Dua Ahad

Duā Ahad (‫)ﺩُﻋﺎ ُﺀ ﺍﻟﻌﻬﺪ‬
‫ﷲ ﺍﻟ ﱠﺮﺣْﻤ ﹺﻦ ﺍﻟ ﱠﺮﺣِﻴ ﹺﻢ‬
ِ ‫ﺴ ﹺﻢ ﺍ‬
ْ ‫ﹺﺑ‬
bismillā alrrahmāni alrrahīmi In the name of Allāh the Beneficent, the Merciful.
َ ‫ﺤﻤﱠﺪ ﻭَﺁ ﹺﻝ ُﻣ‬
َ ‫ﺻ ﱢﻞ ﻋَﻠﻰ ُﻣ‬
َ ‫ﺍﹶﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ‬
allāhumma salli'alā muhammadin wa āli muhammadin O Allāh, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
‫ﺏ ﺍﻟﻨﱡﻮ ﹺﺭ ﺍﹾﻟﻌَﻈﻴ ﹺﻢ‬
‫ﺍﹶﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ َﺭ ﱠ‬
allāhumma rabban‐nooril adhweemi O Allāh! Lord of The GREAT Light,
‫ﺏ ﺍﹾﻟ ﹸﻜ ْﺮ ِﺳ ﱢﻲ ﺍﻟﺮﱠﻓﻴ ﹺﻊ‬
‫َﻭ َﺭ ﱠ‬
wa rabbal qursiyyir‐rafee'i Lord of the elevated Throne,
‫ﺴﺠُﻮ ﹺﺭ‬
ْ ‫ﺤ ﹺﺮ ﺍﹾﻟ َﻤ‬
ْ ‫ﺏ ﺍﹾﻟَﺒ‬
‫َﻭ َﺭ ﱠ‬
wa rabbil bahril masjoori Lord of the tumultuous seas
‫َﻭ ﻣُْﻨ ﹺﺰ ﹶﻝ ﺍﻟﱠﺘﻮْﺭﺍ ِﺓ َﻭ ﺍ ِﹾﻻﻧْﺠﻴ ﹺﻞ َﻭ ﺍﻟ ﱠﺰﺑُﻮ ﹺﺭ‬
wa munzilat‐tawraati wal injeeli waz‐zaboori, and the Revealer of the Tawrah, Injeel and Zaboor,
‫ﺤﺮُﻭ ﹺﺭ‬
َ ‫ﺏ ﺍﻟ ﱢﻈ ﱢﻞ َﻭ ﺍﹾﻟ‬
‫َﻭ َﺭ ﱠ‬
wa rabbadh‐dhilli wal haroori, Lord of the shadows and the warmths
‫َﻭ ﻣُْﻨ ﹺﺰ ﹶﻝ ﺍﹾﻟ ﹸﻘﺮْﺁ ِﻥ ﺍﹾﻟﻌَﻈﻴ ﹺﻢ‬
wa munzilal qur'aanil adhweemi and the revealer of the Great Quran.
َ ‫ﺏ ﺍﹾﻟﻤَﻼِﺋ ﹶﻜ ِﺔ ﺍﹾﻟ ُﻤ ﹶﻘﺮﱠﺑ‬
‫َﻭ َﺭ ﱠ‬
wa rabbal malaaikatil muqarrabeen Lord of the proximate angels
َ ‫َﻭ ﺍ َﹾﻻْﻧﺒﹺﻴﺎ ِﺀ َﻭ ﺍﹾﻟ ُﻤ ْﺮﺳَﻠ‬
wal ambiyaai wal mursaleen. and prophets and messengers.
‫ﻚ ﺍﹾﻟﻜﹶﺮ ﹺﱘ‬
َ ‫ﻚ ﹺﺑِﺎ ْﺳ ِﻤ‬
َ ‫ﺍﹶﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ ِﺍﻧّﻲ ﹶﺍ ْﺳﹶﺎﻟﹸ‬
allāhumma innee as' aluka bi waj'hikal kareem O Allāh! I beseech Thee, for the sake of Your noble visage
‫ﻚ ﺍﹾﻟﻤُﻨ ﹺﲑ‬
َ ‫َﻭ ﹺﺑﻨُﻮ ﹺﺭ َﻭ ْﺟ ﹺﻬ‬
wa bi noori wajhikal muneeri and by The light of Thy brilliant superior-most being,
‫ﻚ ﺍﹾﻟﻘﹶﺪ ﹺﱘ‬
َ ‫َﻭ ﻣُ ﹾﻠ ِﻜ‬
wa mulkikal qadeemi and Your Ever existing kingdom,
‫ﻳﺎ َﺣ ﱡﻲ ﻳﺎ ﹶﻗﻴﱡﻮ ُﻡ‬
yaa hayyu yaa qayyoomu O Ever living O Sustainer!
