HIRA CAVE m 19th March, 2015 ‐ Term 1 Issue 07 Month Date Event March 20 Harmony Day Celebra on March 23 Grade 5 Girls Keysborough Mosque visit and Wudu lesson March 23‐26 Prep‐Grade 1 Swimming Program March 25 Grade 4 Girls Keysborough Mosque visit and Wudu lesson March 26 PRIMARY PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS PRIMARY STUDENTS ONLY TO FINISH AT 1PM (SECONDARY STUDENTS FINISH 3.30PM) March 27 TERM 1 ENDS ‐ STUDENTS FINISH AT 2PM April 13 TERM 2 BEGINS MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents, A few things to take note of: Corridors In order to minimise distrac ons to the students, please wait outside un l the bell has gone at 3.30 before you enter the corridors. If you need to be inside earlier, to see a teacher or for any other rea‐ son, please obtain a visitors pass from the front office. Lost Property ‐ Primary If your child has lost some items, please make sure you check the lost property in the Primary Corridor Sareh Salarzadeh as it may just have been misplaced and not lost. PRINCIPAL Currently there are a lot of items there so before the end of Term please do take a look either before or a er school. MIDDLE SCHOOL COORDINATOR PRIMARY COORDINATOR PRIMARY NEWS Cyber Safety Students are being exposed to an ever increasing varie‐ ty of websites and applica ons. Some technological advances enhance the ability of our students to obtain relevant informa on. However, it is important for stu‐ dents and parents alike to understand the risks associ‐ ated with excessive or uneducated use of technology. Parents would benefit from conduc ng research on the technology their children are using and by familiarising Term 1 is quickly coming to an end. It has been a very busy term with swimming, sports, photos and incur‐ sions. I would like to thank the parents and students for their con nued support and involvement in Mt Hira College’s ac vi es. I would like to congratulate our two so ball teams on making it to the semi‐finals in the summer sports com‐ pe on. This is the first me we have made the finals in this sport. Well done to all of the students involved and all the best today and I hope you come home with a flag. themselves with social networking sites such as Snap‐ chat, Kik, Instagram and Facebook. Mt. Hira College consciously educates students on the safe use of tech‐ nology, although further guidance at home is impera‐ ve. The Australian Communica ons and Media Au‐ thority (ACMA) have developed a very useful resource for students and parents called ‘cybersmart’. Please consult this website for further informa on on how to best ensure online safety. h p:// www.cybersmart.gov.au/Parents.aspx Mr. Andrew Stock Middle School Coordinator Swimming The Grade preps and 1s are really enjoying their swim‐ ming program. I would like to acknowledge the prep class as all the students except for 1 is undertaking the swimming program. This was a fantas c response to the program. I would like to thank all of the parents who have come to the centre to assist with changing the students and watching their children learn and de‐ velop their swimming skills. Harmony Day Tomorrow is Harmony Day at school. The students from grades 3 to 6 will be involved in a six period mul aged program celebra ng intercultural understandings. The students from grades prep to 2 will be in a three period mul aged program due to the preps and grade 1s currently par cipa ng in the swimming program. The children may come to school dressed in orange (Some part of their clothing must have orange on it). There is to be NO nail polish, hair spray or make up as the students are swimming or they have to pray. Parent Teacher Interviews Parent teacher interviews are going to be held on Thursday 26th March. Could all parents please return the forms reques ng an interview me as soon as pos‐ sible. This will be greatly appreciated. Next week we will be distribu ng the interim reports which show you how your child is progressing so far this year. The pri‐ mary school students will be dismissed at 1:05pm on this day. The bus students will s ll leave school at 3:30pm as the secondary students are at school the whole day. Coryn Bretag Primary Coordinator PRAYER MATS The prayer mats are available for purchase from the office for $5.00. All students from Year 3‐12 are to purchase one. Secondary students to keep the mats in their locker for wet day meta‐ ble and primary students mats will be kept in the classroom for everyday prayer. Please see sample displayed in the office corridor. Thank you R/E Co‐ordinator All year 12 students must purchase a prayer mat and take it to the VCE retreat. The mat can be used throughout the year and even a er they graduate. RE AWARDS PRIMARY ZEINA MOHAMED GRADE 4M RE AWARDS SECONDARY BILAL ABDULKADIR (9K) Excellent behaviour in RE class Consistent high quality class work for Religious Educa on NATASHA MOKHTAR (9K) ALIYAH YASSIN GRADE 4M Consistent high quality class work for Religious Educa on Working well in RE class ARI BEKTAS GRADE 4M ILYANA MUHAMMAD‐KADIR (9K) Consistent high quality class work for Religious Educa on Well mannered in the Mosque RAIHAN NAWAWI RE TEACHER SHAFIK FAROOK RE TEACHER LOST/FOUND GLASSES ARE A LIGHT PURPLE COLOUR Emre Ozyurek 18/03 Sude Zeybek 18/03 Daniyel Bilgrami 21/03 Ceyda Demirdag 21/03 Sara Zeybek 21/03 Yousra Abdelkawy 22/03 TURQUOISE EARRING DOUBLE STUDDED EARRING SMKA SHARIFA RODZIAH MALAYSIAN SCHOOL VISIT 16 MARCH 2015 SMKA Sharifa Rodziah (Malaysian Secondary School) Visit On Monday the 16th of March Mt Hira College had a visit from a delegate of approximately 45 people from the SMKA Sharifa Rodziah secondary school in Malaysia. The people who a ended were middle and senior school stu‐ dents as well as some teaching staff members and family. The delegate spent most of the day at the college and spent some me with the college staff and some of our senior school students. As part of the day we were given a presenta on, speech, musical performance and watched a short video that showed us aspects of what life and educa on is like at the students’ school in Malaysia. We gave the delegate a tour of the college, shared lunch with them and took them to see the Mosque, where they were able to pray the Zuhr prayer with our students. They also a ended some of our classes to view what educa on in our school is like. We had a number of our Year 11 and 12 school leaders show their students and staff around the school and our students were fantas c in communi‐ ca ng and socializing with the SMKA Sharifa Rodziah students. Our students were very friendly, respec ul, polite and displayed excellent presenta on. Thank you very much to all of the staff and students who contributed in making the Malaysian visitors experience a rewarding one. Specifically to Ms. Nazreen who organized and metabled the event, to our school cap‐ tains Cem Elevli and Anfal Husayni who presented themselves very well in front of a large group of people. Overall, the visitors appeared impressed by our school and found the experience very posi ve. Tim Campbell Senior School Coordinator On the 16th of March we had SMKA Sharifa Rodziah interna onal Malaysian students come to visit our school. The Malaysian students were extraordinarily curious, taking photos of everything in sight. They definitely enjoyed their visit and we certainly enjoyed their company. They showed a bit of their world through the crea ve and enjoyable video they put together for us about their school before we returned the favour. They presented us with great music and culture from Malaysia. It was an hon‐ our to show them around the school and show them how the system in our school works. I’m sure we will all remember this day fondly. I would like to thank all of the students who helped us guide the visitors around and made them feel welcome. All the feedback we received from the teachers and students, of SMKA Sharifa Rodziah, was very posi ve. It was great to hear that they really enjoyed their visit and we are really thankful for the experiences we had. We look forward to more visitors coming to Mt Hira College. Regards: Anfal, Cem, Yahya and Ruqiya
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