Teresa Pace Candidate Statement

Teresa Pace Candidate Statement (BoG, term 2015-2017)
I have been serving the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society as Editor-In-Chief of the Systems
Magazine for over 5 years and prior to that as Associate Editor. I have had the pleasure of serving on
the Board of Governors since 2012 and recently was honored to be elected as the Executive Vice
President. When I first began this endeavor I was unaware of the challenges that the magazine, society,
and the Board of Governors (BoG) faced in general. Since that time, I have had the unique opportunity
to hear feedback from society members, editorial board members, as well as past and present members
of the Board of Governors as to how they would like to see the magazine and the society grow in a
positive way to better meet the needs of our members as we progress into the future. I think we’ve
made great strides with the magazine due to our incredibly dedicated editorial board and with the
society in general through the hard work and dedication of the Board. It is my sincere desire to serve
another term on the BoG to continue to address and help overcome the issues we face during these
very challenging times.