The Relationship between Organizational Learning and Spiritual

International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences
© 2015 Available online at
ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 9 (4): 616-620
Science Explorer Publications
The Relationship between Organizational Learning
and Spiritual Leadership with Empowering
Employees of Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan
Mahboubeh Zanganeh, Mohsen Malekmohammadi*
M. A. in Management, Aliabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad, IRAN
*Corresponding Author: Mohsen Malekmohammadi
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational
learning and empowering employees with the spiritual leadership of the Bank Keshavarzi was the of
Golestan province. The study population included all the staff of the Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan
province, 380 are of these 191 patients randomly using Table krejcie and Morgan have been
chosen. It is based on applied research and the survey and cross-correlation. For data collection, a
standardized questionnaire spiritual leadership Fry et al. (2005) and organizational learning Nifeh
questionnaire (2001) and empowerment questionnaire Asprytzr (1995) was used, and data were
analyzed with the Spearman correlation test. The study showed a 95% confidence level: 1. the
relationship between spiritual leadership and organizational learning of the Bank Keshavarzi of
Golestan province was significant. 2. The relationship between spiritual leadership by empowering
employees of the Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan province was significant.
Keywords: spiritual leadership, organizational learning, empowerment of employees, of the Bank
In the present era, the era of globalization, organizations are faced with a global competitive
environment, always felt the need for fundamental change and innovation; forces of global competition,
organizations have today that after ten years of work methods and procedures themselves, adopt new working
methods (Ziaee et al., 2008, p. 13). In fact, in concepts like morality, truth, belief in God or a higher power at
work and seeking meaning, altruism, and the research and management actions and business, are all
indicative of the emergence of a new paradigm. According to many researchers, this new work paradigm, the
paradigm is spiritual (Shabani Bahar et al., 2013, p. 25). Spiritual leadership theory, the values, attitudes and
behaviors that the intrinsic motivation of themselves and others in a way that leads to spiritual survival and wellbeing through the sense of personal happiness, the purpose and benefit of their membership and others, it is,
involves spiritual leadership, vision, first created in which leaders and followers a sense of meaning,
understanding of, and appreciation of the meditation, respect and appreciation for their self and others
(Matherly et al., 2005, p. 17). Fry et al (2005) dimensions of spiritual leadership in the next 7 are proud to
1. Outlook 2 The love of altruism 3. Faith 4 – Significant 5-member 6 Organizational Commitment 7
Performance feedback. Barrels and colleagues (2000) suggest that spirituality and spiritual leaders may have
influence organizational learning and members of the organization rather than individual learning to encourage
organizational learning (Dent et al., 2005, p. 33). In order to contribute to the development of business,
strategic planners need to provide organizational learning in organizations recognize the importance of spiritual
leaders. Learning, which will be a key factor in the modern world economic and organizational needs and to
remain competitive environment (Davodi, Ashtari, 22011)? Nifeh (2001) Organizational learning is divided into
seven dimensions, the dimensions are:
1. Organizational Learning Culture 2 the shared vision 3 working group learning 4 Sharing knowledge 5
systems thinking 6 Participative leadership 7 Development of staff competencies.
On the other hand, organizations in the twenty-first century, have found a different way from traditional
organizations. In addition to the energy, resource management is thinking and creativity. Under these
Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 616-620, 2015
conditions, not only hierarchical approach would not be appropriate control commands but the employee must
show their own initiative and to solve their problems promptly and in teams that are completely autonomous
role (Shabani Bahar et al., 2013, p. 17). This new look at the resources and authority it sought. Growing need
for personnel who are capable of self-management has led to the empowerment of human resources according
to many experts as a new paradigm in the management drew. Speritzer (1995) in their model of enabling
building has 4 components is described below: 1. Competency 2 the feeling of having a choice 3 sense of
effectiveness 4-feel meaningful jobs. Expectations rise and competition has led public and private banks
addressing the issue of empowerment of bank employees in order to maintain and enhance the competitive
position of the banks and earn maximum percent market share is of special relevance. Today banks Bashi
other organizations and institutions need to increase the level of organizational learning are their goals and
policies. State Farm Bank as one of the oldest banks in the country, always seeking to maintain and enhance
its competitive position in the banking system, according to the spiritual leadership of the Bank Keshavarzi can
increase employees' empowerment and organizational learning and research has been done on this topic in
Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan province the bank is part of the human force and its research, researcher trying to
find a relationship between these three components is therefore the main question of this research are: Does
the spiritual leadership of organizational learning and empowerment of staff of the Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan
province, there was a significant relationship?
