From the desk of Gabriele Wood E-mail: [email protected] _____________________________________ 25 February 2015 Dear Stakeholder PROPOSED LINED WASTEWATER DAM, PIPELINE AND PUMP STATION FOR MKUZE BIOMASS POWER PLANT, NEAR MKUZE, KWAZULU-NATAL NOTIFICATION OF BASIC ASSESSMENT PROCESS Navosync (Pty) Ltd, an Independent Power Producer (IPP), is proposing the establishment of a wastewater dam and associated discharge water pipeline infrastructure as well as a pump station as essential infrastructure required for the operation of the authorised Mkuze Biomass Central Power Plant. Contemplating the above activities requires an application for Environmental Authorisation and a Waste Management License through an integrated application. The site where the above-mentioned infrastructure is proposed to be located is approximately 2.5 km south west of Mkuze on the Farm Alkmaar 13434 and the farm Clerkness, in KwaZulu-Natal. The proposed infrastructure is essential infrastructure required for the operation of the authorised Mkuze Biomass Central Power Station, which was authorised by the Department of Environmental Affairs and obtained Preferred Bidder status in the Department of Energy’s (DoE) Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement (REIPPP) Programme (Round 3). Construction of the power plant is scheduled to commence in the second half of 2015. The following essential water-related infrastructure is required in order to ensure the successful operation of the Mkuze Biomass Power Station: 1. A pump station located adjacent to the existing abstraction infrastructure at the Clerkness Dam in order to pump raw water from the existing abstraction pipeline for supply to the biomass plant. 2. An inlet water pipeline from the pump station at Clerkness Dam to the biomass power plant (already authorised as part of the biomass power station). 3. A wastewater discharge outlet pipeline between the power plant and a new proposed wastewater dam located west of the biomass power plant. 4. A lined wastewater dam located west of the biomass power plant. ENVIRONMENTAL BASIC ASSESSMENT PROCESS In terms of sections 19(1) and 20(b) of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act (NEMWA), 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008), read in conjunction with NEMWA Government Notice 921 of 29 November 2013, and in terms of sections 24 and 24D of the National Environmental Management Act (No 107 of 1998), as read with the EIA Regulations of GNR982 to GNR985, a Basic Assessment process is required to be undertaken for the proposed project. Navosync (Pty) Ltd has appointed Savannah Environmental (Pty) Ltd, as the independent environmental consultant, to undertake the required Basic Assessment to identify and assess all the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed project, and propose appropriate mitigation Environmental Management Programme (EMPr). and management measures in an The public participation process, which forms part of the overall Basic Assessment process, will be undertaken by Savannah Environmental (Pty) Ltd. The department which you represent has been identified as a commenting authority for the proposed project. In this regard, please can you provide us with the name and contact details of the relevant contact person at your department who we would liaise with regarding this project. By registering on the project database, you will receive all information relating to the project and will be provided with an opportunity to provide comment and input into the Basic Assessment process. DRAFT BASIC ASSESSMENT REPORT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC REVIEW In accordance with the EIA Regulations, a Draft Basic Assessment Report will be available for public review and comment by I&APs and stakeholders. You will be informed of the 30day public review period in due course. You are invited to submit your written comment on the project to the undersigned. All comments received will be submitted in the final Basic Assessment Report which will be submitted to the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs. Comments must be made as a written submission via fax, post or email. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require additional information and/or clarification regarding the proposed project. Our team welcomes your participation and looks forward to your involvement throughout this process. Kind Regards MRS GABRIELE WOOD PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND SOCIAL CONSULTANT SAVANNAH ENVIRONMENTAL (not signed, sent via email)
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