FL Packing List

2015 Adopteen Midpoint Florida
Packing List
 Pillow & sleeping bag OR twin-size bedding
o The cabins we will be staying in DO NOT provide bedding, so bring whatever you would
like to sleep in: sleeping bag, bed sheets, kittens…
o If you are able to, please bring an extra set in case any of our out-of-town campers are
unable to pack bedding. Thank you in advance!
 Change of clothes for 3 days (for temperatures ranging from high 60s – low 70s)
 Two additional outfits you aren’t afraid to get dirty
 Closed-toed shoes (tennis shoes and hiking shoes)
 Slippers/flip-flops
 Socks
 Sweatshirt/Hoodie for lounging
 Warm jacket/Rain jacket
 Swimsuit
 Pajamas
 Towel
 Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth, towel, contact solution, hygiene products, etc.)
 Sharpie(s)
 Flashlight
 Playing cards
 Chargers for any of your electronic devices
 Additional blanket in case it gets chilly while roasting s’mores…
 If you have specific dietary need, please be sure to pack some snacks and other food items with
you in case our meals do not have enough options for you. We definitely don’t want you to go
 Pocket money for Universal Studios -- ~$20 - $30
 A small present/gift (~$5 in value. There will be a gift exchange!)