The innovativeness of Tahtavy in literature

International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences
© 2015 Available online at
ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 9 (3): 397-400
Science Explorer Publications
The innovativeness of Tahtavy in literature
Fattemeh Feyz
Phd Student.Department of Arabic Language and Literature.Science and Research Branch. Islamic Azad
Corresponding Author : Fattemeh Feyz
Abstract: The beginning of Movement of the early nineteenth century in Egypt was the beginning of
Arabic poetry and prose entering into a new phase of its life which the appearance of the style and new
concepts in later periods shows a big change in Arabic poetry and literature. Among the writers who
brought new interpretations into the realm of poetry and prose is Refah Rafe Tahtavy that the present
study aims to investigate his new ideas and stable expression of patriotic themes in his poems by using
analytical-descriptive method. The result showed that Thtavy Rfah poetry is committed and popular. And
it is full of the love of religion and patriotism, national sweat and spirituality, idealism and stability. He
wrote his homespun poems by using these themes and gave them an special flavor.
Key words: Tahtavy,home,discription, literature,Egypt
The entering of west culture into Egypt in the first half of the nineteenth century brought political and
cultural changes in wide domain. However, we cannot find a significant phenomenon in the poetry and its exit from
the lethargy during previous centuries. In the second half of the nineteenth century with the passage of time, new
agents were increasingly growing which is the beginning of coming out poetry and literature from stagnation and
decline. Changing views and opinions of authors, modern education, coming back of academics from Europe, the
spread of the printing industry and the growing movement of translation in which had effects on literary works with
the West's political ideas created nationalist movements and consequently marked patriotic literature. Among the
pioneering in which went Europe in order to continue their education was Rafah Tahtavy that headman a headman
of this group and and a pioneer of contemporary translation movement and scout movement in nineteenth-century
in Egypt. And he also was the initiator of national movements and national literature. Rafah was born in Tahta In
1801 AD / 1216 AH( Mobarak, 1993; p.52). And he undeniably recorded influential role in the field of language and
thought in poetry and prose. He was influenced by the Enlightenment and subsequent translation of scientific and
literary works of foreign that caused he created content which affected on future generation. And relying on his
talent, vision and belief proved his considerable ability in the branch of homespun and ideological poetry. On the
life and works of Rfah a dissertation (Abbasids, 1383) was written that after the introduction of his works talked
about his golden role in the reform, development of translation movements and his ideas. Article entitled
"flourishing contemporary translation movement in Egypt" (Montazemi, 1383) simply examines his movement's
activities in the field of translation. Since in both Arabic writing and other work in this area Rfah modernism in
poetry, pale or neglected, it seems necessary to open his revealing insights into the world of poetry and literature.
In this study, most reliance is on the Tahtavy’s book which was developed by Taha Vady. This study aimed at
answering these two fundamental questions: what are the new approaches in Tahtavy’s poems? And what are
correspondences of new themes used by Tahtavy with reality of modern society ?
By the end of the eighteenth century in Egypt, culture and literature especially poetry and prose held in
decline and in fact represents the plight of his country and people who spent time under Ottoman domination.
Poetry has not a good infrastructure and themes such as praise and glory and Rasa and etc has brought poetry to
ecstasy. Doctor Shoghi Zyf says the account, quadrature, Takhmis and Tashtir processing were common
industries in poetry. Without innovative and merely rhetorical forms rather than artistic beauties intended to become
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a poet, brought it to vulgarity and was located as a barrier between poet and his proper and freely interpretation of
time and breathe (Zyf, 1961; pp. 40-41).
The first half of the nineteenth century is the period of link between decline and movement. Although with
the beginning of politic changes (rule of Mohammad Ali Pasha) and socio-cultural (sending students to the west,
schools establishment, movement beginning of translation and printing), poetry went through steps in the direction
of improvement. But a new theme was not available in poetry, and failed to meet the half of modern nation of
Egypt. Since Mohammad Ali followed the realization of his powerful empire, and in the word of Shoghi Zyf Egypt
was not in his mind (same, pp.22-23). Poets were on the warpath and poetry was still incarcerated in enclosing.
The assessment criteria for poet and poetry were the use of advantages of word. Most poets neither were familiar
with west style, nor have strong thought of Arabs before decline, and their poetry has been interpreted as part of
frankness. Such as last century like Sheikh Attar and Alkhashab (Fakhouri, 1385, p.924).
Refae Tahtavi is preeminent scientific movement in the beginning of the new age especially the translation.
His efforts in the translation of Arabic books, schools establishment, educational planning in Egypt and Sudan,
newspaper and especially his role in the evolution of language and style of writing literary and intellectual as well as
the supply of ideas in the areas of relationship with the creator, the community, ethics, education, family, industry,
etc is remarkable. As it can be said that with the beginning of new movement, Refae picks two ways to realize his
creative ideas: 1) Appeal to the old heritage and give importance to the religious, historical, intellectual, and
technical bases. 2) Noting to the advanced western thinking in his all areas of intellectual (Vadi, 1984, p. 5).
