留学生用宿舎一覧 List of Osaka University Dormitories for international students 2015.6.1 【On Campus】 ※寮の配置は大学で決定します。Dormitory assignment is made by Osaka University. 国際交流会館豊中本館 刀根山寮 箕面国際学生宿舎 箕面留学生会館1号館、2号館 もみじ寮 Intl. House Toyonaka Toneyama Student Dormitory Minoh Intl. Student House Minoh Intl. Student Dorm1 & 2 Momiji Student Dormitory (On Toyonaka Campus) (on Toyonaka Campus) (On Minoh Campus) (On Minoh Campus) (On Minoh Campus) Room type Single room 14.30 ㎡ Location 1-18 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043 Access to To Toyonaka: on campus To Toyonaka: on campus OU campus To Suita: approx. 30 min by monorail and walk To Suita: approx. 30 min by monorail and walk To Suita: approx. 25 min by monorail and walk To Minoh: approx. 50 min by monorail and walk To Minoh: approx. 50 min by monorail and walk To Minoh: on campus Male and Female Male only Accommodation type Single room 10 ㎡ 男子・女子 Single room 11 ㎡ Single room (Dorm 1:12 ㎡, Dorm 2: 10 ㎡) 1-11 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 8-1-1 Aomadanihigashi, Minoh, Osaka 562-8558 560-0043 男子のみ Single room 9 ㎡ To Toyonaka: approx. 45 min by monorail and walk Male and Female 男子・女子 Dorm 1: Male and Female 男子・女子 Female only 女子のみ Room: 12,100JPY/month (Rent 10,000JPY and Common Fees 料金 service exp. 2,100JPY) Room: 5,900 JPY/month Room: 5,900JPY/month Room cleaning charge: 18,000JPY, paid on checking in Electricity, Gas, Water, Internet and Bedding: Room: 9,000JPY/month Room: 9,000JPY/month (one-time fee) 9,500JPY/month Electricity, Gas, Water, Internet and Bedding: Electricity, Gas, Water, Internet and Bedding: 7,600JPY/month Electricity and Gas: billed to room Room cleaning charge:- 13,000JPY/month 13,000JPY/month Room cleaning charge:- Water: pay at the intl. house office(basic chg 1,630JPY) ※Toneyama dorm residents take it in turns to Room cleaning charge: 9,800JPY, paid on checking in Room cleaning charge: 9,800JPY, paid on ※Momiji dorm residents take it in turns to clean a Bedding: 1,620JPY(rental)(※) clean a bathroom, toilets, a laundry & wash room (one-time fee) checking in (one-time fee) bathroom, toilets, a laundry & wash room and a ※Only residents who wish to use the service of futon and a kitchen. Electricity, Gas, Water, Internet and Bedding: kitchen. bedding 部屋代: 12,100円/月(部屋代10,000円、共通経費2,100円) 部屋代: 5,900円/月 居室清掃費:18,000円(入居時1回のみ) 電気・ガス・水道・インターネット・寝具: 9,500円/ 部屋代: 9,000円/月 電気・ガス:電力/水道会社と契約のうえ各会社に支払う 月 電気・ガス・水道・インターネット・寝具: 13,000円/月 水道:会館事務室で徴収 居室清掃費:なし(※共同利用の浴室、トイレ、洗 居室清掃費:9,800円(入居時1回のみ) 寝具(希望者のみ) 面・洗濯室、補食室の清掃は寮生が当番制で行う。) 部屋代: 9,000円/月 電気・ガス・水道・インターネット・寝具: 13,000円/月 居室清掃費:9,800円(入居時1回のみ) 部屋代: 5,900 円/月 電気・ガス・水道・インターネット・寝具: 7,600円/ 月 居室清掃費:なし(※共同利用の浴室、トイレ、洗 面・洗濯室、補食室の清掃は寮生が当番制で行う。) 【Off Campus】 吹田留学生会館 清明寮 津雲台国際学生宿舎 Suita Intl. Student Dormitory Seimei Student Dormitory Tsukumodai Intl. Student Dormitory (Off Campus) (Off Campus) (Off Campus) Room type Single room 14.18 ㎡ Single room 13 ㎡ Single room 8.1 ㎡ Location 2-9 Satsukigaoka-kita, suita, Osaka 565-0834 3-24-1 Miyayama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0056 3-10-D81 Tsukumodai, Suita, Osaka 565-0862 Access to To Toyonaka: approx. 50 min by monrail and walk To Toyonaka: approx. 3 min by walk To Toyonaka: approx. 40 min by monorail and walk OU campus To Suita: approx. 1 hour by walk To Suita: approx. 30 min by monorail and walk To Suita: approx. 30 min by walk To Minoh: approx. 50 min by monorail and walk To Minoh: approx. 50 min by monorail and walk To Minoh: approx. 50 min by monorail and walk Male only Male only Male and Female Accommodation type 男子のみ 男子のみ 男子・女子 Room: 5,900JPY/month Fees 料金 Room: 15,000JPY/month Electricity, Gas, Water, Internet and Bedding: Room: 21,000JPY/month Electricity, Gas, Water,Internet and Bedding: 9,500JPY/month Electricity, Gas, Water, Internet and Bedding: 11,000JPY/month Room cleaning charge:- 11,000JPY/month Room cleaning charge: 8,400JPY, paid on checking in ※Seimei dorm residents take it in turns to clean a Room cleaning charge: 10,000JPY, paid on checking (one-time fee) bathroom, toilets, a laundry & wash room and a in (one-time fee) kitchen. 部屋代: 5,900 円/月 部屋代: 15,000 円/月 電気・ガス・水道・インターネット・寝具: 9,500円/ 部屋代: 21,000円/月 電気・ガス・水道・インターネット・寝具: 11,000円/月 月 電気・ガス・水道・インターネット・寝具: 11,000円/月 居室清掃費:8,400円(入居時1回のみ) 居室清掃費:なし(※共同利用の浴室、トイレ、洗 居室清掃費:10,000円(入居時1回のみ) 面・洗濯室、補食室の清掃は寮生が当番制で行う。) 注)月の中途に入居または退去する場合も月額で徴収。 Note) Fees are not adjusted even if a resident moves in or leaves the dorm on a day other than the first or the last day of the month.
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