ROMANIAN SOCIETY FOR LASERS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SILVER PARTNERS: GALA DINNER PARTNER: S.C. ROMGER MEDICAL S.R.L. BRONZE PARTNERS: WORKSHOP PARTNER: : MEDIA PARTNERS: by Thursday 14 May - Faculty Dinner Friday 15 May 2015 7.00- 8.00 REGISTRATION I. REGENERATIVE MEDICINE IN HEMATOLOGY, NEUROLOGY, PHARMACOLOGY Moderators: Eckhard Alt (Germany), Carmen Orban, Alina Tanase, Oana Coman 800 - 815 Alina Tanase, Carmen Orban – „Stem Cell Sources and Use for Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine” 815 - 830 Anca Colita – „Mesenchymal stem cells – standard use and perspectives” 830 - 845 K. Vekrelis (Greece) - „Regenerative medicine approaches in neurodegeneration” 845 - 900 Dana Craiu, Cristina Anghelescu– „Autologous Cord Blood Transfusion In Children With Cerebral Palsy” 900- 915 D. Boruczkowski (Poland) - „The New Advantages of European Regenerative Medicine - Preliminary Results” 915- 930Oana Coman - „Pharmacology in regenerative medicine” II. REGENERATIVE MEDICINE IN CARDIOLOGY Moderators: Lina Badimon (Spain), Maya Simionescu , Maria Dorobantu 930 - 1000 Lina Badimon (Spain) – „Lights and shadows in therapeutic cell therapy” 1000 - 1030 Judit Cubedo (Spain) – „Stem cells and paracrine factors: novel approaches to characterize therapy” 1030- 1100 D. Simionescu (USA), L. Sierad, E. L. Shaw, A. Bina, B. Brazile, S. Patnaik, N. Rierson, A. Kennamer, R. Odum, O. Cotoi, T. Preda, K. Branzaniuc, H. Smallwood, R. Deac, I. Egyed, Z. Pavai, A. Szanto, L. Harceaga, H. Suciu, V. Raicea, P. Olah, A. Simionescu, J. Liao, I. Movileanu, M. Harpa - „Adult stem cell-based cardiac valve tissue regeneration” (Coffee served in the room) III. REGENERATIVE MEDICINE IN PLASTIC SURGERY, ONCOLOGY, DENTISTRY Moderators : Jamal Yasir (Saudi Arabia), Alexandru Blidaru, Dana Jianu 1100 - 1130 Keynote lecture: Hirotaro Fukuoka (Japan), Hirotaka Suga – ’’Messages from Adipose-derived Stem cell (ASC) work same as ASC itself? From our original Basic and Clinical Reports’’ 1130 - 1145 T. Stamate, G.Mazilu, I.Dabija, N. Aladari – „Complications after autologous fat transfer associated with external tissue expansion BRAVA in breast reconstruction” 1145 - 1200 Norina Forna - „Assisted implant surgery : between biomechanics and aesthetics” 1200 - 1215 A. Blidaru, C. Bordea, Mihaela Radu, I. Matei, M. Plesca– „15 years of Oncoplastic Surgery of the Breast in the Institute of Oncology „Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu” Bucharest” 1215 - 1230 Violeta Skorobac Asanin (Serbia) - „MRI and hystological examinations of the surviving fat graft” 1230 - 1245 J. Yasir (Saudi Arabia), Sabah Moshref - „Autologous Fat Micro Graft for Genital Reconstruction” 1245 - 1300 Dana Jianu, Maria Filipescu, O. Cobani, M. Turbatu, Mihaela Vartic – ’’Our experience in regenerative plastic surgery in oncological breast patients’’ Friday 15 May 2015 1300 – 1345 Official opening Acad. Maya Simionescu - The Romanian Academy Prof. Irinel Popescu – The Academy of Medical Sciences Prof. Maria Dorobantu – UMF „Carol Davila” Prof. Eckhard Alt (Germany) - ISRMS Assoc. Prof. Dana Jianu - ISRMS 1345 - 1400 Lunch IV. REGENERATIVE MEDICINE IN ONCOLOGY, RESEARCH Moderators: Eckhard Alt (Germany), Alice Ceacareanu (USA), Virgil Paunescu 1415 - 1430 Adrian Streinu –Cercel, Daniela Munteanu, Raluca