Technical Tour of 8th ISFR 2015

Technical Tour of 8th ISFR 2015
September 10th, 2015 (Thursday, last symposium day)
Starting time:
08:00 am
Meeting point:
Symposium desk (main entrance of Erzherzog-Johann wing)
Note: People who participate on the technical tour are transfered to Vienna!
1st Stop (10:00 am): Model Guessing
„a strategy of de-centralised, local energy production with all available
renewable resources in a region“
 Biomass power plant Guessing - Fluidised steam gasification
 Methanation – SNG from biomass
 Biogas facility
 Biomass Long Distance Heating Plant Guessing
12:00 am to 01.00 pm: Lunch break at Guessing (costs are not
2nd Stop (03:00 pm): PET To PET Recycling Austria
„the bottle to bottle concept“
 PET cleaning
 PET sorting and separation
3rd Stop (05:00 pm): Vienna
“The End”
We hope you enjoined the 8th ISFR 2015 in Leoben, Austria, and wish you some more lovely days in the
historical city of Vienna or a safe and good trip back home!