‫ﺕ َﻭ ﺍ َﹾﻻ َﺭﺿُﻮ ﹶﻥ‬
ُ ‫ﺖ ﹺﺑ ِﻪ ﺍﻟﺴﱠﻤﺎﻭﺍ‬
ْ ‫ﻚ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﻱ ﹶﺍ ْﺷ َﺮﹶﻗ‬
َ ‫ﻚ ﺑﹺﺎ ْﺳ ِﻤ‬
َ ‫ﹶﺍ ْﺳﹶﺎﻟﹸ‬
as'aluka bismikal‐ladhee ashrakat bihis‐samaawaatu wal ardhoona I beseech Thee in Your name, Which lits the heavens and the earths;
‫ﺼﹶﻠﺢُ ﹺﺑ ِﻪ ﺍ َﹾﻻ ﱠﻭﻟﹸﻮ ﹶﻥ َﻭ ﺍ ﹾﻻ ِﺧﺮُﻭ ﹶﻥ‬
ْ ‫ﻚ ﺍﱠﻟﺬﻱ َﻳ‬
َ ‫َﻭ ﺑﹺﺎ ْﺳ ِﻤ‬
wa bismikal‐ladhee yaslahu bihil awwaloon wal aakhiroon and in Your name, which sets the people (of all times) on the right path, from the beginning to
the end.
‫ﻳﺎ َﺣّﻴﹰﺎ ﹶﻗْﺒ ﹶﻞ ﹸﻛﻞﱢ َﺣ ﱟﻲ‬
yaa hayyan qabla kulli hayyin O Ever Living who was before every living being.
‫َﻭ ﻳﺎ َﺣّﻴﹰﺎ َﺑ ْﻌ َﺪ ﹸﻛﻞﱢ َﺣ ﱟﻲ‬
wa yaa hayyan ba'ada kulli hayyin O Ever Living who shall (exist) after every living being.
‫ﺤﹺﻴ َﻲ ﺍﹾﻟ َﻤﻮْﺗﻰ‬
ْ ُ‫ﲔ ﻻ َﺣ ﱠﻲ ﻳﺎ ﻣ‬
َ ‫َﻭ ﻳﺎ َﺣّﻴﹰﺎ ﺣ‬
wa yaa hayyan heena laa hayya yaa muhyiyal mawta O Ever Living who existed when there was no life. O giver of life to dead.
‫ﺖ ﺍ َﹾﻻﺣْﻴﺎ ِﺀ‬
َ ‫َﻭ ﻣُﻤﻴ‬
wa mumeetatal ahyaa'i O One who causes death to the living one.
َ ‫ﻳﺎ َﺣ ﱡﻲ ﻻ ﺍِﻟـ َﻪ ِﺍﻟﹼﺎ ﹶﺍْﻧ‬
yaa hayyu laa ilaaha illa anta. O Ever Living, there is no God except Thou.
‫ﻱ ﺍﹾﻟ َﻤ ْﻬ ِﺪ ﱠ‬
َ ‫ﺍﹶﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ َﺑﱢﻠ ﹾﻎ َﻣﻮْﻻﻧَﺎ ﺍ ﹾﻻِﻣﺎ َﻡ ﺍﻟﹾﻬﺎ ِﺩ‬
allāhumma balligh mawlaanal imaamal haadiyal mahdiyyal O Allāh send blessings to our Master the Leader, the guide.
‫ﺕ ﺍﻟﻠﱠ ِﻪ َﻋﹶﻠْﻴ ِﻪ َﻭ َﻋﻠﹶﻰ ﺁﺑَﺎِﺋ ِﻪ ﺍﻟﻄﱠﺎ ِﻫﺮﹺﻳ َﻦ‬
ُ ‫ﺻﹶﻠﻮَﺍ‬
َ ‫ﺍﹾﻟﻘﹶﺎِﺋ َﻢ ﹺﺑﹶﺄ ْﻣ ﹺﺮ َﻙ‬
qaaima bi amrika swalawaatullaahi alayhi wa alaa aabaaihit‐twaahireen The Guided, the upriser with Your command. Blessings of Allāh be on him and his pure
ِ ‫ﲔ َﻭ ﺍﹾﻟ ُﻤ ْﺆ ِﻣﻨﺎ‬
َ ‫َﻋ ْﻦ ﺟَﻤﻴ ﹺﻊ ﺍﹾﻟ ُﻤ ْﺆﻣِﻨ‬
an jamee'il mu'mineena wal mu'minaati from all the believing man and believing women.