Mihailescu – „The role of Sonication in treating the degenerative articular process” 1430 - 1445 Z. A. P. Wintrob (USA), Geoffrey W. Brown, Minna C. Fung, Hoda Moussa, Arthur W. Fyles, Michael D. Bear, Alice C. Ceacareanu – „Pharmacokinetics safety of Metformin in patients with Leukemia and Diabetes” 1445 - 1500 E. Alt (Germany) - „The nature of stem cells: where to find them?” 1500 - 1515 V. Paunescu, F. Bojin, C. A. Tatu, O. Gavriliuc, G. Tanasie, C. Tatu, C. Panaitescu - „Adult mesenchymal stem cells and tumor-associated fibroblasts: insights on morphological and functional characteristics” 1515 - 1530 Luminita Simion Labusca (Denmark) –’’Adipose derived stromal as cell sources in regenerative medicine’’ 1530 - 1545 Alice C. Ceacareanu (USA), Zachary A.P. Wintrob, George K. Nimako, Thaer Khoury, Jeffrey Hammel, Dan Gaile - „Determinants of Hormone-Receptor Status in Women with Diabetes Mellitus and Breast Cancer” 1545 - 1600 S. Baila (Italy) - „A closed and automated strategy for MSCs production: rationale and successful applications” 1600 - 1615 Coffee break + Exhibition Friday 15 May 2015 V. REGENERATIVE MEDICINE IN ORTHOPEDY, RESEARCH Moderators: Marco Liccardo (Italy), Luminita Simion-Labusca (Denmark) Vlad Predescu 1615 - 1630 S. Jianu – „Applications of regenerative medicine in General Surgery and Orthopedics” 1630 - 1645 R. Krebs (Germany) –’’Initial results with adipose tissue derived regenerative cells in osteoarthritis grade 3 / 4 : one year arthroscopic follow-up’’ 1645 - 1700 Sabah Moshref (Saudi Arabia), J. Yasir - ’’Intra-articular Injection of Autologous Fat Micrograft for the treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis” 1700 - 1715 V. Cervelli (Italy) , Camilla di Pasqualli, P.Gentile – ’’ Stromal Vascular Fraction and PlateletRich Plasma for scars’’ 1715 - 1730 M. Liccardo (Italy), V. Piccinni, R. Rossetti, A. Petrella – „Use of PRP and MSC in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology. Experience of the main military hospital “Celio”of Rome” 1730 - 1745 V. Predescu, C. Prescura, B. Deleanu – ’’ Full - thickness knee cartilage repair using the AMIC technique (autologus matrix induced chondrogenesis) ’’ 1745 - 1800 M. Liccardo (Italy), V. Piccinni, R. Rossetti, A. Petrella – „PRP in clinical practice: is it already a real standard or do we need something else? Questions and possible answers” 1800 - 1815 D. G Zamfirescu, Andreea Grosu Bularda, M. Lanzatta – „Vascularized bone marrow transplantation: an alternative to conventional cellular bone marrow transplantation” POSTER PAPERS - Friday, 15 May 2015 , 16.00 - 17.00 - Main Hall 1. Tatiana Tozar, A. Dinache, V. Nastasa, M. Boni, A. Simon, M. L. Pascu – „UV photogenerated non-antibiotic drugs used in fighting multidrug resistance acquired by bacteria” 2. Bianca Galateanu, C. Zaharia, A. Hudita, M. Serban, S. Dinescu, A. Hermenean, A. Ardelean, D. Jianu, Marieta Costache - „Biocompatibility assessment of novel biomaterials for chronic wounds healing” 3. Alina Constantin, Madalina Dumitrescu, Miruna Nemecz, Gabriela Tanko, Dana Jianu, Maya Simionescu – „Redox homeostasis regulation after in vitro exposure to low-level laser of human adipose mesenchymal stromal cells” 4. Sarah C. Costinas, B. Costinas – „Hair follicles regenerative process” 5. E. Melnic - „PRP in degenerative and traumatic