PEP: Education for All - Göteborgs universitet

PEP: Education for All
Moving from Special Education to
Education for All
¨ Developing projects and concepts
¨ Disseminating the work’s findings
PEP: Education for All
Social Justice
¨ Praxis
¨ Sayings, Doings and Relatings
PEP: Education for All
Brian Hemmings, Matts Mattsson, Andrea Reupert
Inclusive university educators
Jane Wilkinson, Liselott Forsman, Kiprono Langat
Inclusive practices
Laurette Bristol, Petra Ponte Action research: Fields and spaces
Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney Professional developers
Anette Olin, Allan Pitman
Didactics, curriculum and institutional settings
Ben Smit, Susan Groundwater-Smith, Petra Ponte
Participation and pupils as researchers
Didactics, Didaktik, Curriculum and
Institutional Context
Anette Olin
¨  Allan Pitman
Göteborgs Universitet
University of Western Ontario
The pedagogic triangle: The importance of context.
Didactics, Didaktik, Curriculum and
Institutional Context
The studies: Science teachers in two contexts
Gothenburg, Sweden
Ontario, Canada
Didactics, Didaktik, Curriculum and
Institutional Context
Didactics, Didaktik, Curriculum and
Institutional Context
What are salient outcomes for the teachers?
An empirical question
Didactics, Didaktik, Curriculum and
Institutional Context
New planning and new actions
of the teachers connected to
what salient outcomes have
been identified
Outcomes of ‘Educa/on For All’ collabora/on What do we mean by ‘educa/on’ and ‘all’? Outcomes of Educa/on For All collabora/on Not just a ques/on of labelling different groups as ‘other’, eg special educa/on but more holis/c view of educa/on through inclusive strategies Outcomes of Educa/on For All collabora/on UNESCO policy: minority discourse of providing interven/on for ‘special groups’; influences educators’ prac/ces/shuts down more holis/c approaches Outcomes of Educa/on For All collabora/on We challenge this discourse and argue for the need to broaden its scope, for eg How can we build an educa/on that is for ‘all’; does not just focus on students but teachers, community, society Outcomes of Educa/on For All collabora/on What’s the difference between educa/on for all and mass schooling? Outcomes of Educa/on For All collabora/on What kinds of educa/on do we need for a democra/c society?