Equity Talk Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Analyst Meeting CP All CPALL Rec. : BUY More solid plan to decrease shares in MAKRO We are still optimistic that CPALL's profit would grow significantly for the remainder of the year. Progress on decrease of CPALL's shareholding in MAKRO has been made; this would relieve CPALL's debt burden and lower risk of capital increase, and strengthen its fundamental factors. Remain optimistic. Profit to grow significantly According to the analyst meeting yesterday, we are still optimistic that CPALL's profit would grow significantly for the remainder of the year. Although same store sales would remain weak as a result of the slowing economy (+0.3%yoy in 1Q15), it would be compensated by high profit margin, and financial cost is expected to stay low like in 1Q15 and decrease remarkably from the same period last year; electricity cost (9% of SG&A) would drop as May-August Ft rate has been lowered by B0.10/unit. Besides, CPALL still plans to open at least 600 new branches this year. Shared profit from MAKRO has also grown significantly as 13 branches were opened in 2014 (record high) and 12 new branches would be opened this year. CPALL's same store sales growth is also projected 3-4%yoy, the strongest in the sector. Planning to decrease shares in MAKRO CPALL has officially announced its plan to decrease its shareholding in MAKRO from 97.88%, already submitted the registration statement for the offer for sales of the shares to the general public and the draft prospectus to the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) like IPO. The tender offer price and the list of people with rights to buy have not been announced yet and will be revealed later. This issue has positive sentiment because selling of MAKRO's shares can partially reduce CPALL's debt from the total of B187bn (4.9x net gearing), B27bn from shortterm debt and long-term debt from banks that can be repaid anytime and another B160bn from bonds that CPALL has to repay on maturity date (but some is allowed to be repaid before the maturity date). Considering the short-term debt and longterm debt from banks that can be repaid anytime, CPALL is projected to decrease its shares in MAKRO by 10-13% (at the price of B42-45, close to the cost). In this case, CPALL's net profit is projected to rise by 2.1-3.3% since lower interest expense would compensate for weaker shared from MAKRO after consolidating financial statement; this has not been included in our forecast yet. Positive sentiment for CPALL, MAKRO Source : ASPS Research FY13A 272,286 10,503 1.17 38.9 0.90 2.0 14.2 37.6 24.7 FY14A 357,766 10,154 1.13 40.3 0.80 1.8 12.4 34.1 30.4 Upside : 16.5% Dividend Yield : 1.8% Total Return : 18.3% Market Cap. (Bm) : 408,731 CG Score: NR. Technical Chart ASPS vs IAA consensus ASP 2015F 1.49 2016F 1.98 EPS (B) This is a positive sentiment for both CPALL and MAKRO. For MAKRO, this is a good entry point for short-term speculation; its price is currently lower than CPALL's cost of B41-42 (Fx loss included), likely to rise. For CPALL, its financial position would improve, lowering risk of capital increase, strengthening its fundamental factors. The share price would return to the premium level in the future. Key Data FY: Dec 31 Sales & Services (Bm) Net Profit (Bm) Norm EPS (B) PER (x) DPS (B) Dividend Yield (%) PBV (x) ROAE (%) EV/EBITDA Current Price (B): 45.50 Target Price (B): 53.00 FY15F 403,828 13,360 1.49 30.6 0.80 1.8 11.1 39.4 22.4 FY16F 459,079 17,778 1.98 23.0 0.80 1.8 8.6 42.1 17.9 Cons 1.47 1.83 % diff 1% 8% Source : IAA consensus