In his brilliance expression in the change of poetry and prose and his poetry face it can be said, in the
beginning of his literary activities that is his student period in the first half of nineteenth century, imitates his
teachers and poets like Sheikh Hasan Alattar and early poets, followed their styles, meanings, and intention as an
example of his poems. Thus, in his first written there is no evidence of actual themes or new ideas and thinking,
and only a challenge to an old ballad with Sufi theme, ascetic or praise and sometimes lyrical pieces accompanied
with the simple and literal industry (same, p.15).
What he has as early poets’ style in his literary repertoire consists of: 1) Didactic poetry, from this literary genre,
systems about “raising children” and “poem about unity”, that his goal is to bring the terms of Hadith science and its
education. 2) Praise poetry, was at the dominant hand like all the power and wealth at the beginning of movement,
this social reality, make it necessary to praise and describe ruler and governor; therefore, also the large part of
Tahtavi lyrics in light of this need both at the intellectual and beauty level, occupied by praise. Sometimes the
characterization of the ruler, sometimes praise of prophet with the theme of Sufi and belief and sometimes devotion
and love to Ahlul Bayt. 3) Personal poetry was the subjects of returned period. A lyrical poem which interprets the
sorrows and special memories of poet. For example Refae depicted his hardships in exile in Sudan in Ode (same,
pp. 41, 16, 50, 52).
The first innovation in the content of Refae’s Odes praise was his praised praise to the characteristics of
the same period and problems of his own age. Among creative and unprecedented Refae’s works which played an
important role in the evolution of his era poetry theme, was conquered the literary works of poets such as Ahmad
Shoghi and Solomon Albastani, is that he is the first representative of Arab literature in translation of poetry. The
poems were translated from French to Arab (Vadi, 1984, p. 175). One of the most beautiful translation Odes of
Refae is the lyric of his master Khaje Ya’qub Mesri in the love, pride and admiration of Egypt in the name of “La
lyre Brisee” or broken recurrence.
Then translated the French revolutionary anthem “Almarslyz” (La marseillaise) of Roger de levazel (Rouget
de l’isle) and “Albaresiye Ode” which both were the French revolution product, and called the people of French to
struggle for freedom and justice as if inviting the people of Egypt. So, the balance in values was created (Vadi,
1984, p. 56).
In the Manahej Albab book has poems which was written in Sudan and he have expressed in them that he has
translated them from Montesquieu and Moltebervan (Tahtavi & Manahej, 2012, p.266).
In fact it can be said that the evolution of poetry and get out of frame duplication in the new age practically began
from Refae’s era and by him. Shoghi Zyfe introduces Baroudi that in another step get rid of the constraints
completely (Zyf, 1961, p. 44).
Country Ode
Refae in the trip to France in 1836-1831 year and with the beginning of his familiarity with the spiritual life
of the west, a new idea sparked in him. The “Takhlis alebriz” book was written in this trip and called the country in
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that and wrote a poem to show that there is a type of recently in his poetry. He begins his Ode with a lyric and in
that mourns for the parting of the country and knows the religion of the country lovers in the declaration of love for
the homeland, and praises its beauty and gives it a great and ends his poem in praise of Mohammad Ali.
Taha Vadi says: this is the first experienced poem of Refae and its nature and components are such as
early poets and from the area of interpretation he mixed it with valuable and diverse themes and in light of the
social reality of his society created the most changes. He called Egypt the mother of the world from people’s view
and has done his poetry duty that is serving the community and people of Egypt (Vadi, 1984, p. 83). He describes
his willingness to his homeland Egypt in this subtle Ode far from intuitive and simple industry. Until that time, no
poet had not used such content. This is the branchy literature that has continued till Ahmad Shoghi (same, 1984, p.
In the second half of the nineteenth century new events and factors changed the view of Egyptian
intellectuals and led their tastes and circumstances to the European scientific and material life and created deep
connection between them and old and new European literature. Literary life was resumed. It marked the light vision
and wider horizons in the thought and emotions, images, language and poetry music. The mission of lyric became
different and people were aware of their missed cultural-social rights by poem and demanded the roots of political
rights (Zyf, 1961, p. 41). West’s political ideas led to nationalist movements and consequently the patriotic
literature. Approach to education and training and noting to didactic-moral poetry were created. All these changed
the practice of singing poetry, new words entered into poetry and poetry language was transformed (Khosravi,
1389, pp. 41, 44). Doctor Shoghi Zyf calls this period the reform era (Zyf, 1961, p. 43). But the result of this
transformation reduced the strength and the value of poetry language, because the poetry came out of the court
and serves the society and politics. The frame of poem as the last verse was Ode which was used both for old
themes and new issues like Nassif Alyazjy (Alimardani, 1389).
Refae was pioneer with all the developments and consistent innovations. In this context, background and
delicate issues with new themes such as homeland friendship, parenting poetry, descriptive and lyrical poem in his
poems can be found. He was a pioneer in modern Arabic poetry, particularly in the course of true love and
homeland friendship.