‫ﻕ ﺍ َﹾﻻ ْﺭ ﹺ‬
‫ﰲ ﻣَﺸﺎ ﹺﺭ ﹺ‬
fi mashaarikil ardhi In the easts of the earth
‫َﻭ ﻣَﻐﺎ ﹺﺭﺑﹺﻬﺎ َﺳ ْﻬﻠِﻬﺎ َﻭ َﺟَﺒﻠِﻬﺎ‬
wa maghaaribihaa, sahlihaa wa jabalihaa, and its wests, in its plains and its mountains,
ِ ‫ﺵﺍ‬
‫ﺕ ﹺﺯَﻧ ﹶﺔ َﻋ ْﺮ ﹺ‬
ِ ‫ﺼﻠﹶﻮﺍ‬
‫ﻱ ِﻣ َﻦ ﺍﻟ ﱠ‬
‫ َﻭ َﻋﻨّﻲ َﻭ َﻋ ْﻦ ﻭﺍِﻟ َﺪ ﱠ‬، ‫ﺤﺮﹺﻫﺎ‬
ْ ‫َﻭ َﺑﺮﱢﻫﺎ َﻭ َﺑ‬
barrihaa wa bahrihaa, wa annee wa an waalidayya, minas‐swalawaati zinata arshillaahi its lands and its seas, from me and my parents. Blessings which are the weight of Allāh's throne
‫ﻁ ﹺﺑ ِﻪ ﻛِﺘﺎُﺑ ُﻪ‬
‫ َﻭ ﻣﺎ ﹶﺍﺣْﺼﺎﻩُ ِﻋ ﹾﻠﻤُﻪُ َﻭ ﺍﹶﺣﺎ ﹶ‬،ِ‫َﻭ ﻣِﺪﺍ َﺩ ﹶﻛﻠِﻤﺎِﺗﻪ‬
wa midaada kalimaatihi, wamaa ahswaahu ilmuhu wa ahaatwa bihi kitaabuhu, and ink of His words, and whatever His knowledge enumerates and his book encompasses.
‫ﺤ ِﺔ َﻳﻮْﻣﻲ ﻫﺬﺍ‬
َ ‫ﺍﹶﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ ِﺍﻧّﻲ ﹸﺍ َﺟﺪﱢ ُﺩ ﹶﻟﻪُ ﰲ ﺻَﺒﻴ‬
allāhumma innee ujaddidu lahoo fi swabeehati yawmi haadha, O Allāh! I renew my covenant, in the morning of this day of mine
‫ﺸﺖُ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﹶﺍﻳّﺎﻣﻲ‬
ْ ‫َﻭ ﻣﺎ ِﻋ‬
wamaa ishtu min ayyaami, and whatever days (of my life) I live.
‫َﻋﻬْﺪﹰﺍ َﻭ َﻋﻘﹾﺪﹰﺍ َﻭ َﺑْﻴ َﻌ ﹰﺔ ﹶﻟﻪُ ﰲ ُﻋﻨُﻘﻲ‬
ahdan wa aqdan wa bay'atan lahu fi unuqee an allegiance, agreement and covenant with him in my neck.
