THE IPSWICH MEN’S SHED INC Location: 3A Mining Street Bundamba Q 4304 Postal Address: 3A Mining street Bundamba 4304 Ph Contact The Shed 0455924784 [email protected] web : “Shoulder to Shoulder” President: Terry Carter Vice President: Rob Burt Secretary: Colin James Treasurer Darryl Edwards Registrar: Ted Wedmaier Executive Officer Electrical: Darryl Edwards Committee: John Humphries; Roger Overell; Brian Parker; Ian Ross; Dave Wernowski Membership fees $35 for 1 year – daily fees $2 plus $3.00 lunch Open Tuesday, Thursday 9am-3pm – Saturday 9am-2pm PRESIDENT NOTES Many thanks to all Members who have supported me this year in any way, we have had an issue recently in relation to New Membership and we are happy now that we have a policy in place to deal with any situation. The Awning day was a big success and now behind us so thanks also to those who assisted on the day. Our recent BBQ at Bunning’s was most successful and thanks to BBQ Bob for all his efforts. The new Shade sail is up thanks to Ian Ross and his helpers. New Hope Group have donated $1000 towards a “Safety Awareness when using machinery” Seminar to be held in July 2015 and thanks to Neville Winks for his assistance for this donation. Bob Edyvean recently represented the shed at the Buderim Men’s Shed expo and gave a report at a smoke meeting this week, Bob presented The Buderim Shed with a painted saw blade and it was most appreciated. We are looking forward to our Anzac participation this 25 th April , we will be required to start cooking at around 3.30 am-4am and anyone wanting to March will be able too. We are ordering a wreath for laying on the day. Remember if you want to get involved with the Management team for 2015-16 July 2 AGM please indicate to me ASAP. We will have executive job descriptions on the notice board soon. We also will be placing minutes of monthly meetings and Financial reports for all to see on the notice board from now on. Thanks to Dave and Ron Bopf for arranging the Bowls night recently Our web site is now up and live so have a look : Regards Terry The Bundamba ANZAC Observance Committee Proudly sponsored by The Salvation Army Bundamba Corps. This committee is responsible for the meetings held on ANZAC day and Remembrance Day at the Bundamba Memorial Park. A dawn service and march commencing at 4:15am is held on ANZAC day followed by a "Gun Fire" breakfast at The Salvation Army Bundamba Youth & Community Hall The main service and march commences at 9:15am, refreshments and ANZAC biscuits are available after the service. The Salvation Army Bundamba Citadel Band is heavily involved with ANZAC services on the day. Seniors Week 2015 – August 15-23 It’s on for young & old Seniors Week is an opportunity for Queenslanders of all ages to join together and celebrate the valuable contribution of older people. Seniors Week 2014 saw communities come together to celebrate with 456 registered events throughout the state. Many older people assist their families with caring responsibilities whilst being actively involved in their communities through volunteering and passing on their knowledge and experience to others. Seniors Week provides an opportunity to bring together all Queenslanders, through events and activities, to celebrate the contributions seniors make within their communities. Seniors Week aims to: improve community attitudes towards older people and ageing facilitate community participation and activity by older people, including those from Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds enhance community connections and inter-generational relationships. Council on the Ageing (COTA) Queensland currently coordinates Seniors Week and receives Queensland Government funding to collaboratively plan, run and subsidise Seniors Week events and activities. Planning is already under way for 2015 with subsidies opening in February and closing 27 March. We look forward to working with you in making Seniors Week 2015 an even bigger success. NORM AWAITS HIS DAY ON 25TH APRIL On behalf of our Organising Committee, I look forward to welcoming you to the Australian Men's Shed Association 6th National Conference, being held at Newcastle Civic Precinct, New South Wales. The Conference aims to promote the spread of Sheds throughout the nation and showcase the Australian Men's Shed movement across the world. This years theme “Innovation” will examine what sheds do on a day to day basis and focus on their future growth and development, whilst at the same time tackling the bigger picture issues such as the prevention of social isolation and engaging men within the community. David Helmers Australian Men’s Shed Association Executive Officer/Conference Convenor 2015 SHED NEWS BUNNINGS BOOVAL BBQ SUNDAY 19TH APRIL BUNNINGS BOOVAL BBQ SATURDAY 16TH MAY ANZAC DAY DAWN SERVICE 25TH APRIL WE WELCOME NEW MEMBERS JOIN THE COMMITTEE IN 2015-2016 AGM 2nd JULY 2015 WE NEED MORE PROJECTS SO CONTACT YOUR FRIENDS AND GROUPS ! WE NEED MORE SHED