diseases of locomotor system’’ 19.30 GALA DINNER Saturday 16 May 2015 7.30- 8.30 REGISTRATION ROOM A VI. INTRODUCTIONAL COURSES – « Introduction in Regenerative Medicine & Surgery » 830 - 900 M. Rusu – „What are stem cells ? The cardiac niche. ’’ 00 30 9 -9 Dana Jianu – „Stem cells sources ; ADSC in plastic –aesthetic surgery. ’’ 30 00 9 - 10 E. Alt (Germany) -”The nature of stem cells – how to use them ‘’ 1000 - 1030 V. Paunescu – „Markers for stem cells’’ 1030 - 1100 V. Clatici - „Regenerative lasers in acne scars’’ 1100 - 1130 Catalina Mihailide (USA) - „Regenerative medicine from students to students’’ 30 11 Courses’ Closing (Coffee served in the room) 1130 - 1200 Keynote lecture: Eckhard Alt - „Are stem cells the future of regenerative medicine?” VII. REGENERATIVE MEDICINE IN PLASTIC SURGERY Moderators: Hirotaro Fukuoka (Japan),Teodor Stamate 1200 - 1215 T. Stamate, G. Mazilu, Iulia Dabija – „Autologous Fat Transfer in Poland Syndrome” 1215 - 1230 D. G. Zamfirescu, Andreea Grosu Bularda – „Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Current Findings and Future Perspectives for Plastic Surgery” 1230 - 1245 Dana Jianu, O. Cobani, Maria Filipescu, S. Jianu, Mihaela Vartic, Alina Constantin, M. Turbatu, Maya Simionescu - „Regenerative plastic surgery applications in current personal practice” 1245 - 1300 T. Stamate, Gabriel Mazilu, Iulia Dabija - „Autologous Fat Transfer In Ledderhose Disease” 1300 - 1330 Light lunch and Exhibition VIII. VETERINARY, RESEARCH Moderators: Sabah Saleh Moshref (Saudi Arabia), Gabriel Predoi, Iuliana Ionascu 1330 - 1345 Iuliana Ionascu, G. Predoi, Dana Jianu, A.Tanase, O. Cobani, S. Jianu, M. Turbatu, G. Gardan, A.Comarzan, A. Nicola - „Adipose derived stem cells (ADSC) treatment of two cases of bilateral coxarthrosis in dogs – preliminary results’’ 1345 - 1400 Sabah Moshref (Saudi Arabia), J. Yasir- „Intra-articular Injection of Autologous Fat Micro Graft in Sheep. Hind Knee Joints” 1400 - 1415 Iuliana Ionascu, G. Predoi, Lia Ion, I. A. Birtoiu - „The use of absorbable collagen eye shield in corneal diseases in dogs’’ 1415 - 1430 D. Cringanu, R. Negreanu, Raluca Negreanu – „Manipulating the blue scorpion venom and salmon oil combination therapy in order to stimulate the immune system regeneration in oncological status” 1430 - 1445 Iuliana Ionascu, G. Predoi, Lia Ion - „Human amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) in corneal chemical burns in dogs and in corneal sequestrum in cats” 1445 - 1500 M.C. Rusu, V.S. Manoiu, D. Constantin – „Adipose derived stem cells are only in vitro cells” Saturday 16 May 2015 ROOM B (Coffee served in the room) IX. REGENERATIVE MEDICINE IN CARDIOLOGY Moderators: Lina Badimon (Spain), Mihai Preda, Miruna Micheu 830 - 845 Mihai B. Preda, Maya Simionescu, A. Rosca, R. Isvanca, A. Burlacu – „Short-lived host angiogenenis triggered at the site of transplantation sustains graft survival by reducing local hypoxia in subcutaneous mesenchymal stem cell aggregates’’ 845 - 900 Miruna Micheu – „Cardiac stem cell-based therapy – challenges and (great) Expectations” X. REGENERATIVE MEDICINE IN DERMATOLOGY, OPHTALMOLOGY, RESEARCH Moderators : Daciana Branisteanu, Marieta Costache, Alecu Mihail 900 - 915 Bianca Galateanu, Marieta Costache – „ Adipose Derived Stem Cells for Efficient Chronic Wounds Healing” 915 - 