Pregnancy Advice List This is a brief list of advice for women during pregnancy. The Intention: You should make the intention of Sayyida Hanna - the mother of Mary, the mother of Jesus (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon all of them). Sayyida Hanna (AS) dedicated the child in her womb to the service of Allāh. Her intention is described in the Qur’ān: “Lord, I have vowed to You, in dedication, what is in my womb for Your service. So accept this of me, for You hear and know all things} and {…I have named her Mary, and commend her to You with her seed, to protect them from the accursed Satan. Her Lord received the child with gracious favour, and caused her to grow up in goodly growth, and placed her in the care of Zakariya1 and: Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah has chosen you and purified you – chosen you above the women of all nations.”2 In a lecture entitled, Jesus and his Blessed Mother, Habīb ‘Ali al-Jifri attests to the sincerity and far-reaching consequences of Sayyida Hanna’s intention: “The intention of Hanna made the one she bore be accepted by Allāh. She possessed an intention with Allāh...when she intended that in her offspring there would be someone who serves All āh, someone who would serve this religion - when she was truthful in such an intention, Allāh honoured her because of her intention. Look at the effect of that intention: the very deliverance this Community will take place at the hands of our Master Jesus, peace be upon him.” Repeat the following verses during pregnancy: ﺎﺀb ﺍﻟﺪﱡﻋcﻴﻊiﻤbﻧﱠﻚﹶ ﺳhﺔﹰ ﺍbﹺﺒdﺔﹰ ﻃﹶﻴgﹺﻳdﻦ ﻟﱠﺪﹸﻧﻚﹶ ﺫﹸﺭi ﻣok ﻟeﺐbﹺ ﻫdﺏbﺭ Rabbi hab li milladunka dhurriyatan tayyibah innaka sami`u-du`a "O my Lord, grant me a progeny that is pure, for You hear (our) prayers!"3 Al `Imran, 3:35-3:37 Al `Imran, 3:42 3 Al `Imran, 3:38 1 2 ﺎaﺎﻣbﻣh ﺍbﻴﻦiﻤﺘﱠﻘc ﻠﹾiﻠﹾﻨﹶﺎ ﻟbﻌeﺍﺟl ﻭjﻦcﻴeﺓﹶ ﺍ_ﻋgﻨﹶﺎ ﻗﹸﺮiﺎﺗgﹺﻳdﺫﹸﺭlﺍﺟﹺﻨﹶﺎ ﻭl ﺍ_ﺯﹾﻭeﻦi ﻟﹶﻨﹶﺎ ﻣeﺐbﻨﹶﺎ ﻫgﺑbﺭ Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyyatina qurrata `ayun wa’ja’lna lilmuttaqin imama "Our Lord, grant us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous.”4 cﻩbﺮgﺴb ﻳbﺒﹺﻴﻞg ﺍﻟﺴgﺛﹸﻢ Thumm ‘assabila yassarah Then He made the path easy5 eﻜﹸﻢiﺎﺗbﻬgﻄﹸﻮﻥﹺ ﺍ`ﻣcﻦ ﺑidﹸﻢ ﻣpbﺟb ﺍ_ﺧﹾﺮcﻪg^ﺍﻟlﻭ W’Allah akhrajakummin butuni ummahatikum Allah brought you forth from your mothers’ wombs6 Read Daily: Sura Inshiqaq (sura 84) – to be recited on a daily basis throughout pregnancy Sura Luqman (sura 31) – to be recited in the 1st trimester Sura Yusuf (sura 12) – to be recited in the 2nd trimester Sura Maryam (sura 19) - to be recited in the 3rd trimester as labour approaches “Ya Latīf” – to be recited 129 times every morning and evening “Ya Qawī” – to be recited 116 times daily for strength 7th month only: Ask your husband to recite Sura Sharh (sura 94) 152 times (in one sitting) on the baby during the 7th month. Al-Furqan, 25:74 `Abasa, 80:20 6 Al-Nahl, 16:78 4 5 General Advice: Recite all your daily adhkar and awrad, and pray as many prayers in jama’a with your husband as possible Read as much Qur’an as possible Do as much salawat on the Prophet ﷺas possible Just as babies are said to recognise certain music from the time spent in their mother’s wombs, similarly, reading texts such as the ‘Book of Assistance’ by Imam al-Haddad, are advised in order to bring about similar recognition A friend was advised by one of the Habaib to look at pictures of the Ka’aba and of the Habaib when she was too tired to actively engage in ibada (worship) During Labour: The first ayat of sura al-Fath’ (sura 48) “Ya Latīf” Sura Maryam (sura 19) Sura Inshirah (sura 94) “As salaam alaykum ayyuha-nnabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu” Read Surat al-Baqara in the room in which the baby is to be born, as this drives away the Shaytan for three days. During birth and leading up to it repeat Allah’s name “al-Latif” in abundance, along with the following: ﺎb ﺑﹺﻨﹶﺎ ﻳe ﺍﹸﻟﹾﻄﹸﻒ.. iﻪiﺍ ﺑﹺﺨﹶﻠﹾﻘaﺎ ﺧﹶﺒﹺﻴﺮb ﻳ، iﻪiﺎ ﺑﹺﺨﹶﻠﹾﻘaﻴﻤiﻠbﺎ ﻋb ﻳ، iﻪiﻴﻔﹰﺎ ﺑﹺﺨﹶﻠﹾﻘiﺎﻟﹶﻄbﻳ cﺮeﺎ ﺧﹶﺒﹺﻴb ﻳ، cﻢeﻴiﻠbﺎ ﻋb ﻳ، cﻒeﻴiﻟﹶﻄ .. eﻝb ﺗﹶﺰe ﻟﹶﻢfﻒeﻴiﻧﹼﻚ ﻟﹶﻄh ﺍ.. bﻝbﺎ ﻧﹶﺰbﻤeﻴi ﺑﹺﻨﹶﺎ ﻓe ﺍﹸﻟﹾﻄﹸﻒeﻝbﺰb ﻳeﻔﹰﺎ ﻟﹶﻢeﻴiﺎ ﻟﹶﻄbﻳ ﻦeﻴiﻤiﻠeﺴc ﺍﻟﻤl ﺑﹺﻨﹶﺎ ﻭeﺍﹸﻟﹾﻄﹸﻒ Ya Latifan bi khalqihi ya `Aliman bi khalqihi ya Khabiran bi khalqihi ultuf bina ya Latifu ya `Alimu ya Khabiru (repeat 3 times) O One Who is gentle with His creation, O One who has complete knowledge of His creation, O One who has complete awareness of His creation! Treat us with gentleness O Gentle, O All-Knowing, O All-Aware! Ya Latifan lam yazal ultuf bina fima nazal innaka Latifun lam yazal ultuf bina wa’lmuslimin (repeat 3 times) O Gentle Who remains forever, be gentle to us in all that befalls us, You are constantly Gentle, treat us and the Muslims with gentleness!
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