Ronald Gabriel New HR Professionals` Conference - IPMA-HR

Ronald Gabriel
New HR Professionals’
Conference Scholarship
The International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR) is pleased to offer the
Ronald Gabriel conference scholarship again this year. The scholarship was established in memory of Ronald
Gabriel, a longtime IPMA-HR member who left a bequest to the Association.
IPMA-HR will be offering two Ronald Gabriel scholarships for the 2015 IPMA-HR International Training Forum
& Expo for new HR professionals. To be eligible for this scholarship, an individual needs to be an IPMA-HR
member—either an individual member or a covered staff member (CSM) of an IPMA-HR agency member—and
have fewer than five years of HR experience. The value of each scholarship is up to $2,000, which can be used
for conference registration, hotel, travel, and meal expenses.
The 2015 IPMA-HR International Training Conference & Expo will be held September 26-30, 2015 at the Denver
Marriott City Center, Denver, Colorado. The deadline for the receipt of scholarship applications is June 19,
2015 (extended).
Conference Scholarship Application
Job Title___________________________________________________________________________________
City___________________________________________________State____________Zip _________________
IPMA-HR Member # _________________________________________________________________________
Along with your application, please submit your resume, being sure to include your current and past job titles,
position descriptions and the dates you held these positions. Please also indicate, on a separate sheet of
paper, your involvement with IPMA-HR and why you would like to participate in the International Training
Completed applications should be submitted to:
IPMA-HR Conference Scholarship
Attn: Jacqueline Snyder
1617 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
703/684-0948 (fax)
[email protected]