BOSSES ! SEE YOU AT THE SHED ORDER YOUR SHED GREEN SHIRT FOR ANZAC DAY NOW! SEE TERRY $35 OR $40 WITH POCKET DEAD MAN’S PENNY Memorial Plaque The round bronze Memorial Plaque is 120mm in diameter. It shows Britannia and a lion on the front and bears the inscription: "He died for freedom and honour". The full name of the dead soldier is engraved on the right hand side of the plaque. No rank, unit or decorations are shown, befitting the equality of the sacrifice made by all casualties. The shape and appearance of the plaque earned it nicknames such as the "Dead Man's Penny", the "Death Penny", and the "Widow's Penny". Warren is currently using the lathe to mount four of these Plaques for Anzac day BOOKINGS To book in for a Jamie’s Ministry of Food Course or Event, please complete the registration below. Course Bookings: For a listing of available course times and dates, please select the state, location and start month. Once a course is selected, please note that you will be required to attend this course at the same time and day each week, for the period of the course. Events: For event bookings, please select the event and proceed with the booking form. Payment: Upon completion of the booking forms you will click ‘Confirm & Pay’ and be asked for your preferred payment method (credit/debit card and PayPal only) and then your payment will be processed. Please note that your confirmation in the course or event is not confirmed until payment has been received. Gift Vouchers: Gift vouchers are available for our fixed centres at Ipswich, Geelong & Wetherill Park. If you would like to purchase a gift voucher, please visit our gift voucher store. If you would like to redeem a gift voucher, please proceed through this booking site and you will be able to provide details of your voucher at the end. For further information regarding bookings please contact us on 1. Address: 116 Brisbane Street, Ipswich QLD 4305 Phone:(07) 3281 0340 Management Committee - Office Bearers Duties The President is the Leader of the “Shed” Management and chairs the management committee meetings. The President is required to chair all meetings he attends. If the President cannot attend a meeting for any given reason, The Vice President or another member of the management committee can be nominated as chair. The President will also. Represent the “Shed” and the management committee in all required occasions. Be the first point of contact for the “Shed” Attend all “Shed” operational days, other functions, fundraisers and or promotional events or arrange for a stand in committee member to be present in his absence. Organize and oversee the day to day running of the “Shed” Greet and welcome all new and prospective members and any visitors to the “Shed” Plan and update and oversee the “Shed Boss” roster. Organize and oversee functions, fundraisers, and promotional events to ensure they have the required manning and supplies. Prepare and present a presidents report for newsletters and the AGM Call regular committee meetings and special general meetings as required. The Vice President is the assistant to the president and deputizes for him as and when required. The Secretary is primarily responsible for managing the records of the “Shed”. The Secretary will also: Take and keep minutes of all meetings. Keep the register of members and produce membership cards. Convene special general meetings and provide appropriate notice to members Arrange all meeting venues and prepare agendas Coordinate any correspondence or reports to be presented at meetings Circulate the minutes of meetings to members of the management committee and/or the general membership as required. Complete any actions arising from meetings that require correspondence Receive all Shed correspondence and bring urgent matters to the attention of the President or Treasurer if necessary. The Treasurer is responsible for the financial management of the “Shed”. The Treasurer will: Keep and maintain an asset register for the “Shed” Manage the petty cash balance and ensure the petty cash book is kept up-to-date Keep all documentation for payments made including receipts, invoices and statements Keep and maintain the “Shed’s” deposit and cheque books Ensure that all non-petty cash payments are approved or ratified by the management committee and that they are recorded in the minutes Keep all financial records. Keep either a receipt book of consecutively numbered receipts, or computer system records of them. Committee men will attend management committee meetings and take part in the discussions and decisions of the “Shed”. Committee men may also from time to time be delegated a task by the committee. Communication is the key! To ensure the smooth and efficient running of the “Shed” all management committee members must be contactable by e-mail or phone and must respond to requests promptly. IpswIch Men’s shed Supporting men in our community
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