and ASPS FY17F 518,258 24,098 2.68 17.0 0.80 1.8 6.3 43.0 13.8 Kawee Manitsupavong License No.: 003974 [email protected] Anuwat Srikajornratkul License No.: 045698 [email protected] This report is a rough translation of one of our Thai-language research products. It is produced primarily with time efficiency in mind, so that English-reading clients can see what the main recommendations are from our Thai-language research team. Given that this is a rough-and-ready translation, Asia Plus Securities pcl cannot be held responsible for translation inaccuracies.) The reports and information contained herein are compiled from public data sources and our analysts' interviews with executives of listed companies. They are presented for informational purposes only and not to be deemed as solicitations to buy or sell any securities. Best attempts have been made to verify information from these vast sources, but we cannot guarantee their accuracy, adequacy, completeness and timeliness. The analyses and comments presented herein are opinions of our analysts and do not necessarily reflect the views of Asia Plus Securities. 1Q15 Earnings Result Key Data (Bm) Sales & service Cost of sales & service SG&A Other income Net profit EPS Gross profit margin SG&A/Sales Normalized profit margin 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 %QoQ %YoY1Q15's MAKRO 1Q15's CPALL only 82,351 88,414 86,158 88,945 87,672 94,991 95,554 0.6% 10.9% 39,588 55,966 357,766 403,828 12.9% 65,138 70,475 68,152 70,031 68,842 74,419 75,125 0.9% 10.2% 35,011 40,114 281,443 319,767 13.6% 16,436 17,743 16,430 16,885 16,733 18,742 17,085 -8.8% 3.9% 3,805 3,566 2,991 3,188 3,392 3,587 3,227 -10.0% 7.9% 188 2,660 2,008 2,699 2,252 2,688 2,509 3,408 35.8% 26.0% 1,539 0.30 0.28 0.38 35.8% 26.0% 2,742 14,343 2014 2015F % YoY 68,809 73,978 3,039 13,158 14,236 8.2% 1,869 10,154 13,360 31.6% 31.6% 0.30 0.22 0.30 0.25 n.a. 0.00 1.13 1.49 20.9% 20.3% 20.9% 21.3% 21.5% 21.7% 21.4% 11.6% 28.3% 21.3% 20.8% 20.0% 20.1% 19.1% 19.0% 19.1% 19.7% 17.9% 6.9% 25.6% 19.2% 18.3% 3.2% 2.3% 3.1% 2.5% 3.9% 3.3% 2.8% 3.3% 3.1% 2.6% 3.6% 7.5% Source: Financial Statement / ASPS Research Same Store Sales Growth Branches สาขา 8000 23.0% 25% 20% 10.0% 10.9% 8.2% 7.4% 518 6000 10.5% 11.8% 8.8% 8.1% 6.9% 4.7%4.4% 4000 4.6% 3000 1.5% 5.9% 0% 5000 7.6% 5% 0.5% -1.1% 0.3% 1.3% 1Q 09 2Q 09 3Q 09 4Q 09 1Q 10 2Q 10 3Q 10 4Q 10 1Q 11 2Q 11 3Q 11 4Q 11 1Q 12 2Q 12 3Q 12 4Q 12 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 4Q 14 1Q 15 -5% 641 588 7000 16.0% 14.3% 12.6% 15% 10% No. of Stores Same Store Sales Growth 216 1,449 255 1,562 346 1,813 2,130 2,541 466 2,884 3,320 2000 1000 3,593 3,916 2,671 2,794 2,834 2,926 2,984 3,570 2,462 3,248 2,119 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Franchise Sub area 0 -4.5% -3.6% Source :ASPS Research 294 415 Corporate Source :ASPS Research Food vs Non-Food Sales Key Risk Gross margin 40% 100% 1. The economy has been weaker than expected. 30% 70% 2. Aggressive branch expansion may weaken same store sales and result in cannibalization. 20% 40% 3. Temperature and weather can affect beverage sales. 