Agro-energy g gy feedstock: Miscanthus 1 Miscanthus x giganteus Sterile hybrid propagated though rhizomes Bulk sample harvested in Germany Air dried and stored in freezer Composite sample being used for all analyses Biomass to Bioethanol Agro-energy g gy feedstock: Miscanthus Perennial crop Grows to 11-14 ft in height/year High biomass yields C4 grass with high rate of carbon fixation 14 – 17 tons/acre t / ((up tto 27 ttons/acre / iin ttrials) i l ) Crop stands survive 25-30 years without significant loss in biomass yields 2 Presently used in Europe for power and heat generation ti Biomass to Bioethanol Moisture and Ash content Moisture content of air dried Miscanthus sawdust (6 mm) 4 6% 4.6% Ash content Measured Me ed b by ramped mped he heating ting to 525 °C in a muffle furnace 2 2% 2.2% Higher than Loblolly pine (0.2 %) & sweetgum (0.8 (0 8 %) 3 Biomass to Bioethanol Elemental analysis y Measured on 0.05 mm ground samples using elemental micro analyzer 60.0 50.0 Miscanthus Sweetgum Loblolly Pine Wt.% 40.0 30.0 20.0 10 0 10.0 0.0 C 4 H O Biomass to Bioethanol N Inorganic g elements Analyzed in 6 mm ground samples Acid digestion followed by ICP-emission spectroscopy Coulometric method for total halogen (Cl+Br+I) 5 Biomass to Bioethanol Inorganic g elements 380.0 360.0 340 0 340.0 320.0 Miscanthus Sweetgum L.Pine 300.0 Co ontent (mg/Kg)) o.d. weight 280.0 260.0 240.0 220.0 200 0 200.0 180.0 160.0 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0 60 0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 Ba 6 Cu Fe Na Biomass to Bioethanol P Si Inorganic g elements 2000.0 Conte ent (mg/Kg ove en dried weig ght) 1750.0 Miscanthus Sweetgum L.Pine 1500.0 1250.0 1000.0 750 0 750.0 500.0 250.0 0.0 Ca 7 K Mg S Biomass to Bioethanol Mn Cl+Br+I Extractives Solvent-soluble, non-volatile material Extracted with dichloromethane Characterized using GC-MS Extractives content: Condenser Sample 1.0 % 2.9 % for Loblolly pine 0.4 % for Sweetgum Water soluble extractives (important for grassy biomass) 3.6 % 8 Biomass to Bioethanol Solvent Dichloromethane extractives composition 400.0 microgra ams/g o.d. weight 350.0 300.0 Miscanthus Sweetgum L.Pine 250 0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 9 Biomass to Bioethanol at ic Li gn in /A ro m ol s er St no ls lk a A in es R C ar bo xy lic ac ac id s id s 0.0 10 9, 12 Biomass to Bioethanol ic er ol er ol as t Si to st ig m d er ol ac i no l id 20 0 20.0 St et sa Er go st ab ie ac o ac d O ro ct ca no ic O ad e ac i d d d ac i ac i ac i micrograms//gram o.d. mis scanthus 120.0 eh yd ct ca di en oi c ic ic ic ca no ca no ca no ad e ad e O ct D -O H ex ad e tra de Pe nt Te Dichloromethane Extractives : Miscanthus OH 100.0 80.0 C2H 5 60.0 40.0 COOH HO 0.0 Water soluble extractives: Miscanthus Compound Amount (µg/g Miscanthus) Alpha-L-Galactopyranose p py 40.24 Alpha-D-Arabinopyranose 52.81 Xylitol 512.22 D Gl D-Glucose 30 12 30.12 p-hydroxyl cinnamic acid 1145.21 D-Mannitol 1358.42 Mannose 105.84 O CH2OH O OH OH OH Mannitol OH Xylitol OH OH HO OH O OH HO OH OH OH M Mannose Gl Glucose A bi Arabinopyranose P-hydroxyl cinnamic acid 11 Biomass to Bioethanol Acid soluble and insoluble lignin g Klason lignin Acid insoluble lignin isolated using NREL methods Extractive free (40 mesh) sample hydrolyzed using 72 % H2SO4 Acid soluble lignin Measured using UV-vis spectrophotometer Calculated from absorption at 205 nm Pretreatment effluents pH adjusted by the addition of 72 % H2SO4 and autoclaved at 121 °C for f 1 hour h Solution filtered and lignin content measured as the sum of solid residue ((Klason lignin) g ) and soluble lignin g measured with UV. 12 Biomass to Bioethanol Lignin g content and composition Klason lignin Miscanthus: 25 % Loblolly pine: 29 % Sweetgum: 26 % CH OH 2 CH2OH CH2OH CH CH CH CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 6 4 13 3 4 OCH3 CH3O OH OH Guaiacyl SW x HW x Grass x Biomass to Bioethanol 6 2 5 3 5 Acid A id soluble l bl lilignin i Miscanthus: 1.1 % Loblolly pine: 0.5 % Sweetgum: 2.6 26% 6 2 OCH3 2 3 5 4 OH Syringyl p-Coumaryl x x x x x Carbohydrate y analysis y 40 mesh extractive free wood Hydrolyzed with 72 % H2SO4 Diluted to 3% H2SO4 and autoclaved at 121°C 121 C for 1 hour For pretreatment effluents p adjusted pH j byy the addition of 72 %H2SO4 Autoclaved at 121 °C for 1 hour Filtered and filtrate used for sugar analysis 14 Sugars S ga s meas measured ed using sing HPLC with ith pulsed amperometric detector Biomass to Bioethanol Carbohydrate y profile 60.0 OH 55.0 O HO OH OH %d dry weight o of carbohyd drates 00 50.0 OH 45.0 40 0 40.0 Miscanthus Sweetgum L.Pine 35.0 30 0 30.0 O OH 25.0 CH2OH OH OH O OH OH OH 20.0 15.0 CH2OH O OH HO O 10.0 5.0 OH OH OH OH OH HO OH 0.0 A bi Arabinose 15 G l t Galactose Gl Glucose X l Xylose Biomass to Bioethanol M Mannose OH Summary: y Miscanthus composition Higher ash content than sweetgum or pine Hi h contents Higher t t off P, P K, K Si and d halides h lid Dichloromethane extractives mostly carboxylic acids, d alkanols lk l and d sterols l Water extractives mostly derived from carbohydrates 26 % total lignin content Lower than woody biomass feedstocks Carbohydrates are mostly glucose and xylose Xylose content highest among the three feedstocks 16 Biomass to Bioethanol
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