National Library Week Activities in the Butler High School Media Center – April 13-17, 2015 These activities are not limited to a single day and will be occurring all week. *Food for Fines* - Clear your library fines by feeding the hungry. Bring in one non-perishable food item for each overdue book or fine. All items collected will be donated to Loaves and Fishes. Expired food items will not be accepted. This program may not be used to pay for lost or missing books, only fines. This is a great time for juniors and seniors who plan to purchase prom tickets to clear their fines for FREE! Book Spine Poetry for Poetry Month & National Library Week – Come into the Media Center any day this week and make poetry using titles of books and their spines. Prize will be awarded for most creative piece of book spine poetry. Book Face Contest – Put your face in a book in a creative way and post it on Twitter or Instagram. Make sure to tag it #BHSNLW15. Prize will be awarded for most creative student book face photo. I Love My Library Because… - Take a moment to tell us on a Post-It Note why your love your Butler Library. Shelfie – We know how you love to take selfies, so this week we want your most creative “shelfie.” A shelfie is a photo of you (and/or others) in front of bookshelves. Your photo may be taken in the Butler Media Center, public library, or at a home bookshelf. Make sure to post on Twitter or Instagram #BHSNLW15. Prize will be awarded for most interesting staff member(s) shelfie and student(s) shelfie. Book Checkout - Check out a book any day during National Library Week and enter our contest for a chance to win a gift card to a local bookstore. th *Contest winners will be notified after April 20 .
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