‫ﻻ ﹶﺍﺣُﻮ ﹸﻝ َﻋﻨْﻬﺎ َﻭ ﻻ ﹶﺍﺯُﻭ ﹸﻝ ﹶﺍﺑَﺪﹰﺍ‬
laa ahoolu anha walaa azoolu abadan. (And) I shall never betray, neither I shall hesitate or waver in action
‫ﺍﹶﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ ﺍ ْﺟ َﻌﻠﹾﲏ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﹶﺍﻧْﺼﺎ ﹺﺭ ِﻩ َﻭ ﹶﺍﻋْﻮﺍﹺﻧ ِﻪ‬
allāhummaj'alnee minanswaaarihi wa a'awaanihi O Allāh appoint me among his helpers, his aides
‫ﲔ ِﺍﹶﻟْﻴ ِﻪ‬
َ ‫ﲔ َﻋْﻨﻪُ َﻭ ﺍﹾﻟﻤُﺴﺎﺭﹺﻋ‬
َ ‫َﻭ ﺍﻟﺬﹼﺍّﺑ‬
wadh‐dhaabbeena anhu, wal musaari'eena ilayhi and his protectors and those who hasten to fulfill his commands
‫ﲔ ِﻻَﻭﺍ ِﻣ ﹺﺮ ِﻩ‬
َ ‫ َﻭ ﺍﹾﻟ ُﻤ ْﻤَﺘﺜِﻠ‬، ‫ﺠ ِﻪ‬
‫ﰲ ﻗﹶﻀﺎ ِﺀ ﺣَﻮﺍِﺋ ﹺ‬
fi qadhaai hawaaijihi wal mum'tathileena li awaamirihi and obey his orders and to (fulfill) his directions,
‫ﲔ ﺍِﱃ ﺍِﺭﺍ َﺩِﺗ ِﻪ‬
َ ‫ َﻭ ﺍﻟﺴّﺎﺑﹺﻘ‬، ُ‫ﲔ َﻋْﻨﻪ‬
َ ‫َﻭ ﺍﹾﻟُﻤﺤﺎﻣ‬
wal muhaa‐meena anhu, was‐saabiqeena ilaa iraadatihi those who are his supporters, and those who are foremost in carrying his will
‫ﺸ َﻬﺪﻳ َﻦ َﺑْﻴ َﻦ َﻳ َﺪْﻳ ِﻪ‬
ْ ‫ﺴَﺘ‬
ْ ‫َﻭ ﺍﹾﻟ ُﻤ‬
wal mustash'hadeena bayna yadayhi. and seek martyrdom in his presence.
‫ﺕ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﻱ‬
ُ ‫ﺍﹶﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ ِﺍ ﹾﻥ ﺣﺎ ﹶﻝ َﺑﻴْﲏ َﻭ َﺑْﻴَﻨﻪُ ﺍﹾﻟ َﻤ ْﻮ‬
allāhumma in haala bayni wa baynahul mawtul‐ladhee O Allāh! If death occurs between me and him (before the reappearance) (Death) which You
ِ ‫َﺟ َﻌ ﹾﻠَﺘﻪُ ﻋَﻠﻰ ﻋِﺒﺎ ِﺩ َﻙ َﺣﺘْﻤﹰﺎ َﻣ ﹾﻘ‬
ja'altahu alaa ibaadik hatman maqdhiyyan, have made obligatory and decreed for your servants,
‫ﹶﻓﹶﺎ ْﺧ ﹺﺮﺟْﲏ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﹶﻗﺒْﺮﻱ‬
fa akhrijni min qabree raise me from my grave,
‫ﻣُ ْﺆَﺗﺰﹺﺭﹰﺍ ﹶﻛﻔﹶﲎ ﺷﺎﻫِﺮﹰﺍ َﺳﻴْﻔﻲ‬
mu'taziran, kafanee shaahiran, swayfee wrapped in my shroud, my sword unsheathed,
‫ﺿ ﹺﺮ َﻭ ﺍﻟﹾﺒﺎﺩﻱ‬
ِ ‫ﺠﺮﱢﺩﹰﺍ ﻗﹶﻨﺎﰐ ُﻣﹶﻠﺒﱢﻴﹰﺎ َﺩ ْﻋ َﻮ ﹶﺓ ﺍﻟﺪّﺍﻋﻲ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﺤﺎ‬
َ ‫ُﻣ‬
mujarridan, qanaatee mulabbiyan, da'awatad‐daaii fil haadhiri wal baadee. My spear bared, answering the call of the caller of the caller in cities as well as deserts.