The study in term of application and in terms of cross-survey is correlation. The population in this study
consists of all the staff of the Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan province to 380 persons. Given the sample size of
191 patients was determined by krejcie and Morgan, and simple random sampling. Data includes both library
and field method is the library method to collect information related to the research question theoretical and
applied and field methods to gather information about the population was used for statistical analysis. Data
were gathered by a questionnaire in which the three following questionnaires were used: 1. Fry the spiritual
leadership questionnaire (2005): 7 components and 28 items 2. Organizational Learning Questionnaire Nifeh
(2001) contains 31 items 3. Empowerment Questionnaire Speritzer (1995) consists of 16 items and content
validity study by professors and experts, and was confirmed. To determine the reliability of the study,
Cronbach's alpha was used to test the results in the table below:
Table 1. Results of alpha coefficient
Spiritual leadership
Cronbach alpha
Since the obtained value of Cronbach's alpha for all the questionnaires have been calculated over 70%
it can be concluded that the questions are in line with each other and reliability of the questionnaire. To analyze
the test data and the correlation test was used ks normal.
The findings
normal tests
Table 2. results normalized variables
Love and altruism
Performance feedback
Spiritual leadership
Organizational Learning
Significance level (Sig.)
Test result
Data distribution is
Data distribution is
Data distribution is
Data distribution is
Data distribution is
Data distribution is
Data distribution is
Data distribution is
Data distribution is
Data distribution is
not normal
not normal
not normal
not normal
not normal
not normal
not normal
not normal
not normal
not normal
According to Table 2, the significance level (Sig.) Normality test variables is smaller than 0.05 the non-normal
distribution of data in this sample, therefore, the non-parametric Spearman test was used to test the research
hypotheses used.
Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 616-620, 2015
The first main hypothesis: there was a significant relationship between the spiritual leadership and
organizational learning of the Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan province.
Table 3. Spearman test results between spiritual leadership and organizational learning
(Spearman Correlation) Organizational Learning
Sig. (2-tailed) Significance level
sample size
(Spearman Correlation) Spiritual leadership
Sig. (2-tailed) Significance level
sample size
Organizational Learning
Spiritual leadership
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.05level (2-tailed).
The correlation coefficient (Spearman) obtained between spiritual leadership and organizational
learning (0.720 = r) is at the level of 95% (0.000 = sig is significant), this means that an increase in spiritual
leadership to increase organizational learning employees. As a result, the spiritual leader of organizational
learning and there is a direct relationship of Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan province (0> r) and the main
hypothesis is confirmed in the error 0.05 = .
The first sub-hypothesis test there was a significant relationship between the components of organizational
learning the spiritual leadership of the Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan province.
Table 4. Results of Spearman correlation between the components of spiritual leadership and organizational learning
Love and altruism
Performance feedback
Dependent variable
Organizational Learning
Organizational Learning
Organizational Learning
Organizational Learning
Organizational Learning
Organizational Learning
Organizational Learning
Spearman coefficient
The correlation coefficient (Spearman) from the perspective of organizational learning (0.462 = r) is at
the level of 95% (0.000 = sig is significant). As a result, the prospect of organizational learning and there is a
direct relationship in Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan (0> r). The correlation coefficient (Spearman) between love
and altruism obtained with organizational learning (0.715 = r) is at the level of 95% (0.000 = sig is significant).
As a result, the love of friendship with organizational learning and there is a direct relationship in Bank
Keshavarzi f Golestan (0> r). The correlation coefficient (Spearman) obtained between faith and organizational
learning (0.640 = r) is at 95% (0.000 = (sig is significant. As a result of the faith with organizational learning and
there is a direct relationship in Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan (0> r). The correlation coefficient (Spearman)
Obtained significant organizational learning (0.266 = r) is at the level of 95% (0.000 = sig is significant). As a
result of the significant organizational learning and there is a direct relationship in Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan
(0> r). The correlation coefficient (Spearman) Obtained join with organizational learning (0.373 = r) is at the
level of 95% (0.000 = sig is significant), as a result of organizational learning among members of the Bank
Keshavarzi of Golestan province and there is a direct relationship (0> r). The correlation coefficient (Spearman)
obtained between organizational commitment and organizational learning (0.629 = r) is at the level of 95%
(0.000 = sig is significant as a result of the commitment to organizational learning and there is a direct
relationship in Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan (0> r).
The correlation coefficient (Spearman) between performance feedback obtained with organizational
learning (0.597 = r) is at the level of 95% (0.000 = (sig is significant, as a result of the feedback function with
organizational learning and there is a direct relationship in Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan (0> r).
The second main hypothesis: there was a significant relationship between the spiritual leadership
empowerment Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan provinces.
Table 5. Spearman test results between spiritual leadership with empowerment
(Spearman Correlation) Empowerment
Sig. (2-tailed) Significance level
sample size
(Spearman Correlation) Spiritual leadership
Sig. (2-tailed) Significance level
sample size
Spiritual leadership
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.05level (2-tailed).
Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 616-620, 2015
The correlation coefficient (Spearman) obtained between spiritual leadership with empowerment (565/0
= r) is at the level of 95% (0000 = sig is significant), this means that an increase in spiritual leadership to
increase the empowerment of employees. As a result, the spiritual leader Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan with
empowerment and there is a direct relationship (0> r) and the second main hypothesis is confirmed in the error
0.05 = . The second sub-hypothesis test between the components of spiritual leadership by empowering
employees Keshavarzi Bank of Golestan province, there was a significant relationship.
Table 6. Results of Spearman correlation between the components of spiritual leadership and employee empowerment
Love and altruism
Performance feedback
Dependent variable
Spearman coefficient
The correlation coefficient (Spearman) between landscape achieved by empowering employees (0.434
= r) is at the level of 95% (0.000 = sig is significant). As a result of the vision of empowering employees with
Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan province and there is a direct relationship (0> r). The correlation coefficient
(Spearman) between love and altruism achieved by empowering employees (0.393 = r) is at 95% (0.000 = sig
is significant). As a result, the love of friendship with empowerment Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan province and
there is a direct relationship (0> r). The correlation coefficient (Spearman) between faith achieved by
empowering employees (0.430 = r) is at the level of 95% (0.000 = sig is significant), as a result of the Bank
Keshavarzi of faith by empowering staff and there is a direct relationship Golestan (0> r). The correlation
coefficient (Spearman) between meaningful results by empowering employees (0.443 = r) is at 95% (0.000 =
(sig is significant, as a result of the significant strengthening Bank Keshavarzi staff and there is a direct
relationship Golestan (0> r). The correlation coefficient (Spearman) Obtained by empowering staff members
(0.533 = r) is at 95% (0.000 = sig is significant). Thus enabling the members of the staff Bank Keshavarzi of
Golestan province and there is a direct relationship (0> r). The correlation coefficient (Spearman) obtained
between organizational commitment and empowerment of employees (0.369 = r) is at the level of 95% (0.000 =
(sig is significant, as a result of the commitment to the empowerment of staff and there is a direct relationship
Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan (0> r). The correlation coefficient (Spearman) obtained between performance
feedback with empowerment (0.484 = r) is at the level of 95% (0.000 = sig is significant), as a result of
feedback with empowerment of Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan province and there is a direct relationship (0> r).
The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the spiritual leadership of
organizational learning and empowerment of staff Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan province. Shabani Bahar et al.
2013 research on the role of spiritual leadership in the General Administration of Sports and Youth
empowerment Hamedan province, have done and the findings suggest that the spiritual leadership and all of
them there is a significant correlation with empowerment which is consistent with the findings of the present
study. Matin et al in 2012 research on effect of components of spiritual leadership on organizational learning
capability of the Institute of Science, have done and the results showed that the components of spiritual
leadership there is a significant relationship and organizational learning capability, which is consistent with our
Godarzvand Chegini et al in 22011, a study to determine the role of spiritual leadership of managers on
employee empowerment Bank (Case study: Gilan), have done the findings indicate a significant and positive
causal relationship between spiritual leadership and empowerment and also describe the results of hypothesis
testing which includes the dimensions of spiritual leadership (vision, hope, faith, love and altruism, significantly,
membership, commitment and productivity) and empowerment of both public and private banks in Gilan
province, there was a significant positive correlation. Nejat Bakhsh and Qorchay 2013 research on the
relationship between spiritual leadership and empowerment organization's vocational done the results showed
that there was a significant relationship between the spiritual leadership and empowerment of technical and
professional staff, which is consistent with the findings of the present study.
Based on the results of research proposals can be presented as follows:
To achieve organizational learning should Bank Keshavarzi in Golestan executives away from
conservatism and fear, lack of empowerment of staff of Bank Keshavarzi in Golestan provide the information
needed to better manage your collection.
Recommended programs for staff familiarity alignment of the benefits of a shared vision of the role of
the Bank Keshavarzi are designed with individual goals.
Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 616-620, 2015
Attracting and recruiting processes your organization should be designed people are attracted to
organizations that can help a colleague the performance of the task will be to create a learning organization
and the effectiveness of the organization.
Increasing Bank Keshavarzi delegation to staff in the province increased sense of responsibility and
accountability, responsibility towards employees.
Workshops on the development of organizational learning are suitable for decision makers in the
Employees of Bank Keshavarzi in Golestan can participate in the development of organizational vision
statement and goals, their perspective on the organization and assist in promoting their faith.
Measures should be taken in Bank Keshavarzi of Golestan staff working in close relationship and with
the cooperation established with colleagues and managers, highlighting the successes and work together
gratitude for the action.
Employees of Bank Keshavarzi in Golestan can assess employee performance and providing feedback
on their work in creating incentives for employees in their efforts.
Employees of Bank Keshavarzi in Golestan should adopt measures to reform the system of rewards
and performance and fair criteria for personnel providing performance feedback to employees with greater
devotion and commitment to the organization activities.
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