930 B. Niculae – „PDO, PLA and PLC thread lift - New treatment alternative in non-surgical aesthetic medicine” 930 - 945 V. Clatici - ,,Adult female acne – non invasive laser treatment for acne scars’’ 45 00 9 - 10 G. Mazilu, A. Tenenbaum, M. Tziani, T. Stamate – ’’Tissular repositioning and rejuvenation by combination of the chemical myoplasty and peeling’’ 1000 - 1015 Alecu Mihail, G. Coman, O. A. Coman- „The influence of stem cells in the wound healing process’’ 1015 - 1030 Daciana Branisteanu , A. Dimitriu– „The role of stem cells in the modern dermatology’’ 1030 - 1045 Valeria Bulat (Moldavia), A. Bulat–„APT technology in chronic inflamatory skin diseases’ treatment” 1045 - 1100 Ruxandra Pirvulescu, Madalina Totir, Alina Popa Cherecheanu - „Repair options in defects of periocular area” 1100 - 1115 M. Rusu, A.D. Vrapciu – „The in vivo human retinal stem niche” 1115 - 1130 V. Paunescu, F. Bojin, C. Tatu, O. Gavriliuc, C. Panaitescu, V. Ordodi, G. Tanasie – „Healing of skin lesions in animal model induced by adult mesenchymal stem cells and derivatives” 1130 - 1200 ROOM A : Keynote lecture: Eckhard Alt (Germany) - “Are stem cells the future of regenerative medicine?” XI.REGENERATIVE MEDICINE IN DENTISTRY, RESEARCH Moderators : Mugurel Rusu, Carmen Bunu Panaitescu 1200 - 1215 Anca Vereanu – „Regenerative methods in oral surgery: limits and possibilities’’ 1215 - 1230 M. Rusu, A.C. Didilescu, M. Sandulescu – „The dental pulp stem niche” 1230 - 1245 Carmen Bunu Panaitescu– „Regenerating Bone defects using New biomedical Engineering approaches (REBORNE FP7 project) – from bench to bedside” 1245 - 1300 C. Trifu, Dana Jianu, O. Dontu – „Ultrasound treatment of atypical organic dysfunction’’ 1300 - 1330 Light lunch and Exhibition Saturday 16 May 2015 ROOM B XII. LASERS AND PHYSICS, RESEARCH Partner : Romanian Society of Lasers in Medicine and Biology Moderators: Mihail Lucian Pascu, Victor Clatici, Dan Enescu, Octavian Dontu 1330 - 1345 M.L Pascu, Ruxandra Pirvulescu, Tatiana Tozar - „Laser methods in fighting multiple drug resistance’’ 1345 - 1400 Dan Enescu – „The role of LASER in the hemangiomas strategy treatment at children’’ 00 15 14 - 14 M. Hatami Kaleshtari, Ileana Ciobanu, D.C. Tranca, A. Palacean, Anca Ghita, Ruxandra Pirvulescu, C. Pirvulescu, M.L. Pascu, M. Berteanu – „A new experimental equipment for treatment with uncoherent UV and visible light’’ 1415 - 1430 Ágota Simon, Tatiana Tozar, M. Boni, V. Damian, V. Dutschk, M.L. Pascu - „Biomedical applications of non-antibiotics exposed to UV laser radiation and their interaction with fabric surfaces’’ 1430 - 1445 M. Hatami Kaleshtari, Ileana Ciobanu, D.C. Tranca, A.V. Palacean, Anca-Mihaela Ghita, Ruxandra Pirvulescu, C. Pirvulescu, M.L. Pascu, M. Berteanu – „Dedicated powermeter for dosage measurements at exposure of biological targets to UV-vis light’’ 1445 - 1500 Adriana Smarandache, Angela Staicu, V. Nastasa, J. Moreno-Moraga,J. Royo de la Torre, M. Trelles, M.L. Pascu - „Laser irradiated Polidocanol foam for sclerotherapy” 1500 - 1500 M. Bengescu, D. Jianu, O. Dontu - „ Stem cells treatment considerations with specialized lasers for improving / curing rheumatic affections” 1500 Adjourn Note : The program contains the mention of country origin only for the foreign speakers
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