‫ﱐ ﺍﻟﻄﱠ ﹾﻠ َﻌ ﹶﺔ ﺍﻟﺮﱠﺷﻴ َﺪ ﹶﺓ‬
‫ﺍﹶﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ ﹶﺍ ﹺﺭ ﹺ‬
allaahuma arinit‐twal'atar‐rasheedata, O Allāh! show me the rightly guided face of (Imam (AJ)),
‫َﻭ ﺍﹾﻟﻐُ ﱠﺮ ﹶﺓ ﺍﹾﻟﺤَﻤﻴ َﺪ ﹶﺓ‬
wal ghurratal hameedata, the praise worthy moon (referring to the face of Imam (AJ))
‫ﺤ ﹾﻞ ﻧﺎﻇِﺮﻱ ﹺﺑَﻨ ﹾﻈﺮَﺓ ﻣﻨﱢﻲ ِﺍﹶﻟْﻴ ِﻪ‬
ُ ‫َﻭ ﺍ ﹾﻛ‬
waqhul naadhiri bi nadhratin minnee ilayhi, and enlighten my vision by looking at him.
ُ‫ﺨ َﺮ َﺟﻪ‬
ْ ‫ﺠ ﹾﻞ ﹶﻓ َﺮ َﺟﻪُ َﻭ َﺳ ﱢﻬ ﹾﻞ َﻣ‬
‫َﻭ َﻋ ﱢ‬
wa ajjil farajahu, wa sahhil makhrajahu, Hasten his reappearance, make his arrival smooth,
َ ‫ﻚ ﰊ َﻣ‬
ْ ‫ﺠﻪُ َﻭ ﺍ ْﺳﹸﻠ‬
َ ‫َﻭ ﹶﺍ ْﻭ ِﺳ ْﻊ َﻣْﻨ َﻬ‬
wa awsi'a man'hajahu, wasluk bi muhajjatahu And widen his path, make me tread on this way
ُ‫َﻭ ﹶﺍْﻧ ِﻔ ﹾﺬ ﹶﺍ ْﻣ َﺮﻩُ َﻭ ﺍ ْﺷ ُﺪ ْﺩ ﹶﺍ ْﺯ َﺭﻩ‬
wa anfidh amrahu, washdud azrahu and implement his authority and strengthen his back.
‫َﻭ ﺍ ْﻋﻤُ ﹺﺮ ﺍﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ ﹺﺑ ِﻪ ﺑﹺﻼ َﺩ َﻙ‬
wa'murillaa‐humma bihi bilaadak, O Allāh inhabit your cities through him
‫ﺤ ﱡﻖ‬
َ ‫ﻚ ﺍﹾﻟ‬
َ ‫ﺖ َﻭ ﹶﻗ ْﻮﻟﹸ‬
َ ‫ﻚ ﻗﹸ ﹾﻠ‬
َ ‫ ﹶﻓِﺎﱠﻧ‬، ‫َﻭ ﹶﺍ ْﺣ ﹺﻲ ﹺﺑ ِﻪ ﻋِﺒﺎ َﺩ َﻙ‬
wa ahyi bihi ibaadak, fa innaka qulta wa qawlukal haqqu and give life to your servants due to him. For surely You have said and Your word is truth,
‫ﺤ ﹺﺮ‬
ْ ‫} ﹶﻇ َﻬ َﺮ ﺍﹾﻟﻔﹶﺴﺎﺩُ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﹾﻟَﺒ ﱢﺮ َﻭ ﺍﹾﻟَﺒ‬
dhwahral fasaadu fil barri wal bahri, "corruption will become rampant in land and on sea
َ ‫ ﹶﻓﹶﺎ ﹾﻇ ﹺﻬ ﹺﺮ ﺍﻟﹼﻠ ُﻬﻢﱠ ﻟﹶﻨﺎ َﻭ ِﻟﱠﻴ‬، { ‫ﺱ‬
‫ﺖ ﹶﺍْﻳﺪِﻱ ﺍﻟﻨّﺎ ﹺ‬
ْ ‫ﺴَﺒ‬
َ ‫ﺑﹺﻤﺎ ﹶﻛ‬
bimaa kasabat aydinnaasi, fa azhiri‐llaahumma lanaa waliyyik because of the evil which men's hand have earned" Then O Allāh manifest for us Your
َ ‫ﺖ َﻧﹺﺒﱢﻴ‬
ِ ‫َﻭ ﺍْﺑ َﻦ ﹺﺑْﻨ‬
binti nabiyyikal and the son of your prophet's daughter,
‫ﻚ َﺣﺘّﻰ ﻻ َﻳ ﹾﻈ ﹶﻔ َﺮ‬
َ ‫ﺴﻤّﻰ ﺑﹺﺎ ْﺳ ﹺﻢ َﺭﺳُﻮِﻟ‬
َ ‫ﺍﹾﻟ ُﻤ‬
musamma, bismi rasoolik, hattaa laa yadhfara whose name is the same as that of Your messenger, so that nothing
ُ‫ﺸﻲْﺀ ِﻣ َﻦ ﺍﻟﹾﺒﺎ ِﻃ ﹺﻞ ِﺍﻟﹼﺎ َﻣ ﱠﺰﹶﻗﻪ‬
َ ‫ﹺﺑ‬
bi shay'in minal baatwili illaa mazzaqahu, from falsehood is victorious except that he tears them (falsehood) to pieces,
ُ‫ﺤ ﱢﻘ ﹶﻘﻪ‬
َ ُ‫ﺤ ﱠﻖ َﻭ ﻳ‬
َ ‫ﺤﻖﱠ ﺍﹾﻟ‬
ِ ‫َﻭ ُﻳ‬
wa yuhiqqal haqqa, wa yuhaqqiqahu establishes the truth and the truth confirms him.