Refae’s image from homeland has credited by values, beliefs, wisdom, and faith. Fusion of love and
wisdom keeps homeland in Refae’s mind and rises to the degree of sanctity.
In his view, love of country is the beauty of thoughtful human and faithful to the most valuable of religions
namely Islam. These verses refer to hadith from Emam Reza which says: people love is part of wisdom (Behar
Alanvar, V, 17, p. 288) and this represents his religious belief. Homeland in his view is: magnificent landscapes of
faith, promise and commitment to honesty, struggle, courage of his land brave men, and freedom. Also his mental
myths are the same which have been linked to the beliefs and values of sublime poetry. These beliefs are depicted
in the Egyptian homeland.
He praises the civilization effects and beautiful nature of Egypt and honestly emphasizes and shows the
need to preserve and its honor and he has understood well his poetic mission that is the same as outline his
By his green country’s hands, blue sky, indigo, and high fertile bring to the mind the image of ideal city,
where the sum of contradictions is possible. While peace in its green garment appears, but it introduces it passive
and dynamic which is fighting with the invaders and rebellious and sees testimony life religiously and loves its
mythical stand sincerely.
Refae represents a new element in his Egyptian valuable Ode and that is the speaking of Egyptian army,
after stating the dignity, splendor and exquisite arts of homeland, raised with the praise of his hosts. This
interpretation is in his poem such as: soldiers come down like clouds and rain, braves ranks? etc.
Descriptive lyric
His other innovations are description of symbols and instruments of new civilizations in Egypt. He calls this
era the modern era. People have become aware of new things, hardware home, libraries, telegraph, printers, and
shortened distances. He describes steam engine which moved to Switzerland with grace and he has the poem in
salutation to the new civilization.
This is the effect of translation and modern culture entrance in Egypt literature and its first signs in Tahtavi
His other innovation in the language is poetry. Refae played an important role in poetic language
improvement and its technical means, in reducing verbal games and visual complexity, particularly on the order of
Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (3), 397-400, 2015
poetry and literature, which poets had it throughout the centuries as far as the interpretation failed (Vadi, 1984, p.
8). All his homeland lyrics and translation confirm this claim.
In the field of prose
By translation of one of the Greek mythology called “Tilmak” “Les A Vontures de Telemaque” written by
Francois Fenlen in 1984 AD/1264 AH which later was published in Beirut, it can be said that Refae is the
preeminent authors in novel translation in the modern age (Shiyal, 1952, p.145). In the preface of the book he
speaks about myths and mythology. In one of his most important works of prose, his itinerary in Paris entitled:
“Talkhis Alebriz fi Talkhis Bariz” criticizes France language and poetry and says: “France literature is good but its
language and poetry combined with ignorant habitual with Greek. They called what they like and see beautiful,
goddess, such as: beauty goddess, love goddess, and etc. sometimes this term is clearly heretical although they
do not believe in it, and they said that in the parable” (Tahtavi, Takhlis, p. 100). This point suggests that Refae is
the first person in the modern age which has spoken of myth (Vadi, 1984, p. 173). This study shows that although
Refae tend to west industry and customs, he was not westernized and for religious education preserved his
Eastern-Islamic identity and do not neglect the Islamic texts.
But Arabic language indebted Refae because of its second life in the new era. Refae wrote his poetry,
prose, and translation into eloquent Arabic and thought: “order recognition is not enough for poetry, but the poet
should build order by taste and Sjyh nature, otherwise, his breath is cold and his poem is unauthentic” (Tahtavi,
Takhlis, p. 266). Tahtavi gave great power to the language in the direction of translation and compilation,
interpretation and reflection, in the field of literary and scientific writing.
Events and new issues of nineteenth century in Egypt changed the principles and poetry mission of this
period. For the purpose of poetry was aware the asleep and unaware Egypt people. The evaluation of Refae
Tahtavi’s works show that he took first steps in order to move from boring rhetoric repetition and literary arts toward
simplicity and its normal shape. He became the first pedestrian of homespun feel in new Arabic poetry, novel
translation and new ideas in his prose writings and in fact by general description we find fragments close to nature
of epic poems in his poetry. Being in the context of inflammation in the nineteenth century and frequent periods of
exile, was provocative and renewed his penetrating patriotic feeling, and led him to homeland lyric. Refae could
prove his considerable potential in this area by relying on his talent, taste for poetry, insight and his spiritual
approach in the field of homespun poetry. Although Refae in the contemporary literature is not considered as poets
who have style, but his poetry and works were commitment to the idealistic thoughts and freedom from oppression
as a prelude to the arrival of new thoughts, become social issues and concrete poetry to the poems of after him,
and this is the result of effects which Refae and later Egypt society get from European communities and translation
and considered that they should aware people from their lost rights by poetry language and new issues of the day
and make better visibility from them. He could look deeply to the most major social issues of his time and portray it
poetic. While Refae did not follow the creation of literal beauties, for this reason it can be said that he is the most
influential poet in the field of language of this period, because his language is simple, pure, and fresh. His more
language functions can be followed in his other works.
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