “Guidewire Software, Inc.” KKD................“Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc.” MLAB...................................... Mesa Laboratories NDZ..................................................Nordion Inc. ZQK............................................“Quiksilver, Inc.” TUESDAY, JUNE 2 ABM.................... ABM Industries Incorporated AMBA................................................... Ambarella AMWD............................. American Woodmark Corporation ASNA....................... “Ascena Retail Group, Inc.” DATE................. International Ltd. DG.......................... Dollar General Corporation FCEL................................ “FuelCell Energy, Inc.” GIII.........................“G-III Apparel Group, LTD.” MEAS................“Measurement Specialties, Inc.” MFRM............................. Mattress Firm Holding Corp. MIND....................................Mitcham Industries MIND....................................Mitcham Industries PLUS....................................................... Eplus Inc. RENT................................. Rentrak Corporation VLGEA................... “Village Super Market, Inc.” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 BF-B....................... Brown Forman Corporation BV............................................“Bazaarvoice, Inc.” CYBX....................................... “Cyberonics, Inc.” FIVE.......................................... “Five Below, Inc.” GEF.................................Greif Bros. Corporation HOV......................... Hovnanian Enterprises Inc IXYS........................................ IXYS Corporation PVH......................................................PVH Corp. RLD........................................................RealD Inc VISN...........................“VisionChina Media, Inc.” VRNT.....................................Verint Systems Inc. XNY................................... China Xiniya Fashion TICKER COMPANY NAME THURSDAY, JUNE 4” GX................................................................ Argan ALOG.......................................................Analogic AMSC........................American Superconductor Corporation AOI................................................... Alliance One BRLI......................“Bio-Reference Laboratories, Inc.” BZC............................................... Breeze-Eastern CIEN................................... CIENA Corporation CMN..................................Cantel Medical Corp. CMTL.................Comtech Telecommunications Corp. COO........................................................... Cooper CRDS......................... “Crossroads Systems, Inc.” DMND............................ “Diamond Foods, Inc.” HOFT................ Hooker Furniture Corporation JOY........................................................ Joy Global MCZ............................. Mad Catz Interactive Inc MTN........................................ “Vail Resorts, Inc.” MW.................... “Men’s Wearhouse, Inc. (The)” NAV............Navistar International Corporation NX.............................Quanex Building Products Corporation PAY........................................... VeriFone Systems RALY......................Rally Software Development Group RMCF.....................“Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Inc.” SEAC.................“SeaChange International, Inc.” SJM...................... J.M. Smucker Company (The) SLTC......................................................... Selectica THO..................................“Thor Industries, Inc.” TITN.................................. Titan Machinery Inc. UTIW................................... UTi Worldwide Inc. VNCE........................................... Vince Holdings VRA........................................“Vera Bradley, Inc.” ZOES................................................Zoe’s Kitchen FRIDAY, JUNE 5 HURC..................................... Hurco Companies JOSB...................... “Jos. A. Bank Clothiers, Inc.” KMG................................“KMG Chemicals, Inc.” ODC.......................................Oil-Dri of America PNY.................................“Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc.” Page 38 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 TICKER COMPANY NAME QURE.................................................uniQure BV SHOS..................................Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores MONDAY, JUNE 8 EPI......................................... AEP Industries Inc. BOX...................................................................Box CASY..................... “Caseys General Stores, Inc.” CNSI.......................................................Comverse COOL........... Majesco Entertainment Company ENZ.................................... “Enzo Biochem, Inc.” FGP...............................“Ferrellgas Partners, L.P.” HRB..................................................... H&R Block IDT............................................ IDT Corporation KANG...........................iKang Healthcare Group LMNR.............................................Limoneira Co MLNK...................................“ModusLink Global Solutions, Inc” PBY............................. “Pep Boys-Manny, Moe & Jack (The)” SPCB......................................................SuperCom SURG..............................“Synergetics USA, Inc.” TA................................TravelCenters of America TPLM..............Triangle Petroleum Corporation UBA..................... Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc. UEC.................................Uranium Energy Corp. TUESDAY, JUNE 9 BURL.........................................Burlington Stores CBK.................................... Christopher & Banks CHKE......................................................Cherokee ESTE........................................Earthstone Energy FRAN.................................. Francesca’s Holdings Corporation HDS.....................................HD Supply Holdings JVA............................. “Coffee Holding Co., Inc.” MFRI..................................................“MFRI, Inc.” NCS...................................NCI Building Systems OXM......................................... Oxford Industries RADA...................... Rada Electronics Industries Limited RSH.....................................................RadioShack SAIC........................................................ SAIC Inc SPWH.......................... “Sportsman’s Warehouse Holdings, Inc” UNFI......................“United Natural Foods, Inc.” Call us at (800) 676-4410 TICKER COMPANY NAME TICKER COMPANY NAME TICKER COMPANY NAME WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 ALDX................................. Aldeyra Therapeutics DDC.................................... Dominion Diamond FRD.............................. Friedman Industries Inc. OCC................................................ Optical Cable OCC......................... Optical Cable Corporation RH.....................................Restoration Hardware RLOG................................. “Rand Logistics, Inc.” SIGM.................................. “Sigma Designs, Inc.” ALDR........................................Alder Biopharma ATU.....................................Actuant Corporation CLC............................................................ Clarcor CO........................................... China Cord Blood CRWS...............................................Crown Crafts FDX.............................................................. FedEx JBL...................................................... Jabil Circuit TAX..................................................... Liberty Tax TAX..................................................... Liberty Tax APOG.................................... Apogee Enterprises BBBY.....................................Bed Bath & Beyond BKS................................... “Barnes & Noble, Inc.” CIDM...............Cinedigm Digital Cinema Corp FUL.................................... H. B. Fuller Company LNN.....................................Lindsay Corporation MLHR................................“Herman Miller, Inc.” MON......................................................Monsanto MSN...................... Emerson Radio Corporation MXC............................................... Mexco Energy OMN........................... OMNOVA Solutions Inc. SCS...........................................................Steelcase THURSDAY, JUNE 10 THURSDAY, JUNE 18 ARIS..................................ARI Network Services CPST................. Capstone Turbine Corporation EROS......................................... EROS INTL PLC FNSR.................................... Finisar Corporation LAKE......................... “Lakeland Industries, Inc.” LE.............................................. “Lands’ End, Inc.” LUB.................................................... “Luby’s, Inc.” LULU.............................. lululemon athletica inc. ONVO...................................Organovo Holdings RFIL...................................... “RF Industries, Ltd.” FNSR........................................................... Finisar JRJC.............China Finance Online Co. Limited KR................................................................ Kroger ORCL....................................Oracle Corporation PIR.......................................“Pier 1 Imports, Inc.” RAD...........................................................Rite Aid RHT........................................................... Red Hat SWHC..Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation WSCI..................................... WSI Industries Inc. FRIDAY, JUNE 12 FRIDAY, JUNE 19 CFI........................................................“Culp, Inc.” KUTV............................... “Ku6 Media Co., Ltd.” LABL........................... Multi-Color Corporation NATH.........................................Nathan’s Famous STRM.......................................Streamline Health DRI........................................Darden Restaurants KMX.......................................................... CarMax MONDAY, JUNE 15 ANFI................................... Amira Nature Foods CPST........................................ Capstone Turbine KFY............................. Korn/Ferry International MPAA........... “Motorcar Parts of America, Inc.” NOBH..........................................Nobility Homes VIRC........... Virco Manufacturing Corporation TUESDAY, JUNE 16 ADBE............................................Adobe Systems DAEG....................................................Daegis Inc FDS.............................. FactSet Research Systems ISLE..........................“Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc.” JW-A...................................... John Wiley & Sons LZB......................................................... La-Z-Boy Call us at (800) 676-4410 MONDAY, JUNE 22 ADMP.......................... Adamis Pharmaceuticals CCL................................... Carnival Corporation CUB............................................................... Cubic EBF.....................................................