‫َﻭ ﺍ ْﺟ َﻌ ﹾﻠ ُﻪ ﺍﹶﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ َﻣ ﹾﻔﺰَﻋﹰﺎ ِﻟ َﻤ ﹾﻈﻠﹸﻮ ﹺﻡ ﻋِﺒﺎ ِﺩ َﻙ‬
waj'alhu allāhumma mafza'an li madhloomi ibaadik and O Allāh! appoint him as a refuge for your oppressed servants
‫ﺠﺪُ ﹶﻟﻪُ ﻧﺎﺻِﺮﹰﺍ ﹶﻏْﻴ َﺮ َﻙ‬
‫َﻭ ﻧﺎﺻِﺮﹰﺍ ِﻟ َﻤ ْﻦ ﻻ َﻳ ﹺ‬
wa naaswiran liman laa yajidu lahu naaswiran ghayrak, and a helper for the one who does not find any helper for himself except You
َ ‫ﺠﺪﱢﺩﹰﺍ ﻟِﻤﺎ ﻋُ ﱢﻄ ﹶﻞ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﹶﺍﺣْﻜﺎ ﹺﻡ ﻛِﺘﺎﹺﺑ‬
َ ‫َﻭ ُﻣ‬
wa mujaddidan lima uttwila min ahkaami kitaabik, and the renewer of all the laws of Your book which have been tampered with
َ ‫ﺸﻴﱢﺪﹰﺍ ﻟِﻤﺎ َﻭ َﺭ َﺩ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﹶﺍﻋْﻼ ﹺﻡ ﺩﻳﹺﻨ‬
َ ‫َﻭ ُﻣ‬
wa mushayyidan limaa warada min a'alaami deenik, and the rebuilder of the science of Your religion
‫ﷲ َﻋﹶﻠْﻴ ِﻪ َﻭ ﺁِﻟ ِﻪ‬
ُ ‫ﺻﻠﱠﻰ ﺍ‬
َ ‫ﻚ‬
َ ‫َﻭ ﺳَُﻨ ﹺﻦ َﻧﹺﺒﱢﻴ‬
wa sunani nabiyyik swallallaahu alayhi wa aalihi and the traditions of Your prophet peace of Allāh be on him and his progeny
‫ﺱ ﺍﹾﻟﻤُ ْﻌﺘَﺪﻳ َﻦ‬
‫ﺼْﻨَﺘﻪُ ﻣِﻦ ﺑَﺄ ﹺ‬
‫َﻭ ﺍ ْﺟ َﻌ ﹾﻠ ُﻪ ﺍﹶﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ ِﻣ ﱠﻤ ْﻦ َﺣ ﱠ‬
waj'alhu. allāhumma mimman hasswantahu min ba'asil mu'tadeen, and O Allāh make him among those whom you have protected from the evils of the
‫ﷲ َﻋﹶﻠْﻴ ِﻪ َﻭ ﺁِﻟ ِﻪ‬
ُ ‫ﺻﻠﱠﻰ ﺍ‬
َ ‫ﺤﻤﱠﺪﹰﺍ‬
َ ‫ﻚ ُﻣ‬
َ ‫ﺍﹶﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ َﻭ ُﺳﺮﱠ َﻧﹺﺒﱠﻴ‬
allāhumma wa surra nabiyyik muhammadin swallallaahu alayhi wa aalihi, O Allāh! and provide joy to your Prophet Mohammad peace of Allāh be on him and his progeny
‫ﹺﺑﺮُ ْﺅَﻳِﺘ ِﻪ َﻭ َﻣ ْﻦ َﺗﹺﺒ َﻌﻪُ ﻋَﻠﻰ َﺩ ْﻋ َﻮِﺗ ِﻪ‬
bi ru'ayatihi waman tabiahu alaa da'awatihi, by his vision and (the vision of) the one who follows him on his call.