10% -20% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 10% Food Source :ASPS Research Non Food 0% Non f ood Beverage and Food service Snack (Chilled food, Bakery, Count er fastf ood) Source :ASPS Research 2015-2017F Key Earning Forecast Profit & Loss Stagement (million Baht) Ended Dec31 Sales Cost of good sold Gross profit Selling and administrative expense Interest expense Other expense Other income EBT Tax Minority interest Non recurring items Net profit Norm profit Norm EPS Sales growth (YoY) Norm profit growth (YoY) Gross margin Norm margin Statement of Income (million Baht) Quaterly Sales Cost of good sold Gross profit Selling and administrative expense Interest expense Other expense Other income EBT Tax Minority interest Non recurring items Net profit Norm profit Statement of Cash Flows (million Baht) 2014 2015F 2016F 2017F Ended Dec31 357,766 403,828 459,079 518,258 Cash flows from operating activities (281,443) (319,767) (363,254) (409,181) Net profit 76,323 84,061 95,824 109,077 Adjustments : 68,809 73,999 82,445 91,578 Depreciation and amortisation 8,518 10,131 9,805 8,986 1,893 Others 13,158 17,077 19,021 22,059 Changes in operating assets (increase) decrease 12,153 17,008 22,596 30,573 Net cash provided by operating activities 2,258 3,402 4,519 6,115 Cash flows from investing activities (119) (246) (299) (360) Sale (Purchase) of current investments 10,154 10,154 1.13 13,360 13,360 1.49 17,778 17,778 1.98 24,098 24,098 2.68 31.4% -3.3% 21.3% 2.8% 12.9% 31.6% 20.8% 3.3% 13.7% 33.1% 20.9% 3.9% 12.9% 35.5% 21.0% 4.6% 2Q14 88,945 (70,031) 18,915 (16,885) (2,398) 3,188 2,819 (542) (26) 1 2,252 2,252 3Q14 87,672 (68,842) 18,831 (16,733) (2,415) 3,392 3,075 (596) (28) 237 2,688 2,688 4Q14 94,991 (74,419) 20,572 (18,742) (2,360) 3,587 3,057 (476) (33) (38) 2,509 2,509 1Q15 95,554 (75,125) 20,429 (17,085) (2,263) 3,227 4,307 (842) (37) (19) 3,408 3,408 74.1% -5.0% -2.7% 6.5% 0.6% -0.2% 7.4% 1.4% 0.4% 2014 0.70 406.92 13.38 4.94 5.09 34.1% 3.1% 2015F 0.65 423.11 13.88 5.49 4.29 39.4% 4.1% 2016F 0.53 430.80 14.21 6.01 3.09 42.1% 5.4% Sales growth (YoY) Gross profit growth (YoY) Net profit growth (YoY) Financial ratio Ended Dec 31 Current ratio A/R turnover Inventory turnover A/P turnover Debt to Equity ratio ROAA ROAE Source: Financial Statement / ASPS Research 2015F 2016F 2017F 13,458 15,486 17,974 21,686 6,310 8,240 8,793 9,173 6,603 26,371 (4,555) 19,171 4,597 31,364 8,575 39,434 (182) 1 (13,835) (17,894) (15,958) (17,894) (18,328) (15,723) (18,328) (15,723) 12,798 (5,215) (8,085) (7,186) (2,830) (12,402) 7,583 (11,124) (16,000) (19,726) (7,186) (7,186) (23,187) (26,912) (10,151) (3,202) Others Sale (Purchase) of PP&E Net cash used in investing activies Cash flows from financing activities Increase (decrease) in long-term loans Proceeds from share capital increase Others Dividend paid Net cash provided by financing activities Net increase (decrease) in cash Statement of Financial Position Ended Dec31 Cash and cash equivalents Account receivables Inventories Other current assets PP&E Total assets 2014 32,204 910 22,167 9,402 80,201 326,410 Account payables Other current liabilities Total liabilities Minority interest Issued and paid-up share capital Share premium Retained earnings Total shareholders' equity 59,312 57,148 32,703 28,559 291,352 285,959 4,276 4,522 8,983 8,983 1,684 1,684 21,432 27,606 35,058 41,478 63,685 71,590 29,355 27,032 278,584 269,041 4,820 5,181 8,983 8,983 1,684 1,684 38,198 55,109 52,368 69,640 326,410 327,437 330,952 338,681 10.9% 0.5% Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 0.4% 2017F 0.51 430.31 14.14 6.05 2.09 43.0% 7.1% 2014 2015F 2016F 2017F 21,080 10,929 7,727 999 1,133 1,276 23,916 27,206 30,683 9,911 10,461 11,055 88,808 97,276 102,738 327,437 330,952 338,681 Assumption Ended Dec31 No of stores Same Store Sales Growth (SSSG) Total sales growth 2014 7,922 -2.6% 5% 2015F 8,472 5.0% 13% 2016F 9,022 5.0% 12% 2017F 9,572 5.0% 11% MAKRO Same Store Sales Growth (SSSG) Total stores 4.3% 77 5.0% 86 5.0% 93 5.0% 98
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