“Ennis, Inc.” MU.............................“Micron Technology, Inc.” SONC.............................................................Sonic TUESDAY, JUNE 23 BBRY....................................................BlackBerry EEI.................. “Ecology and Environment, Inc.” EXFO............................................................ EXFO IHS.................................................................... IHS KEQU............ Kewaunee Scientific Corporation WAG.................................................Walgreen Co. THURSDAY, JUNE 25 ACN.......................................................Accenture ARTW.......“Art’s-Way Manufacturing Co., Inc.” AZZ................................................................. AZZ CMC......................................Commercial Metals LEN......................................Lennar Corporation MEI...................................... Methode Electronics MKC.“McCormick & Company, Incorporated” NKE......................................................“Nike, Inc.” PRGS................. Progress Software Corporation SCHN...............“Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc.” SJR...................................Shaw Communications WBA............................Walgreens Boots Alliance WGO.....................“Winnebago Industries, Inc.” WOR.................. “Worthington Industries, Inc.” FRIDAY, JUNE 26 CJJD................................China Jo-Jo Drugstores CYAN....................................................Cyanotech FINL................................. “The Finish Line, Inc.” KBH........................................................ KB Home LAS.............................. Lentuo International Inc. LEI....................................................Lucas Energy MONDAY, JUNE 29 ANIK..................................... Anika Therapeutics API..............................“Advanced Photonix, Inc.” APOL........................... Apollo Education Group APPS.............................................Digital Turbine ASX............................. Advanced Semiconductor AVHI...................................................A V Homes BCO............................................................. Brink’s in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 39 EARNINGS REPORT: JUNE 1st - JUNE 30TH, 2015 TICKER COMPANY NAME MONDAY, JUNE 29 CEB.The Corporate Executive Board Company CTBI.........................Community Trust Bancorp DGI....................................................DigitalGlobe DRII...........................................Diamond Resorts ELLO....................................Ellomay Capital Ltd. EXAM....................................ExamWorks Group HELI...................................................CHC Group HIHO.......................Highway Holdings Limited HURN............................... Huronnsulting Group IRET.......................... Investors Real Estate Trust JAZZ....................................Jazz Pharmaceuticals KBR................................................................. KBR PFIE..............................PROFIRE ENERGY INC ROX................................................. Castle Brands RTGN...................................................... Ruthigen SAFT.............................. Safety Insurance Group SCCO........................................Southern Copper TUESDAY, JUNE 30 NTH............................ Anthera Pharmaceuticals AYI............................................Acuity Brands Inc CAG..............................................ConAgra Foods CAMP............................................CalAmp Corp. FC............................... Franklin Covey Company PAYX..............................................“Paychex, Inc.” PKE..................................... Park Electrochemical SBLK.........................................Star Bulk Carriers SHLM.....................................“A. Schulman, Inc.” Page 40 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 Call us at (800) 676-4410 No! Not that look... That’s our designer, he always looks like that... We’re talking about the ALL-NEW Faster, easier to navigate, and re-designed to work seamlessly on your computer, tablet and phone. Since we’re now a “Better” BetterTrades, so we thought it was about high time thate we made a “Better” Call us at (800) 676-4410! in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 8 - June 2015 - Page 41 • Extreme Charts takes all the data and information and creates a picture of a stock’s activity. • Extreme Charts puts it in a form that makes it pleasing to the eye and less intimidating to the student. • Extreme Charts offers you a visual opportunity to better understand what’s going on in the stock market. • See the patterns develop right in front of you – from pennants and flags to wedges and rectangles. • Identify the patterns that are bullish and bearish – and implement the PROPER STRATEGY • Put your finger on the patterns that show retracement or consolidation Extreme Charts is more than just about showing patterns. It has many more benefits than the average charting program. That’s because all the components that go into Extreme Charts are put there because they were requested by people who actually trade the market. During the development process, BetterTrades went to stock traders and asked them what they needed and wanted in a program. Page 42 - in the MONEY Magazine - Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 2015 Call us at (800) 676-4410
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