ُ‫َﻭ ﺍ ْﺭ َﺣ ﹺﻢ ﺍ ْﺳﺘِﻜﺎَﻧﺘَﻨﺎ َﺑ ْﻌ َﺪﻩ‬
warhamistikaantina ba'adahu, also rejoice in him, and bind us to his loyalty as soon as he comes in this world,
‫ﻒ ﻫ ِﺬ ِﻩ ﺍﹾﻟ ُﻐ ﱠﻤ ﹶﺔ َﻋ ْﻦ ﻫ ِﺬ ِﻩ ﺍ ﹾﻻُ ﱠﻣ ِﺔ‬
ْ ‫ﺸ‬
ِ ‫ﺍﹶﻟﻠﹼـ ُﻬﻢﱠ ﺍ ﹾﻛ‬
allaahumakshif haadhihil ghummata an haadhihil ummatai, O Allāh remove this sorrow (of occultation) from this nation
‫ﺠ ﹾﻞ ﻟﹶﻨﺎ ﹸﻇﻬُﻮ َﺭ ُﻩ‬
‫ َﻭ َﻋ ﱢ‬، ‫ﺤﻀُﻮ ﹺﺭ ِﻩ‬
ُ ‫ﹺﺑ‬
bi hudhoorihi wa ajjil lanaa dhuhoorahu, with his presence and hasten for us his reappearance.
‫ِﺍﱠﻧ ُﻬ ْﻢ َﻳ َﺮ ْﻭَﻧﻪُ ﺑَﻌﻴﺪﹰﺍ َﻭ ﻧَﺮﺍﻩُ ﻗﹶﺮﻳﺒﹰﺎ‬
innahum yarawnahu baeedan wa naraahu qareeban They (the disbelievers) consider it to be distant while we consider it to be near.
َ ‫ﻚ ﻳـﺎ ﹶﺍ ْﺭ َﺣ َﻢ ﺍﻟﺮّﺍﺣِﻤ‬
َ ‫ﹺﺑ َﺮ ْﺣ َﻤﺘِـ‬
bi rahmatik yaa arhamar‐raahimeen. For the sake of Your Mercy, O the Most Merciful of all Mercifuls.
‫ﺐ ﺍﻟ ﱠﺰﻣَﺎ ِﻥ‬
َ ‫ﻱ ﻳَﺎ ﺻَﺎ ِﺣ‬
َ ‫ﺠ ﹶﻞ ﻳَﺎ َﻣ ْﻮ ﹶﻻ‬
َ ‫ﺠ ﹶﻞ ﺍﹾﻟ َﻌ‬
َ ‫ﺍﹾﻟ َﻌ‬
al`ajala al`ajala ya mawlaya ya sahiba alzzamani Come quick, Come quick, O our Mawlaa, O Imaam Saahibuz Zamaan.
‫ﺐ ﺍﻟ ﱠﺰﻣَﺎ ِﻥ‬
َ ‫ﻱ ﻳَﺎ ﺻَﺎ ِﺣ‬
َ ‫ﺠ ﹶﻞ ﻳَﺎ َﻣ ْﻮ ﹶﻻ‬
َ ‫ﺠ ﹶﻞ ﺍﹾﻟ َﻌ‬
َ ‫ﺍﹾﻟ َﻌ‬
al`ajala al`ajala ya mawlaya ya sahiba alzzamani Come quick, Come quick, O our Mawlaa, O Imaam Saahibuz Zamaan.
‫ﺐ ﺍﻟ ﱠﺰﻣَﺎ ِﻥ‬
َ ‫ﻱ ﻳَﺎ ﺻَﺎ ِﺣ‬
َ ‫ﺠ ﹶﻞ ﻳَﺎ َﻣ ْﻮ ﹶﻻ‬
َ ‫ﺠ ﹶﻞ ﺍﹾﻟ َﻌ‬
َ ‫ﺍﹾﻟ َﻌ‬
al`ajala al`ajala ya mawlaya ya sahiba alzzamani Come quick, Come quick, O our Mawlaa, O Imaam Saahibuz Zamaan.